Date: March 31st 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Outsmarting the Hackers! - An Eventful Week at


For those of you who have subscribed to this newsletter during the past few days…while I was not sending out newsletters…please forgive this commentary. Normally the commentary in the daily newsletter relates to current events in one way or another. For the rest of you…here is an update on what took place.


As I mentioned in my announcement the web site received multiple attacks this week. With one or two exceptions I do not think the attacks were related to any political reasons. So for those interested…here is the rundown…


Pornacopia: Someone used a security flaw on our news page to upload a tree of directories containing porn. You would not believe the topics that were included in this variety pack! I immediately deleted the files, closed the security hole and then I used this to our advantage! Thousands of people have been coming to these nonexistent directories because the content got into major search engines. So I took advantage of the situation! The porn connoisseurs who are looking for, well, you know, link to the now missing porn directory on the but they now end up on an error page. Well, I modified that error page in several ways. I placed an advertisement on the page so that we get a few pennies every time it is presented. I placed a link on the error page saying “Click Here to Find Out What Dick Cheney has to do With 9/11” which takes people to our 9/11 page. And I placed the on-line video presentation of Loose Change (9/11 documentary) right in the middle of the page for all to see! This way we may wake up a few extra people around the world to the anomalies of 9/11.  I would say that’s making the best of a bad situation. Wouldn’t you?


SPAM-ALAMA-DING-DONG: Apparently spambots were using the “tell a friend” mechanism in our shopping cart to send spam to people. The messages were the usual Viagra and stock tip messages that we all see. I removed the “tell a friend” feature until I can apply the available patches (lots of coding work…but I’ll get to it!)


TvNewsLIES Potatogate: Someone replaced our home page with an Idaho potato grower’s page. I have no idea what that was about…but we changed all of our passwords just in case.


Blog Fog: The administrative login files for our blog page were modified so that I could not log in. Hmmm…I fixed this, applied the security patches and updates to the blog software package and it seems fine.


Newsletter News: After upgrading to the latest version of our mailing list software the formatting of the newsletter was still problematic. If this message is formatted correctly the problem is with our new OpenOffice template that I created. If this newsletter is in plain text…I have more research to do!


Anyway…I would like to thank those of you who have sent me kind supportive e-mail messages in response to the announcement. There were too many for me to reply to each one of them. Unfortunately we have had a large number of people unsubscribe this week but this comes after a rather long period where we have had many new subscribers and few people unsubscribe. If they plan on stopping me…they better try harder. Regardless, I would never taunt them into trying by saying something stupid…like “bring-em-on!”  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here: 


QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!





·   Afghan war may be lost: experts - Two Afghanistan experts painted a sobering picture of the conditions there yesterday, arguing support among Afghans for NATO forces is plummeting, the U.S.-driven policy of poppy eradication is wrongheaded, and the war might not be winnable in its present form.

·  If the Iraqis Get Revenue Sharing, Exxon Gets Their Oil - If passed, the law will make available to Exxon/Mobil, Chevron/Texaco, BP/Amoco, and Royal Dutch/Shell about 4/5's of the stupendous petroleum reserves in Iraq. That is the wretched goal of the Bush Administration, and in his speech setting the revenue-sharing "benchmark" Mr. Bush consciously avoided any hint of it.

·  General says U.S. Army has lost 130 helicopters in Iraq and Afghanistan s - The U.S. Army has lost 130 helicopters in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, about a third to shoot-downs, its aviation director said Friday. He complained that industry is not replacing them fast enough.

·  Suicide bombers kill 130 in Iraq - Suicide bombers killed nearly 130 people in a crowded market in a Shi'ite district of Baghdad and a mainly Shi'ite town on Thursday, one of the bloodiest days in Iraq in months.

·  TVNL Replay: Re: Bush Jokes About Missing WMD in Iraq - The Sludge Report #29

·  TVNL Replay: George W Bush Joking about no WMD - George W Bush Joking about no WMD being found and being AWOL
TVNL Comment: Does a human being come in a more vile form?

·  A monstrous war crime - At a time when we are celebrating our enlightened abolition of slavery 200 years ago, we are continuing to commit one of the worst international abuses of human rights of the past half-century. It is inexplicable how we allowed this to happen. It is inexplicable why we are not demanding this government's mass resignation.

·  Counting the cost - The figures have now been vindicated by the government's own advisers. It's time we held our leaders to account for the 650,000 Iraqi dead.

·  TVNL Replay: Editor’s Offer to George Bush & PNAC: - Out of my personal funds, I will pay for a vacation trip to Iraq or to Afghanistan, for any one of the people listed below. I have been out of work for 2 years, thanks to the wonderful Bush economy that sent my job overseas, but I will scrounge and borrow if I have to, in order to carry through on this offer. I am sure my readers will help finance this effort as well.





·    Rove Aide Resigns - White House political director Sara Taylor is out the door at the White House, according to Washington Wire. Taylor came up a number of times yesterday during the Kyle Sampson hearing as having worked closely with Sampson (along with another Karl Rove aide Scott Jennings) to install Rove's former aide Tim Griffin as the U.S. Attorney in eastern Arkansas.

·  Bush's long history of tilting Justice - Over the last six years, this Justice Department has ignored the advice of its staff and skewed aspects of law enforcement in ways that clearly were intended to influence the outcome of elections.





·    Housing Crisis Knocks Loudly in Michigan - Foreclosures Hit Record Numbers as Region Continues to Lose Jobs

·  Mortgage crisis hits million-dollar homes - For those on the frontlines of the growing U.S. mortgage crisis, these are the early signs that the explosion of subprime loans made to mostly poorer borrowers is reaching higher ground. The damage is hitting homes financed through jumbo loans for more than $400,000 and so-called Alt-A loans that are a notch above subprime and a step below prime.
TVNL Comment: By desing. This is how the central banks take ownership of your country!

·  Income Gap Is Widening, Data Shows - While total reported income in the United States increased almost 9 percent in 2005, the most recent year for which such data is available, average incomes for those in the bottom 90 percent dipped slightly compared with the year before, dropping $172, or 0.6 percent.



9/11 News :


·  O'Donnell 9/11 Rant Reaches 30 Million Viewers - This is the largest single exposure 9/11 truth has enjoyed to date and it represents a watershed moment in the quest to bring the truth to the masses.

·  Giuliani Faces Questions About Sept. 11 - "We want America to know what this guy meant to New York City firefighters," said Peter Gorman, head of the Uniformed Fire Officers Association. "In our experiences with this man, he disrespected us in the most horrific way."

·  Bush war on terror draws fire as misguided venture - Five-and-a-half years after the September 11 attacks, President George W. Bush's war on terrorism has emerged as a wasteful, misguided exercise that poses its own threat to U.S. national security, experts say.

·  The 9/11 Truth Domino Effect -  The leaking of the until now withheld WTC blueprints this week represents a growing trend of truth seeking individuals putting aside politics and coming forth in an attempt to set the record straight on the defining event of the 21st century.






·  6 Months Later, Still No Charges Vs. Foley - Six months after resigning from Congress, former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley remains under criminal investigation for sexually explicit Internet communications with underage boys but has not been charged, authorities said Wednesday.

·  Democratic Committee requests deposition from Secretary of State over Niger forgeries and Iraq - The House Government Committee today formally requested Secretary Rice to testify before the Oversight Committee on Apr. 18th regarding the Bush administration's claims that Iraq sought uranium from Niger, White House treatment of classified information, the appointment of Ambassador Jones as "special coordinator" for Iraq, and other subjects.





·   This Is Your Disaster Plan... - America. Your America.

·  Fence firm hired illegals - The head of a California company hired by the U.S. government to help build a fence along the Southwest border to curb the flow of illegal aliens into the United States has been sentenced on charges of hiring illegals for the job.

·  Ex-Partner Of Giuliani May Face Charges - Federal prosecutors have told Bernard B. Kerik, whose nomination as homeland security secretary in 2004 ended in scandal, that he is likely to be charged with several felonies, including tax evasion and conspiracy to commit wiretapping.

·  Chastised head of local FBI office anounces retirement - the announcement curious. On Tuesday, FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that one of his subordinates, John Pistole, told Dzwilewski that his statements on Lam were inappropriate and that he should keep quiet. - Dzwilewski had said Lam's firing was political and would adversely affect ongoing corruption cases.





·   Experts warn of climate mayhem - AUSTRALIA will be hit by more frequent and intense heatwaves, bushfires, floods, drought and landslides as global warming causes the temperature to rise this century, according to the confidential draft report of the world's leading climate scientists due for release next week.

·  Termites may hold the answer to cheap, efficient ethanol fuel production - Scientists and several companies are currently experimenting with using termites to convert wood, corn stalks and other plant waste into ethanol in an effective and economic way.

·  Report Raps Interior Official Over Leaks - Environmentalists and other critics contend Julie MacDonald undermined federal endangered species protections. In the report by Earl Devaney, Interior Department officials describe MacDonald as a political appointee bent on manipulating science to fit her policy goals, which they said favor developers and industry.

·  Globalists Love Global Warming - Trilateral Commission, chairman of British Petroleum, CFR, Club of Rome fan hysteria to achieve world government

·  Report Charges Broad White House Efforts to Stifle Climate Research - Bush administration officials throughout the government have engaged in White House-directed efforts to stifle, delay or dampen the release of climate change research that casts the White House or its policies in a bad light, says a new report that purports to be the most comprehensive assessment to date of the subject.





·   US/Brazil Biofuel Plans May Destroy Livelihoods, Promote Food Shortages, Warns International Charity - Ethanol represents a viable alternative energy solution. However, ActionAid urges governments to take into account that the production of such biofuels has thus far resulted in the concentration of land, resources and income into the hands of the few, the destruction of endangered rainforests, contamination of soil, air and water, and the expulsion of rural populations from their homes.

·  Greenpeace slams Israel's nuclear program -  "Israelis have the right to know where these facilities are and the right to be informed about the serious risks to health and the environment posed by these installations. The pursuit of a policy of ambiguity about the possible existence of a nuclear program in Israel only serves to destabilize the region. What is needed is a policy of honesty and transparency - one that will pave the way to a nuclear free Middle-East,"

·  Saudis Leave Rice Stranded - Although on her latest Middle East shuttle she managed to persuade Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to agree on holding regular meetings, Rice's efforts to promote Israeli-Palestinian peace are looking more like crisis management than visionary deal-making.





·  Gen. Tried to Warn Bush on Tillman - Just seven days after Pat Tillman's death, a top general warned there were strong indications that it was friendly fire and President Bush might embarrass himself if he said the NFL star-turned-soldier died in an ambush, according to a memo obtained by The Associated Press.

·  Gen'ls to Bush: Soldiers not props - A trio of retired generals concerned that President Bush might use his scheduled appearance this afternoon at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center to try and score political points against Democrats, urged the president, via a teleconference with reporters, to focus strictly on the problems with military medical care.

·  Increase May Mean Longer Army Tours - Sustaining the U.S. troop increase in Iraq beyond this summer will not be possible without keeping some Army combat brigades in the war zone for up to 16 months -- much longer than the standard year-long tour, a top U.S. general in charge of the military's rotation plans said yesterday.

·  Military ‘in peril’ - The Iraq war has left the U.S. military “in a position of strategic peril,” retired Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey has warned in the wake of a recent trip to Iraq.










·   The Tacky Clintonista-CBC-Fox News Backstory - The integrity of ratings system is important for the health of the advertising market, so of course News Corp threatened to undermine it by creating their own ratings service which would apparently have ratings more favorable to Fox.

·  As Ohio Goes, So Goes the Nation - With the announcement today, reported in Ohio Media Watch, that WARF-AM, 1360 in Akron is going to flip from liberal talk to sports on Friday there will then be no lib talk station in the entire state of Ohio.

·  Snow's growth found to be cancerous - White House spokesman Tony Snow's suspicious growth in his abdomen has been found to be cancerous, according to the White House.

·  Senator Mike Gravel Censored - Sen. Mike Gravel, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, addressed big media's attempts to censor his campaign.





·  Attention Tony Snow: FACT CHECK: Bush Has Cut Funding For Cancer Research - Bush’s 2007 budget proposed cutting funding for the National Cancer Institute by $40 million.

·  18,000 deaths blamed on lack of insurance - More than 18,000 adults in the USA die each year because they are uninsured and can't get proper health care, researchers report in a landmark study released Tuesday.
TVNL Comment: The American health care system: 6 times more deadly to Americans than SIX 9/11 events each year!





·  ‘We Were Torturing People For No Reason’ - The results of the hangings, shacklings and prolonged stress positions - sometimes for hours - were devastating. “You take a healthy guy and you turn him into a cripple, at least for a period of time,” Lagouranis told me. “I don’t care what Alberto Gonzales says. That’s torture.”

·  Bush met Russian general accused of Chechnya abuse - President George W. Bush met this week with a Russian general accused of human rights abuses in Chechnya, but was not aware of the allegations, the White House said on Thursday.

·  Torturers 'must pay victims' - UN - States that commit acts of torture should be forced to pay for victims' rehabilitation, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak has said.









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