Date: May 1st 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: President & Vice President Democrat Mike Gravel & Republican Ron Paul! Yeah, that's the ticket!

Let me start off by setting the record straight. I am not in any way inferring that I believe that the Democratic or Republican parties are about to allow a legitimate candidate to achieve any level of political success in this nation. As a matter of fact I believe that signing up to be a candidate for one of these two parties is the legal equivalent of making a deal with the devil. The two party system is broken and under the control of people who simply do not care about the majority of Americans.

That being said I am ready to identify two individuals who, in my opinion, may actually still own their own souls. These two men seem to actually be legitimate representatives of the people of this nation and they seem to really want to protect the American citizens from the ruling elite who have hijacked, for their own use, the political system of our nation. I would like to see them make a joint run for the office of President and Vice President in the 2008 election.

On the Republican side I have identified a real Republican hidden among a Government full of Republicans who share the party name but show no sings of sharing the party principles: Republican Representative Ron Paul, 14th District Texas. This is a man who has bravely and vocally addressed the biggest and most powerful conspiracy against the American people in our nation's history: the criminality of the Federal Reserve system. Ron Paul has made part of the public record his concerns about an illegal, unconstitutional and immoral monetary system that has placed virtually complete control of our government and our economy in the hands of secretive financiers. The central banking system is arguably the most harmful entity on our planet and is very likely at the heart of every war and economic hardship on this planet. Ron Paul literally risks his life each time he courageously attempts to raise this topic while at the same time his colleagues on both sides of the isle remain silent as if a bolt of lightning would strike them if they took part in this vital discussion. Even the perceived champion of the working class in the media, Lou Dobbs, pretends this issue does not exist. The issue of the Federal System is at the heart of everything that is wrong with government today. It is the most important issue related to democracy at this point and Ron Paul stands alone in Congress as a champion of the people. It is for this reason alone Ron Paul must be considered a true and legitimate representative of the people and not a tool of the ruling elite.

On the Democrat side my selection introduced himself to our nation during the Democratic debate on MSNBC. His name is Mike Gravel and I am proud to say that the readers of this newsletter learned about him weeks if not months ago. The former two term Senator from Alaska stood alone among a stage full of establishment stooges and spoke boldly about the control that the military industrial complex has over our government and over our culture. As Gravel stood across from the Demopublican Hillary Clinton and the Bilderberg Group Approved John Edwards he did something that no other American politician has done for years, he spoke the truth to the American people about war, nuclear weapons, America's breaking of international treaties, the fraudulent case for invading Iraq and the myth of a war on terror. He understands about the illegality of personal income tax and he would bring an end to the IRS and their blood thirsty practice of sucking the financial life blood of the working class. He stood on the same stage with people who have been doing nothing but lying to Americans for years (a semi-pass granted to Dennis Kucinich), and he told the truth. What more can one ask of a president of the United States.

One way any American can tell if a member of our government is indeed on the side of the citizens as opposed to being a tool of the ruling financial elite, corporate lobbies, military industrial complex or AIPAC, is to watch and see how the establishment media treat them. If the media ignores them or shows a coordinated effort to belittle or ridicule them, chances are they are actually fighting for what is best for the voters. So with that in mind please watch how the media treats, or ignores the two candidates highlighted in this piece. If you see a willing participation of the establishment media to ignore or belittle either of these candidates you should do your best to ignore the media and listen closely to the candidates and really think for yourself about what they are saying. Forget what party they are from. As a matter of fact try hard to ignore what party they are from and just listen to them. That's all I ask.

My suggestion to these two fine men is to join forces. This is a disparate time for America and for the survival of our democracy. It is a time to end the fallacy of the two party system because both parties have become as corrupt as can be. The people of this nation no longer get to chose our representatives, the people who control the parties and the media control who we are allowed to vote for. They don't even let us see some of the real candidates until we notice them listed on a ballot on election day. Is that democracy?

So I wonder what would happen if one of the few legitimate Republicans joined forces with one of the few legitimate Democrats and tried to defy the system. I wonder if the power of the people can overcome the power of the establishment media and the ruling class and elect a presidential team consisting of the first two legitimate representatives of the people in generations. I wonder what our nation would be like with leaders who would be willing to take on the enemies of the American people that have infected our system of government and like a cancer consume our democracy.

I'll tell you one thing, the day I hear the words “President and Vice President of the United States, Ron Paul & Mike Gravel (or the other way around), I'll be volunteering to serve our government in any way I can, even if it meant taking a bullet for one or both of those men; and I would think that bullets may be flying, if you know what I mean! So what do think? Can a Real Republican and a Real Democrat take their parties back at the same time...together? Think about it! - Jesse –Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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Mortar rounds slam Baghdad's Green Zone
- It was the second attack against the Green Zone in 12 hours, and it underscored heightened concerns about security in the area that is home to the U.S. and British embassies and thousands of American troops.

Report: Corruption Investigations in Iraq Stopped in Their Tracks - Investigations into government corruption in Iraq are being stopped in their tracks due to an antiquated law that has been reinstated by the prime minister, according to a report to be released today by the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction.

Iraq civilian deaths down in April: govt figures - Violence in Iraq killed 1,506 civilians in April, nearly a 20 percent drop from the previous month, Iraqi government figures showed on Tuesday.
TVNL Comment: Over 1500 killed? Wow, that's just great news! Isn't it?


President & Vice President Democrat Mike Gravel & Republican Ron Paul! Yeah, that’s the ticket!
- So I wonder what would happen if one of the few legitimate Republicans joined forces with one of the few legitimate Democrats and tried to defy the system. I wonder if the power of the people can overcome the power of the establishment media and the ruling class and elect a presidential team consisting of the first two legitimate representatives of the people in generations.

Another top Rice aide quits - A top human rights adviser to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced his resignation Monday, the latest in a string of senior State Department officials to quit as the administration of President George W. Bush winds to a close.

Secret Order By Gonzales Delegated Extraordinary Powers To Aides - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales signed a highly confidential order in March 2006 delegating to two of his top aides -- who have since resigned because of their central roles in the firings of eight U.S. attorneys -- extraordinary authority over the hiring and firing of most non-civil-service employees of the Justice Department.



9/11 News :

Truthers Versus Debunkers - The 911 Big Picture
- Most Truthers are like scientists, researchers, and good detectives. Most debunkers resemble stubborn alchemists, having devised a pet hypothesis, that is 'a tentative theory about the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified,' and several lofty mathematical equations, they continue trying--and failing--to melt pot metal into gold.


Dems want internal DOJ probe findings made public - Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) demanded Monday that Solicitor General Paul Clement make public the findings of his investigations into the firings of eight U.S. attorneys.

Senators Question Halliburton Executive About Dealings in Iran - A Halliburton executive, facing withering criticism from Democratic lawmakers during a Senate hearing on Monday about the company’s business dealings in Iran, insisted that the firm had not broken any laws.


Warnings On Student Lenders Unheeded - The Bush administration killed a proposal to clamp down on the student loan industry six years ago following allegations that companies sought to shower universities with financial favors to help generate business, according to documents and interviews with government officials.

Corps asked to explain pump contract - In a letter dated April 13, Sen. David Vitter (news, bio, voting record), R-La., called on the Corps to look into how the politically connected company got the post-Hurricane Katrina contract. MWI employed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, President Bush's brother, to market its pumps during the 1980s, and top MWI officials have been major contributors to the Republican Party.


Arctic melt faster than forecast - The latest observations indicate that Arctic summers could be ice-free by the middle of the century.

Animal Extinction - the greatest threat to mankind - By the end of the century half of all species will be extinct. Does that matter?


Brown to be PM 'in weeks' - Blair
- Tony Blair has said he expects "in all probability" that Chancellor Gordon Brown will succeed him as prime minister "in the next few weeks".

Damning war report puts Olmert on the brink - Ehud Olmert was under growing pressure yesterday to resign after media leaks that an inquiry committee into last summer's Lebanon war is to blame the Israeli Prime Minister for the failure to cut Hizbollah down to size or to bring home the two soldiers whose abduction provoked the 34-day conflict.

Blair's bloody legacy: Iraq - On the 10th anniversary of Tony Blair's election as Prime Minister, an exclusive poll reveals 69 per cent of Britons believe that, when he leaves office, his enduring legacy will be the bloody conflict in Iraq

Venezuela to quit World Bank, IMF - "We will no longer have to go to Washington, neither to the IMF, nor the World Bank, not to anyone,'' said Chavez who has already canceled Venezuela's debts to the Washington-based international lending organizations.
TVNL Comment: Now you know why he is an enemy! He is not in debt to the central banking system therefore he must be killed.




Bush Has Destroyed Iraq and America - The violence and killing that Bush brought to Iraq has spread antagonism between Sunni and Shiite throughout the Middle East with potentially draconian consequences. Bush’s war has turned Muslim hearts and minds against America and made terrorism an acceptable means to resist American hegemony. With his mindless war, Bush has created more terrorism than the world has ever seen.


Danny Schechter: Media Priorities Assure that Real Crises Will Not Be Covered - What we are seeing once again is an almost exclusive focus on individuals, hardly ever on the flaws of institutions. It is the "mistakes" of the system that are questioned - never the system itself. Our media remains fixated on misdemeanors, while ignoring felonies.

MSM hand-picks presidential candidates - After six long years of going to hell in a handbasket under the Bush administration, Americans finally see a light at the end of the tunnel held by presidential hopefuls Ron Paul and Mike Gravel. But, America's media monarchy is determined to make sure that they're never heard:


DOES A NEW STUDY SHOW THAT ALTERATIONS ON GENES IN VARIOUS ORGANS IN ANIMALS OCCUR WHEN ANY AMOUNT OF ASPARTAME INGESTED? - YES ! - This shows that aspartame ALTERS the genes in these organs, thus, this can result in disease. Any time a gene is altered by any source, chemical, radiation or food allergies, it can cause diseases.


Afghans protest over civilian deaths for third day - Burning an effigy of U.S. President George W. Bush and chanting anti-U.S. slogans, hundreds of Afghans staged a third day of protests on Tuesday over the killing of civilians by U.S.-led coalition forces.

U.S. Supreme Court won't hear Khadr's case - The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear the case of Omar Khadr, the only Canadian imprisoned at the U.S. detention centre in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


JFK Murder Plot "Deathbed Confession" Aired On National Radio - Former CIA agent, Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt names the men who killed Kennedy

Heroin is "Good for Your Health": Occupation Forces support Afghan Narcotics Trade -Multibillion dollar earnings for organized crime and Western financial Institutions

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