Date: February 26th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  If We’re Wrong Then They’re Right – If They’re Wrong Then We’re All Dead!


In regards to Iraq being a potential threat to the United States George W. Bush used “worst case scenario” logic to convince the world that America had to take the most extreme measures available in order to eliminate this potential threat. This is a threat that showed no signs of existing, had no evidence to support its existence and claimed no lives at all!


Bush’s logic & exact words: "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."


Contrarily when it comes to Bush’s logic on the “potential” threat posed by global warming Bush uses the “best case” scenario.


Bush’s logic (in my words): “We need many many more smoking guns in the form of funnel clouds and such before we address this potential threat!”


Is he that stupid or is this guy just a fanatic fascist who bows to one god: money? Either way how can any one in the world support this man?


Bad: The level of hypocrisy (and blatant illogic) that spews out of the mouth of George W. Bush and his like!

Worse: The level of complicit ignorance of Bush’s hypocrisy the criminal corporate media share. It’s not like these people are stupid and don’t see the level of hypocrisy; they are clearly taking part in deception.

Worst: The level of ignorance to all this hypocrisy by Bush supporters and the general Republican base! Can these people really be as stupid as one would need to be in order to not see all this hypocrisy?


Ladies and gentleman…we are talking about your lives and the lives of your children? Would you rather die first and admit you may have been wrong later; or would you rather be safe than sorry? If you answered that you would rather admit you were wrong…later…may I suggest that you are t threat to humanity and you should be treated as such! You endanger my life!


There is no justification or explanation as to why real American citizens and citizens of the world should not do everything in their power to bring the historic abomination known as the Bush administration to an end! The future of mankind is at stake here people. We have no excuse for letting the words “illogical leadership & ignorant populace” appear under the “cause of death” explanation on humanity’ death certificate! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·  Baghdad ministry blast kills 6, v-president unhurt - A blast at an Iraqi ministry during a ceremony attended by Vice President Adel Abdul-Mahdi killed six people on Monday but the vice president was unhurt, a ministry employee and police said.

·  US 'plans to bomb Iran', despite denials - The report appears to contradict the Bush administration's denials that it is planning for war on Iran, despite a US military build-up in the Gulf.

·  Iraq President Falls Ill, Flies to Amman - Iraqi President Jalal Talabani fell ill Sunday and was rushed unconscious to a hospital before being flown to neighboring Jordan for an immediate medical checkup, medical and government officials said.

·  'Mercenaries' to fill Iraq troop gap - MINISTERS are negotiating multi-million-pound contracts with private security firms to cover some of the gaps created by British troop withdrawals.
TVNL Comment: Let the good times roll for war profiteers!

·  41 die in bombing near Baghdad college - Most of the victims were students at the college, a business studies annex of Mustansiriyah University that was hit by a series of deadly explosions last month.

·  Iraqi president slams US over prominent Shiite's arrest - Iraq's president has added his voice to those of thousands of street protesters on Saturday in denouncing US forces after they arrested the son of one of the country's top Shiite leaders.

·  "An American Strike on Iran is Essential for Our Existence" - AIPAC Demands "Action" on Iran

·  Nearly 800 contractors killed in Iraq - In a largely invisible cost of the war in Iraq, nearly 800 civilians working under contract to the Pentagon have been killed and more than 3,300 hurt doing jobs normally handled by the U.S. military, according to figures gathered by The Associated Press.

·  Israel seeks all clear for Iran air strike - Israel is negotiating with the United States for permission to fly over Iraq as part of a plan to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, The Daily Telegraph can reveal.

·  Suicide bomber kills 39 at Iraqi mosque - The blast in Habbaniyah — in the heart of insurgent territory about 50 miles west of Baghdad — was among the deadliest against civilians in Anbar.

·  Americans underestimate Iraqi death toll - Iraqi civilian deaths are estimated at more than 54,000 and could be much higher; some unofficial estimates range into the hundreds of thousands.





·   Former Federal Prosecutor Publishes Indictment Of Bush And Other Administration Officials - Former federal prosecutor Elizabeth Vega has written a book containing a draft indictment of the so-called president and other top administration officials for conspiracy to defraud the American people on the issue of whether or not we needed to invade Iraq.





·  Greenspan Warns U.S. Economy Could Slip Into Recession - - Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned Monday that the American economy might slip into recession by year's end.
TVNL Comment: He should know because after all, it is the Federal Reserve that creates recessions! They control the money supply and the interest rates! Do the math!

·  Severe Poverty At Its Highest Level In America - US Corporate Profits At Highest Levels, Too - The percentage of poor Americans who are living in severe poverty is the highest in thirty years, in which millions of working Americans are falling closer to the poverty line, and the gulf between this country’s ''haves'' and ''have-nots'' gets wider.
TVNL Comment: This is EXACTLY how capitalism works! It is like playing Monopoly. How many people win Monopoly? The game is nearing completion! Another Bush legacy!

·  Working families earn more food stamps - Working families collecting food stamps more than doubled in the state between 2000 and 2006.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy!



9/11 News :


·   U.S. Funds Being Secretly Funneled To Violent Al Qaeda-Linked Groups - “We are simply in a situation where this president is really taking his notion of executive privilege to the absolute limit here, running covert operations, using money that was not authorized by Congress, supporting groups indirectly that are involved with the same people that did 9/11.”

·  Brothers in Arms Again: Bush Faction Arming Al Qaeda to Thwart Iran - Here's the upshot of Sy Hersh's latest piece in the New Yorker: George W. Bush is working with, paying, arming and training -- directly and by proxy -- violent terrorist groups in league with Osama bin Laden.

·  Terror threat 'worst since 9/11' - A spokesman for Scotland Yard's counter-terrorism unit said: "The threat is real and genuine as events of recent months and years have demonstrated." He declined to comment specifically on the report.

·  White House conducts bomb drill - Dozens of high-level officials joined in a White House drill Saturday to see how the government would respond if several cities were attacked simultaneously by the type of the roadside bombs used against American troops in Iraq.
TVNL Comment: Get ready for roadside bombs...right here at home!

·  Totovader ignores evidence of exotic weaponry used on 911 - Exotic weapons caused the damage we can see.

·  WTC7, Professor Jones & Thermite - Clips of WTC 7 collapsing, Professor Steven Jones discussing the pools of molten metal and how the evidence points to thermite (controlled demolition) as the cause

·  Psychics 'hired to find Bin Laden' - Psychics were recruited by the Ministry of Defence to locate Osama Bin Laden's secret lair, it was claimed yesterday.











·  Teamsters oppose opening the border to Mexican trucks - The Teamsters are opposing a Bush administration Mexican trucking experiment.

·  US airport debuts controversial X-ray scanner - US authorities began testing a controversial new X-ray machine to screen air passengers for weapons in Phoenix yesterday, which critics likened to a "virtual strip search."

·  Michigan's Female U.S. Attorney Resigns - Michigan's first female U.S. attorney says she is stepping down, prompting speculation that she is the latest in a wave of resignations forced by the Bush administration.

·  Parents Commit 'Booknapping' To Banish Cuba Book - A group of parents in Miami-Dade have come up with a unique way to get books they considered controversial off the shelves at their children’s schools libraries. They check them out, but never return them.
TVNL Comment: "Booknapping?" How is this not "stealing?" This is journalism?





·   If We’re Wrong Then They’re Right – If They’re Wrong Then We’re All Dead! - Ladies and gentleman…we are talking about your lives and the lives of your children? Would you rather die first and admit you may have been wrong later; or would you rather be safe than sorry?

·  Emirates, MIT team up for green energy - Leaders of this major oil-producing Gulf country said Sunday they were plunging into the field of renewable energy, announcing a joint research venture into green energy with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

·  Bush Contaminating our Drinking Water: Withholding Funds, Leadership to Fix Leaks in Underground Storage Tanks - President Bush has allowed underground storage tanks to fall into gross disrepair and is now trying to withhold billions in federal funds needed to fix them, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released today by Democratic Reps. John Dingell and Hilda Solis.





·  U.N. calls U.S. data on Iran's nuclear aims unreliable - "Since 2002, pretty much all the intelligence that's come to us has proved to be wrong," a senior diplomat at the IAEA said.

·  US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran - The operations are controversial because they involve dealing with movements that resort to terrorist methods in pursuit of their grievances against the Iranian regime.

·  Bush to Warn Pakistan’s Leader on Aid - President Bush has decided to send an unusually tough message to one of his most important allies, President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan, warning him that the newly Democratic Congress could cut aid to his country unless his forces became far more aggressive in hunting down operatives with Al Qaeda, senior administration officials say.
TVNL Comment: How's that for diplomacy? Does this administration know how to do anything but threaten and assault?

·  Pakistan fed up with U.S. and allies on Afghanistan - Those who invaded Iraq claiming it had weapons of mass destruction and have been blaming Iran and Syria for the murderous mess in Iraq, are also the same people now blaming Pakistan for the mess in Afghanistan.

·  Rudd sworn to secrecy - U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney insisted Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd be sworn to secrecy about the details of their meeting before their talks in Sydney on Friday
TVNL Comment: The sinister Dick Cheney strikes again!

·  Canada's top court strikes down anti-terror law - Canada's Supreme Court struck down a controversial anti-terror law on Friday that allows foreign suspects to be detained indefinitely without trial on the basis of secret evidence.

·  Thousands join anti-war march in central London - In February 2003, at least 750,000 people marched through London expressing opposition to military action against Iraq.

·  Europeans' chill deepens on US policy - European capitals are wavering over how to deal with a US administration in its final two years, one saddled with multiple inconclusive wars and battles against terror.





·   How U.S. Is Failing Its War Veterans - How well do we care for our wounded and impaired when they come home? For a country amid what President Bush calls a "long war," the question has profound moral implications.

·  The Next Pat Tillman-Style Cover-Up? - The Army has much to answer for in its investigation of Private LaVena Johnson's death.

·  US generals ‘will quit’ if Bush orders Iran attack - “There are four or five generals and admirals we know of who would resign if Bush ordered an attack on Iran,” a source with close ties to British intelligence said.

·  Vets on the Street - Hundreds of U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are ending up homeless. How could this happen?
TVNL Comment: OK pro-war people...put your money where your mouth is! It is time to do more than wear a yellow ribbon...start supporting the troops for real! Another wonderful Bush legacy!





·   Substance Over Image - Over the last six years we’ve witnessed the damage done by a president nominated because he had the big bucks behind him, and elected (sort of) because he came across well on camera. We need to pick the next president on the basis of substance, not image.

·  Follow the funding: Is “Women in Government” pro-woman or pro-big pharma? - One of the little questions that has been in the back of my mind about the campaign to require girls to get the new Merck HPV vaccine is who the heck is this Women in Government group that is so gung-ho about this wonder med?

·  President Bush's victory is a defeat for American honor - President Bush has won a signal legal victory. He should be ashamed of it.





·   New Republic Cuts Back, but Bulks Up Its Image - Martin Peretz, the magazine’s editor in chief, known for his neo-conservative bent and support for Israel, will retain his quarter interest in the company.

·  Journalists' group urges Pakistan to protect media - akistan must bring to justice those involved in kidnapping and killing journalists and create a safe environment for media workers, a top media rights official said Sunday.

·  Clear Channel earnings drop 54% - As it lobbies shareholders to vote for an $18.7 billion buyout proposal, Clear Channel Communications Inc. today announced that its fourth-quarter 2006 earnings fell 54 percent.

·  Corporatist News Media Still Shields Bush-Cheney from the Savage Truth on Plame, Iraq, Iran, Al Qaeda and Walter Reed - While the US mainstream news media distracts the populace with the Clinton-Obama hissy-fit and Anna Nicole Smith's decomposing corpse, vital aspects of several important stories are going under-reported:
TVNL Comment: What a surprise!

·  Uruknet passes Google News in significance and becomes the main net information site on war in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Near East - Google deliberatly refuses to publish their Uruknet site updates (in the internet), that is publishing Uruknet! This rises interesting questions? Who has infiltrated Google? Who in Google represents the US war engine?





·   U.S. Is Sued Over Position on Marijuana - In its lawsuit, the group contends that federal regulators have publicly issued “false and misleading statements” about the medical benefits of marijuana.

·  States are running out of health dollars - Some states are warning that hundreds of thousands of poor children could lose their health insurance if Congress doesn't act soon to come through with more money for the program.
TVNL Comment: But $4 billion is completely missing after being sent to
Iraq! Feel safer? How is your health security? Another Bush legacy!

·  Mobile phones boost brain tumor risk by up to 270 percent on side of brain where phone is held - Using a cell phone regularly – even a modern one – raises the risk of developing a brain tumor for many users, a new Finnish study published online in the International Journal of Cancer.





·   UN top court says Srebrenica massacre genocide - The highest U.N. court said on Monday that the massacre of Bosnian Muslim men in Srebrenica in 1995 fulfilled the conditions required to constitute genocide.

·  Anthos, Capitol's 'dome man', dies after attack - Anthos was on a city bus Feb. 13 when a man asked him if he was gay. The man followed Anthos off the bus at the stop in front of his building and beat him with a metal pipe.
TVNL Comment:
America the beautiful!

·  Routine Practices of Torture by US Forces in Iraq - Testimony of Abbas Z. Abid to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission

·  America tortures (yawn) - In just a few years we've grown disturbingly comfortable with the fact that the U.S. practices torture.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.

·  UN envoy hits Israel 'apartheid' - The UN's Special Rapporteur, John Dugard, describes the regime as being designed to dominate and systematically oppress the occupied population.





·  Experts find Rev.'s painful roots - In a revelation that will stun the nation, the Rev. Al Sharpton, one of America's most powerful black leaders, has unearthed a shattering family secret - his ancestors were slaves owned by relatives of the late South Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond.

·  Not ONE Member of the Bush Extended Family Has Served in Iraq! Not One! Take a Look. - If Iraq is such an "honorable" cause, how come not one -- not one -- of Bush's extended family has joined the military to fight there? Not one.

·  Gay marriage critic tried on lewdness - The lawyer for a former Baptist church leader who had spoken out against homosexuality said Thursday the minister has a constitutional right to solicit sex from an undercover policeman.




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