Date: April 27th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Dick Cheney & George W. Bush Make Me Want To Be a Christian

I am a devout atheist. This is not to say that I am not religious. On the contrary; I am more religious than most God fearing people that I know. Why do I say this? I say this because I live by a strong code of ethics and I do so with no hopes of Godly rewards, personal gain or a membership in a post life heavenly resort. I don't really think I need a book to tell me how to be a good person and I don't really think I need a book to tell me who I should hate. I try to be good for the sole reason of being good.

I am a big boy now and I have pretty good parents and I think they did a good job in making me a decent person. I learned a lot about character from being around them. My dad worked very hard his entire life. He never took bribes from salesman when he was buying materials for the low paying slave driving mens clothings company that he worked for in the 60's and 70's. As a matter of fact he never even accepted the usual holiday gifts like bottles of liquor or the tickets to sporting events that were offered to him throughout the years (and you have no idea how mad I was when I found this out after missing all of those boxing matches at the Garden as well as Yankee, Met, Knick, Giant and Jet games!!!) My mom was a school teacher who never wanted to be promoted because even though promotions would have increased her income they would have taken her away from the classroom, where she felt that she could do the most good for the children of our society. My sister, as much as I joke around about her being the Loch Ness Monster (or Big Foot, or the Creature from the Black Lagoon), is so kind that she actually puts her fear of insects aside to rescue the odd spider from her home and place it safely outside as opposed to killing one of natures living creatures. Of course she tortures me, but that's another story:-)

So you see, I believe that even though I don't follow an instruction book, I had some good teachers around me and I developed my personal religion based on their influence. My religion: Do the Right Thing and Just Don't Harm Others. Pretty simple. It's not exactly a tax shelter, and I don't have any special holidays or fancy garments, but I'm happy.

That being said, there are times that I wish my hyper logical mind could make room for some illogic. I sometimes wish my hyper critical thinking could be suspended for just one thing. That one thing would be to believe in some God based religion. I did the religion thing when I was a kid but my critical thinking kicked in as an adult and my brain would have none of that. I don't think it is a conscious decision, it is just something I can't relate to. Religion stands less of a chance surviving in my mind when I see all of the real life examples of the vile and deplorable conduct of so called religious people around the world. Religious people murder, start wars, support wars, molest children, cheat on their spouses, rob, lie, you name it. So I say to myself, what's the point? Why not just be a good person? This way if I do stray from my code of ethics at least I won't be a hypocrite! Because let me tell you there is no bigger hypocrite than one who hides behind a holy book!

Now about Cheney and is the thing...when I see people like Cheney and Bush, and just about all men and women of their ilk, Democrat, Republican, Nazi, whatever, I really and truly wish (I know...who am I wishing to...I DON'T KNOW:-), that there was a Hell. I truly wish that retribution was guaranteed in life. I picture a place where people like Bush and Cheney have to spend the rest of eternity facing all the people who have been harmed by their actions. I have a difficult time living in a world where evil people with power get free passes, so in the back of my mind I hope one day to find out that I am wrong about religion.

I think I would make it into Heaven based on my conduct during this life. I surly have a lot of apologies to make, but to be honest I try to make it a habit to apologize for my wrongdoing while I am alive. I don't know if that cleans my slate, but I would think that it counts for something.

In the movie Slingblade the main character, Karl, is speaking to a good man who happens to be a homosexual. In other words this man is considered a sinner according to Christianity, and Karl is a bible reading Christian. But after getting to know this man Karl uses his critical thinking and eventually professes to this man “But I don't reckon the Good Lord would send anybody like you to Hades.” By this he meant that by committing the so called sin of homosexuality the man really did not harm anyone and he feels that a “good” lord would not look upon that man as a bad man and want to punish him for eternity by sending him to Hell. I guess like Karl, I believe that if that of there is a God and a Heaven and a Hell, that a “good lord” would not send anyone like me to Hades just because I never believed in him. I may have to write some things on a blackboard over and over a few hundred times however.

So let me publicly apologize to my sister for all of the monster jokes, and let me say that even though my weird little brain won't let me believe in a religion in the conventional sense of the word, I kind of hope to find out some day that I am wrong. And I hope Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, and all people of their ilk also eventually find out that some odd guy from Brooklyn named Jesse was very, very wrong! Think about it! - Jesse –Editor,

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Afghan forces recapture district
- Hundreds of Afghan soldiers and police retook a district outside the capital from the Taliban on Friday, pushing out militants who had seized the area in fierce fighting a day earlier, a senior Afghan official said.

Despair stalks Baghdad as plan falters - An average of 80-90 Americans die each month. And US personnel have just had their tours extended by another three months. - But, as it has always been since the 2003 invasion, it is the Iraqis who suffer most.

April bloodiest month for UK troops in Iraq since 2003 - Eleven British soldiers have now been killed in Iraq this month, the highest number of casualties suffered by British forces in a single month since March 2003 when 27 were killed in the opening days of the U.S.-led invasion.

UN: Baghdad security operation has failed - “While government officials claimed an initial drop in the number of killings in the latter half of February following the launch of the Baghdad security plan, the number of reported casualties rose again in March,” the study said.


Bush administration targeted another top federal prosecutor
- Heffelfinger's case interests congressional investigators because he worked in one of the states that White House political adviser Karl Rove identified as an election battleground, and because he was replaced by a 34-year-old Bush administration loyalist who'd been a member of Gonzales' inner circle.

Ex-C.I.A. Chief, in Book, Assails Cheney on Iraq - George J. Tenet, the former director of central intelligence, has lashed out against Vice President Dick Cheney and other Bush administration officials in a new book, saying they pushed the country to war in Iraq without ever conducting a “serious debate about whether Saddam Hussein posed an imminent threat to the United States.

THE R JUSTICE DEPT. SCANDAL - Mark Crispin Miller connects the dots with the justice department scandal.

WHO IS SCOTT J. BLOCH REALLY? - Mark Crispin Miller looks behind the headlines of the OSC's investigation of Karl Rove.

Democratic Candidate Debate:Gravel - “Some Of These People Frighten Me” - Tonight's debate is underway and by far the most passion is coming from former Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska. He had a few things to say about the people with whom he shared the stage:



9/11 News :

Neo-Con "Stop Rosie" Founder Admits Defeat
- The Neo-Con founder of a campaign to silence Rosie O'Donnell has admitted defeat in his bid to have the host kicked off the air for her controversial comments about 9/11 and related issues, as Rosie prepares to launch her own TV show which will be absent the censorship she had to endure at ABC.

Put Bush's 'puppy dog' terror theory to sleep - The President must believe that terrorists are playing by some odd rules of chivalry. Would this be the "only one slaughter ground at a time" rule of terrorism?




Bomb found outside Texas abortion clinic - The device, about the size of a piece of carry-on luggage, was discovered on Wednesday afternoon in the parking lot of the Austin Women's Health Center, said David Carter, assistant chief of the Austin Police Department.
TVNL Comment: A bomb delivered and the word "terrorism" is not used once!

BYU Preparing for Vice President Cheney's Arrival - The world is watching to see how Cheney will be received in Provo. National media outlets are set up, including Al-Jazeera English.
TVNL Comment: They are keeping the anti-Cheney people out so what kind of reception are they waiting to film? Anything less than a wonderful cheering reception will not be reported by the media.


Taiwan stung by millions of missing bees - As affected beekeepers lose business, fruit growers may lack a key pollination source and neighbors might get stung, he said.

Bush administration's response to global warming under scrutiny - The Bush administration's chief environmental officer came under fire from the Democratic majority on Capitol Hill this morning for failing to act more aggressively to address global warming in response to the Supreme Court ruling that greenhouse gas emissions are subject to federal regulation.

Consumers in dark over risks of new light bulbs - Push for energy-saving fluorescents ignores mercury disposal hazards


South Korean defense minister criticizes top U.S. general over remarks on base relocations
- South Korea's defense minister rebuked an American general for publicly suggesting the U.S. reconsider a deal to relocate its military headquarters unless Seoul pays a bigger share of the cost of hosting American troops.

Russia in defence warning to US - Russia may stop implementing a key defence treaty because of concerns over US plans for a missile shield in Europe, President Vladimir Putin said.

Russia Withdraws From European Conventional Forces Treaty - The Russian President linked the move to U.S. plans for a missile defence shield in Europe.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.


Spanish Judge Indicts 3 U.S. Soldiers - A Spanish judge indicted three U.S. soldiers Friday over the 2003 death of a Spanish journalist who was killed when their tank opened fire at a hotel in Baghdad.

A failure in generalship - Having spent a decade preparing to fight the wrong war, America's generals then miscalculated both the means and ways necessary to succeed in Iraq. The most fundamental military miscalculation in Iraq has been the failure to commit sufficient forces to provide security to Iraq's population. U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) estimated in its 1998 war plan that 380,000 troops would be necessary for an invasion of Iraq. Using

Army Officer Accuses Generals of 'Intellectual and Moral Failures' - An active-duty Army officer is publishing a blistering attack on U.S. generals, saying they have botched the war in Iraq and misled Congress about the situation there.


Dick Cheney & George W. Bush Make Me Want To Be a Christian - I truly wish that retribution was guaranteed in life. I picture a place where people like Bush and Cheney have to spend the rest of eternity facing all the people who have been harmed by their actions. I have a difficult time living in a world where evil people with power get free passes, so in the back of my mind I hope one day to find out that I am wrong about religion.


Tim Russert: Take A Clue From Jon Stewart - Fact is, if any candidate holding an untenable position on any issue, especially one that bonds himself to the administration's Iraqi failed strategies - an obviously dear-to-the-heart issue with Stewart - will think twice before coming on armed only with talking points.

McClatchy Reporters Answer Questions Online After Moyers' PBS Report on Press and Iraq - "I hope the ghosts of every single person killed in Iraq haunts for the rest of thier lives, all those who were too lazy or too afraid to speak up, who could have made a difference in preventing such a disgusting tragedy."

Weekly Newspaper's Credibility Questioned in Texas Legal Battle - A new weekly legal newspaper described as being a "propaganda sheet" for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to promote lawsuit reform is embroiled in a court fight over its journalistic integrity.

Washington Post columnist David Broder used to be "the dean" of Washington journalism. That was before he lost his mind. - Much of American journalism has moved jarringly to the right. The Republicans have played the refs for years, and reporters in newsrooms across America are desperate to not be seen as "liberals." So they overplay their hand, over extend their bias, and skew to the right in the hopes that Rush and Michelle won't criticize them for simply doing their job.




Polish premier says society doesn't need more gays - Poland's conservative prime minister rejected European Union criticism Thursday of a proposal to fire teachers for "homosexual propaganda," saying it was not in the interest of society to have more gay people.



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