Date: April 30th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Who Exactly do They Mean When They Say “al Qaeda?”

Let us for a minute realize that our government uses code names for many things. They use code names for military operations, espionage operations, CIA operations, law enforcement operations, social programs, etc.

From Operation Iraqi Freedom to Able Danger virtually all government operations are named in code and the more secret the operation the more ambiguous the name. For example “Operation Zapata” was the code name for the Bay of Pigs invasion. “Operation Mockingbird” is the name for the secret program where the CIA works with the corporate media to “manipulate and control public perception!”

So keeping that in mind think back to when George W. Bush received a top secret report prior to 9/11 called “Bin Laden Determined to Attack.” Is it so outrageous to think that “Bin Laden” is code? Did you ever think that perhaps the term “Bin Laden” is code for “rogue group of enemies on the inside?”

Keep in mind if my guess is accurate everybody in our government can continue to blame “Bin Laden” for the attacks of 9/11 and technically not be lying. They can even pass a lie detector test.

We are told that the intelligence agencies from around the world were warning us prior to 9/11 that something big was about to happen. What do you think is more likely: they were all watching terrorists who wanted to harm other countries, like the US, or they were hearing chatter within the global intellegence agencies that they were spying on? Intelligence agencies spy on each other for the most part. I would think their priority would be to look out for themselves as opposed to watching out for the enemies of other nations. Maybe while they were spying on each other they caught wind of the plans to conduct a huge false flag operation and they wanted to make sure Bush knew about it. Maybe they were saying “hey, Bush, your guys are going live with a false flag attack and we don't think that this is not a good idea! Are you ware of this?” Seriously, they can not just come out and say it because they would have to pretty much blow their cover and admit to the world that false flag operations exist. So they drape their actions in pseudo reality so that they can say as much as they can truthfully without actually blowing the whistle. So instead of saying “your guys are going too far” they say ”Bin Laden” is determined to attack.

Then again maybe Osama bin Laden was the coordinating officer for the false flag operation. Maybe he was the operational guy for the rogue group. And maybe when George Tenet says that he wanted to get Bin Laden he was serious because he was trying to stop the rogue group.

In a nutshell I am saying that very few things are actually as they appear when it comes to intelligence operations and we would be fools to believe that the language used in relation to Al Qaeda is as simple as they would have them to belive. If there were ever a time one should read between the lines this is it! Think about it! - Jesse –Editor,

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Four U.S. soldiers killed in Baghdad - military -
That takes to more than 100 the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq this month, making April one of the deadliest for American forces in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

Painful questions about Iraq - It’s now more than four years since we invaded Iraq. It’s time the American people ask themselves some painful questions. Namely, are we a nation of hypocrites? Consider the following:

Leave Iraq, Sadr tells "anti-Christ Bush" - The powerful Iraqi cleric and militia leader Moqtada al-Sadr called President George W. Bush the "anti-Christ" on Saturday and urged him to heed calls by the opposition Democrats to withdraw from the chaos of Iraq.

Rice backs off Iraq 'imminent threat' claim, then redefines term - On ABC's morning program "This Week," host George Stephanopoulos asks Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice if Iraq ever posed an "imminent threat" to the United States.

British soldier killed on patrol in Iraq - The soldier, from 2nd Battalion The Rifles, was carrying out routine checks in the Al Ashar district of central Basra this morning.

Don't Blame Iran for Iraq - One of the unshakable foundations of Iranian foreign policy is support for Iraq's Shi'a, who now more than ever are bloody foes of the country's Sunni minority. And if for some unfathomable reason Iran were arming the Sunni insurgency, would it leave behind evidence to implicate itself?

Tenet: Iraq targeted before 9/11 - White House and Pentagon officials, and particularly Vice President Dick Cheney, were determined to attack Iraq from the first days of the Bush administration, long before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, and repeatedly stretched available intelligence to build support for the war, according to a new book by former CIA director George J. Tenet.
TVNL Comment: Is there anyone who does not know this or who did not know this BEFORE the invasion?

U.S. Announces 9 Troop Deaths in Iraq - The Americans killed in Iraq included five who died in fighting Friday in Anbar province, three killed when a roadside bomb struck their patrol southeast of Baghdad and one killed in a separate roadside bombing south of the capital.

Iraqi police years from taking charge - "Not only do I fear for my life, I fear for the lives of all my men and the future of this country," the officer said. "I'm asking the U.S. to look at us really honestly and be the judge. Look at Iraq's leaders and tell me: Can this country function on its own?"


A Populist Anti-War Campaign for President
- Senator Mike Gravel is running a populist anti-war campaign for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party. Gravel, who is no novice to Washington, DC politics, is direct and clear in his views on the war. And, he has a long history of fighting unjust wars and seeking to return power to the people.

After debate, little-known Democrat draws a crowd - "What will make a difference in this campaign is not money, it's not celebrity, it is a person who is prepared to tell the American people the truth," he said. "The people are fed up and as president I will do a 180 and move this country in the opposite direction."

Still Waiting for Answers - It has long been evident that President Bush decided to invade Iraq first, and constructed his ramshackle case for the war after the fact. So why, after all this time, are Americans still in the dark about the details of that campaign? For that matter, why don’t Americans know the full truth about Mr. Bush’s illegal domestic spying program or his decisions on how to handle prisoners of the war on terror? And now there are new questions begging for answers — about the purge of United States attorneys and about campaign pep rallies in executive branch agencies that might well have violated federal law.

White House Officials Involved in Prostitution Scandal - ABC News investigative journalist Brian Ross blows the doors off the Washington DC prostitution scandal and reveals the myriad Washington insiders involved.



9/11 News :

Who Exactly do They Mean When They Say “al Qaeda?”
- Is it so outrageous to think that “Bin Laden” is code? Did you ever think that perhaps the term “Bin Laden” is code for “rogue group of enemies on the inside?”

Barrett Heading to Morocco to Apprehend Suicide Hijacker - Dr. Barrett will be traveling to Morocco May 6th to apprehend accused 9/11 hijacker Waleed al-Shehri, who, after allegedly stabbing a stewardess on a flight that crashed into the World Trade Center, returned to Casablanca and has reportedly been working as a pilot there ever since.

NY Police Report Bomb to Frame Activist as Terrorist - "By the time the government finds out, you'll be in the hole thirty days" 9/11 Truther is Told By Officer Who Admits to False Accusation of Having a Bomb

Annual terrorism report will show 29% rise in attacks - A State Department report on terrorism due out next week will show a nearly 30 percent increase in terrorist attacks worldwide in 2006 to more than 14,000, almost all of the boost due to growing violence in Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S. officials said Friday.


Sen. Durbin Drops Bombshells on the Senate Floor - Senator Dick Durbin, who was on the Senate Intelligence Committee during the lead up to the war, fills us in on what was going on behind the intel scenes in 2002-2003 and how accurately it matched up with what we were being told publicly.


Officers: Ex-CIA chief Tenet a 'failed' leader - "You were not a victim. You were a willing participant in a poorly considered policy to start an unnecessary war and you share culpability with Dick Cheney and George Bush for the debacle in Iraq."

DOJ "Civil Rights Lawyer" Gets Cash Award for Suppressing Black Voters - This is what the Bush Civil Rights Division has become. Unqualified right-wing attorneys who use racist and anti-gay language are being recruited into the Civil Rights Division, where they use the power of the federal government to suppress African-American voters and advance their own partisan interests.

Roads To Riches - Why investors are clamoring to take over America's highways, bridges, and airports—and why the public should be nervous

Convention ends with Satan and immigrants - Utah County Republicans ended their convention on Saturday by debating Satan's influence on illegal immigrants.
TVNL Comment: How can so many people base reality on mythology?

Conservative Center Closes Up Shop - The Center for Reclaiming America for Christ, founded more than a decade ago to propagate a largely antiabortion, antigay message, has closed its doors.

Cocaine Purer And Cheaper Despite Drug War - Cocaine prices in the United States have dropped and the drug's purity increased, despite years of effort and nearly $5 billion spent by the U.S. government to combat Colombia's drug industry, the White House drug czar acknowledged in a letter to a key senator.
TVNL Comment: This is because the drug trade is run by the CIA. This was exposed over 20 years ago. Drug money us used to fund black ops and illegal activities that are not approved by Congress like funding terrorists, assasinations, etc.

Most Katrina Aid From Overseas Went Unclaimed - Many of the U.S. diplomats who received the message, however, were beginning to witness a more embarrassing reality. They knew the U.S. government was turning down many allies' offers of manpower, supplies and expertise worth untold millions of dollars.

Out of America: Going to college? Watch out for Bush's bandits - This is a quintessentially Bush administration scandal, of revolving doors, jobs for the boys and rampant corporate welfare, all obscured by a torrent of Republican rhetoric about choice, competition and the universal superiority of the market.

The Apathetic American - Will Americans ever give a damn about anything but meaningless trivia and American bloodbaths?

Local Businesses Monitor Names of Cheney Protestors, Form Massive "Do Not Hire" List - Why are business tracking the names of soon to be graduating students? "You are being tagged as trouble makers and added to massive 'Do Not Hire' lists," says Denise Harman, who hires hundreds of graduates every year.


English Town Bans Plastic Bags - A small town in southwest Britain is banning plastic bags in a bid to help the environment and cut waste - a move environmentalists believe is a first for Europe.


Huge rally for Turkish secularism
- Hundreds of thousands of people have rallied in Istanbul in support of secularism in Turkey, amid a row over a vote for the country's next president.

America's war on tourists - In a recent poll of international travellers, commissioned by Discover America Partnership, a coalition of US tourist organisations, 70 per cent of respondents said they feared US officials more than terrorists or criminals. Another 66 per cent worried they would be detained for some minor blunder, such as wrongly filling out an official form or being mistaken for a terrorist, while 55 per cent say officials are "rude."
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.

A Saudi Prince Tied to Bush Is Sounding Off-Key - Most bitingly, during a speech before Arab heads of state in Riyadh three weeks ago, the king condemned the American invasion of Iraq as “an illegal foreign occupation.”

Wolfowitz tried to cover his tracks over lover's job - Documents released by the bank's ethics committee show that Mr Wolfowitz, controversially appointed to the World Bank from the Pentagon, where he was a leading architect of the Iraq war, tried to limit access to employee salary information after the bank launched an inquiry into the affair.


New Mexican Guard demands apology from U.S. Army - The commander of New Mexico's National Guard is demanding an apology from the Army brass after dozens of his soldiers in a mostly Hispanic unit were ordered to strip to their gym shorts and searched for gang tattoos while on duty in Kuwait.


Bill Maher Psychologically Analyzes President Bush - Bill Maher may not be a doctor, but his diagnosis of President Bush is pretty damn accurate.


Fox Caught Running a Fake Story On-Air - Fox got caught this week with their hand in the cookie jar, or should I say the ham sandwich. They went on-air with a flat out made up story.

All the President’s Press - The current White House, weakened as it is, can still establish story lines as fake as “Mission Accomplished” and get a free pass.


The Abstinence-Only Delusion - Reliance on abstinence-only sex education as the primary tool to reduce teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases — as favored by the Bush administration and conservatives in Congress — looks increasingly foolish and indefensible.


The Horrors of Hutto: Inside Texas' For-Profit Immigrant Prison - In its current initiative, the ACLU accuses Hutto of violating every provision of the 1997 settlement, including not giving children the right to wear their own clothes or have privacy.

82 inmates cleared but still held at Guantanamo - More than a fifth of the approximately 385 prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have been cleared for release but may have to wait months or years for their freedom because U.S. officials are finding it increasingly difficult to line up places to send them, according to Bush administration officials and defense lawyers.

Britain's slave trade records go online - Britain's slave trading past gets a human face on Friday as an ancestry-tracing Web site starts putting the personal histories of the victims online for the first time.


Ufo - technologies from 'above'. - The interview, taken by Maurizio Baiata, is with Mr Philip Corso, who was a high ranked army officer with the highest level of top secret security clearance and in the 50's joined the white house staff. He tells what he knows about the origin and developoment of many technologies, he claims to be coming from from other worlds.

William Kristol confronted on CSPAN by a caller: “LIAR” - William the Bloody Kristol was a guest on CSPAN and took a call from an Iraq "war wife," and she let him have it.

Moon Landing Hoax - Wires Footage - We can see the wires, people!
TVNL Comment: You can get the complete documentary on DVD here: LINK

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