Date: March 7th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Walter Reed Problems? Why is this Suddenly an issue? America Hates War Veterans; and that’s a Fact!


You don’t believe me when I say America hates their veterans? Well tell my why this phrase even exists in our vernacular: “homeless vet.” On any given in night in this nation 200,000 or so veterans wander the streets, homeless. And as many as 400,000 veterans find themselves homeless at one point or another during any given year. Perhaps those stupid meaningless yellow ribbons on trees and doors across our nation that currently stand for worthless empty words of support can indicate something meaningful like “Room available for a veteran!”


I have said this time and time again, it is outrageous enough that in a nation where the glutton of personal wealth in the hands of the few can only be described as obscene while we live in a nation with human beings who have no place to live. But for a nation that treats war as if it is the greatest ting America has to offer to the world, to turn their back on the very people they use to fight these vile and primitive social activities known as wars is unacceptable any way you look at it. Many of the seven deadly sins, like gluttony and greed, have found a home with the rich in our nation. Unfortunately our veterans have not been so lucky.

Talk all you want about supporting the troops but there is one, and only one demographic in our nation that supports the troops or at least genuinely has the troops’ best interest at heart: liberals! Face it is those bleeding heart liberals who want the government to take a greater responsibility for the people in our nation who can not provide for themselves and have been fighting for better treatment of our veterans. They also try more than any other group to prevent the creation of war veterans…especially when it is not necessary and based on lies piled on lies!


When certain politicians speak of increased war funding they are not addressing the needs of the troops. They are addressing the needs and insatiable thirst for money of the military industrial complex. Take a good close look at George W. Bush’s defense policy board and his entire administration. You will find board members of military contractors. You will find countless people who in one way or another are connected to war profiteers. What you will not find are many wounded grunts, experienced combatants or former military hospital workers. And you sure as hell won’t find sincere advocates for veterans.


There is simply no excuse for how we treat our veterans. There is even less of an excuse for how we have created many of these veterans. But let’s be real, the only people in this nation who should be responsible for taking care of veterans are the people who create war, especially the wars that did not need to be fought. It is high time they start taking care of the people who did the dirty work and fixing one military hospital hardly begins to address the issues.    Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·   Gunmen storm Iraq jail, free 140 - Dozens of gunmen stormed an Iraqi jail in the northern city of Mosul on Tuesday and freed up to 140 prisoners in one of the biggest prison breaks since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, police said.

·  Suicide blasts kill Shia pilgrims - Up to 90 Shia pilgrims have been killed and more than 140 wounded in a double suicide bombing in the central Iraqi town of Hilla, police said.





·  Analysis: Verdict Puts Focus on Cheney - The case laid bare the inner workings of a presidency under siege and the secretive world of Vice President Dick Cheney.

·  A Libby Verdict - There will be a great deal written and said in coming days about the frustrations of the Scooter Libby verdict — that it did not tell us whether someone deliberately blew Valerie Plame Wilson’s cover or erase serious concerns about the prosecutor’s abuse of the First Amendment.

·  Wilson Statement in Response to Jury's Verdict in U.S. v. I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby - The Wilsons will continue to pursue the civil case against Vice President Cheney, Mr. Libby, Mr. Rove and Mr. Armitage because it hinges on additional and different facts from those underlying the criminal case.

·  'Scooter' Libby guilty on four of five counts - Libby was convicted of obstruction of justice, making a false statement and two counts of perjury.





·  Wall Street drools over prospect of capturing Iraq oil wealth - The Iraqi cabinet’s adoption last week of a law creating the legal framework for turning over the country’s oil wealth to American corporations has touched off a chorus of salutes from the Bush administration, congressional Democrats and the corporate-controlled American media.



9/11 News :


·   McConnell Solves “Murder on United 93” - McConnell and Hawkins allege that the United 93 victims died when ‘co-operating’ Boeing civilian passenger jets were transformed into non-cooperating cluster bombs. The sudden switch allowed ‘al-Qaeda’ red teams to surprise blue-team defenders with a United 93 decoy-and-drone maneuver during the ‘Global Guardian’ war game of 9/11.
TVNL Comment: Very interesting observations.

·  Northwest pilot from rural Glyndon alleges 9/11 cover-up - Many of McConnell’s allegations are outlined in Internet postings on, which its creators say provide an analysis of the weapons and motives behind 9/11. The group claims to have more than 4 million members worldwide.

·  Illegalities Suggests Bush Role In 9/11 - The trouble with thinking 9/11 was an inside job staged by George W. Bush & Co. is that it defies belief any U.S. president might be capable of such an iniquitous crime against his own people. Yet, subsequent Bush actions, such as lying the nation into war against Iraq, makes one wonder if the man didn’t create the 9/11 massacres to justify his attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran.

·  Who Told Giuliani the WTC was Going to Collapse on 9/11? - But right before the south tower collapsed, I noticed a lot of people just left the lobby, and I heard we had a crew of all different people, high-level people in government, everybody was gone, almost like they had information that we didn't have. - Joseph Pfeifer, Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.)






·  How Barack Obama learned to love Israel - Obama offered not a single word of criticism of Israel, of its relentless settlement and wall construction, of the closures that make life unlivable for millions of Palestinians.

·  Congressman Doc Hastings Accused in Federal Prosecutors' Resignations Case - Washington Congressman Doc Hastings is under fire after allegations he may have been involved in the forced resignation of the Seattle U.S. Attorney.





·  $7B Settlement Proposed in Indian Case - The U.S. government has proposed paying $7 billion partly to settle lawsuits over the management of Indian trust lands - an offer met with immediate objections from Indian plaintiffs.

·  Digital Penetration - This is no joke. The government needs to look under your clothes.





·  Scientist sets sights on UAE to save planet - A scientist from Australia has a theory to save the planet from global warming by making the ocean bloom with microscopic plants that can absorb carbon dioxide. He has set his sights on the UAE as a base for his project.





·   Iran Offers to Negotiate With U.N. - The overture, contained in a document made available to The Associated Press, came as the five permanent council members deliberated a new resolution aiming to tighten up sanctions against Iran for its nuclear defiance.





· Walter Reed Problems? Why is this Suddenly an issue? America Hates War Veterans; and that’s a Fact! - You don’t believe me when I say America hates their veterans? Well tell my why this phrase even exists in our vernacular: “homeless vet.” On any given in night in this nation 200,000 or so veterans wander the streets, homeless.










·  France bans citizen journalists from reporting violence - The French Constitutional Council has approved a law that criminalizes the filming or broadcasting of acts of violence by people other than professional journalists. The law could lead to the imprisonment of eyewitnesses who film acts of police violence, or operators of Web sites publishing the images, one French civil liberties group warned on Tuesday.

·  Big Radio Settles Payola Charges - Radio listeners sick of hearing the same tunes again and again may soon encounter surprising new voices, thanks to a $12.5 million settlement pending against major broadcasters accused of taking record companies' bribes.





·  Sick people used like laboratory rats in GM trials - Genetically modified potatoes developed by Monsanto, the multinational biotech company, have been fed to sick patients in an experiment. Rats that ate similar potatoes in the research suffered reductions in the weight of their hearts and prostate glands.





·   Whether torture is physical or mental the trauma is the same - In a study which has examined forms of ill treatment during captivity, researchers have found that psychological torment and humiliation can inflict as much terror and trauma as physical torture.

·  Bishops equate Israel's actions to Holocaust - Hours after historic visit to Jerusalem holocaust museum, group of German bishops tour Palestinian Authority, say Israel behaving like Nazis

·  Italian Right-To-Die Case Cleared - They said the decision conformed to a patient's right to refuse treatment.









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