Date: April 16th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The US Government Has Already Been Overthrown!

An Open Letter to American Law Enforcement: True Patriots Are Working to Restore, Not Overthrow It

I am directing this observation primarily to the well-intentioned citizens who have chosen to dedicate themselves to law enforcement. I believe that most Americans who work to enforce the laws of the land and protect their fellow Americans from criminals and others who may harm us are sincere and concerned citizens of this country.

But something in the nation has changed, and sincerity and good intentions are no longer good enough. People with the power to enforce the law must fully understand how the law itself can be manipulated. Police, FBI, DHS officers and other law enforcement agents must become very vigilant about blindly accepting the laws that they are now and possibly will be asked to enforce.

In this “post 9/11” America, patriotic peace groups, patriotic journalists, patriotic activists and patriotic truth seekers have become targets law enforcement . As has happened too often in the past, we are once again perceived as potential and even real threats to the safety of the government of the United States. Those of us who cherish democracy and organize on its behalf have been marked as enemies of the republic. I think it is high time that the truth be told about what is really going on.


Hear me out.

NOTE CAREFULLY: I am fully aware that it is against the law to foment revolt against the government of the Unites States. It is true that any discussions, plans, plots or activities related to the violent overthrow of the US government are illegal. I agree 100% with these laws and I am of the opinion those people who take part in activities that undermine the principles of our democratic republic of self rule should indeed be stopped and investigated by all appropriate law enforcement agencies.

That said, I think the point that so many seem to be missing is this: exactly who are the people with both the intent and opportunity to overthrow the American government? Hasn’t the American government already been overthrown? It seems to me that a calculated and stealthy revolution has been taking place right before our very eyes. Unfortunately for those remain unaware, this subtle overthrow, or coup if you will, was implemented slowly and carefully over a fairly long period of time.

There have been several stages to this overthrow, and in hindsight, each has been rather obvious. From the creation of the Federal Reserve System to the assassination of JFK and the stolen elections of the Bush administration, powerful groups and organizations have successfully hijacked our democracy and seized control of virtually every aspect of our lives. They control our food chain, our air and water, our finances, our ability to live out our lives as we choose, even if we pose no threat to others. These power brokers have succeeded without the slightest exposure, oversight or challenge because they also control the sources of information upon which Americans have traditionally relied.

When it comes to expressing the real extent of the problems facing us, there is a great deal of fear among my community, the patriotic truth community. That seems to be particularly true when it comes to exposing the dictatorship that is taking form in this nation. Many people are afraid to discuss solutions to the new empire because, in a sense, the only real solution against a Fascist takeover is some sort of revolution. In order to fight dictatorship, people have to rise up in some way against the small but powerful ruling establishment. That would have to begin with a revolt against the American corporate media and end with a defeat of the international bankers who have taken ownership of our existence.


People are frightened of any talk about real change because such a discussion carries overtones of some illegal action. Not so. There must be discussions related to the overthrow of our current leadership that are not treasonous by any means Our efforts to fight must be peaceful, but they must be fully focused on restoring our government, not violently overthrowing it.

THAT IS WHERE LAW ENFORCEMENT COMES IN. Somehow, somewhere, we have to reach those who are acting in good faith, but in misguided loyalty, to use fear and intimidation to silence protest and activism in this country. We have to reach out to them, to bring them into the discussion, and to see to it that they understand their obligation to protect, not hinder, our Constitutional rights.

The peace and truth community must adopt the mantra of “restoring our government using any peaceful means necessary.” We cannot live in fear of our own protectors in our pursuit of freedom and the restoration of democracy. American citizens who work as law enforcers for the current regime must understand that we are on their side, and more importantly they have taken an oath to be on ours.

To the law enforcement community I say this: I pose no threat to you. I have no plans to organize or encourage a violent revolution. I merely intend to point out to you and to the American people that the revolution has already taken place and the bad guys are now in charge!

Think about this when you are asked to infiltrate us, or spy on us, or place us on your watch lists. Think about this when you are asked to arrest us or manhandle us or view us as the enemy of the United States. Think of this when you examine the rights we have already lost in the growing dictatorship and the powers that this government wants to expand and control. Think of this when you are forced to take actions against your own conscience.

As loyal and patriotic Americans, we all need to correct this. We need to take back our country. The American government has to be restored to its rightful place. I ask everyone in law enforcement to consider this as they perform the duties created to protect their countrymen and women. They represent the very best values in this country, a nation under LAWS, not men. I ask all law enforcement officials to fulfill their duty with pride and purpose: protect us from those who are intent on doing us harm and those who are intent on truly overthrowing the American government.

For the sake of this nation its survival, please protect Americans against those pose a threat to our democracy and not against those who are working so hard to restore it. Think about it. - Jesse –Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!


Al-Sadr orders his 6 Cabinet ministers to withdraw from government
- Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has ordered his Cabinet ministers to withdraw from the government to protest arrests of Mahdi Army leaders in the ongoing Baghdad security crackdown and the prime minister's failure to back calls for a timetable for U.S. troops to leave the country, two officials in the organization said Sunday.
TVNL Comment: How journalistic is it to continue to refer to this man as if "Radical" was his first name. Is George W. Bush not radical? Why not refer to him as Radical President of the United States?

3 US soldiers, 1 Marine die - Two U.S. soldiers and a Marine were killed in separate incidents in Iraq, and another soldier died while on leave, the U.S. military said Sunday.

Carnage and rioting hit Karbala - Two months into the U.S.-led Baghdad Security Plan, at least 289 people were killed and injured across Iraq on Saturday, including 36 dead in a car bomb attack in the holy Shiite city of Karbala.

40 Afghan civilians killed or wounded by US marines - The US military has determined that more than 40 Afghan civilians were killed or wounded by US marines after a suicide bombing in a village near Jalalabad last month, The Washington Post reported Sunday.

Two U.S. helicopters crash in Iraq, 2 soldiers killed - In a statement, the U.S. military said it appeared the incident was caused by a mid-air collision and not an insurgent attack.


Justice Department's Independence 'Shattered,' Says Former DOJ Attorney
- Since the day he arrived at the Department of Justice in February 2005, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has "shattered" the department's tradition of independence and politicized its operation more than any other attorney general in more than 30 years.


Negotiators Say Sallie Mae to Be Sold for $25 Billion
- The deal would move the nation’s largest education lender, officially known as the SLM Corporation, into private control amid increasing turmoil for the company.

The Real Scandal of Student Loans - Why does the federal government continue to provide colleges and universities the option of going with the more expensive program when the government can offer direct loans more cheaply? Why is it that some fifteen years after the direct student loan program was first established, more than three-quarters of student loans still come through the more expensive system?

9/11 News :

- Filmmaker Michael Moore's production company took ailing Ground Zero responders to Cuba in a stunt aimed at showing that the U.S. health-care system is inferior to Fidel Castro's socialized medicine, according to several sources with knowledge of the trip.


Debunking Bush’s Whoppers On Pork - President Bush has tried to justify his planned veto of Congress’ Iraq withdrawal legislation by complaining about the non-Iraq related funds included in the bill.


Kennedy Wants Lenders Blocked From Data - The problem has so alarmed officials at the U.S. Department of Education that they are considering a temporary shutdown of the system, which contains 60 million student records.

Oversight Report Says U.S. Food Aid Practices Are Wasteful - The United States government’s food aid programs are riddled with wasteful practices, including the “inherently inefficient” sale of American-grown food in poor countries to finance antipoverty programs run by aid groups, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office released yesterday.

75,000 Voter Registration Cards Found in Trash Bin in Atlanta - The cards contained a voter's full name, address and Social Security number. The office says a random sampling showed many of the cards were for active voters.

Homeland Security Developing ‘Hostile Intent’ Technology - The novel program, named “Hostile Intent,” is geared towards detecting and gauging physiological and behavioral indications of deception and bad intentions. These include signs of nervousness, such as body head, perspiration and certain facial movements.


Records: U.S. agency did look at threats to polars bears - Contrary to Interior Department claims, officials completed a review of studies examining how human activities were affecting Arctic warming and endangering polar bears' survival less than a week before proposing to list the bears as threatened with extinction, according to department documents.
TVNL Comment: More lies exposed.

Are mobile phones wiping out our bees? - They are putting forward the theory that radiation given off by mobile phones and other hi-tech gadgets is a possible answer to one of the more bizarre mysteries ever to happen in the natural world - the abrupt disappearance of the bees that pollinate crops.

Military Sharpens Focus on Climate Change - And tomorrow, a group of 11 retired senior generals will release a report saying that global warming "presents significant national security challenges to the United States," which it must address or face serious consequences.


Japan Lower House Passes Constitutional Revision Rules Bill
- The legislation is the first step in realizing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's goal of revising the constitution to allow Japan to assert itself militarily for the first time since the end of World War II.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy. One more nation that will pose the possibility of war! Everyone wants in thanks to PNAC & Bush.

Chavez challenges U.S. with energy summit - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez will seek to use oil wealth to consolidate regional support for his anti-U.S. politics as he hosts an energy summit of South American leaders on Monday.

Venezuela pays off multilateral loans, says goodbye to IMF - Venezuela has paid off all its debts to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank and told them goodbye after fiercely criticizing the institutions for policies it claims have perpetuated poverty.
TVNL Comment: Now they are a REAL target!

Bush wades in to save beleaguered Wolfowitz - White House officials intervened after a leaked report revealed that European governments had decided to cut off contributions to the bank's loan funds unless Mr Wolfowitz quits.

Chavez threatens to cut Venezuelan oil supply to US - "If there is a new aggression against our government, there will not be one more drop of oil for the United States," Chavez Friday told a press conference. "We are prepared for it."

Russian police beat, detain protesters - Riot police beat and detained protesters as thousands defied an official ban and attempted to stage a rally Saturday against President Vladimir Putin's government, which opponents accuse of rolling back freedoms Russians have enjoyed since the end of Soviet communism.


Dramatic increase in Army desertions - But in light of evidence that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction and there were no credible ties between Iraq and al Qaeda, McDowell changed his mind and became "disillusioned," reports CNN.

Bush: Unaware of DOD plans to extend tour - White House officials on Thursday admitted that President Bush was unaware of defense plans to immediately extend Army combat tours when he criticized Democrats’ budget plans as potentially forcing troops to spend more time in Iraq.


The US Government Has Already Been Overthrown! - An Open Letter to American Law Enforcement: True Patriots Are Working to Restore, Not Overthrow It

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised - It is everywhere in the air, the smell of revolution—a world revolution. It has been brewing for a few hundred years, but is now beginning to stink, rank and rotten as those who are at the core of the decay of this nation and many nations around the world.


Moyers Documentary Blasts Bush Lies, Media Complicity - Bill Moyers has put together an amazing 90-minute video documenting the lies that the Bush administration told to sell the Iraq war to the American public, with a special focus on how the media led the charge.

Best-Informed Also View Fake News, Study Says - But here’s one big difference: the survey respondents who seemed to know the most about what’s going on — who were able to identify major public figures, for example — were likely to be viewers of fake news programs like Jon Stewart’s “The Daily Show” and “The Colbert Report”; those who knew the least watched network morning news programs, Fox News or local television news.
TVNL Comment: It's not fake news; it's real news presented in a comedic way.

The Zell[ing] Out of the Baltimore Sun - Sam Zell, a multibillionaire and “committed Zionist,” will soon gain control of the LA Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Baltimore Sun, and 23 TV stations. Zell, an AIPAC supporter, has promised he won’t interfere with the news sections of any of the media outlets.

There are racists all over the media - Neal Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, and Michael Savage prove that racism, sexism and bigotry exist in our media on a daily basis. Why isn't there the outrage over their comments? Why aren't they fired? Why Imus?

Catherine Crier Calls Out Right-Wing Bigots - During last night's "Crier Wire," she quickly ran through a small handful of the hateful things uttered by the likes of FOX News, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, and makes the obvious point that they should also be held accountable.

Carlson to host CBS gameshow pilot - Conservative pundit-turned-MSNBC anchor Tucker Carlson is launching yet another new career: gameshow host.

NY Times op-ed: 'Why the Imus-Coulter disparity?' - "Do African-Americans get more protection than Muslim Americans?"

Media's Attention Deficit Syndrome - As has been pointed out often, the American media is the worst functioning news and information entity in the world, and avoids journalistic responsibility substituting itself as the communication vehicle for government propaganda and the enforcement of our society's destructive guilt trip and self-hatred known as political correctness. It would be simply marvelous if the majority of American people would understand this, but alas, they do not.

The Early April Quest for the Pulitzer Prize in Terrible Journalism - It is shame that the big story was on my blog and that the fluff piece was done by the New York Times. If it had been the other way around it might have actually changed people’s lives.




Amnesty International Charges That Vast Humanitarian Crisis is Looming With More Than Three Million Iraqis Displaced - Amnesty International today warned that the Middle East is on the verge of a massive humanitarian crisis unless the European Union, United States and other countries take urgent and concrete measures to assist the more than three million people forcibly displaced by the conflict in Iraq.

Marine Shooting in Afghanistan Decried - "In failing to distinguish between civilians and legitimate military targets the U.S. Marines Corps Special Forces employed indiscriminate force," the report said. "Their actions thus constitute a serious violation of international humanitarian law standards."


The New World Order Is Our Own Government - Government in the USA is the definition of Organized Crime.(RICO = extortion of revenue from the public for criminal enterprise) Need I say more..

Amazing UFO Video Shot By Italian Air Force - This amazing UFO video footage was released by a source within the Italian Air Force. Probably not alien origin but this may show what technology the secret governments already have.

Americans, the stringpullers don't want you to see this documentary! -The first episode of a Dutch documentary series about the Israel lobby (particularly AIPAC) in the USA and the situation in the Middle ... all » East.

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