Date: February 27th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  How Many 9/11 “Anomalies” are Cause for Suspicion?


Very few things baffle me more than how anyone, with all the information that has been pointed out, can not hold suspect the official explanation of the events of September 11th, 2001! It seems like every day a new piece of information comes to light that contradicts the official story yet people still have trouble coming to term with the ramifications of this trend.


I am not going to list the “anomalies” here. I am not even going to mention any. Suffice to say that you are being told that there is an apple in front of you and you are staring at an orange. All I am doing is pointing out the contradiction. What else needs to be seen before people suspect that the orange is not an apple? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Cheney OK after Afghan Blast; 14 killed - A suicide bomber attacked the entrance to the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan Tuesday during a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney, killing at least 14 people and wounding a dozen more. The Taliban claimed responsibility and said Cheney was the target.

·  Gulf countries: No air space for Israel - The Arab League said three Arab Gulf countries have denied Israel use of their air space to strike Iran.





·   Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism? - The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.

·  Cheney on the Loose: Why was a PR Trip Across the World Cloaked in Secrecy? - Frightful of the real world after his years hidden away from the public eye, Cheney's international escapades were also cloaked in secrecy.

·  Rice: Bush will not abide by legislation to limit Iraq war - US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice urged the Democratic-controlled US Congress not to interfere in the conduct of the Iraq war and suggested President George Bush would defy troop withdrawal legislation.

·  Seymour Hersh: Negroponte–Iran Contra—Funds–al Qaeda…Oh my! - The President is taking his notion of executive privilege to the extreme—-running covert operations, using money that's not authorized by Congress…Negroponte is too ethical for Cheney…





·  Postal Commission recommends postage increase of 2 cents - The recommendation to increase postage to 41 cents was a penny less than the postal service had requested.

·  New England Town Prints Up Its Own Currency - Several communities across the U.S., Canada and Europe have developed similar programs, but only Berkshares are fully-backed by the U.S. dollar. Several banks in Southern Berkshire have agreed to exchange Berkshares for dollars.



9/11 News :


·   How Many 9/11 “Anomalies” are Cause for Suspicion? - It seems like every day a new piece of information comes to light that contradicts the official story yet people still have trouble coming to term with the ramifications of this trend.

·  WTC7 Reported Callapesed While It Is Still Standing - Google removed the video...but here it is. The reporter is actually reporting on the collapse of WTC7 about 15 minutes before it collaped. The bulding is right behind her as she is reporting this. This is clearly the prrof that the cover story for 9/11 was prepared in advance!

·  Five Reasons To Deny 911 Was An Inside Job - Comfortable people do not dissent. They rarely question authority, unless overwhelmed by fleeting pangs of conscience or momentary madness...

·  THE SMOKING GUN WTC7, BBC JUMPS THE GUN !!! - So the question is, on 9/11 how did the BBC learn that WTC7 collapsed 23 minutes before it actually did.

·  BBC 911, A Rebuttal - Some points about the sloppy work that the BBC did here.






·  Senate to debate homeland security bills - A Senate drive to approve homeland security legislation could lead to a clash with the White House over airport screeners and standardized drivers' licenses.





·  NYC's largest homeless shelter closing - With a homeless population estimated at 35,000, the city wants to spend LaGuardia's $19 million budget on longer-term solutions such as subsidized housing with social services.

·  Governors, Bush at odds on health care payments - Who pays for health care may turn out to be the biggest rift between President George W. Bush and state governors now holding their winter meeting.

·  Barre mayor wants death penalty for drug dealers - Mayor Thomas Lauzon says Vermont is losing the war on drugs, and that the solutions are to legalize marijuana and impose the death penalty on dealers of crack cocaine and heroin.





·   Honeybees Vanish, Leaving Keepers in Peril - The sudden mysterious losses are highlighting the critical link that honeybees play in the long chain that gets fruit and vegetables to supermarkets and dinner tables across the country.

·  Western states united to bypass Bush on climate - The Western Regional Climate Action Initiative requires Oregon, California, Washington, New Mexico and Arizona to develop a regional target in six months for reducing greenhouse emissions according to statements from the states' governors.





·  China rejects U.S. criticism of military build-up - Vice President Dick Cheney raised concerns about China's military build-up last week and said an anti-satellite test was not consistent with Beijing's stated goal of a "peaceful rise."

·  Costa Ricans protest trade with U.S - Some in Costa Rica worry the trade deal will lead to the privatization of the state-run telephone company and hurt the social security system.
TVNL Comment: Free trade is bad for the people but good for the corporations.

·  Three French nationals shot dead in Saudi Arabia - Three French expatriates working in Saudi Arabia were shot dead during a desert trip on Monday in what appeared to be the first militant attack on foreigners in three years.





·   Gen. Pace: Military capability eroding - And top military officials have consistently acknowledged that the repeated and lengthy deployments are straining the Army, Marine Corps and reserve forces and taking a heavy toll on critical warfighting equipment.

·  Israel to ask U.S. for more military aid - Each year throughout the present agreement civilian aid was reduced by $120 million, while military aid grew $60 million.





·  New York Magazine Puts Bush on the Couch - Bush, like his mother, has an almost inhuman ability to identify his own advantage without the slightest regard to its cost to others.





·   Wash. Post reported Libby acquittal would damage Fitzgerald's "nonpartisan reputation," left out that he's a Bush appointee - But the article never mentioned that Fitzgerald is a Bush administration political appointee.





·  Common painkillers raise heart risk - Popular painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen can raise blood pressure and thus the risk of heart disease among men, U.S. researchers reported on Monday.

·  Group says U.S. restaurants promote "extreme eating" - Many U.S. chain restaurants are promoting "extreme eating" with dishes that pack at least a day's worth of calories and fat, without giving customers facts about their orders, a consumer group said on Monday.

·  Risks of tainted food rise as inspections drop - The cuts by the Food and Drug Administration come despite a barrage of high-profile food recalls.
TVNL Comment: Another murderous Bush legacy!

·  Bush Avoids Talk About Child Health Care - President Bush encouraged governors Monday to support his call for changing the tax code to help more people buy private health care insurance, but did not address their pleas to increase funding for a health care program that insures millions of children of the working poor.

·  Shocking Documentary Will Convince You to Stay Away From Vaccines For Good - Hancock's 90-minute film delves into the truth behind the real dangers of vaccines, often using the very same peer-reviewed research emanating from conventional medicine, and just as my friend and colleague, Dr. Russell Blaylock, has done on my Web site.

·  Scientists switch focus to security - According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, funding for non-defence research and development will shrink for the fourth consecutive year in fiscal 2008.





·   Legitimization of land theft - The plan is to legitimize 42 high-rises, which are in various stages of construction, some of them on land allegedly stolen from the villagers of Bil'in.

·  Detained but not deterred U.S. Army veteran endured harsh treatment in 18-month ordeal - For a year and a half, Luis Mejia, a U.S. Army veteran and permanent resident for nearly two decades, was held by immigration officials who were trying to deport him to Honduras, his native country.





·  Farewell appearance for Farrakhan - In a two-hour speech, he said US President George W Bush should be impeached over the war in Iraq.

·  Titanic director finds Jesus' grave - Cameron claims the coffins of Jesus Christ and his family have been found at a burial cave in a suburb of Jerusalem, adding that the discovery means Jesus did not rise from the grave - a popular Christian belief, also called the Resurrection.




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