Date: April 8th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Unqualified 9/11 Opinions

When you converse with an individual about a topic of which you have little knowledge, understanding or experience, you don't chime in with opinions that contradict the information provided to you by the expert. For example if you ask someone for help with a computer because you can't seem to access the Internet you are not going to stand there and blurt out your theories on why the problem is occurring, especially if you really don't know much about computers. You are not going to say that you have bad cell phone reception in your home and that may provide a clue as to what the real problem is. You are not going to force him or her to take a look at your cell phone because it may help them solve your Internet problem. You'll look like an idiot!

Take 9/11 for example. I have been researching the events of 9/11 for about five years. I spend tens of hours per week keeping up on as much 9/11 related news and information as I can. I run full time. I don't have a day job. (That's why I need your support!!!) So I would pretty much say that I know a lot more about a lot of issues than the average investment banker, who may work 70 hours per week in the field of investment banking.

So why is it when I meet someone who has a full time job in vocation that is completely unrelated to 9/11 they feel that their opinions about this issue are as valid as mine? I read a little bit about many subjects but I don't go around correcting the conclusions and findings of various specialists. Even though I have owned and played guitar for almost thirty years I don't tell my friend Jeff that my guitars are the best ever made because he owns a music shop ( and has been repairing musical instruments for 40 years. He knows better. Even though I have been a software engineer and systems developer I don't tell my friend Fred, who is one of the best computer programmers I have ever know, how to construct an application. He knows better. I just wonder why programmers, and guitar shop owners and every Joe in the street thinks that they can jump in to a discussion about an issue like 9/11 and feel as if they are equally qualified to draw conclusions as people who have been researching the issue for years. They shouldn't because we know better.

I know a lot about computers. When I help novices and even experts with their computers they usually sit quietly as I troubleshoot their systems. Sometimes they ask me questions and sometimes they just listen to my unsolicited explanation. Even if they are computer savvy they deffer to me on the computer issues that I know more about. I just wonder why the same people don't show the same reasonable respect for persons with a higher level of experience when it comes to issues like 9/11, government conspiracies and media deception.

9/11 researchers, no matter how involved they are in the truth movement, need to do several things. They need to ease up on the theories, go long on the evidence and stop arguing with unqualified participants.

I had a funny friend who used to joke around by starting many discussions with the obnoxious line: “let's start with what you DON'T know!” Maybe we 9/11 should adapt that as our catch phrase! Think about it! - Jesse – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

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Iraqis Wish to Put up Saddam's Statue
- "The situation today is a hundred times worse. It's not as if most Iraqis danced in this square that day anyway."

Iraqi cleric calls for anti-U.S. attacks - The renegade cleric Muqtada al-Sadr urged Iraqi forces to stop cooperating with the United States and told his guerrilla fighters to concentrate their attacks on American troops rather than Iraqis, according to a statement issued Sunday.

Pope: 'How much suffering' in the world - "How many wounds, how much suffering there is in the world," the pontiff said, delivering his traditional "Urbi et Orbi" Easter address from the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica as tens of thousands of pilgrims and tourists listened in the square.

US offered to scare Iran - The United States reportedly offered to mount aggressive air patrols over Revolutionary Guards bases during Iran's stand-off with Britain but was rebuffed by London.

Experts accuse Bush of exaggerating threat - Military and diplomatic analysts say it isn't. They accuse Bush of exaggerating the threat that enemy forces in Iraq pose to the U.S. mainland.

Insurgents transform US military jails into ‘terror training camps’ - America’s high-security prisons in Iraq have become “terrorist academies” for the most dangerous militant groups, according to former inmates and Iraqi government officials.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.


An Administration's Epic Collapse
- I've tried to be respectful of the man and the office, but the three defining sins of the Bush Administration--arrogance, incompetence, cynicism--are congenital: they're part of his personality. They're not likely to change. And it is increasingly difficult to imagine yet another two years of slow bleed with a leader so clearly unfit to lead.

President Carter: Bush Ordered Me Not to Go to Damascus - “I have known President Bashar al-Assad since he was a college student, and I thought it might be helpful if I went and urged him to support the peace process in the Middle East. But for the only time in my life as a former president, I was ordered by the White House not to go.”

Bush/Cheney Still Lie with Abandon - What makes George W. Bush and Dick Cheney such extraordinary threats to the future of American democracy is their readiness to tell half-truths and outright lies consistently without any apparent fear of accountability.


Occidental CEO got more than $400 million in 2006
- Occidental Petroleum Corp.'s chairman and chief executive took in more than $400 million in compensation last year, the company said in a filing, one of the biggest single-year payouts in U.S. corporate history.

Housing Slump Pinches States in Pocketbook - State tax revenues around the country are growing far more slowly this year and in some cases falling below projections, a result of the housing market slowdown that has curbed voracious spending on real estate, building materials, furniture and other items.

Tax Foundation: State & Local Tax Burden Hits All-Time High - State and local taxes will consume a record-setting 11% of the nation's income in 2007. Since 1986, the state-local tax burden had never fallen below 10% or risen above 10.9%.
TVNL Comment: Just as we predicted.

Ford CEO paid $39.1 million for four months - The nation’s second-biggest automaker lost $12.7 billion in 2006, the largest loss in its 103-year history, largely due to a massive restructuring plan undertaken amid a withering assault from Asian automakers that have taken an increasing share of the U.S. auto market.

Who's Gorging and Who's Getting Roasted in the Economic Barbecue? - Not since the Gilded Age of the late 19th century has America witnessed such a rapid shift in the distribution of economic wealth as it has in the past 30 years.

9/11 News :

Unqualified 9/11 Opinions
- So why is it when I meet someone who has a full time job in vocation that is completely unrelated to 9/11 they feel that their opinions about this issue are as valid as mine?

Reflecting Pool - Drawn from known sources and verifiable facts, THE REFLECTING POOL is a thought-provoking study of a search for truth and the profound consequences of not looking for it any further than the nightly news.

WTC First Responder on Says 9/11 was an Inside Job - He also speaks out against the official 9/11 story, the lies told by the EPA about the air quality at Ground Zero and the critical need for a fresh independent investigation into the 9/11 attacks.

San Diego Citizen's Grand Jury to Investigate 9/11 April 14, SDSU - A common-law grand jury of 23 citizens will be impaneled to review evidence at San Diego State University Aztec Center, Council Chambers Saturday, April 14, 2007. The San Diego Citizens Grand Jury will conduct a public hearing to investigate the unanswered questions about the crimes of murder and property destruction in New York City that occurred on September 11, 2001.

The Evidence Is There: It’s Time for Congress to Investigate the Ties Between the Bush Family and Osama bin Laden - BCCI was the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, a dirty offshore bank that then-President Ronald Reagan's Central Intelligence Agency used to run guns to Hussein, finance Osama bin Laden, move money in the illegal Iran-Contra operation and carry out other "agency" black ops. The Bushes also benefited privately; one of the bank's largest Saudi investors helped bail out George W. Bush's troubled oil investments.

9/11 Truth Movement: Only Growing Stronger – And the Media are Frightened to Death! - Let’s be real here. With every day a liar continues to lie it becomes more difficult to undo, explain, correct or justify that lie. This is the position in which the corporate media find themselves right now.

104.) NBC anchor: 'WTC collapse planned' - Gee, you think?

9/11 Truth Reaches The Tipping Point - We know of numerous celebrities by name who have known about 9/11 truth for a very long time and have considered whether to go public or not. Charlie Sheen and Rosie O'Donnell are the canaries in the coal mine and they are still standing. The climate is right for those in the know to flood the media with 9/11 truth.

The curious tale of the 'other' WTC tower - Shortly after 9/11, when Associated Press published a timeline of events called A Stunning 48 Hours of News, WTC 7 was not mentioned at all.
TVNL Comment: This article was written because Rosie had the courage to break the ice!


The GSA Hearing Video You Didn't See - A clip from the GSA hearing that definately proves that Karl Rove is getting campaign strategy help from Douglas Feith.

The Complicity of Congress in a Criminal War - The US Congress has gone beyond compliance with George Bush’s illegal war, and is now technically an accomplice-it is assisting with full knowledge in the perpetration of a crime. Congress has attained this status through two grave errors, one of omission and one of commission.


The tax bucks stop here Resisters withhold payment in protest of U.S. sending troops to Iraq - With the tax-filing deadline just two weeks away, some Bay Area residents are using it as an opportunity to protest the war by withholding their tax dollars to fund it.

Arrest is first under homeless-feeding law - "Police are arresting people for feeding the homeless," local ACLU President George Crossley said. "This has been a truly disgusting day."
TVNL Comment: What kind of vile Nazi bastard cop would actually even think of taking that law so seriously?

3 U.S. Attorney's Lawyers Resign Posts - The three resignations come as Congress investigates the U.S. Justice Department's firing of eight U.S. attorneys last year and whether the moves were politically motivated. Its findings so far have torpedoed morale at Justice Department headquarters in Washington and in U.S. attorneys' offices nationwide.

Judge Orders Columbine Documents Sealed For 20 Years - Statements made by the parents of the teenage gunmen who attacked Columbine High School will remain sealed for 20 years, frustrating at least one victim's parent who believes knowing what happened before the shootings could help prevent similar tragedies.
TVNL Comment: Who are these dictators who constantly order information to be kept from the American people? From the Kennedy assassination to this...who are they to tell us that we the people are not entitled to this information?


Nearly 250 Dead Seals Wash Up on Shores of Caspian Sea; Cause of Death Unknown - Authorities were conducting tests to determined what killed the 247 seals found by oil workers inspecting the shore in western Mangistau region, the Emergencies Agency said.

U.S., China Got Climate Warnings Toned Down - Some sections of a grim scientific assessment of the impact of global warming on human, animal and plant life issued in Brussels yesterday were softened at the insistence of officials from China and the United States, participants in the negotiations said.

Dire warming report too soft, scientists say - Despite its harsh vision, the report was quickly criticized by some scientists who said its findings were watered down at the last minute by governments seeking to deflect calls for action.
TVNL Comment: A new global warming report issued Friday by the United Nations paints a near-apocalyptic vision of Earth's future: hundreds of millions of people short of water, extreme food shortages in Africa, a landscape ravaged by floods and millions of species sentenced to extinction. Despite its harsh vision, the report was quickly criticized by some scientists who said its findings were watered down at the last minute by governments seeking to deflect calls for action.

Permanent drought predicted for Southwest - The data tell "a story which is pretty darn scary and very strong," said Jonathan Overpeck, a climate researcher at the University of Arizona who was not involved in the study.


Cuban jet bombing suspect ordered free on bail in U.S. - Venezuela and Cuba want Luis Posada Carriles in a 1976 plane bombing that killed 73. But in this country, the former CIA operative is charged with lying to immigration officials.

3 Israelis accused of training hitmen - Interpol issued an international arrest warrant Tuesday for three Israelis accused of training private armies of Colombian drug cartels and right-wing death squads, authorities said.
TVNL Comment: The word is TERRORISTS! But the media would never say this about Israelies. Only about Arabas and American school children caught up in some stupid crime reclassification as per the Patriot Act!

Israel’s Protests Are Said to Stall Gulf Arms Sale - A major arms-sale package that the Bush administration is planning to offer Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies to deter Iran has been delayed because of objections from Israel, which says that the advanced weaponry would erode its military advantage over its regional rivals, according to senior United States officials.
TVNL Comment: But when American citizens protest US arms sale....we are ignored!

U.S. steps up missile system push in Eastern Europe - The effort may escalate the issue into an international dispute, depending on Moscow's reaction.

Africa: Bush Approves U.S. Army for Africa - UNITED States President George Bush has approved the formation of a U.S. army to permanently operate in Africa, a move viewed by many as part of a wide plan to increase American hegemony on Africa.

Venezuela Could Nationalize Hospitals - President Hugo Chavez warned Monday that his government could take over private hospitals if they continue raising prices for health care.``Any private hospital that doesn't comply with the regulations that are made, if necessary, will have to be nationalized,'' Chavez said during a speech at the presidential palace. ``We cannot allow there to be a shameless looting using such important services as health.''


A Shock Wave of Brain Injuries - About 1,800 U.S. troops, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs, are now suffering from traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) caused by penetrating wounds. But neurologists worry that hundreds of thousands more -- at least 30 percent of the troops who've engaged in active combat for four months or longer in Iraq and Afghanistan -- are at risk of potentially disabling neurological disorders from the blast waves of IEDs and mortars, all without suffering a scratch.

Airman burned during south Georgia ray-gun evaluation - An airman suffered second-degree burns during an evaluation of a non-lethal heat-ray gun this week in south Georgia.

THE FEW. THE PROUD. THE DISILLUSIONED - Some active duty troops, while proud to serve, are speaking out and signing a petition against the war

Strangely Quiet’ Scene As Bush Visits Base Where Medically-Unfit Troops Were Deployed - As Steve Benen noted, Bush’s remarks to the soldiers yesterday hardly produced the rally-like atmosphere of years past. Reuters reported that troops “sat quietly at their lunch tables, some joined by family members, as Bush spoke.” The Houston Chronicle’s Julie Mason described the event as “less than a rally, more than a stare-down,” and said the troops were “strangely quiet.”


Israel doesn't want peace - The moment of truth has arrived, and it has to be said: Israel does not want peace. The arsenal of excuses has run out, and the chorus of Israeli rejection already rings hollow.

Why I Won’t Be in Church on Easter - Poverty? Whatever. Homelessness? An afterthought. A widening gap between the have and have-nots? Immaterial. Divorce? The divorce rate of Christians mirrors the national average, so that’s no big deal. - The point is that being a Christian should be about more than abortion and homosexuality, and it’s high time that those not considered a part of the religious right expose the hypocrisy of our brothers and sisters in Christianity and take back the faith.

Jesus Wouldn’t Bomb a Soul - I will not tire of declaring that if we really want an effective end to violence we must remove the violence that lies at the root of all violence: structural violence, social injustice, exclusion of citizens from the management of the country, repression.

Just tell the truth about Israel - I would love just once for someone (before they spout the words anti-Semite) to come out and say so what! Why can't someone say "We are defending Israel"? Or ask, "What's wrong with helping Israel?" I'd like to know what keeps people from saying this? What are they afraid of? What's the big secret here?


Television and the Hive Mind - On television news as well, image and sound are as carefully selected and edited to influence human thought and behavior as in any commercial.

AOL Censors All Emails Mentioning A Popular Website Exposing Major Cover-ups - I invite you to join in a mass email campaign informing people of this infringement on our rights. Encourage all AOL users to switch to other email and Internet service providers.

The Corporate-Owned Media 'Surge' Against the Democrats - Goodness gracious! The corporate-owned press has been banging on Pelosi's visit to Syria, like a Republican evangelical preacher locked in a love embrace with a gay male prostitute.

Ann Coulter Reaches New Low - These people can't even wrap up genocide. We've been hearing about this slaughter in Darfur forever — and they still haven't finished. The aggressors are moving like termites across that country. It's like genocide by committee. Who's running this holocaust in Darfur, FEMA?

Bill O’Reilly’s head practically explodes as he screams at Geraldo… - We've seen Bill lose it before, but I think this one is the wildest segments I've ever seen. I really thought Bill was going to haul off an upper cut to Geraldo's jaw. Geraldo yelled at O'Reilly that the way he used this case was " A SIN!"


Popular health-insurance plans punish women - Females charged more for having reproductive organs, Harvard study finds

NY Bills Threaten Consumer Supplement Access - In the March issue of Nutrition Industry Executive magazine James Gormley reports that there are four new bills in New York State that have been introduced by NY State Assemblyman Felix Ortiz (D-51st District) - six if you count two companion bills in the NY Senate. These bills take aim at consumers by targeting all supplement companies that sell into New Yor


Alternative Easter Egg Hunt Near White House to Use Fake Cluster Bombs Made By Kids - Organizers also want to bring attention that cluster bombs cause death and destruction, Hennessey said.

U.S. denies Iranian claim of CIA torture - An Iranian diplomat freed two months after being abducted in Iraq accused the CIA of torturing him during his detention, state television reported Saturday.


Interview with LBJ's mistress on JFK assassination - Alex Jones - This is Robert Gaylon Ross interview with Lyndon Johnson’s mistress, Madeleine Duncan Brown. She claims that LBJ told her that he had John F. Kennedy killed.

World Bank's Wolfowitz asked to explain promotion - The World Bank's employee organization has questioned the promotion and pay rise of a female staffer it says is involved with bank President Paul Wolfowitz.

Pope says rich nations "plundered" Third World - Rich countries bent on power and profit have mercilessly "plundered and sacked" Africa and other poor regions and exported to them the "cynicism of a world without God," Pope Benedict writes in his first book.

The Project for the New American Century - Introduction clip from: Hijacking Catastrophe
TVNL Comment: Get the DVD

PNAC - Project For The New American Century", Neo-Cons and the military-industrial complex described, dissected, and summarized in breif.

Hunt's Deathbed Confession Reveals JFK Killers - According to Hunt's confession, which was taken by his son, St. John ("Saint") Hunt, over the course of many personal and carefully planned father-son meetings, the following individuals were among the key participants:

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