Date: April 28th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Revamped Advice

Before I decided to devote my life to eduction the American public about their enemies in the establishment media I held some fairly senior positions in technology. I spent nine years running a rather important operation at the Associated Press, I was an IT director at a private company and I was the northeast consulting services manager for the Network Solutions/Verisign. As a result I have developed a rather highly educated circle of friends. Yet it amazes me how little my friends know about things that take place every single day, even if they are covered by the criminal media.

I had a college economics professor who made an interesting suggestion to our class and it has stuck with me for quite some time; only recent years have made me modify his suggestion. He told us to read the front page of the Wall Street Journal every day because it has so many individual important headlines. He said that doing this would at least help to keep us aware of what is taking place in the world. So I subscribed (using a discount that he provided) and for a while I stayed on top of things.

Well these days I would share similar advice to my friends only I would drop the Wall Street Journal part and replace it with this newsletter or the news page. I hope this does not sound arrogant but whenever I compare the content of our newsletter to the front page of the Journal, or to the nonsense reported on TV news programs I get the feeling I live on a different world. Then again I realize that I do live in a different world...the reality based world!

Perhaps you can share this advice with others with your friends and family. A five minute scan of this FREE newsletter may just help someone step into the reality based world. Think about it! - Jesse –Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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Rebuilt Iraq Projects Found Crumbling
- In a troubling sign for the American-financed rebuilding program in Iraq, inspectors for a federal oversight agency have found that in a sampling of eight projects that the United States had declared successes, seven were no longer operating as designed because of plumbing and electrical failures, lack of proper maintenance, apparent looting and expensive equipment that lay idle.
TVNL Comment: That's YOUR money! The money that won't pay for your healthcare, clean air, hospitals, education or anything!

Explosion near shrine in Iraq kills 55 - A parked car exploded Saturday near one of Shiite Islam's holiest shrines in the city of Karbala as people were headed to the area for evening prayers, killing 55 people and wounding dozens, officials said.

Attacks Spark Fears of Taliban Defeating NATO - In Afghanistan, the Taliban insurgency is spreading, even reaching some provinces in the north that had never been its strongholds.

Tenet: CIA warned of 'anarchy' in Iraq - The CIA warned the Bush White House seven months before the 2003 Iraq invasion that the U.S. could face a thicket of bad consequences, starting with "anarchy and the territorial breakup" of the country, former CIA Director George Tenet writes in a new book.

We've Been Surging For Years: More troops in Iraq than reported - The total comes to 300,000 to 360,000, more than twice the "official" figure. - The U.S. uses a number of deceptions, definitional illusions and euphemisms, including counting only "combat forces" and "military personnel," to drastically undercount the number of U.S. forces involved in Iraq, which are at least twice the number as those quoted in the media.

The White House Scales Back Talk of Iraq Progress - The Bush administration will not try to assess whether the troop increase in Iraq is producing signs of political progress or greater security until September, and many of Mr. Bush’s top advisers now anticipate that any gains by then will be limited, according to senior administration officials.

Musharraf warns US on attacking Iran - Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has said a possible US attack on Iran would be a "terrible mistake" and incur dire consequences.


Gravel Won’t Be Buried
- Gravel, on the other hand, got the issues of war and peace exactly right.
TVNL Comment: We told you about this guy months ago! We said that he is the real deal. We did not think he would be allowed to participate in the debates however.

Fired U.S. prosecutor warned of 'stink' - The U.S. attorney in Arkansas warned the Justice Department five months before he and seven federal prosecutors were fired that "there may be some stink about this down the road" — in part because of White House involvement.

Report: Tobias tied to D.C. call girl ring - Randall Tobias, head of the Bush administration's foreign aid programs, abruptly resigned Friday after his name surfaced in an investigation into a high-priced call-girl ring, said two people in a position to know the circumstances of his departure.

Justice Dept official resigns over investigation connected with Abramoff - Making the situation more awkward for the embattled Department, the official, Robert E. Coughlin II, was deputy chief of staff for the criminal division, which is overseeing the Department’s probe of Abramoff.


US mortgage crisis forces homeowners to take refuge in their cars
- THEY are victims of the United States' growing mortgage crisis - low-paid workers whose homes have been repossessed amid rising interest rates, a stagnant property market and a lax lending regime.

Ron Paul 0wnz the Federal Reserve - Ron Paul from committee floor. House Financial Services Committee.

9/11 News :

It’s Only Terrorism When They Are Muslim, Right?
- I don't know about you but violent, paranoid and heavily armed people near me would be terrifying.

TVNL REPLAY: Cynthia McKinney confronts Richard Myers on 9/11 issues - Richard Myers on 9/11 issues: 9/11 Wargames!!!

Project For The New American Century - Neo-Cons and the military-industrial complex described, dissected, and summarized in breif. This was created at, see for more info.


Can you keep a secret? Senator Dick Durbin Can - The Senate's No. 2 Democrat says he knew that the American public was being misled into the Iraq war but remained silent because he was sworn to secrecy as a member of the intelligence committee.

Waxman asks Tenet to testify on uranium claim - House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) Friday invited former CIA Director George Tenet to testify before the panel on the pre-war claim that Iraq was seeking to acquire uranium from Niger.


Four students arrested for heckling FBI director - Police arrested four Harvard University students last night for heckling FBI Director Robert Mueller prior to his speech on the "Balance of National Security and Civil Liberties," witnesses said.
TVNL Comment: How's that for freedom?

In Apparel, All Tariffs Aren’t Created Equal - There is no apparent pattern to the tariffs, which penalize men in some instances, and women in others. But the fees tacked onto clothing, shoes and swimwear as they enter the country’s ports may be the last legal form of sex discrimination in the United States, approved year after year by lawmakers and passed on to consumers.


Canada Announces Goals for Reducing Emissions - Canadian industries must cut the rate at which they produce gases linked to global warming by 18 percent over the next three years, the federal government said Thursday.

Rocket Fuel Chemical Found in Food, Water Supply - Perchlorate, a chemical used in rocket fuel, is turning up in the nation's food — in vegetables like lettuce and spinach — and water supply.

April sets European heat records - Britain's Met Office said the average temperature in central England from April 1-25 was 11.1 degrees Celsius, 3.4 degrees above the norm and the highest since records began in 1659.

Depleted Uranium - Poisoning U.S. Troops And The Planet - To the military, the effectiveness of weapons and armor made with depleted uranium outweighs any residual effects. Their bottom line: Depleted uranium saves soldiers' lives in combat.
TVNL Comment: But kills us all eventually!


22 die as Pakistan bomb targets official
- A suicide bomber blocked from approaching Pakistan's interior minister detonated his explosives at a political gathering in northwestern town Saturday, killing at least 22 people and wounding 35, officials said.

Israel grabs 57 more acres for its WALL - So, let me get this straight - israelis steal land from private persons and "invite" them to affirmatively "apply" for compensation? And if they don't??? Too bad for them.

Russian Nukes Redux - Looking to recapture lost glory, Moscow is building a new nuclear warhead designed to evade U.S. defenses
TVNL Comment: Another Bush era legacy!

Estonia braces itself for violent unrest - Estonia is bracing itself for possible violent unrest and a potential break in relations with Russia after the government removed a controversial Soviet-era war memorial amid riots that left scores injured and one man dead.

Peru Rejects US Military Base - Peruvian Foreign Minister Jose Garcia Belaunde totally rejected any possibility that the government would accept a United States military base on Peruvian soil.


Retired Gen.: Bush should sign Iraq bill - The general accused Bush of squandering U.S. lives and helping Iran and al-Qaida when he invaded Iraq. "The challenge we face today is not how to win in Iraq; it is how to recover from a strategic mistake: invading Iraq in the first place," he said.

11 Soldiers Arrested in Home Invasion - Fort Drum is about 75 miles north of Syracuse. The 17,000-member 10th Mountain Division, which is based there, has been one of the mainstays of Army deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Fitzpatrick said he did not believe any of the arrested soldiers had been recently deployed to either place.


Bill Maher on Neo-Conservative Think Tanks - Bill Maher just TEARS into the Heritage Foundation and the PNAC.

For Jews Only? - Israeli Democracy


O’Reilly Attacks MediaMatters for Accurately Quoting Him - In a "Factor Fiction" segment Wednesday night, Keith highlighted how Bill O'Reilly attacks MediaMatters for committing the mortal sin of quoting him accurately. It's hysterical how he seeks to discredit everything MM does when all they do is accurately document what he says. It doesn't matter if he actually said the quote in question; what matters is if it was documented by MM. If it was, then it's immediately invalid — even though they always include the entire context and video/audio.

Bill Moyers: Neocons Takeover the Media - After Moyers Iraq Documentary, DC Reporters in Damage-Control Mode

"Buying the War" - How did the evidence disputing the existence of weapons of mass destruction and the link between Saddam Hussein and 9/11 continue to go largely unreported?


Chocolate Purists Alarmed by Proposal To Fudge Standards - Accompanying a 35-page petition signed by a diverse set of culinary groups -- juice producers, meat canners and the chocolate lobby -- the appendix charts proposed changes to food standard definitions set by the Food and Drug Administration, including this one: "use a vegetable fat in place of another vegetable fat named in the standard (e.g., cacao fat)."

How food processing got into the hands of a few giant companies - By 2005, just four companies (Tyson, Cargill, Swift & Co., and National Beef Packing) were slaughtering 83.5 percent of cows.


EU warns of worsening situation in Palestinian territories - The EU Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid warned on Thursday that conditions were worsening in the Palestinian territories, and asked Israel to ease restrictions on movement.


Priest, 77, guilty of sex abuse in 1990s - A 77-year-old Carmelite priest from Joliet pleaded guilty Thursday to sexually molesting two brothers in the 1990s when they were young teenagers under his spiritual guidance.

UFOs sighted off coast - watch report - The mysterious shapes were spotted earlier in the week and are described as long objects that measured up to a mile wide.

War Hawk Kristol Confronted By Military Wife: ‘You All Don’t Understand…We Are People Too’ - During a C-SPAN appearance this morning, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol was confronted by a military wife living in Ft. Hood, TX, who called in to criticize him for “pushing the war.”

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