Date: April 10th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Trusted Journalism – Example of Why Americans are Clueless

This comparison was sent to me by my mother. She received it via e-mail from someone else.

  • From the UK: The Guardian: Hundreds of thousands of supporters of the radical Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr took to the streets of two Shia holy cities in Iraq today and protested against "US occupiers".

  • Associated Press: Tens of thousands draped themselves in Iraqi flags and marched peacefully through the streets of two Shiite holy cities Monday to mark the fourth anniversary of Baghdad's fall.

  • The New York Times: Large crowds marched in the city of Najaf today, the fourth anniversary of the fall of Baghdad, to protest the American occupation of Iraq.

  • CNN (the only media organization that seems to have relied on official U.S. military estimates): Thousands of anti-U.S. protesters marched in the Shiite holy city of Najaf on Monday to mark the fourth anniversary of the fall of Baghdad.

  • The U.S. Army estimated the crowd size at closer to 5,000 to 7,000 participants based on aerial photographs, said military spokesman Col. Steve Boylan.

It is starting to look like there is no accurate information ever released through the media by our government. Not about war. Not about our economy. Not about our planet.

You know the most published photograph in the world is a photo of the Earth, supposedly taken from Apollo 11 as it was supposedly carrying human beings through the deadly Van Allen radiation belts. Based on seeing that photo from that source and after studying “reality” and the media for these past years it would not surprise me one bit if we some day found out that the world was actually flat. Think about it! - Jesse –Editor,

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Three U.S. soldiers killed in Baghdad - military
- A U.S. military spokesman also denied witness reports that a helicopter had gone down in central Baghdad on Tuesday. Major Steven Lamb said a rocket pod on a helicopter caught fire and was jettisoned.

Shiites call for U.S. to leave Iraq - Tens of thousands of Shiites — a sea of women in black abayas and men waving Iraqi flags — rallied Monday to demand that U.S. forces leave their country. Some ripped apart American flags and tromped across a Stars and Stripes rug.


TVNL REPLAY: Cheney Pushed for More Trade With Iran
- Vice President Dick Cheney (search), who has called Iran "the world's leading exporter of terror," pushed to lift U.S. trade sanctions against Tehran while chairman of Halliburton (search) Co. in the 1990s. And his company's offshore subsidiaries also expanded business in Iran.

Six U.S. Attorneys Given 2nd Posting in Washington - A half-dozen sitting U.S. attorneys also serve as aides to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales or are assigned other Washington postings, performing tasks that take them away from regular duties in their districts for months or even years at a time, according to officials and department records.

All Roads Lead to Dick Cheney - But even well-informed people probably don't know that -- in the 70's -- Cheney was instrumental in generating fake intelligence exaggerating the Soviet threat in order to undermine coexistence between the U.S. and Soviet Union, which conveniently justified huge amounts of cold war spending.

Maine Groups Call For President's Impeachment - "The Bush-Cheney administration mislead this nation into the Iraq war and commenced the war in clear violation of law. They deceived Congress and the public about the so-called imminent threat posed by the nation of Iraq," said John Kaminski from Maine Lawyers for Democracy.


The Federal Reserve Monopoly Over Money
- The greatest threat facing America today is the disastrous fiscal policies of our own government, marked by shameless deficit spending and Federal Reserve currency devaluation. It is this one-two punch – Congress spending more than it can tax or borrow, and the Fed printing money to make up the difference – that threatens to impoverish us by further destroying the value of our dollars.

9/11 News :

- The “stuff ” that was causing Foxman so much indigestion that day was a damning, four-part investigative series Fox News had been airing after Sept. 11 dealing with the arrests of several hundred Israeli nationals as well as some of the incriminating circumstances surrounding their activities in the United States.




Professor who criticized Bush told added to terrorist 'no-fly' list - When inquiring with a clerk why he was on the list, Murphy was asked if he had participated in any peace marches. "We ban a lot of people from flying because of that," a clerk said.
TVNL Comment: This is alarming. This nation resembles Nazi Germany more than it resembles any western nation and we better wake up and stop it!

States abstain from federal sex-ed funds - In an emerging revolt against abstinence-only sex education, states are turning down millions of dollars in federal grants, unwilling to accept White House dictates that the money be used for classes focused almost exclusively on teaching chastity.


Nearly 250 Dead Seals Wash Up on Shores of Caspian Sea; Cause of Death Unknown - Authorities were conducting tests to determined what killed the 247 seals found by oil workers inspecting the shore in western Mangistau region, the Emergencies Agency said.


Secret paper reveals Labour's lies over ID cards - Whitehall papers, which the Government has fought for two years to suppress, disclose that Labour intended to force the public to sign up to the programme.

A US-Made Mess in Somalia - The media should be focusing on one of the major causes of the Somali mess: U.S. government meddling.

Halliburton winds up Iran work - Halliburton announced in January of 2005 that it was shutting-down its Iran operations, but would honor existing "contractual commitments" until they were fulfilled.
TVNL Comment: When did the contracts start? Under Cheney?

Footage refutes Brit sailors' claims - Iran believes the footage is a clear indicator that the detained British naval officers enjoyed complete liberty during their detention, which contradicts claims of mistreatment made by some of the officers after arriving in Britain.


Ohio gov. fears for Guard member safety - Ohio's governor said Tuesday he is worried that National Guard troops who have been told to prepare for a possible deployment to Iraq won't have proper training and equipment.


Have Christians Become Dupes? - It is time that Christian people begin seeing their politicians, not as saints who can be blindly trusted, but as sinners whose works must be constantly analyzed and scrutinized in the light of the U.S. Constitution.


Trusted Journalism – Example of Why Americans are Clueless - It is starting to look like there is no accurate information ever released through the media by our government. Not about war. Not about our economy. Not about our planet.

Amb. Holbrooke Slams David Gregory for Reciting Baseless GOP Talking Points - On "Hardball" today former ambassador Richard Holbrooke slammed guest-host David Gregory for peddling unfounded GOP talking points about Speaker Pelosi's trip to Syria. Whether it was Pelosi's "shadow presidency" (coined by WaPo neocon Fred Hiatt), or her "miscommunicated Israeli message," Mr. Holbrooke exposed the lies and took a swing at the gullible journalists who have been promoting them.






If Americans Knew . . . - These are highly respected and knowledgeable Americans that are speaking out in this video and around the world.

Government Report: Bio-Weapons Could Be Used To Combat Overpopulation - A British government Ministry of Defence report outlines a nightmare future society in which the population are forced to accept brain chips, immigration and urbanization ravages communities, class warfare ensues, and biological and neutron weapons are used to combat overpopulation.

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