Date: April 4th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  To Bush the Hypocrite: There is no “Mission” to Accomplish in Iraq!



We are still being told, over and over, that US troops have to stay in Iraq until the ‘mission’ is accomplished. Nonsense!


Had the weapons inspections continued in Iraq, the originally stated ‘mission’ would have indeed been accomplished without a single life lost and George W. Bush would have been a respected global leader! But the mission was never about WMD and we all know it, but nobody is talking about it. No one ever publicly challenges this administration to clarify the ‘mission’ that has sent our soldiers into a self-sustaining meat grinder.


Reality check: the US launched an attack against a nation that had done nothing to provoke one. We were told that this war was needed to protect the American people from a real and growing threat based on Iraq’s WMD program and its cooperation with Al Qaeda. Both of those claims have been proven to be false and all indications, then and now, are that the Bush administration was intentionally lying about the threat posed by Iraq. No, they were not misled, nor did they ‘mislead’ the nation. They lied purposely and knowingly to terrorize a nation into accepting their war.


Bush and his cohorts were using their ‘imminent threat’ excuse to justify the planned agenda of the neoconservatives that had been prepared by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC.) So in, realty the stated mission was and is moot. There was nothing to protect us from and we all know that now.


Bottom line: THERE IS NO MISSION FOR OUR MILITARY IN IRAQ! Ergo, we cannot ‘complete’ the mission Mr. Bush talks about incessantly.


Now I ask the most obvious question…if George W. Bush is so willing to leave American troops in Iraq, where they are dying and killing people every day, and their presence there is increasing anti-American radicalism all over the world and leading to the financial death our nation, why was he not willing to leave the weapons inspectors there forever!


We could have left a non-stop inspection process in place indefinitely. It would have cost a fraction of what this invasion has cost us and it would have spared hundreds of thousands of lives. It would have sent a message to the entire world and it would have earned respect and admiration for America. George W. Bush’s popularity may have skyrocketed as a result, and the Republican party would have ruled supreme for a generation.


Instead, George W. Bush pushed the PNAC agenda. This was the real mission all along. This was why 9/11 happened Yes, I am saying that I believe 100 percent, based on the official body of evidence, that the events of 9/11/2001 were planned and conducted by elements within our government. This plan stemmed from from the determination of the PNAC neocon cabal to deliver the PNAC described New Pearl Harbor that they wrote about openly. Such a ‘cataclysmic event’ was a necessity for implementing their agenda which included regime change in Iraq, Iran and Syria!


Once again, the corporate media expose themselves as the enemy of the American people by continuing to report what has to be termed a “false reality.” They pretend that the mission in Iraq is legitimate. The ignore every single administrative hypocrisy; and there are more examples of this than one can be listed in a single day. And they continue to pretend that the obvious does not exist. In this case, the most obvious truth is still ignored by the networks - that the invasion of Iraq was based on a series of absolute lies. They still refuse to admit that inspectors were on the ground in Iraq, making the invasion completely unnecessary. For starters, do a search for the smoking gun known as the Downing Street Memos that the US media completely ignored)


The primary reason an invasion of Iraq became inevitable was that George W. Bush placed a time line on the inspections and he did this because WMD were never the issue. Regime change as per PNAC was. This should all be obvious to anybody who has even a minimally functioning brain ; if not then at least now!   Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·   Car bomb, mortar barrage hit police station in Baghdad - A car bomb explosion and mortar barrage struck a police station in Baghdad's Shiite bastion of Sadr City on Wednesday while U.S. troops were present there, causing casualties, Iraqi police and state television said.

·  Pakistani militants staging raids inside Iran -  The U.S. has been secretly advising and encouraging a Pakistani militant group that has carried out a series of deadly guerrilla raids inside Iran, ABC News reported on Tuesday, citing U.S. and Pakistani intelligence sources.

·  Pence clarifies Baghdad remark - Nevertheless, Pence said, he shouldn’t have compared the Shorja market to a Hoosier street fair. He said he wasn’t trying to compare the level of security but to describe the layout – outdoor booths with lots of customers milling about.
TVNL Comment: Is the "clarifying" or "flip-flopping?"

·  Snipers back at Baghdad market after McCain visit -  The crack of shots fired by unseen snipers echoed on Monday through Baghdad's wholesale Shorja market, a day after U.S. Senator John McCain held up his visit there as one sign of improving security in Baghdad.

·  To Bush the Hypocrite: Why Did the Weapon Inspectors Have Time Lines? - Now I ask the most obvious question…if George W. Bush is so willing to leave American troops in Iraq, where they are dying and killing people every day, and their presence there is increasing anti-American radicalism all over the world and financial murdering our nation, why was he not willing to leave the weapon inspectors there forever?

·  How Bogus Letter Became a Case for War - And she knew now that the documents were fraudulent and the 16 words wrong. Nonetheless, the uranium claim would become a crucial justification for the invasion of Iraq that began less than two months later.

·  McCain Wrong on Iraq Security, Merchants Say - “They paralyzed the market when they came,” Mr. Faiyad said during an interview in his shop on Monday. “This was only for the media.”





·  Key adviser to Bush on Iraq to step down - Meghan L. O'Sullivan, who has played a key behind-the-scenes role in implementing Bush's Iraq policies over the past four years, will leave this spring. Her departure, which follows that of her deputy, could leave the White House with a vacuum of long-term experience on Iraq policy, and it comes as Bush and the Democratic-controlled Congress prepare for a showdown over withdrawing U.S. troops.





·    Fannie Mae Plans To Cut Workforce - The cuts are part of "an effort to streamline and improve productivity for our investors," Fannie Mae spokesman Brian Faith said.
TVNL Comment: Less money for the employees and more money for the investors. That's

·  Halliburton CEO got $15.2 million last year - Halliburton Co. chairman and chief executive Dave Lesar, whose move to a new headquarters in Dubai sparked an outcry in Congress last month, received a compensation package for 2006 valued by the company at roughly $16.5 million, according to a proxy statement filed Monday.



9/11 News :


·  Air Force Fighter Pilot and Instructor Comes Out for 9/11 Truth - "After 4+ years of research since retirement in 2002, I am 100% convinced that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were planned, organized, and committed by treasonous perpetrators that have infiltrated the highest levels of our government. It is now time to take our country back."

·  Dan Wallace speaks about 9/11 Truth - On December 3rd, 2006, in the crowded basement of St. Mark's Church in NYC, he gave a speech about who he truly believed killed his father. On January 29, 2007, Dan was found dead in the early morning hours in his bed.

·  NBC's Pat Dawson Blows Up at 9/11 Truthers - NBC's Pat Dawson gets upset at the presence of 9/11 truthers following the conclusion of his live news feed from ground zero. Dawson hurls swears and insults a camera man filming him during his live news feed.

·  The 911 Prestige: Media Magicians React to Rosie - Inside Edition's take on WTC7, Popular Mechanics and Rosie O'Donnell seems like the three parts of a stage magician's trick in the movie, "The Prestige".

·  Ex-CIA: 911 Almost Certainly A 'Monstrous Series Of Lies' - Mr. Christison further indicates that, "This single book could (and should) provide the basis for the United Nations International Court of Justice, or some specially constituted global body (independent of the U.S.) to investigate with highest priority, and publicly report its findings about, the charge that unknown elements within the U.S. Government, and possibly some individuals elsewhere closely allied to the U.S., caused or contributed to causing the events of September 11 to happen."






·   Castle chides Bush over unwanted help - Rep. Mike Castle wants to know how his name ended up in a White House aide's potentially illegal political presentation to General Services Administration employees -- and he's seeking answers in a sharply worded letter to President Bush.

·  John 'Crazy Train' McCain's Delusions Aren't Funny Anymore - There is nothing good about having to watch a man become completely dissociated from reality and seeing it take place in such a public forum is even less pleasant. Still, Mister McCain's goal is to be the leader of the United States and to wield all the power that comes with the position.

·  6 Months Later, Still No Charges Vs. Foley - Six months after resigning from Congress, former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley remains under criminal investigation for sexually explicit Internet communications with underage boys but has not been charged, authorities said Wednesday.





·   Court Order? Warrant? Who Needs Them?! - Very quietly, all Internet Service Providers are being equipped for comprehensive undetectable surveillance of both Internet and voice traffic under the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) with a deadline for compliance of May 15, 2007, and were required to file a confidential System Security and Integrity Plan with the FBI detailing the implementation by March 15, 2007 pursuant to 47 U.S.C. 1004 and 47 U.S.C. 229(b).

·  Police Log Confirms FBI Role In Arrests - A secret FBI intelligence unit helped detain a group of war protesters in a downtown Washington parking garage in April 2002 and interrogated some of them on videotape about their political and religious beliefs, newly uncovered documents and interviews show.

·  Wade Leaps - Wade Horn resigned as Assistant Secretary of Children and Families at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services yesterday, and effective this weekend. - Horn is a go-to guy for the Religious Right but he always seemed to get a free pass from the media.

·  Bill would add school Bible courses - A key state lawmaker wants to acquaint Texas high school students with the Bible.





·     Bush Splits With Congress and States on Emissions - “Whatever we do,” he said, “must be in concert with what happens internationally.” He added, “Unless there is an accord with China, China will produce greenhouse gases that will offset anything we do in a brief period of time.”
TVNL Comment: From global leader to lowest common denominator. Another Bush legacy!

·  Utilities: Daylight saving time switch hasn't cut energy use - The move to turn the clocks forward by an hour on March 11 rather than the usual date in early April was mandated by the federal government as an energy-saving effort — but the move appears to have had little impact on power usage.

·  Los Angeles suffers longest dry spell in 130 years - Los Angeles is going through its longest dry spell in at least 130 years, the National Weather Service said Sunday, fueling fears of rampant wildfires which have plagued the US west coast in recent years.

·  Drugs in our water? - Pharmaceuticals showing up in wastewaters across the nation; state doesn't test for them





·  U.S. steps up missile system push in Eastern Europe - The effort may escalate the issue into an international dispute, depending on Moscow's reaction.

·  Africa: Bush Approves U.S. Army for Africa - UNITED States President George Bush has approved the formation of a U.S. army to permanently operate in Africa, a move viewed by many as part of a wide plan to increase American hegemony on Africa.

·  Venezuela Could Nationalize Hospitals - President Hugo Chavez warned Monday that his government could take over private hospitals if they continue raising prices for health care.``Any private hospital that doesn't comply with the regulations that are made, if necessary, will have to be nationalized,'' Chavez said during a speech at the presidential palace. ``We cannot allow there to be a shameless looting using such important services as health.''

·  Seeds of Wrath: Bush Sows New Crop of Extremists - And what has been the outcome of this "regime change," besides the vastly increased level of human suffering? Why, destroying moderate influences and radicalizing younger Somalis into support of Islamic extremism, of course – the same outcome we have seen in Iraq, the same general template for the entire "War on Terror," that vast machine of loot and domination that creates more terrorism at every turn.

·  US/Brazil Biofuel Plans May Destroy Livelihoods, Promote Food Shortages, Warns International Charity - Ethanol represents a viable alternative energy solution. However, ActionAid urges governments to take into account that the production of such biofuels has thus far resulted in the concentration of land, resources and income into the hands of the few, the destruction of endangered rainforests, contamination of soil, air and water, and the expulsion of rural populations from their homes.

·  Greenpeace slams Israel's nuclear program - "Israelis have the right to know where these facilities are and the right to be informed about the serious risks to health and the environment posed by these installations. The pursuit of a policy of ambiguity about the possible existence of a nuclear program in Israel only serves to destabilize the region. What is needed is a policy of honesty and transparency - one that will pave the way to a nuclear free Middle-East,"





·  Army tells managers to prep for potential money crunch - The Army has warned program managers to prepare for a possible money crunch if President Bush vetoes an emergency war spending bill that calls for the eventual withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq.

·  Last known surviving WWI Navy veteran dies -  Lloyd Brown, the last known surviving World War I Navy veteran, has died. He was 105.

·  Need outstrips supply of beds for homeless veterans - According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, there are about 195,000 homeless veterans on any given night.





·   Just tell the truth about Israel - I would love just once for someone (before they spout the words anti-Semite) to come out and say so what! Why can't someone say "We are defending Israel"? Or ask, "What's wrong with helping Israel?" I'd like to know what keeps people from saying this? What are they afraid of? What's the big secret here?

·  AIPAC vs America - The embarrassing debacle of our sell-out political leaders and 2008 presidential hopefuls falling over themselves and elbowing each other to the podium of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee meeting held in Washington, DC between March 11th and 13th demonstrated clearly that our leaders put Israel first and America last. Fittingly, the hate conference was launched on Sunday, the Christian Sabbath.





·   New York Times Doesn't Report Bush's Criticism Of GOPers' Syria Trip -- Only Mentions Attack On Pelosi - But in its account of the Syria portion of the presser today, The New York Times not only fails to mention that Republicans went on a similar trip, but also failed to even report Bush's acknowledgment that this involved members of his own party.

·  Congress Nudges an FCC on Hold - The FCC botched handling of cable television franchising, racked up a backlog of unanswered consumer complaints, and dallied on various disputes between industry rivals with little oversight from the previous Republican-controlled Congress in recent years, the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee said in the March 14 hearing.

·  CNN reporter slams Drudge's charge that he 'heckled' McCain; Exclusive video confirms his claim - CNN reporter Michael Ware this morning hit back at news aggregator Matt Drudge who accused him on Sunday of 'heckling' Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham in a Baghdad press conference.





·    NY Bills Threaten Consumer Supplement Access - In the March issue of Nutrition Industry Executive magazine James Gormley reports that there are four new bills in New York State that have been introduced by NY State Assemblyman Felix Ortiz (D-51st District) - six if you count two companion bills in the NY Senate. These bills take aim at consumers by targeting all supplement companies that sell into New York, which is virtually every manufacturer that exists; if passed, they would set an example certain to spread to other states.

·  Under the Influence: How Lobbyists Wrote and Bought the Rx Drug Bill - 60 Minutes tells the story of how pharmaceutical industry lobbyists literally wrote the historic Medicare Prescription Drug Bill and twisted arms to get the necessary votes to have it passed in the middle of the night.





·    Relatives of Interned Japanese-Americans Side With Muslims - In recent years, many scholars have drawn parallels and contrasts between the internment of Japanese-Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the treatment of hundreds of Muslim noncitizens who were swept up in the weeks after the 2001 terror attacks, then held for months before they were cleared of links to terrorism and deported.

·  Hicks feared interrogators would shoot him - Hicks, who has spent five years in the US' military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, after he was captured in Afghanistan in late 2001, last week pleaded guilty to a charge of giving material support to terrorists.





·  Hunt's Deathbed Confession Reveals JFK Killers - According to Hunt's confession, which was taken by his son, St. John ("Saint") Hunt, over the course of many personal and carefully planned father-son meetings, the following individuals were among the key participants:

·  Students Pelt Karl Rove In Protest - Rove was on the campus to talk to the College Republicans, but when he got outside more than a dozen students began throwing things at him and at his car, an American University spokesperson said.

·  The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt - Now he would reveal what he'd always kept hidden: who killed JFK

·  New book says Kissinger kept Nixon in the dark - Newly released documents show that former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger delayed telling President Richard Nixon about the start of the Yom Kippur War in 1973 to keep him from interfering, according to new book excerpted in Vanity Fair on Monday.




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