Date: March 6th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  CNN’s O’Brien Duo Laughs at America’s Fall From Grace


This morning the CNN O’Brien duo, Miles and Soledad, took time out of their important task of gossiping about the personal lives of some American astronauts to read a report about an international poll in which the United States was beaten only by Iran and Israel (first place) for having a negative influence on the rest of the world! How do these so called journalists respond to this disgraceful result of our current leadership in Washington? Here is how: Miles sarcastically said “Ohhhkaaaay” and Soledad simply laughed. How is that for taking a serious issue like America’s standing world opinion with the seriousness it deserves?


Being vile, smug, uninformed  and immature should be the qualifications for so called journalists. Somebody should tell CNN.   Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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· Taliban kidnap Briton, two Afghans - The Taliban said on Tuesday they had captured a Briton and two Afghans in the southern province of Helmand, a major drug producer, but gave no further details.

·  Bombs kill 9 U.S. soldiers in Iraq - All nine were assigned to Task Force Lightning.
TVNL Comment: Have you heard this on CNN? I haven't.

·  Israelis to supply vehicles for Iraq - An Israeli state-owned corporation has won a contract to supply the U.S. Marine Corps with state-of the-art armored vehicles for use in Iraq, the latest in a long line of Israeli defense sales for use in the war.
TVNL Comment: So much for American jobs!

·  9 From One Family Die in U.S. Strike Near Kabul - Nine members of a family, including five women and three children, were killed in an American airstrike in central Afghanistan late Sunday during a battle with militants, Afghan officials said Monday.

·  Afghan, U.S. reports on firefight differ - An explosives-rigged minivan crashed into a convoy of Marines that U.S. officials said also came under fire from militant gunmen Sunday. As many as 10 people were killed and 34 wounded as the convoy made a frenzied escape, and injured Afghans said the Americans fired on civilian cars and pedestrians as they sped away.
TVNL Comment: And the
US military deleted the photos taken by the journalists. And you want to know who is telling the truth?

·  Bolton wanted Iran to kick out Arms Inspectors, he tells AIPAC - I think the Iranian reaction to the sanctions resolution has been very telling in that respect, although they've passed a resolution in parliament to re-evaluate their relation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, they have not rejected the sanctions resolution, they have not done anything more dramatic, such as withdrawing from the nonproliferation treaty, or throwing out inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which I actually hoped they would do – that that kind of reaction would produce a counter-reaction that actually would be more beneficial to us.
TVNL Comment: More evidence that the neocons’ goal is to have
America fight wars for Israel.

·  Bomb kills 3 U.S. soldiers in Baghdad - Gunmen stormed the home of a Sunni family threatened with death for meeting with local Shiites, separating out the women and children and executing six men on Saturday, Iraqi police and military officials said. Also Saturday, three U.S. soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb that exploded while they were on patrol in central Baghdad, the military said.

·  U.S. Forces Pursue Taliban Into Pakistan - "We have all the authorities we need to pursue, either with (artillery) fire or on the ground, across the border," said Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

·  Cronkite In CBS 5 Interview: Iraq War A 'Disaster' - "We should have gotten out a long time ago. This is a mistake, this entire war there, it's a disaster. And the earlier we get out the better," Cronkite said. "It's a terrible disaster. Look at the loss of lives of our young Americans there and those who have been maimed for life, for what purpose? No purpose we can define."

·  Bob Dylan - Masters Of War - Today was the day that the war to end all wars ended on November 11 1918. As we all know that war is alive and well.





·  Bush's Director for U.S. Attorneys Mysteriously Resigns - The "unprecedented" U.S. Attorney firing scandal keeps getting weirder. It was revealed today that Michael Battle, the director of the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, will resign on March 16.

·  Bush, Cheney turn focus to terrorism - Both President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney will give speeches in the next few days on the war on terrorism, to the applause of Republicans who say the White House needs to be more aggressive in selling the successes in Iraq.

·  CPAC: The Unauthorized Documentary - See seven minutes of raw, unexpurgated right-wing action courtesy of VideoNation:

·  Bush impeachment calls gather momentum - "Never before has there been such a compelling case for impeachment and removal from office of the president of the United States for heinous human rights violations, breaches of trust, abuses of power injurious to the nation, war crimes, misleading Congress and the American people about threats to our nation's security and the supposed case for war, and grave violations of treaties, the Constitution, and domestic statutory law,"

·  Nice work, Obama, you just lost my vote. - Now, I understand courting the perpetual war vote at AIPAC.

·  White House Backed U.S. Attorney Firings, Officials Say - The White House approved the firings of seven U.S. attorneys late last year after senior Justice Department officials identified the prosecutors they believed were not doing enough to carry out President Bush's policies on immigration, firearms and other issues, White House and Justice Department officials said yesterday.

·  Libby Trial Exposes Neocon Shadow Government - Day by day, witness by witness, exhibit by exhibit, Patrick Fitzgerald, the prosecutor in the trial of Dick Cheney’s man, I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby, is accomplishing what no one else in Washington has been able to: He has impeached the Presidency of George W. Bush.





·  Subprime lenders battered in sell-off - The meltdown among lenders that specialize in home loans to people with weak credit, known in the industry as subprime lenders, again ravaged stock prices.

·  Correction: this could become a crash after all - "Household borrowing is the centre of the storm,"



9/11 News :


·   9/11 Truth Has Already Won the Debate - We never had to prove what truly happened on September 11th 2001. No. All we had to do was prove that the US federal government had covered it up.

·  Holt wants hearings on FBI anthrax investigation - The anthrax attacks through the postal system killed five people across the country and sickened 17 in the weeks after Sept. 11, 2001. Investigators have not determined who was responsible for the attacks.
TVNL Comment: But they did determine that the Anthrax came from US military bioweapons labs!

·  10 False Flags that Changed the World - At it’s simplest, the term false flag means pretending to be the enemy.

·  The American Empire and 9/11 - After the attacks of 9/11, I accepted the blowback thesis, according to which the attacks were revenge for U.S. foreign policy. This view led me to undertake an extensive study of the American empire, the very reality of which had been an embattled issue.

·  9/11 - Bombs in the Buidlings - Multiple Corporate Media Reports! - Can the major corporate media be relied upon to provide the public with complete information or is it simply an establishment tool used to shape public opinions and manufacture desired outcomes?

·  Former FBI Director Calls For New OKC Bombing Investigation - Former FBI Terrorist Task Force director Danny Coulson has called for a new grand jury investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing and for the first time names Andreas Strassmeir as an "agent," in a documentary set to air Sunday, according to lawyer Jesse Trentadue.











·  Katrina victims evacuate FEMA park - Dozens of families evacuated from a FEMA trailer park that had been plagued by sewage leaks and power outages were in temporary homes Monday, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency said it had requested work permits to dismantle the site this week.

·  U.S. attorney worried 'gloves would come off' over criticism of ouster - A high-ranking Justice Department official told one of the U.S. attorneys fired by the Bush administration that if any of them continued to criticize the administration for their ousters, previously undisclosed details about the reasons they were fired might be released, two of the ousted prosecutors told McClatchy Newspapers.

·  Two FBI Whistleblowers Confirm Illegal Wiretapping of Government Officials and Misuse of FISA - The National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC) has obtained a copy of an official complaint filed by a veteran FBI Special Agent, Gilbert Graham, with the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (DOJ-OIG). SA Graham’s protected disclosures report the violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in conducting electronic surveillance of high-profile U.S. public officials.

·  Privacy board clears U.S. spy programs - A White House privacy board is giving its stamp of approval to two of the Bush administration's controversial surveillance programs — electronic eavesdropping and financial tracking — and says they do not violate citizens' civil liberties.

·  Diebold Weighs Strategy for Voting Unit - Swidarski declined an interview request to shed more light on the voting segment's future.

·  I am not a state secret - Having just lost in court, a CIA kidnap victim asks why the U.S. won't admit its error.

·  Activists' expulsion cited as Bush rule - The activists had done nothing to disrupt the forum, and two of them sued over the incident.
TVNL Comment: How is that for freedom? How is that for trashing the Constitution?

·  The Pentagon’s Power to Arrest, Torture, and Execute Americans - It is impossible to overstate the significance of this power. It has totally upended the relationship of the military and civilian in the United States.





·  Asian air pollution affecting weather - Asia's growing air pollution — billowing plumes of soot, smog and wood smoke — is making the Pacific region cloudier and stormier, disrupting winter weather patterns along the West Coast and into the Arctic, researchers reported Monday.

·  The Big Green Fuel Lie - George Bush says that ethanol will save the world. But there is evidence that biofuels may bring new problems for the planet

·  Vermonters say winter's not what it used to be - Winter temperatures going up faster than other seasons

·  Global warming is human rights issue-Nobel nominee - These circumstances are the current results of global climate change, according to Nobel Peace Prize nominee Sheila Watt-Cloutier, an Inuit born inside the Canadian Arctic, who maintains this constitutes a violation of human rights for indigenous people in low-lying areas throughout the world.

·  Evangelical’s Focus on Climate Draws Fire of Christian Right - Leaders of several conservative Christian groups have sent a letter urging the National Association of Evangelicals to force its policy director in Washington to stop speaking out on global warming.
TVNL Comment: How is that for being good Christians? Screw the planet; just stop those dangerous homosexuals from marrying each other!

·  CO2 output from shipping twice as much as airlines - - Maritime emissions not covered by Kyoto accord

·  Scientists probe 'hole in Earth' - He said it was an "open wound on the surface of the Earth", where the oceanic crust, usually 6-7km thick (3.7-4.3 miles), was simply not there.

·  U.S. Predicting Steady Increase for Emissions - The Bush administration estimates that emissions by the United States of gases that contribute to global warming will grow nearly as fast through the next decade as they did the previous decade, according to a long-delayed report being completed for the United Nations.

·  Nickels warns U.S. Senate to not rein in cities fighting global warming - Mayor Greg Nickels told a Senate committee Thursday that state and local governments are leading the fight against global warming, and he warned Congress against reining in local efforts that are under way across the nation.

·  Two oil giants plunge into the wind business - Two of the world's leading oil producers have almost overnight joined some of the biggest players in wind power in the United States, accelerating a trend of large corporations investing in the rapidly growing alternative-energy field.





·   UN fears Afghan opium 'explosion' - The United Nations says it fears that Afghanistan may grow even more poppies in 2007 - at a time when current levels are already running at record output.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.

·  Scandal colors Bush visit to U.S. ally Colombia - The convergence of the scandal, the new U.S. Congress, the aid renewal and debate on approving a U.S. free trade deal with Colombia could not have come at a worse time, but that has so far not dented Uribe's support in Washington, analysts said.

·  Blair's lawyers fail to gag report on funding probe - Lawyers for British Prime Minister Tony Blair's government failed to stop the publication on Tuesday of a newspaper story about a possible cover-up in an investigation into political party funding.

·  IAEA: Iran may have halted nuke program - The pause could represent an attempt to de-escalate Iran's conflict with the Security Council, which is deliberating a new set of harsher sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

·  Russia to Counter US Buildup - Russian concern with the buildup near its east and western borders led to its 189 billion dollar worth defense investment.

·  Israel, Iran get world's thumbs-down - Rated by 28,000 people in 27 countries, the adversaries scored the most negative responses, with almost as many people saying the same about North Korea and the US.

·  Italy still wants justice from US for Iraq shooting - Italy has raised the stakes in a spat with the United States over the killing by a U.S. soldier of an Italian intelligence agent in Iraq, saying Washington must set things right by assuming responsibility for the death.

·  Islamabad rejects US army claim to conduct strikes - Pakistan yesterday vigorously rejected statements made in the Senate in Washington that US troops in Afghanistan were authorised to pursue Al Qaeda and Taliban elements inside its territory.

·  Serbs tell America - Hands off Kosovo - Some 15,000 Serbs protested outside the U.S. embassy in Belgrade on Tuesday to denounce a Western-backed plan to give independence to the Albanian majority of Serbia's breakaway Kosovo province.





· 60,000 Marriages Broken by Iraq, Including Mine - Congress has abandoned the troops for nearly four years. It is the soldiers, their families, and the people of Iraq that pay the human costs. The tab so far: more than 3,000 dead U.S. troops, tens of thousands of wounded, over half a million Iraqi casualties, roughly 250,000 American servicemen and women struggling with PTSD, and almost 60,000 military marriages that have been broken by this war. Including mine.

·  Panel blames US army over scandal - "There appears to be a pattern developing here... First deny then try to cover up, then designate a fall guy. In this case I've concerns that the army is literally trying to whitewash over the problems," he said.

·  From Serving in Iraq To Living on the Streets - The number of homeless veterans from recent wars is hard to gauge. From 2004 to 2006, the Department of Veterans Affairs provided shelter to 300 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan tours, out of the tens of thousands who have served.

·  Squalor surrounding wounded Iraq veterans shocks America - Problems at Walter Reed have been known to officials at the highest level for some time. Joyce Rumsfeld, the wife of then defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld, made a surreptitious visit to the hospital at the urging of a concerned friend last October.

·  Selective Service Studied Rapid-Fire Draft Plan - The last time the agency was geared up for an emergency mobilization was in the 1980s, when the U.S. and its NATO allies faced a numerically superior Soviet Union during the Cold War. The 13-day draft option was officially eliminated in 1993.

·  Bush Administration push for privatization may have helped create Walter Reed 'disaster' - A five-year, $120 million contract awarded to a firm run by a former executive from Halliburton – a multi-national corporation where Vice President Dick Cheney once served as CEO – will be probed at a Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs hearing scheduled for Monday.

·  Contractor could lose $400 million - Military contracting giant KBR Inc. could be docked up to $400 million for improperly using private security companies in Iraq, the company disclosed this week.

·  Firing the Wrong General - There is more than a handful of people inside the Pentagon who wonder whether the new boss will ever apply the same standard to those actually waging the war.

·  Francis Harvey resigns as Army Secretary - The resignation came one day after Harvey fired Army Maj. Gen. George W. Weightman as the commander of Walter Reed, according to a March 1 Army statement.

·  New U.S. nuclear warhead design chosen - The decision to move ahead with the warhead, which eventually would replace the existing arsenal of weapons, has been criticized as sending the wrong signal to the world at a time when the United States is assailing attempts at nuclear weapons development in North Korea and Iran and striving to contain it.





·  Dump the Democrats and Unite! - Progressive Democrats did gain strength, however conservative pro-war Blue Dog and DLC patrons gained the most seats in last election cycle. Virtually all ran on pro-war platforms -- guaranteeing that they would continue to support Bush’s efforts to eradicate terrorism by terrorizing Iraqis and Afghanis instead.

·  The Must-Do List - The Bush administration’s assault on some of the founding principles of American democracy marches onward despite the Democratic victory in the 2006 elections. - It will require forceful steps by this Congress to undo the damage.

·  The Moral Bankruptcy of Israel's Founding Idea - Zionism rests on the fundamental belief that Jews have superior national, human, and natural rights in the land, an inherently racist foundation that excludes any possibility of true democracy or equality of peoples.

·  Welcome to the Post-Factual Era - A simple question: Why is politics the only arena where those who turned out to be right still get flayed as outcasts, while those who are known to be utterly wrong get rewarded as visionaries?





·  CNN’s O’Brien Duo Laughs at America’s Fall From Grace - Being vile, smug, uninformed and immature should be the qualifications for so called journalists. Somebody should tell CNN.

·  Russian Reporter Dies in Fall From Window, Some Suspect Foul Play - A military correspondent for Russia’s top business daily has died after falling out of a window, and some media alleged Monday that he might have been killed for his critical reporting.

·  2008 race, 20 months away, dominating TV - "As long as there is news with the campaigns themselves, we're going to cover it," he said.
TVNL Comment: Then why don't they spend some time covering candidates who can not raise a $billion? If they got fair coverage for this period of time...then maybe a legitimate citizen could hold office instead of one of the financial elites!

·  Coulter's Syndicate Won't React to 'Faggot' Slur - When contacted by E&P today, Universal Press Syndicate issued a statement saying it "can only address Ms. Coulter's newspaper column," not her speeches.

·  Journalist Fired for Cemetery Urination - A television photographer who was fired for urinating in a cemetery while covering the funeral of an Iowa soldier was denied unemployment benefits.

·  Afghan Media: U.S. Troops Deleted Images - Afghan journalists covering the aftermath of a suicide bomb attack and shooting in eastern Afghanistan Sunday said U.S. troops deleted their photos and video and warned them not to publish or air any images of U.S. troops or a car where three Afghans were shot to death.

·  I Bought Votes on Digg - How did I entice the Digg crowd into promoting something ridiculous?

·  Savage's abrupt "Wake up": CAA reportedly dumps radio host following Etheridge smears - CAA's dumping of Savage followed a rant on February 26, documented by Media Matters for America, over singer Melissa Etheridge's Academy Awards acceptance speech, in which she thanked her wife. Savage said, "I don't like a woman married to a woman. It makes me want to puke. ... I want to vomit when I hear it. I think it's child abuse."

·  Military Tried to Thwart 'LA Times' Afghanistan Investigation - The article details how officials sent hundreds of emails to try to control information about Special Forces activities, and offered "media engagement training" and "family readiness groups" to soldiers and their families in case Times reporters called about the issue.

·  Attorney General halts BBC probe - The Attorney General has obtained an injunction against the BBC to stop it broadcasting an item about the cash for honours investigation.

·  NYT Hypes Venezuelan Threat - Comparison of 'arms spending' doesn't include all arms spending





·  Tobacco firms breathe easily - THE DEVIL is in heaven. Philip Morris is so profitable, it can afford to say it wants government regulation. Why, it is hopping in bed with Edward Kennedy, the anti-tobacco liberal senator from Massachusetts.

·  FDA cuts slash food inspections - The cuts by the Food and Drug Administration come despite a barrage of high-profile food recalls. "We have a food safety crisis on the horizon," said Michael Doyle, director of the Center for Food Safety at the University of Georgia.
TVNL Comment: How's that for national security? Feel safer?

·  Ancient Retrovirus Is Resurrected - “By studying these extremely old viruses, we can tap into what happened in our ancestors millions and millions of years ago.”
TVNL Comment: Or, we can unleash another killer virus on the world!





·   International aid agency: 80 percent of Gazans now rely on food aid - The dozens of laborers who used to cross into Israel every day to work also found themselves unemployed as a result of laws prohibiting them from working and the construction of the separation barrier.





· Stopping Vista adoption by promoting free software - The BadVista campaign is an advocate for the freedom of computer users, opposing adoption of Microsoft Windows Vista and promoting free (as in freedom) software alternatives.

·  59 things that would have stayed secret - What they didn't want you to know: A list of intriguing facts disinterred by the Freedom of Information Act.

·  Extremist rabbis call for return of animal sacrifice - A fringe group of extremist rabbis wants to resume the biblical practice of animal sacrifice at an explosive religious site in Jerusalem, members said Wednesday.

·  What Really Happened at Waco - I was present throughout every day of the subsequent ordeal. And I still don't think the truth of what transpired has ever been told. What follows here is what I know to be fact, much of it observed first hand.




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