Date: April 26th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Leaving Iraq is Not Admitting Defeat - It Is Admitting That We Were Wrong; And That's is the Real Truth!

I am American. I love my country. I live every moment of my life reaching out to my fellow citizens in order to teach them how to bypass the cloak of reality wrapped around this nation by the establishment media. And I can say this: I am a patriot when I say that America can not only not win in Iraq, but we have already lost and we should have lost, because we were wrong! Period, end of story.

Trying to blame Democrats for wanting to end the travesty known as the invasion of Iraq is like trying to blame a judge for releasing from prison a person who was innocent of a crime! Again I ask a question that I ask almost every day; are all Americans insane? Is it not now crystal (or should I say Kristol) clear that our invasion of Iraq was a criminal act against a falsely accused adversary?

The moment it became crystal (or should I say Kristol) clear that Iraq did not have WMD the people of America should have collectively declared an apology to the Iraqi people. The moment it became crystal (or should I say Kristol) clear that Iraq had nothing to do with the events of 9/11 the people of America should have collectively declared an apology to the Iraqi people. And the moment it became crystal (or should I say Kristol) clear that the Bush/PNAC administration knew all along that Iraq posed absolutely no threat or potential threat to the people of the United states the people of America should have declared a collective citizens arrest of the members of the Bush administration who were hell bent on taking this nation to war with Iraq, even if they had to create a false flag operation as sadistic and brutal as the events of 9/11 in order to do so!

The discussions taking place about trying to win something in Iraq are as immoral and obscene as cheering on a bully who is beating a defenseless, week, unarmed school kid . While it is no surprise to me that right wing neo-fascist bigots have no problem murdering people who don't look like them and believe in the same fairy tale god as they do, it is the hypocritical lefties that disgust me the most because they know better and they simply refuse to do and say the right thing because they may lose their job.

You know some times you have say what is right. I lost a lot of friends years ago because I tried to inform them about the disconnect between the official story of 9/11 and the official body of evidence as recorded by those same officials who created the myth known as the official 9/11 story. I did not fold, I did not run, I simply repeated the known facts and dealt with the ramifications. Now those former friends are calling me and telling me that I was right along. In the meantime my strength of character remained steadfast. I saw elections stolen, and I said it. I saw very disturbing aspects of the events of 9/11, and I said it. I saw lie after lie blurted out about Iraq, and I shot back educating those around me about the lies. And time has proven me right about everything.

But I watch with disgust as the political adversaries of the Bush administration , mostly those in the Democratic party, twiddle their thumbs and remain silent because they fear the ramifications that may result from having to accuse a so called American president (to me Bush not the president, he is in office via electoral coup and is therefore an enemy of the state; an invader that came in and took over the presidency by force) of the highest crimes ever committed by an American against Americans. Instead of standing up and screaming at the top of their lungs they play politics. They follow orders given by people above and beyond the system. They ignore the electorate and they pretend that there is not ample evidence to question virtually every aspect of the Bush administrations actions.

I am sick. I am tired. And I am disgusted. We will not win in Iraq because we should not win in Iraq. And that is the truth. My fellow Americans, face it, we were wrong. We attacked an innocent victim. Say all you want about how feel Saddam should have been eliminated, but the bottom line is most people don't know anything about how Saddam got into office, what was really behind the first gulf war and how American “intervention” in Middle Eastern affairs have helped to create the problems that exist there. And the other bottom is that America was wrong and should not have attacked a nation that posed no threat to us. We have unleashed violence in Iraq that was not there while Saddam was in charge. Saddam was better and stronger than the United States when it came to controlling the radical elements in his nation. He was no saint but we can all see how a saint would not survive one minute in Iraq.

America owes Iraq an apology. America owes the members of the U.S. Military, who once again were misled and misused, as they have been time and time again over the past 50 years. America owes the world Dick Cheney and George Bush, hand delivered to a court of world citizens for judgment and penalty. And America owes it to themselves to rise up and overthrow the true enemy of American democracy, the US establishment media. For if America had a real press, that recognized that their Constitutional mandate is to keep the citizens informed about what their leaders are doing and not to distract them from the crimes of our leaders with trivial celebrity and tabloid stories, we would never have allowed this to happen.

I am American. I love my country. I live every moment of my life reaching out to my fellow citizens in order to teach them how to bypass the cloak of reality wrapped around this nation by the establishment media. And I can say this: I am a patriot when I say that American can not only not win in Iraq, but we have already lost and we should have lost, because we were wrong! Period, end of story. Think about it. - Jesse –Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

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Iraqi civilians believed dead in US strike-military
- Two Iraqi women and two children were believed to have been killed in a U.S. air strike aimed at al Qaeda militants north of Baghdad on Thursday, the U.S. military said.

Nine Iraqi soldiers killed in suicide bombing-police - Nine Iraqi soldiers were killed and 15 people were wounded when a suicide bomber rammed his car into an Iraqi army checkpoint north of Baghdad on Thursday, police said.


The Most Twisted, Disingenuous Statement on Iraq Ever Made
- Honest to god, this statement from President Bush could not be more disingenuous. And that's an incredible statement, all things considered.

Political Briefings At Agencies Disclosed - Such coercion is prohibited under a federal law, known as the Hatch Act, meant to insulate virtually all federal workers from partisan politics. In addition to forbidding workplace pressures meant to influence an election outcome, the law bars the use of federal resources -- including office buildings, phones and computers -- for partisan purposes.

Renzi Aide Called U.S. Attorney to Ask About Probe - Chief of Staff Inquired About Land Deal Investigation; Prosecutor Among Eight Who We


Ore. Gov. Starts Week on Food Stamps
- Kulongoski is taking the weeklong challenge to raise awareness about the difficulty of feeding a family on a food stamp budget.

GM's 76-year reign as car sales leader ends - Toyota has been gaining on its U.S. rivals for several decades as motorists sought out cars that were better built, had higher resale values and, increasingly, got better gas mileage.

9/11 News :

British court orders release of 9/11 suspect
- A Moroccan man arrested two years ago as an alleged conspirator in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks was ordered released Wednesday by a British court that said his detention was arbitrary and unjustified.


Senate may limit Bush insurrection power - The Democrats also received support from a key Republican senator. Sen. John Warner, R-Va., Wednesday said he would be open to revising a controversial law that gave the U.S. president more power over states and the National Guard in times of emergency.

House OKs Iraq troop withdrawal bill - The 218-208 vote came as the top U.S. commander in Iraq told lawmakers the country remained gripped by violence but was showing some signs of improvement.

House panel approves subpoenas for Secretary Rice - In a second hearing room, according to AP, "the full House Judiciary Committee voted 32-6 to grant immunity to Monica Goodling, Gonzales' White House liaison, for her testimony on why the administration fired eight federal prosecutors. The panel also unanimously approved — but did not issue — a subpoena to compel her to appear."

Pelosi pressed to put impeachment back on table - When the California Democratic Convention begins this weekend, party progressives both inside and outside the San Diego Convention Center will be pressing hard to bring impeachment back on the table as a means of holding the presidency of George W. Bush accountable for crimes they allege have been committed since 2001.


Justices Reconsider Campaign Finance - "Maybe we were wrong last time," Justice Antonin Scalia told Solicitor General Paul D. Clement when Clement advised that the court had already decided the very issue at stake in yesterday's oral arguments.

OSHA Leaves Worker Safety in Hands of Industry - That response reflects OSHA’s practices under the Bush administration, which vowed to limit new rules and roll back what it considered cumbersome regulations that imposed unnecessary costs on businesses and consumers. Across Washington, political appointees — often former officials of the industries they now oversee — have eased regulations or weakened enforcement of rules on issues like driving hours for truckers, logging in forests and corporate mergers.

Are Rove's missing e-mails the smoking guns of the stolen 2004 election? - But the time frame from which these e-mails are missing also includes a critical late night period after the presidential election of 2004. In these crucial hours, computerized vote tallies may have been shifted to move the Ohio vote count from John Kerry to George W. Bush, giving Bush the presidency.

Homeland security officer arrested after raid - When federal agents raided local massage parlors last month, they were shocked to find a Department of Homeland Security law enforcement officer’s gun and uniform in an apartment linked to one of the parlors.


Senators question Bush endangered wildlife plan - Environmental activists raised alarms about the draft rules change last month, saying the revisions would weaken the act so much that about 80 percent of the 1,300 species now on the endangered list would lose protection.

Schwarzenegger administration to sue EPA over air standards - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said today that California will sue the federal government if the state is not allowed within six months to implement its landmark law requiring greenhouse gases from vehicle tailpipes to be slashed.

Canada to ban incandescent light bulbs by 2012 - Canada will ban the sale of inefficient incandescent light bulbs by 2012 as part of a plan to cut down on emissions of greenhouse gases, Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn said on Wednesday.


Iranian President Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map."
- Here is Ahmadinejad's actual quote translated directly to English: "The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."

Nearly 350 dead in fierce Somali fighting - Artillery shells and mortars rained down on Mogadishu Tuesday after a week of fighting, despite a plea by U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for an end to the violence that local groups say has claimed the lives of over 350 people.


Officer Charged In Haditha Killings Was Nominated For Medal - A Marine officer accused of failing to investigate the slayings of 24 Iraqi civilians by Marines in Haditha was recommended for a Bronze Star medal because of his actions on the day of the killings, his attorney said Wednesday.
TVNL Comment: And we are supposed to support the troops?

Army warden charged with ‘aiding the enemy’ - Lieutenant colonel faces multiple charges for alleged misconduct in Iraq

U.S. Gov. Lies to American People and the Troops - Struggling to contain his anger, Kevin Tillman said the government's publicity stunt made a mockery of his brother's patriotic decision to spurn a lucrative NFL contract and enlist in the Army to serve his country."


Olbermann’s Special Comment on Giuliani’s Fearmongering: How Dare You, Sir? - Keith delivered a scathing Special Comment tonight about the rank partisan fearmongering speech Rudy Giuliani gave before a New Hampshire Republican meeting yesterday


NY Post Rewrites AP Story On Reid - Rupert Murdoch has reached a new low, even for his brand of "journalism", as TPM reports that they took an Associated Press article and rewrote it into a hit-piece.

Media Suppression Of Articles Of Impeachment Against Cheney - The corporate media, as they have in the past, manufactured the importance of the Cheney doctor visit to switch attention away from the Kucinich announcement. As always, Fox News lead the way, in coordination with Cheney's office (Cheney and Fox News Managing Editor Brit Hume are close friends), and then MS-NBC and CNN followed their lead.


U.S. says Pfizer unit pleads guilty to kickback - As a result of its conviction, Pharmacia will be excluded permanently from participation in all federal health care programs, prosecutors said.

A new study finds that the vast majority of doctors have some kind of financial relationship with the pharmaceutical industry. - Who's getting what? And what impact does it have on patient care?

GM crop failure a warning, says US adviser - The 10-year CSIRO trial was abandoned when tests found the peas were making mice seriously ill.


UN criticises Iraq for concealing casualty figures - The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq on Wednesday criticised Baghdad for concealing the casualty figures from its sectarian war and alleged that many detainees have "disappeared."



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