Date: April 24th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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NOTE: Please excuse the gap between newsletters. I am a bit overwhelmed with redesigning the main web site and addressing the non stop barrage of calls and e-mail related to my recent articles on 9/11. Updates to the news page have continued uninterrupted however.

TVNL Editor's Comments: Overstating the Obvious

I have pointed this out many times but it is worth repeating, especially since our mailing list has many new member. When you are watching or reading news ask yourself why you need to know what you are being told. Even when the clowns in the establishment media report news that is of some concern to the public they distract you by reporting aspects of the story that can in no way be confused with information that the public needs to know.

For example when there is a tragedy that affects society like the Virgina Tech shootings, or when there is a news story that involves someone that is of some interest to the public like the Blue Angel pilot that died this week, there is no need to report the personal details of those involved or of the friends and family of those involved.

Another question you may ask yourself as the establishment media forces information down your throat is “does the subject of the report have any impact on the electorate, the world or you personally.” If you ask yourself this every time you are being informed about the relatives of some crime victim and about exactly “how they felt” (the most non-newsworthy aspect of any news report, no matter how legitimate the actual story is), you may just realize that you are being made to feel that people who have absolutely no impact on your life, the country or the world outside of their personal community, are and should be of vital interest to the nation. This, my friends, is called one of two things: intentional distraction or pathetically incompetent journalism. Either way the bottom line is that it is not news!

May I point out that the mandate of the press is to provide information to the public for the purpose of maintaining an informed electorate. That is why the press is the only job that is protected by the Constitution. The press does not exist to report sports scores, movie reviews or box office returns (which is reported every Monday by every news program for some reason), celebrity gossip or who is ringing the opening bell at the NYSE. The press is there to keep an eye on our government and report everything they can discover to the electorate. So with all due respect to the family of the recently lost Blue Angel pilot, his personal background does not belong on a national news report. Dick Cheney's personal background and the personal background of all the Bush officials including their ties to PNAC, lobbies and defense contractors on the other hand, should have been reported. I guess the press felt that personal information is not newsworthy! Think about it. - Jesse –Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!


Iraq withdrawal would humiliate US, says PM
- PRIME Minister John Howard said today one reason he won't withdraw Australian troops from Iraq was because it would humiliate the United States.
TVNL Comment: So instead he will sacrifice the lives of his troops to save Bush's image.

Suicide blast kills 9 U.S. soldiers - Nine U.S. soldiers were killed and 20 were wounded Monday in a suicide car bombing against a patrol base northeast of Baghdad, the military said.

Afghan intelligence officer beheaded - Assailants abducted and beheaded an Afghan intelligence service employee and struck one of the agency's vehicles with a remote-controlled bomb in a separate attack, killing six employees and wounding three, officials said Monday.

US to re-assess Baghdad wall after PM orders halt - The US military said Monday it will re-assess measures to secure Baghdad after Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki ordered it to stop building a concrete wall around a dangerous Sunni enclave.

US to help Iraq recruit 40,000 troops - Iraq and the United States are to spend 14 billion dollars and recruit 40,000 new soldiers into the Iraqi armed forces in the next 18 months, a US military commander said Sunday.
TVNL Comment: That is $14 billion of money that belongs to you and will not be spent on you!

Iraqi PM Orders Halt to Baghdad Barrier - Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said Sunday that he has ordered a halt to the construction of a barrier that would separate a Sunni enclave from surrounding Shiite areas in Baghdad, saying there are other ways to protect the neighborhood.

General Petraeus: Iraqis will have to 'learn to live' with 'sensational attacks' - "I don't think you're ever going to get rid of all the car bombs," conceded Petraeus to the Post. "Iraq is going to have to learn -- as did, say, Northern Ireland -- to live with some degree of sensational attacks."
TVNL Comment: This is the fault of the Bush administration and they should face charges for creating this catastrohpe!

5 U.S. soldiers killed, 11 wounded in separate attacks on Saturday - Five U.S. soldiers were killed Saturday in and around Baghdad in separate attacks, according to the U.S. military.
TVNL Comment: Just as Bush expected.

Training Iraqi troops no longer driving force in U.S. policy - Military planners have abandoned the idea that standing up Iraqi troops will enable American soldiers to start coming home soon and now believe that U.S. troops will have to defeat the insurgents and secure control of troubled provinces.

Iraq Gunmen Kill 23 Yazidis - Gunmen in northern Iraq stopped a bus filled with Christians and members of a tiny Kurdish religious sect, separating out the groups and taking 23 of the passengers away to be shot.

Bush says Iraq operations 'meeting expectations' - But Bush also said, "We have seen some of the highest casualty levels of the war."
TVNL Comment: So is Bush insane or calculated evil?

Twin suicide bombs kill 13 in Baghdad - Two suicide car bombers attacked a police station Sunday in western Baghdad, police said, killing at least 13 people and turning nearby buildings into piles of rubble.

Violence surges across Iraq, coalition forces under attack ( - Roundup

Rove: ‘I Wish The Iraq War Never Existed,’ It Was ‘Osama Bin Laden’s Idea’ - Former White House counterterrorism director Richard Clarke later wrote that the Iraq “crisis was manufactured, and Bush political adviser Karl Rove was telling Republicans to ‘run on the war.’”


Leaked record of Iraq meeting brands George Bush as 'madman'
- A leaked secret record of a highly sensitive meeting on Iraq between Tony Blair and George Bush showed the US president as a 'madman', a court heard yesterday.

The GOP's cyber election hit squad - Did the most powerful Republicans in America have the computer capacity, software skills and electronic infrastructure in place on Election Night 2004 to tamper with the Ohio results to ensure George W. Bush's re-election? - The answer appears to be yes.

THE UNDERLYING CRIME: White House Interference into a U.S. Attorney's Criminal Investigation in Missouri -High-Level White House, DoJ, Rove Operatives Went to Work While now-Fired Prosecutor Bud Cummins' Was Building a Case Against Missouri Governor Matt Blunt and the WH Connected MO Law Firm Lathrope & Gage...

Bush administration awash in scandals - "From the very beginning, this administration emphasized loyalty over competence. And at some point, that catches up with you," said Paul Light, a professor of public policy at New York University. He said the increase in scandals and investigations also reflects the "natural decay" that happens late in a second presidential term as many experienced people have already left and those remaining start focusing on their financial futures.
TVNL Comment: Bush's taking office was a scandal in itself!

Focus of inquiry may shift to White House - "The arrow points more and more to the White House," said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. "The one thing I can assure you of: This is not over, far from it."

Rove's Fingerprints and the Gonzales Fiasco - Rove has been behind about every act of political chicanery in President Bush's tenure and while Bush was governor of Texas. - How else can you explainRove's missing E-mails that you can bet were incriminating to his part in the firings of eight federal prosecutors? Rove's fingerprints are all over this sorry episode.

Senator Whitehouse Busts Gonzales for Burying the DOJ Internal Investigation - Basically, Whitehouse is asserting that Gonzales chose the wrong office to investigate this matter, since all the potentially improper or illegal activities were administrative, not legal. So OPR, by definition, would never answer any of the questions Congress is asking about the USA Purge.

Washington's $8 Billion Shadow - One of the great staples of the modern Washington movie is the dark and ruthless corporation whose power extends into every cranny around the globe, whose technological expertise is without peer, whose secrets are unfathomable, whose riches defy calculation, and whose network of allies, in and out of government, is held together by webs of money, ambition, and fear.

Gonzo's show a train wreck, but W likes him - Alberto Gonzales' bumbling congressional testimony provoked quiet moans from the White House, but President Bush yesterday remained committed to his beleaguered attorney general. - "They were unhappy with his performance and embarrassed by it," said a Republican source with West Wing ties, "but for the moment, they're hanging in there, and he might survive."

Bush’s Top 10 “Dog Ate My Homework” Excuses - How is it possible for a President of the United States to get away with this? The unprecedented level of secrecy under Bush rule just isn't supposed to exist in a country like ours. Upon leaving the Constitutional Convention in 1787, a Mrs. Powel asked Benjamin Franklin what the framers had just created: "a republic or a monarchy"? He replied, "A Republic, if you can keep it." Today we're perilously close to losing our grip on that republic.


Gasoline prices: up, and rising
- Survey finds average price of regular unleaded gasoline rose to $2.87 per gallon over last two weeks, even higher prices seen ahead of summer driving season.

MID electric customers get big shock from PG&E - Electric customers who switched their service from PG&E to Merced Irrigation District starting in 1995 will be hit with retroactive bills following a recent ruling by the California Public Utilities Commission. - Statewide, residential customers will face a median total fee charge of $1,100, said Nicole Tam, a PG&E spokesperson. The fees will be split over a 36-month period to reduce the impact on ratepayers, said Tam.

March Home Foreclosures Up 47 Percent Year-on-Year - U.S. home foreclosures rose 7 percent in March from February to 149,150, reflecting the struggle of subprime borrowers to keep their homes, real estate data firm RealtyTrac said Wednesday.

9/11 News :

Noble Resolve 07: Four days of “simulated” nuclear terrorist scenarios in the US & Europe
- This week Dick Cheney has also been warning of the “very real” threat of a nuclear attack on an American city. Could the Nobel Resolve drills be used as a screen for a false-flag attack to be blamed on Iran, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, or sheep-dipped Americans like Adam Gadahn?

BBC Conspiracy Files 9/11 - BBC investigation into the events of September 11th 2001 points to the conclusion that there was complicity in the attacks reaching to the very highest levels of the US administration.

John Kerry: WTC Building 7 Was a Controlled Demolition - 2004 Presidential Candidate Says Weakened Building Was Brought Down Based on Danger Posed to Surroundings

9/11 First Responders To Be On "The View" This Wednesday, 4/25 - I hope you all get a chance to watch the 9/11 responders on "The View" on ABC @11.00AM this Wednesday the 25th. One of those responders will be Vito Valenti, a 9/11 volunteer, sick with fibrosis of the lungs and needs a double lung transplant. Vito also sits on the board of directors at the FealGood Foundation. I can only hope Rosie and the others do the right thing for these three heroes that day. Please support these brave souls, Bonnie Giebfried, Alex Sanchez and Vito, and the FealGood foundation.

9/11 Flight 93 Rare Footage - Ultra-rare news footage from the crash site of United Flight 93 which has never been seen again since 9/11.

Court Backs EPA Chief in 9/11 Toxins Case - "I always thought that if you accepted they were lies — lies to get these people working down there — that those lies were inherently conscience-shocking," the lawyer who brought the case, Stephen Riegel of Weitz and Luxemberg P.C., said.

Why The Truth About 9/11 Is Censored By The Media - If the government's account of 9/11 is not accurate, wouldn't the media have been "all over it"? Isn't the fact that most mainstream media sources don't spend much time covering these issues show that there's nothing there?


California Rep. Millender-McDonald dies - She was in her seventh term representing a heavily Democratic Southern California district that includes Compton, Long Beach and parts of Los Angeles.


U.S. Database Exposes Social Security Numbers - The Social Security numbers of tens of thousands of people who received loans or other financial assistance from two Agriculture Department programs were disclosed for years in a publicly available database, raising concerns about identity theft and other privacy violations.

Key Initiative Of 'No Child' Under Federal Investigation - The Justice Department is conducting a probe of a $6 billion reading initiative at the center of President Bush's No Child Left Behind law, another blow to a program besieged by allegations of financial conflicts of interest and cronyism, people familiar with the matter said yesterday.
TVNL Comment: This has been reported for years. Neil Bush is one of the big benificiaries and guess who funded his venture? The Saudis. Do you see a pattern here?

Vermont Senate Calls For Impeachment Of Bush - Vermont senators voted Friday to call for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, saying their actions have raised "serious questions of constitutionality."

Council On Foreign Relations Plot To Dissolve America Is Real - Every day now, more and more patriotic Americans are awakening to the threat posed to America and to freedom by the Council on Foreign Relations elite and their lackey and stooge, George W. Bush, with their traitorous plot for a North American Union by 2010. Here are stern warnings issued by just a few who recognize the danger.

Election audit finds mistakes aplenty - Computer vote-memory card totals failed to match electronic voting machine ballot tallies in more than one quarter of the samples checked from the November election in the state’s most populous county, an independent audit showed Thursday.


Hunters kill one of last Amur Leopards - Hunters in Russia's Far East have shot and killed one of the last seven surviving female Amur leopards living in the wild, WWF said on Monday, driving the species even closer to extinction.
TVNL Comment: Human beings, the killer virus that has infected and is destroying the Earth.


Egypt arrests nuclear engineer as a spy for Israel
- An Egyptian nuclear engineer who worked for the country's Atomic Energy Agency has been arrested and charged with spying for Israel, officials said.

Germany says Wolfowitz situation unacceptable - Wolfowitz, whose appointment to the World Bank presidency in mid-2005 was controversial because of his role as an architect of the Iraq war while at the Pentagon, has refused to step down.

U.S. Knew of China Missile Test, but Kept Silent - But some experts outside government say that American officials might have been able to discourage the Chinese from launching the missile, had the officials been willing to enter into a broader discussion of ways to regulate the military competition in space. China had long advocated an agreement to ban weapons in space, an approach the Bush administration has rejected in order to maintain maximum flexibility for developing antimissile defenses.

US, Russia clash over missile shield in Moscow - Washington's plan to build a missile defence shield in Europe threatens global security, Russia's defence minister, Anatoly Serdyukov, told US Defence Secretary Robert Gates at a meeting in Moscow on Monday.

Mass exodus from Somali capital - Battles in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, between the Ethiopian army and fighters opposed to the transitional government entered a fourth day on Saturday, killing scores of civilians and forcing hundreds more to flee the city.

Police poised to charge Blair's top adviser - THE corruption scandal involving the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, has intensified, with police poised to charge some of his advisers. And an embarrassing document has surfaced that reveals Mr Blair's strategy for wooing and "flattering" wealthy donors.

'Nuclear spy' arrested in Egypt - The Egyptian authorities have arrested an engineer who works at the country's nuclear energy agency for spying for Israel, state prosecutors said.

BLAIR SET TO QUIT ON MAY 9 - That will trigger a seven-week leadership election process in the Labour Party and a new PM - probably Gordon Brown - will move into 10 Downing Street at the end of June.

Israeli troops shoot Nobel Peace Prize winner - Noble Peace Prize laureate Mairead Corrigan was treated for injury in leg sustained by rubber bullet

113 Somalis killed in 3 days of heavy fighting - On Friday, the U.N. refugee agency revised its estimates of people who fled Mogadishu to 321,000, up from 218,000 this week, saying the additional figures were from new information about Mogadishu residents who had fled to central Somalia towns.


From an Angry Soldier - How do I dare say this to you moronic war supporters who are "Supporting our Troops" and waving the flag and all that happy horse shit? I'll tell you why. I'm a Marine and I served my tour in Iraq. - You fuckers and that god-damn lying sack of shit they call a president are the reason my husband will never see his baby and my kid will never meet his dad.

Brain injuries baffle war vets, doctors - The military, faced with relentless bomb attacks on U.S. forces, in its latest survey estimates that as many as one in five soldiers and Marines will suffer ''mild'' traumatic brain injuries in Iraq.

Bush Dishonors War Dead By Using Their Families - The Bush administration lied our country into a war and has kept us there longer than we were involved in World War II -- and things are getting worse there every day. The American people have turned against this war and want out, while our Chickenhawk-in-Chief uses the families of dead troops to pressure all of us to follow his miserable failure with more loss and more deaths.

Pentagon announces new faces in charge at Guantanamo - The general who has been the most public Pentagon face of President Bush's controversial war court at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is retiring, and an activist chief defense counsel is leaving his post soon, too.

GI Bill Fails Vets - Soldiers returning from Iraq aren’t receiving their education stipends until it’s too late


War and the Police State: Complicity of the American People - When confronted with hard facts and scientific evidence linking key government officials to the attacks of 9/11, ostensibly intelligent, levelheaded people angrily and defiantly reject said information without a moment's deliberation. Sincerely compassionate and peace-loving individuals support the criminal invasion of Iraq and close their eyes to the U.S. slaughter of 600,000 Iraqi civilians, choosing instead to believe in the myth of American supremacy, at the heart of which lies the notion that foreigners alone are capable of such atrocities.

Hypocrisy: Thy Name Is Bush - However, when the killers of civilians are on Bush’s side, they get the full panoply of legal protections – and every benefit of the doubt. Under this Bush double standard, therefore, right-wing Cuban terrorists Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, though implicated in a string of murderous attacks on civilians, get the see-no-evil treatment.


Overstating the Obvious - Even when the clowns in the establishment media report news that is of some concern to the public they distract you by reporting aspects of the story that can in no way be confused with information that the public needs to know.

Bill Moyers Rips MSM Complicity on “Real Time” - "We're entering the fifth year of this war. Tens of thousands of people have died and are still dying, and the press has never come to grips with its complicity in helping this administration market a war that's being fought under false pretenses."

Cable News' War Against America; Time to Fight Back - It is surely time for a public backlash and possibly congressional hearings.

Tell the Postal Service -- Don't Stamp Out Independent Media - However, postal regulators have now rejected a rate plan put forth by the Postal Service itself, and instead are preparing to accept a proposal from media giant Time Warner -- a rate plan that would stifle small and independent publishers in America. The plan unfairly burdens smaller companies (such as the publishers of Mother Jones, Ms. Magazine and Sojourners) with higher postage rates, while locking in special privileges for bigger media companies. The stunning move is an unprecedented abuse of the agency's discretion.

British journalist held for filming Kenya police - A British journalist and Kenyan colleague have been arrested and interviewed by Nairobi anti-terror officers for filming a police station while researching a story on disputed terror arrests.

Cable News: I long for the days of "We now resume normal broadcasting" - Not to dismiss the tragedy in both cases, but what happened at Virginia Tech had every cable news outlet interviewing every forensic expert they could find, every security expert they could find and every psychologist and psychiatrist they could find. They lured us all into a psychosis in which we had to know every little detail of the story.

9/11's free speech casualties - Two journalists who questioned Bush's leadership weeks after the attacks lost their jobs and faced threats.


'Superpill' could treat 2,000 genetic diseases - A radical new pill that could treat almost 2000 inherited diseases including some forms of cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy could be available within three years, scientists have said.

FDA Was Aware of Dangers To Food - The Food and Drug Administration has known for years about contamination problems at a Georgia peanut butter plant and on California spinach farms that led to disease outbreaks that killed three people, sickened hundreds, and forced one of the biggest product recalls in U.S. history, documents and interviews show.

Low-Salt Diet Shakes Off Heart Disease - "Results of our follow-up study reinforce recommendations to lower dietary sodium intake as a means of preventing cardiovascular disease in the general population," they wrote, and "should dispel any residual concern that sodium reduction might be harmful."

Power lines link to cancer in new alert - The confidential study, obtained by the Evening Standard, urges ministers to consider banning the building of homes and schools close to overhead high-voltage power cables because of possible health risks.

Official Takes Risks Warning on Pet Drug - What happened next -- and the price she paid for speaking up -- have spurred a U.S. Senate inquiry and shined a spotlight on the complex topography of drug safety, where interests collide like tectonic plates and squeeze decisions from all sides.

Wi-Fi: Children at risk from 'electronic smog' - But several European provincial governments have already taken action to ban, or limit, its use in the classroom, and Stowe School has partially removed it after a teacher became ill.

FDA Complicit in Pushing Prescription Drugs, Ad Critics Say - In light of news that government regulators have neglected their duties to review pharmaceutical commercials, their proposed fix involves crawling even deeper into bed with drugmakers.


UN asks Israel for bomb records - A UN envoy has urged Israel to hand over detailed electronic records of its cluster bomb strikes on Lebanon in 2006 to help clear the bombs removal.

Africa's secret - the men, women and children 'vanished' in the war on terror - Fleeing war-torn Somalia, the refugees trapped and missing without rights

Humans in secret radioactive tests - Tests exposing humans to radioactive caesium, iodine, strontium and uranium were conducted despite doubts about their legal and ethical implications. One proposal even envisaged injecting plutonium into elderly people to help assess contamination risks.

Envoy attacks female circumcision in Kenya - Female genital mutilation (FGM) is widespread in the east African nation, where the government estimates about a third of women has suffered the procedure.

Desperation in Gitmo's Camp 6 - More detainees at the U.S. prison camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, are so desperate to end their suffering that they are going on hunger strike--willing to risk death if it means an end to their imprisonment.


Wolfowitz hires Robert Bennett - World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz, under investigation by the bank's board of directors, hired Robert Bennett, an attorney who represented former President Bill Clinton against sexual harassment claims.

Posada May Participate in Chavez Assassination - The only explanation to release Posada Carriles is to kill him, because they know how to do it, and prevent him from talking about his dirty deals with the US government, or he was given a new mission, Navarro told Venezolana de Television.

UFOs-NASA (McKinnon tells all) - A Briton accused of hacking into Nasa and US military computer networks has spoken out about his experiences. Gary McKinnon was arrested by the UK's national high-tech crime unit in 2002. What he has to say is chilling.

Catholic Church buries limbo after centuries - The Roman Catholic Church has effectively buried the concept of limbo, the place where centuries of tradition and teaching held that babies who die without baptism went.

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