Date: April 20th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Mood Music? Is That Journalism or Manipulation?

The recent obsessive coverage of the Virginia Tech shooting by the establishment media serves up many examples of what is not journalism. Although I can point out about 50 problems with the coverage of this event the one aspect that stands out as an obvious and egregious violation of journalistic ethics is the establishment media's use of mood music for this coverage. While music is constantly used to instill fear or tension into the so called news coverage on our TV sets, the sad heart wrenching intro and background music that is being played during the coverage is a clear and obvious example of how the criminals who claim to be journalists are in fact shaping your opinion and manipulating your emotion; and they are using every tool and method available to do this including music.

A journalist is supposed to have the same effect on you as a paper delivery person has. They are supposed to deliver news to you and you and that is it. You are not supposed to find out how they feel about the news and they sure as hell are not supposed to try to tell you how they feel about the news. Their job, as defined by their claimed profession, is to report recent events without bias or opinion. That's it. They have to simply read reports to you about what is taking place. They can show you pictures and films but they are not supposed to manipulate the information, craft a fancy package to deliver it or create an atmosphere that is intended to influence how you feel about what you are hearing.

So let me ask all of the senior anchors on the so called news networks and news programs; which journalism class taught you about how to select the appropriate music for a report? Or did you learn that in your propaganda class? Think about it. - Jesse –Editor,

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Iraqis turn to tattoos as indelible IDs
- With violent deaths all around them, some Shiites opt for distinctive marks so loved ones could identify them.
TVNL Comment: How sad is that?

In Baghdad, U.S. troops build wall to curb violence - But residents aren't happy with the barrier cutting of a Sunni district from surrounding Shiite areas.

CBS News: Violence suggests Iraq 'surge' is failing - A CBS News report suggests that President Bush's 'surge' strategy in Iraq is now failing due to a resurgence in bombings and sectarian killings in the capital city of Baghdad.

Iraq reeling after day of bloodshed - Iraq is still reeling from its bloodiest day since the US-led security crackdown began two months ago.

Suspected Qaeda bombs kill nearly 200 in Baghdad - Suspected al Qaeda militants killed nearly 200 people in a wave of car bombings in Baghdad on Wednesday, including one that was the single deadliest attack in the Iraqi capital since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.
TVNL Comment: Sure, Al Qaeda bombs. That's the ticket.

More than 80 dead in Iraq blast - The blast was one of a series of bomb attacks which struck mainly Shia areas of the city, leaving at least 120 dead.


AIPAC and Espionage: Guilty as Hell
- Pentagon analyst plea bargains, threatens to expose Israel's Washington cabal

Jon Stewart Calls Out Bush’s Rhetorical Bull$*#t - Last night Jon Stewart ripped into Bush good for this blatant act of manipulation and deceit.

Criticizing Cheney to His Face Is Assault? - So I approached him, I got about two feet away, and I said in a very calm tone of voice, ‘Your policies in Iraq are reprehensible.’ And then I walked away.” - “About ten minutes later, I came back through the mall with my eight-year-old son in tow,” Howards recalls, “and this Secret Service man came out of the shadows, and his exact words were, ‘Did you assault the Vice President?’ ” - “He grabbed me and cuffed my hands behind my back in the presence of my eight-year-old son and told me I was being charged with assault of the Vice President,”Howards recalls.

Daily Show: Where is Paul Wolfowitz Now? - Embroiled in a scandal, that's where.

White House Raises Potential Executive-Privilege Claim On RNC E-mails - A White House official today again raised the possibility of an executive-privilege claim on e-mails and other documents from private e-mail accounts used by senior White House officials but controlled by the Republican National Committee.


Lenovo Cutting 1,400 Jobs to Improve Profits
- Lenovo announced on Thursday that it will be reducing its global workforce by five percent, cutting or repositioning approximately 1,400 jobs in the U.S. and Asia as part of a continuing effort to increase the company's profitability.
TVNL Comment: "Improving profits" is code speak for greed. It means the people at the top and the investors will get more money at the expense of the workers.

Lenders withdraw fixed rate mortgages - Borrowers seeking protection against a potential interest rate rise next month are seeing the choice of fixed-rate mortgages dwindle as lenders pull some of the best-buy deals.

Hershey shareholders protest cuts - But Richard H. Lenny, the first Hershey Co. chief executive hired from outside the century-old company, did not apologize or back down, and even received applause after he maintained that his chief responsibility is to keep the company competitive.

U.S. foreclosure filings rise 47 percent in March - Banks began foreclosure proceedings against 47 percent more U.S. homeowners last month compared with a year ago as falling housing prices made it more difficult for borrowers to refinance mortgages.
TVNL Comment: Bush's ownership society is forming. It's just not you who will be doing the owning!

9/11 News :

Colbert Explains: The War on Terror
- The British government announced Monday that it will no longer be using the term "War on Terror" because it gives disparate militant groups a shared identity (ya know, something that may "embolden" them). Similarly, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton announced two weeks ago that the phrase will be stricken from committee budget documents. On "The Report" last night, Stephen explained that the "War on Terror" is more than just a phrase…


This Is Your Senate On Drug$ - The pharmaceutical lobby joined forces today with the Senate's conservative minority and killed legislation empowering Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices, which would have saved us $30 billion a year.

US lawmakers rail against KBR, former Halliburton unit, for alleged abuses on $20B contract - Lawmakers and the U.S. inspector general have accused KBR, formerly a division of Halliburton Co., which was once headed by U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, of abusing federal rules in record-keeping on the current contract. Nearly $2 billion (€1.47 billion) in overpricing on the contract has been identified by Pentagon auditors and government investigators, lawmakers said.

RNC To Waxman: We’ll Only Show You The Emails We Want You To See - In a new letter to the Republican National Committee, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Henry Waxman writes that the RNC has provided only minimal information regarding White House officials’ use of RNC e-mail accounts. The purpose of Waxman’s inquiry was in part to determine the extent that White House staff used “non-governmental e-mail accounts to conduct official government business.”

FBI searched Calif. congressman's home - FBI agents have searched the home of Republican Rep. John Doolittle (news, bio, voting record), who is under scrutiny over his ties to convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Doolittle's attorney said Wednesday.

Senate Bars Medicare Talks for Lower Drug Prices - A pillar of the Democrats’ program tumbled on Wednesday when the Senate blocked a proposal to let Medicare negotiate lower drug prices for millions of older Americans, a practice now forbidden by law.


U.S. fires firm over apparent conflict - Federal officials have fired a consulting company that was responsible for reviewing the dangers of chemicals for a government health institute while also working for chemical companies.

Administration tried to curb election turnout in key states - For six years, the Bush administration, aided by Justice Department political appointees, has pursued an aggressive legal effort to restrict voter turnout in key battleground states in ways that favor Republican political candidates, according to former department lawyers and a review of written records.

Rupert Cornwell: A brutal truth: Massacre is just part of everyday life in America - On Tuesday, in what passes for a relatively quiet news day in Iraq, wire services reported the deaths of 56 people in violence across the country: some of them gunned down, some killed by a suicide bomber, some discovered as decomposed or decapitated corpses. But we heard not a word of that, nor of the trial in absentia in Italy of a US soldier accused of shooting dead an Italian intelligence agent, nor of the report that North Korea may be about to shut down a key nuclear reactor (which would be very big news indeed if true.) And somebody shot dead the Mayor of Nagasaki. But who cares? Instead, nothing but Virginia Tech.

Justices uphold ban on abortion procedure - The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a law that banned a type of late-term abortion, a ruling that could portend enormous social, legal and political implications for the divisive issue.




Former Mossad chief: Kill Ahmadinejad
- Western countries must unite in an effort to assassinate Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, former head of the Mossad Meir Amit said on Wednesday night.

Warplanes disguised as UN planes: Report - SUDAN'S government is using airplanes disguised as United Nations craft to carry out bombings in the conflict in Darfur, a newspaper citing a United Nations report said today.




Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose - Yet what too few still fail to realize is that Freedom, was never meant to apply to everyone in this nation"far from it.


CNN's Schneider, Politico, and Time's Tumulty misled on gun-control politics - Anticipating a public debate over gun control in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings, CNN's Bill Schneider, The Politico, and Time's Karen Tumulty all presented misleading reports about the political and public-opinion implications of gun control.

Former F.C.C. Chief to Join Providence Equity - Mr. Powell, who stepped down as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission in January, is joining Providence Equity Partners, a private equity firm that has in recent years built a $9 billion empire of holdings in media and telecommunications companies.
TVNL Comment: His reward for fixing things for the corporations.

Alberto Gonzales to Be 'USA Today' Guest at WHCA Dinner - That approach makes for some interesting mixing of newsmakers and those who cover them.

Mood Music? Is That Journalism or Manipulation? - While music is constantly used to instill fear or tension into the so called news coverage on our TV sets, the sad heart wrenching intro and background music that is being played during the coverage is a clear and obvious example of how the criminals who claim to be journalists are in fact shaping your opinion and manipulating your emotion; and they are using every tool and method available to do this including music.

CNN -- The Most Twisted Name in News - ALL media, print and electronic, are obscenely obsessed with the shooting at Virginia Tech — none more so than CNN, the most “twisted” name in news. CNN anchors are on the scene in full investigation mode, mercilessly interrogating university officials, police officials and friends of those murdered — “how did it feel?…how will this affect your life?…should someone have seen Cho Seung-Hui’s “break” coming?…Who’s responsible?…tell us — tell us how you feel…What is it like — to see your friends in the hospital?…What are you going to do next? How are you going to move on?

Al-Jazeera Memo Trial Starts in London - A British government official and a former political researcher went on trial Wednesday for allegedly leaking a classified memo in which President Bush reportedly referred to bombing the Arab television station Al-Jazeera.

"America at a Crossroads" veers to the right - Intellectually, historically and journalistically, this is inexcusable. It's outrageous to devote this much time and money to a subject and never deal directly with one of the central issues. It's as if someone made a 12-hour series about the Civil War and decided to omit slavery.


Cannabis compound slows lung cancer in mice - The active compound in marijuana, THC, can slow the growth of lung tumours and reduce the spread of the cancer in mice, a preliminary study reveals.

Ovarian cancer linked to Hormone Replacement Therapy - More than 1,000 women may have died from ovarian cancer in the last 15 years due to taking Hormone Replacement Therapy, British researchers have claimed.


Iraq: New report condemns soaring execution rate - Amnesty International has condemned the soaring execution rate in Iraq as it published a new report today (20 April) showing that the country is now the world's fourth highest user of the death penalty.

Amnesty exec: U.S. is abuser of rights - What makes this attack so serious and damaging, said Larry Cox, is that it is not just coming from governments that have always demonstrated contempt for human rights. It is coming from a country that has long been held up as the champion of human rights.


EULOGY FOR THE NATION - A Graveside Address by the Secretary-at-Large

JFK Vs The Federal Reserve - "United States Notes" were issued as an interest-free and debt-free currency backed by silver reserves in the U.S. Treasury. We compared a "Federal Reserve Note" issued from the private central bank of the United States (the Federal Reserve Bank a/k/a Federal Reserve System), with a "United States Note" from the U.S. Treasury issued by President Kennedy's Executive Order. They almost look alike, except one says "Federal Reserve Note" on the top while the other says "United States Note". Also, the Federal Reserve Note has a green seal and serial number while the United States Note has a red seal and serial number.

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