Date: May 3rd 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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SPECIAL NOTE: I want to wish my sister a happy birthday today! She is a 9/11 survivor who is just now coming to terms with the actual facts surrounding the events. So...if you are reading this...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Now go do something fun!

TVNL Editor's Comments: Would Somebody Finally Tell Me Why is Cuba My Enemy? Ditto on Chavez!

While I was watching some Halliburton related Senate hearing I heard a Senator Sherrod Brown, a Democrat from Ohio, mention that Cuba was included in the trading with the enemies act. This caused me to once again ask the obvious question that has never once in my lifetime been answered, not by a US politician and surely not by the US establishment media: why is Cuba my enemy? Sure, I have heard the dreaded “C” word, “communist”, but like the word itself nobody in the media has ever told me why communism is bad, why a country that chooses communism as an economic system is a threat to me or any American for that matter, or why the people of that nation should be made to suffer because they are not capitalists.

I hear the word “communist” used as an insult constantly, but I never heard anyone who uses that word explain why a communist should be considered an enemy of the United States forget an enemy of mine! I have never been threatened by a communist. The capitalist system on the other hand has scared the hell out of me. The IRS has harassed me about returns that they claim I did not send. I feared for my life for the three or so years that I went without health insurance. My credit card company started charging me $10 for paying my bill over the phone. I see veterans who risked their lives for our nation living on the streets in this country. I see people all over who can't read, can't do math, are absolutely clueless about what goes on in the world, and I am watching the cost of an education skyrocket to a point where only a very small percentage of the population in this nation will be able to afford an education; a rather pathetic development for a proud nation with any hope of a future. Yet for some reason I am told all the time that Cuba is my enemy! Why Cuba?

I can surely understand arguments against communist systems. I don't necessarily think a communist system is good, nor do I think unregulated capitalism is good. The game of Monopoly represents unregulated capitalism and we all know that in Monopoly everyone looses except for the last survivor. That's capitalism. Actually that is what George W. Bush means when he uses the code-speak term “freedom.” Bush is pushing for economic freedom, as in free of regulations. Free markets where the rich and the haves always win. He is not talking about freedom for you and me to live happy lives. Bush is talking about an “ownership society” but he does not mention who exactly will be owning society when he is done providing the “economic freedom” for the rich to finish life's big game of Monopoly! In the meantime I am still trying to figure out how Cuba threatens me.

The other day I heard one of the establishment cronies, Democratic Senator Joe Biden, do his part in the mindfucking of our nation by throwing Venezuela into a comment about America's enemies. Of course he did not provide a reason as to why Venezuela is our enemy. Joe was doing his part in sending out a subliminal message to anyone listening: “Venezuela bad, Venezuela bad!” Venezuela is the new Cuba in that we Americans are being told that they are our enemy every single day by the establishment and their foot soldiers in the media yet nobody will tell us why Venezuela is bad. They may tell us an out of context story about how Chavez insults George W. Bush but they never tell us what leads up to those events. They won't tell us about how Chavez is taking his nation back from the global ruling elite, otherwise known as the international bankers. Nobody tells us that Chavez is a target because he took is nation out of debt. This is like pissing off the Godfather because you paid off the loan shark. You see Chavez no longer owes the Godfather anything anymore and that really pisses off the Godfather. The Godfather, in the case of Venezuela is the ruling elite and that is a fact. If the US backs a coup or an assassination in Venezuela you can bet the first thing that will happen is a loan will be made by the World Bank or the IMF so that they can “rebuild” and “establish democracy” (otherwise known as economic free know...freedom;-).

Chavez is quietly becoming the world's last hope in battling the ruling elite or the New World Order. You see he is empowering his people. As a matter of fact he is helping the South American continent to stand up to the exploitation of America and the international bankers who are in the process of setting up a one world government. Chavez has paid off Venezuela's debts and has told the international bankers to get the hell out of his nation. He saved his people from the inextinguishable debt that causes a nation to relinquish it's sovereignty to a private group of financiers. You know, the same way the Federal Reserve pretty much controls the US and how people like Bush are put in power in order to maintain or increase that debt so that the American taxpayer will forever fork over a huge chunk of their wealth just to pay the interest! That's why wars are started; because wars are the most expensive endeavor a nation can undertake and that means more debt and more money owed to the bankers. Bush & Cheney are insiders. They are in like kids I grew up with who used to drive around with a bb gun popping out car windows because their father owned an auto glass store in the neighborhood! Only they don't break windows, they start wars! They forced America into an endless war; the ultimate jackpot for the bankers! The formula: take one “New Pearl Harbor” (and if one does not happen on it's own create your own!) This will create fear. Part one is essential for without it the rest of the plan is dead. So above all, no matter what happens, you must ensure that the initial “catastrophic and catalyzing event” takes place. Next get the scared people to pay up by telling them that you need the money to protect them. Scared people will give anything to be safe; money, freedom, anything; this has been proven over and over throughout history. Then start a war that creates more enemies, that you will have to protect those same frightened people from! Then ask for more money and ask people to relinquish more rights so that you can protect them! What a brilliant business plan!

Now you have to pay for your protection FOREVER! That's right, your taxes go towards paying a private bank (the Federal Reserve) interest on all of the loans taken out for the costs of protecting you, by an intentionally financially irresponsible (or complicit) Congress and/or president even though the US has the sole Constitutional authority to print money (and the Federal Reserve DOES NOT) and the US can lend itself money at absolutely no interest...if it so pleased! Friends, this is what started the American Revolution! Taxation without representation! America was started to get away from the Bank of England, another private bank that held the UK hostage, as does the Federal Reserve with America!

So getting back to my initial point...I'll tell you who is my enemy, anyone that tries to tell me that Venezuela or Cuba is my enemy and does not follow that comment up with a clear and complete explanation as to why that is the case. Joe Biden is more of an enemy to me that Chavez and that is a fact!

So I ask you once again...why the hell am I supposed to consider Cuba and Venezuela my enemies when, as you can see from reading my rant, there are plenty of American enemies for me to really fear. And let me tell you this, America has no enemy greater than the establishment media for it is their cloak of secrecy that permit those other enemies domestic to assault our democracy, our freedom and our word! Think about it! - Jesse –Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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Iraq Reconstruction Is Doomed, Ex-Chief of Global Fund Says
- Reconstruction efforts in Iraq are largely doomed to failure, the former chairman of the International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq said Tuesday in an interview.

Anger in Baghdad as Americans finish wall - "We here inside the wall are still as vulnerable as ever."

Police: 85 Iraqis killed nationwide - Also Wednesday, two U.S. soldiers were killed and two others were wounded when a bomb devastated their vehicle in southern Baghdad, the U.S. command said. Another soldier died in a blast in western Baghdad, the command said.

Plan Puts Only Sunni Terrorists in Crosshairs of the Iraqi Army - Iraq currently has two intelligence agencies. One was created and is still funded by the CIA and has a budget that is kept secret even from Iraq's parliament; the second was created by Mr. Maliki and reports to him. Some American officials have said they are concerned that Iranians have infiltrated the Maliki intelligence agency.

Consequences - Terry McCarthy, an ABC News Baghdad correspondent tells Charlie Rose what has happened to the Iraq society from the occupation. The religious factions were not at their throats until now…

Corpses held for ransoms in Baghdad - Criminals in Baghdad are stealing corpses from the scenes of car bombings and killings in order to extract ransoms from grieving relatives.
TVNL Comment: It's a wonderful chapter in history, isn't it?

Ex-CIA director calls Iraq war 'illegal'‎ - Former CIA director George Tenet has revealed the US invasion of Iraq was based in large part on incorrect data and was therefore 'illegitimate'.

U.S. diplomats returning from Iraq with post-traumatic stress disorder - U.S. diplomats are returning from Iraq with the same debilitating, stress-related symptoms that have afflicted many U.S. troops, prompting the State Department to order a mental health survey of 1,400 employees who have completed assignments there.

43% of Iraqis live in absolute poverty – government report - Poverty is rampant throughout Iraq with more than half the population lacking basic means to survive, a government survey shows.


U.S. inspector general for Iraq under investigation
- Stuart Bowen, the U.S. special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction whose office has uncovered abuse of both Iraqi and U.S. funds, is under investigation himself, a White House spokeswoman said on Wednesday.
TVNL Comment: I guess he is not married to a covert agent that they could expose so they had to come after him a different way!

MIKE GRAVEL-THE ISSUES THAT MATTER-WASHINGTON JOURNAL - Senator Gravel spoke extensively on the NATIONAL INITIATIVE and of the record of fellow democrats in the race, particularly Hillary Clinton.

The Israel Factor infiltrates Democratic Presidential Candidate debate - It is not a question of whether the Israel Lobby exists in the United States and influences U.S. foreign policy towards the Middle East. Its existence is incontrovertibly evident. The only question that remains unanswered is how to accurately quantify the threat that the Israel Lobby poses to the sovereignty of the United States and the scant remaining liberties and freedoms of the American people.


U.S. layoffs rise by 44 pct in April vs March-survey
- Announced layoffs totaled 70,672 in April, up from 48,997 in March and about 18 percent more than the 59,688 announced in the same month a year earlier, according to Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc., an employment consulting firm.

9/11 News :

CFR Warns Of False Flag Attack To Ignite Iran War
- The CFR along with the Trilateral Commission hold the real strings of power in the United States and act on policy decided upon by the big brother of multinational semi-secret steering societies, the Bilderberg Group.


Leahy issues subpoena for Rove e-mails - Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) issued a subpoena Wednesday for all e-mails from White House adviser Karl Rove that relate to the firings of eight U.S. attorneys.


Voter system too flawed, counties say - The system already has kicked registered voters' names off the lists during early voting that started Monday and forced others to wait as long as 10 minutes while the system verified voter registration. One of those left off the rolls was Prairie View Mayor Frank Jackson.

Spying on Americans - Suddenly, Mr. Bush is in a hurry. He has submitted a bill that would enact enormous, and enormously dangerous, changes to the 1978 law on eavesdropping. It would undermine the fundamental constitutional principle — over which there can be no negotiation or compromise — that the government must seek an individual warrant before spying on an American or someone living here legally.

Record Number of Secret Warrants in 2006 - In all, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court signed off on 2,176 warrants targeting people in the United States believed to be linked to international terror organizations or spies.

Seven Out of 10 GOP 2008 Hopefuls Could Be Excluded from TV Debate - The network and the state party agreed on the one percent threshold, as well as on the requirements that candidates must have filed papers in South Carolina and paid the proper fees to be a candidate, state GOP spokesman Rob Godfrey told Cybercast News Service.
TVNL Comment: It is the Constitutional mandate of the press to inform the public about these candidates! They are there to inform the electorate, not to screen out information about people who are not part of the financial elite and can afford to get their message out on their own! This is not a celebrity contest; this is democracy we are talking about and the media are proving me right by showing us how they are the enemy of democracy and of the American people!


Honeybee die-off threatens food supply - Unless someone or something stops it soon, the mysterious killer that is wiping out many of the nation's honeybees could have a devastating effect on America's dinner plate, perhaps even reducing us to a glorified bread-and-water diet.




Senior VA Officials Get Big Bonuses - Months after a politically embarrassing $1 billion shortfall that put veterans' health care in peril, Veterans Affairs officials involved in the foul-up got hefty bonuses ranging up to $33,000.

Key US Army ranks begin to thin - Thousands more mid-level enlisted soldiers are leaving the Army than in each of the past two years, forcing the service to increase its use of pay-to-stay programs and find other ways to keep GIs in the fold.

Pentagon study says oil reliance strains military - A new study ordered by the Pentagon warns that the rising cost and dwindling supply of oil -- the lifeblood of fighter jets, warships, and tanks -- will make the US military's ability to respond to hot spots around the world "unsustainable in the long term."

U.S. Army clamping down on soldiers' blogs - The U.S. Army is tightening restrictions on soldiers' blogs and other Web site postings to ensure sensitive information about military operations does not make it onto public forums.
TVNL Comment: They are told that they are fighting for our freedom but they and we are losing our feedoms.

Joan Baez banned at Walter Reed hospital - In a letter to The Washington Post published Wednesday, she said rocker John Mellencamp had asked her to perform with him last Friday and that she accepted his invitation.


Would Somebody Finally Tell Me Why is Cuba My Enemy? Ditto on Chavez! - While I was watching some Halliburton related Senate hearing I heard a Senator Sherrod Brown, a Democrat from Ohio, mention that Cuba was included in the trading with the enemies act. This caused me to once again ask the obvious question that has never once in my lifetime been answered, not by a US politician and surely not by the US establishment media: why is Cuba my enemy?


Researchers: Bill O'Reilly calls someone a derogatory name every 6.8 seconds - "It's obvious he's very big into calling people names, and he's very big into glittering generalities," Mike Conway, a journalism professor, says in a press release. "He's not very subtle. He's going to call people names, or he's going to paint something in a positive way, often without any real evidence to support that viewpoint."


FDA hoodwinks public over CAM Guidelines comment period, slams door shut on public comments one month early - The FDA has slammed the door shut on accepting public comments over its contentious "CAM Guidelines" that threaten to destroy natural medicine by classifying virtually all health-enhancing foods, juices, nutritional supplements and functional foods as "unapproved drugs."

Maggots used to counter MRSA superbug - In a preliminary trial, 12 of 13 patients with wounds infected with the potentially deadly bug were cured using larvae of the greenbottle fly Lucilia Sericata.

DOES A NEW STUDY SHOW THAT ALTERATIONS ON GENES IN VARIOUS ORGANS IN ANIMALS OCCUR WHEN ANY AMOUNT OF ASPARTAME INGESTED? - YES ! - This shows that aspartame ALTERS the genes in these organs, thus, this can result in disease. Any time a gene is altered by any source, chemical, radiation or food allergies, it can cause diseases.


Probes find 50 Afghan civilians killed in US-led action - Investigations into a US-led offensive in western Afghanistan at the weekend found around 50 civilians were killed, officials said Wednesday, as President Hamid Karzai summoned the top US general over the casualties.


Jesus Camp - God Help Us All! - I've just finished watching one of the most disturbing documentaries ever produced. It's called 'Jesus Camp' (Heidi Ewing, Rachel Grady/Magnolia) and deals with non-denominational ultra-fundamentalist Christian church groups and one of the bizarre, psychotic camps they send their children to for two weeks of intense brain washing.

Dublin diocese pays out 7.8 million euros for sex-abuse claims - The number of allegations against priests jumped from 102 in 2006 to 147 in 2007.

Russia, U.S. race to the moon - The United States and Russia appear to be in a new race to the moon, and an isotope under the lunar surface may be the prize.

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