Date: April 25th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: I Called My Congressperson Today in Support of Cheney's Impeachment

While I do not fool myself into thinking calling a Congressperson has any impact on the agenda of a given Congress person, I felt compelled to express my feelings today. I called my rep to tell them that I wanted my rep to support the articles of impeachment against Dick Cheney that were filed by Dennis Kucinich yesterday. I also took the time to say that I am stunned that Congress has not impeached this administration based on the mountain of evidence of inside complicity into the events of 9/11. I enlightened the person who took my call by explaining a few facts about the event and I suggested that he start looking into it on his own.

I know my call had no effect but I felt good after I made the call. And while I am not one of those gate keeping sheep herding organizations that mobilize activists by asking them to spend their time and money doing things that will have no impact on change, I think a call supporting impeachment may be worth the few minutes it would take. You can easily find the number of your representative by going here:

I can not for the life of me think of a more sinister figure in American political history. Cheney even makes Kissenger look like a child. While an arrest and trial on multiple, oh multiple charges are in order, I would settle for an impeachment simply to stop some of the insanity.

While I am no fool and I don't believe this will go anywhere I think a call of support for Cheney's impeachment is worth a few wasted minutes. Think about it. - Jesse –Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

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11 U.S. Service Members Killed Monday in Iraq
- More than 3,300 U.S. service members have died in Iraq in the 49 months since the war began.
TVNL Comment: 49 months of war. How is that for leadership?

Government Report Slams "Emergency" War Funding Request - Nearly half of the $94 billion in emergency funding President Bush says Congress needs to immediately make available to continue to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would actually be used to finance non-urgent items related to the so-called "longer war on terror." The revelation once again casts further doubt on the president's assertion that the Army will run out of funding this month for US troops fighting in those regions, according to a report issued by the nonpartisan research arm of Congress.


Supporting Documents for H Res 333
- Impeachment Articles Against Cheney

Republican puts out 'action alert' claiming Rice will be subpoenaed tomorrow - Meanwhile, a Republican Congressman sent out an "action alert" claiming that "we've gotten word that Waxman will issue a subpoena to Secretary Rice tomorrow morning," adding that such a move could allow the GOP to show how Democrats are "trying to win the political war for themselves no matter its effect on America’s efforts to promote peace and democracy abroad."

Kucinich announces impeachment charges against Vice President Cheney - Kucinich excoriated the Vice President who he called "a driving force for taking us into war against Iraq under false pretenses, and is once again rattling sabers of war against Iran, with the same intent to drive America into war, again based on false pretenses."

Former Aide to GOP Rep To Plead Guilty - Yet another shoe drops in the Jack Abramoff investigation. A former aide to Rep. Don Young (R-AK), Mark Zachares, looks set to plead guilty to corruption charges.


Stoughton Trailers Prepares For 1,100 Temporary Layoffs
- The company's two Stoughton plants will be hit the hardest with 677 employees losing their jobs. The Evansville plant will have 134 fewer workers and 315 people will be without a job at Brodhead.

Existing home sales tumble in March - Sales of existing homes plunged in March by the largest amount in nearly two decades, reflecting bad weather and increasing problems in the subprime mortgage market, a real estate trade group reported Tuesday.

9/11 News :

Massive 9/11 TV Archive
- There is also September 10th news coverage there. This is everything there is from during or after the attacks.

Giuliani warns of 'new 9/11' if Dems win - Rudy Giuliani said if a Democrat is elected president in 2008, America will be at risk for another terrorist attack on the scale of Sept. 11, 2001.
TVNL Comment: Sounds like he knows something. He must still be in contact with the people who ran the first 9/11.


I Called My Congressperson Today in Support of Cheney’s Impeachment - While I am no fool and I don’t believe this will go anywhere I think a call of support for Cheney’s impeachment is worth a few wasted minutes.

Insults fly as Congress weighs Iraq compromise - Reid, a Nevada Democrat, responded, "I'm not going to get into a name-calling match with somebody that has 9 percent approval ratings." Then he called Cheney "the administration's chief attack dog."

George McGovern: Cheney is wrong about me, wrong about war - It is my firm belief that the Cheney-Bush team has committed offenses that are worse than those that drove Nixon, Vice President Spiro Agnew and Atty. Gen. John Mitchell from office after 1972. Indeed, as their repeated violations of the Constitution and federal statutes, as well as their repudiation of international law, come under increased consideration, I expect to see Cheney and Bush forced to resign their offices before 2008 is over.

Senator Who Said Gonzales Lied to Him Hasn't Heard Back - Gonzales "not only lied to me as a person, but when he lied to me, he lied to the Senate and he lied to the people I represent," Pryor said. "And for that reason, I'm asking him and demanding that he resign today."

Kevin Tillman testifies about Pat Tillman’s death: “Fraud–deliberate and calculated lies.” - Kevin was moved to tears as he told us how his brother was used to shift the focus off of Abu Ghraib


The 'Silent' Ninth Amendment Gives Americans Rights They Don't Know They Have - The First Amendment right of free speech and the Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination are well-known, but the Ninth Amendment is ignored. Pity, because it bears directly on abortion, the right to die and gay rights.

Outspoken judge faces formal charges - Griffen was reported to have criticized Bush's nomination of John Roberts for chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in a Sept. 8, 2005, speech at the National Baptist Convention USA in Atlanta. He is a former pastor and official of the convention. -He was reported to have criticized the Bush administration's handling of Hurricane Katrina, Vice President Dick Cheney, the "Christian right," Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and the late President Ronald Reagan in a Sept. 20, 2005, speech to the Arkansas Chapter of the NAACP. -He was reported to expressed "wholehearted support" for a minimum wage increase at a Jan. 19, 2006, news conference on the steps of Christ Episcopal Church in Little Rock. -He was reported to have spoken out against the Iraq war and people who speak negatively of immigrants and homosexuals in an Oct. 19, 2006, speech at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Fayetteville.
TVNL Comment: But if he spoke in support of the Bush administration on these topic he would not face charges.


Life is hanging by a thread - As a primatologist, I am particularly concerned by the prediction that 20 percent to 30 percent of species will face increased risk of extinction.


Blair rejects leak inquiry call
- Tony Blair has rejected a call for an independent inquiry into leaks of anti-terrorism intelligence used in police investigations.

Frustrations with Wolfowitz boil over at World Bank meeting - But the beleaguered bank president was immediately confronted by one of his top deputies, who asserted that Wolfowitz was wrong to think that the furor over his leadership sprang only from his handling of the pay and promotion for his companion or from unease over his support of the Iraq war while at the Pentagon.


Air Force pinched by Iraq ground war - The Air Force's top general expressed frustration on Tuesday with the reassignment of troops under his command to ground jobs for which they were not trained, ranging from guarding prisoners to driving trucks and typing.

'Little girl Rambo' decries US propaganda - The former US private Jessica Lynch today condemned what she said were Pentagon efforts to turn her into a "little girl Rambo", and accused military chiefs of using "elaborate tales" to try to make her into a hero of the Iraq war.

Tillman Tale "Pure Fiction," Brother Says - Pat Tillman's brother accused the military Tuesday of "intentional falsehoods" and "deliberate and careful misrepresentations" in portraying the football star's death in Afghanistan as the result of heroic engagement with the enemy instead of friendly fire.


GEORGE W BUSH IS YOUR PRESIDENT / NOT MINE - George W Bush answers only to those special interest groups who voted for him and feels no need to answer to those Americans who voted against him ~ thus, millions of Americans can rightfully claim, including myself, that he is not our President:

How to Become a Dictator in 6 Easy Steps - This method works in any country, in any culture, in any period of time.


It's True -- Rosie Will Leave "View"!! - TMZ has now confirmed the buzz that we exclusively reported last night: Rosie O'Donnell will announce on today's show that she is leaving "The View." And TMZ has confirmed that "View" honchos are already searching for her replacement.

In Defense of Ann Coulter? - Conservatives have a right to be assholes, just like real people

PBS Launches New Moyers Special On Wednesday - In this first installment of a new series (the Bill Moyers Journal), Moyers (72) explores how and why the press "bought" the White House line about war in Iraq. He asks "what does it say about the role of journalists in helping the public sort out fact from propaganda?"


FDA WANTS TO ELIMINATE NATURAL HEALTH CARE - The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has launched another sneak-attack, trying to regulate your health freedom into oblivion. Through FDA’s unholy partnerships with Big Pharma and the Codex Alimentarius Commission (an offshoot of the UN), we are very close to losing alternative health care in America. This is a crisis, and needs your immediate action.

US HEALTH FREEDOM ON VERGE OF COLLAPSE - Unbelievably, the bill turns the FDA into a drug development company that will expose Americans to new and dangerous biological drugs that have little testing to prove safety or effectiveness. And to top it off, the bill gives broad new regulatory powers to the FDA that can be used to frivolously attack dietary supplements and forward the FDA management’s anti-American globalization agenda.

The top five cancer-causing foods - The key to avoiding cancer-causing foods is knowing which ingredients are carcinogens -- or cancer promoters -- and then reading food labels to permanently avoid consuming those ingredients.


Civilian-death report faults command - High-ranking Marines, including a two-star general, failed to adequately scrutinize the killings of 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha, despite an obvious need for further investigation, according to an Army probe.


False Flags Unfurled - Strange how every "terrorist" event in the past ten or fifteen years benefited the various imperial governments of Britain, Israel, Australia and the USA.

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