Date: May 5th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Pro-Life or Anti-Life; Which is it Mr. Bush?

Before I get to the point of today's commentary I want to clear something up for the people of America and mostly for the criminals in the establishment media who help distort issues in favor of the people who control them. Nobody, and I repeat no human being who supports a woman's right to have an abortion is “pro-abortion” or “anti-life”. So let's stop the inappropriately applied description of “pro-life” for people who feel that women should not have the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The term that should be used and is more accurate is “anti-abortion” or “anti-woman's-right-to-choose.” If you use the term “pro-life” it should be used to describe those who oppose people who believe in the right to hunt, support war or support the loosening of environmental regulations. So if you use that term, use it correctly!

As a personal disclaimer let me clarify something. I am disgusted with my fellow human beings' trivial approach to parental responsibility. The rampant occurrences of unwanted pregnancies are unacceptable to me when we have so many ways of preventing them. I am not just speaking of unwanted pregnancies that are terminated, I am also talking about unwanted births by mothers who are in no position to responsibly care for a human being. Blame can be shared between the men and women who are responsible for this but let's face it, women have just a little bit more control over the situation for the most part. I am sorry if you disagree with me but that is how I feel. Not only can a women use birth control but she can also demand that her partner use condoms. Couples can also partake in many satisfying sexual activities that do not necessarily come to a pregnancy risking conclusion. Use your imagination;-) That being said I do support a women's right to choose but I believe more effort has to go towards preventing unwanted pregnancies and irresponsible births. Parenthood is a responsibility as much as it is a right so let's practice both equally.

Idea: perhaps we can mix some kind of male contraceptive in every little blue Viagra pill! Just a thought.

Now as far as Mr' Bush goes...I am saying can not claim to be pro-life while ordering death. If anyone takes the position that killing is wrong and that solutions to problems can under no circumstances result in a death of a human being, as anti-abortion activists such as George W. Bush do, then that same logic must be used across the board. If you choose to address a problem by killing people, like Bush did with Iraq, then you are not pro-life! Period, end of story.

George W. Bush has threatened to veto any pro-choice legislation that awaits his signature. He stands in front of the world and proclaims to be “pro-life” while the world counts daily the mounting deaths that have resulted from his actions. We need a word that is stronger than “hypocrisy” to describe this scenario! I won't even bring up the fact that a record number of state executions occurred during his term as governor of Texas. Oops, I just brought it up. Silly me.

The fact is that George W. Bush is anti-abortion, not pro-life. I don't know if anything in life is more obvious than this. Perhaps those in the establishment media might want to take notice of this! Think about it! - Jesse –Editor,

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Warships, Warships Everywhere, and Many a Bomb to Drop
- President Bush keeps insisting that he would like to see these “diplomatic” endeavors — as he describes them — succeed, but he has yet to bring up a single proposal or incentive that might offer any realistic prospect of eliciting a positive Iranian response.

Beyond the Green Zone's 'Gated Community,' Bush's Surge Is Failing - Bush's "surge" has put army and police checkpoints everywhere in Baghdad but Iraqis are terrified approaching them because they do not know if the men in uniform they see are in fact death squads.

Four U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq - Four U.S. soldiers were killed and nine others wounded in three separate incidents in Iraq on Thursday, the U.S.

Iraqi lawmakers demand U.S. withdrawal - Some 133 Iraqi lawmakers from different political blocs, calling themselves the "free deputies," signed a document demanding a scheduled withdrawal of the U.S.-led multinational troops from their country, according to the Sadrist bloc in Parliament.

Coalition should 'admit defeat and leave Iraq' - A former commander of the British Army has said that Britain and America should "admit defeat" and withdraw from Iraq. - General Sir Michael Rose also said he understood why insurgents were attacking coalition forces and said he believed they were right to try and force invading troops out of the country.

Pentagon: 300 Iraqi Troops Killed in April - April was the deadliest month of the year for U.S. service members in Iraq, but it was an even grimmer month for Iraqi security forces, a high-ranking Pentagon official said this afternoon.

Baghdad Christians flee as violence against them mounts - "We [Christians] are at the end of our tether because in four years of [US] occupation and discrimination against our religion, we have never felt so threatened," said Anuar. "In my neighbourhood, every Christian family has received threatening letters."

4 Dead in Iraq Green Zone Rocket Attack - A rocket attack on Iraq's heavily fortified Green Zone killed four foreign contractors working for the U.S. government, the American embassy said Thursday. It was the third straight day that extremists used rockets or mortars to hit the area where Iraq's parliament meets.

No safe way for U.S. to leave Iraq, experts warn - Pulling U.S. forces from Iraq could trigger catastrophe, CNN analysts and other observers warn, affecting not just Iraq but its neighbors in the Middle East, with far-reaching global implications.
TVNL Comment: Who got us into this mess and why is there nobody being held accountable for doing so?


Goodling Shed Tears Before Revelations About Firings
- A former U.S. Justice Department official and central figure in the firing of eight U.S. attorneys tearfully told a colleague two months ago her government career probably was over as the matter was about to erupt into a political storm, according to closed-door congressional testimony.

Bush's deputy security adviser resigns - Crouch, who has been President Bush's deputy national security adviser for more than two years, said the president never will be swayed by opposition to the war. Instead, Crouch said, Bush will use his resolve to help convince a broad section of Americans that it's important to be in Iraq.

Rove, Still In the Mix - Two months ago, he helped coach Justice Department officials on how to testify about the U.S. attorneys’ firings. Was that a harmless part of his job, or an inappropriate attempt to mislead Congress?
TVNL Comment: Inappropriate is not illegal and this administration pushes the limits on inappropriate conduct accross the board.

Republican contenders ponder what to say about Bush - Do they embrace him as a means of appealing to the conservative voters who tend to decide Republican primaries? Or do they break from him in an effort to show that they will lead the United States in a new direction? Do they applaud his policies or question his competence - or both?


New Century to lay off 2,000 workers
- Financially strapped subprime mortgage lender New Century Financial Corp., failed to receive any bids for its mortgage loan origination business, forcing it to shut down the unit and lay off around 2,000 employees, the company told employees Thursday.

Jobless rate rises as hiring slows - The nation's unemployment rate edged up to 4.5 percent in April as cautious employers added the fewest new jobs in more than two years, signaling that the labor market is starting to feel some of the strain of the sluggish economy.

Economic Cannibalism - Looting and plundering the world is the primary goal of the criminal cabal that controls America.

Foreclosures surge on mortgage woes - There were more than 430,000 foreclosure filings nationwide, one for every 264 households.

9/11 News :

9/11: Major Italian TV network: conclusive evidence that WTC Building 7 was demolished with explosives
- On April 16, 2007, a major Italian network (Canale 5) has aired some conclusive evidence that Building 7 did not collapse on its own, but was deliberately taken down with the use of explosives.

Neo-Con Threats Force Virgin To Pull Loose Change - Virgin Airlines have pulled Loose Change from their in-flight movie roster after a cadre of Neo-Con slugs, bullies and enemies of free speech sent threatening complaints to the company, smearing the documentary and comparing it with Nazi propaganda films.

Potential terror jurors cite 9/11 doubts - Many potential jurors in the Jose Padilla terrorism-support case say they aren't sure who directed the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks because they don't trust reporters or the federal government.


E-Mail Boxes of All U.S. Senators are CLOSED - After finally speaking with both of my senators offices in Washington, the local offices would not tell me, the email boxes of ALL senators are CLOSED!!!

Miller earmarks aided partner - Rep. Gary Miller (R-Calif.) helped secure several earmarks in the 2005 transportation bill that would benefit projects of his business partner, Lewis Operating, according to House sources and an analysis of the bill’s earmarks and San Bernardino County, Calif., land records.


TSA Loses Hard Drive With Personal Info - The Transportation Security Administration has lost a computer hard drive containing Social Security numbers, bank data and payroll information for about 100,000 employees.

Judge says NY surveillance data can be made public - Six hundred pages of documents relating to intelligence that New York City gathered before the 2004 Republican National Convention should be made public, a federal judge ruled on Friday.

Former, Current Alaska Lawmakers Charged - One current and two former Alaska legislators pleaded not guilty Friday to extortion - one man sought a plum job in the Barbados, prosecutors claim - and taking bribes to support legislation benefiting an oil services company.

Fortress America: The Criminalization of Compassion - This afternoon, I received a phone call from my father in Beaverton, OR, informing me that the Beaverton police had been contacted by Las Vegas authorities, and had apparently been asked to do some checking in on my intentions and/or background.

State looks to pull anti-Bush license plate - And although only one person complained about Moriah’s political statement, that’s all it takes to recall a set of vanity plates, Hillmer said.

FLORIDA MOVES TO PAPER BALLOTS! - A Huge Victory (Finally!) for Voters in the Sunshine State!

Bush Wants Phone Firms Immune to Privacy Suits - The Bush administration is urging Congress to pass a law that would halt dozens of lawsuits charging phone companies with invading ordinary citizens' privacy through a post-Sept. 11 warrantless surveillance program.

Colo. elections IT mgr. selling "voter data" to GOP candidates - An IT manager for Colorado's state-wide voter database has been selling "targeted voter data" through a "GOP Campaign help" web site at According to his online resume, Dan Kopelman is currently "Elections Technology Manager" with "oversight and guidance of the State Wide Voter Database" in the office of Colorado's newly elected Republican Secretary of State Mike Coffman.

DHS Sweats Out National ID Town Hall Meeting - States and civil liberties groups have been bristling at the requirements of the Real ID Act, which would require states, starting in 2008, to revalidate citizens' birth certificates, store copies of the documents, and interconnect their databases to prevent duplicate licenses.




Elections marred by vote problems
- Scotland's parliamentary elections have been hit by major problems with many counts suspended and an unprecedented number of spoilt ballots recorded.

Ecuador refuses US maneuvers - LEcuador has refused to participate in the UNITAS 2007 maneuvers because of an unacceptable attitude on the part of the United States.

Tens of thousands urge Olmert to quit over Lebanon war report - Tens of thousands of Israelis called on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to resign late Thursday in the first mass street protest since a government inquiry blasted his leadership of last year's Lebanon war.


Tighter restrictions on military blogs anger US soldiers - US troops in Iraq have reacted angrily to Pentagon restrictions aimed at curbing internet postings from war zones.

Veteran Affairs under fire for hefty bonuses - Congressional leaders on Thursday demanded that the Veterans Affairs secretary explain hefty bonuses for senior department officials involved in crafting a budget that came up $1 billion short and jeopardized veterans’ health care.


Pro-Life or Anti-Life; Which is it Mr. Bush? - The fact is that George W. Bush is anti-abortion, not pro-life. I don’t know if anything in life is more obvious than this.


We are now in the firing line, sadly - When did the sands run out for us journalists?

Magazine's list of 100 most influential doesn't include Bush - George Clooney made the list. So did Osama bin Laden and Warren Buffett. - Who's missing? President Bush.


FDA plan to close field labs draws fire - A Food and Drug Administration plan to close seven of 13 field laboratories has angered some lawmakers, government workers and safety advocates, who fear the move will chase away skilled veteran employees and hurt the FDA's ability to respond to public health emergencies.


Iraq war strain leads troops to abuse civilians, survey shows - One in 10 of the US soldiers in Iraq mistreats civilians or damages their property, according to a survey published by the Pentagon last night.
TVNL Comment: And these are your heroes? We are supposed to support them? How can we be proud of this?

AFGHANISTAN: Some 1,600 displaced after US air raids - Almost 1,600 families have been displaced and many others need urgent humanitarian assistance two days after US war planes bombed several villages in the Shindand district of the western province of Herat, Afghan officials said. Reports of displacement follow claims that up to 60 civilians may have died in the fighting.


New Tape Suggests Kennedy Assassination Inside Job - The "wet op" that was pulled off in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963 may not have been orchestrated by the CIA proper but rather was put together by several CIA veterans and contract players-for-fire in a "non-sanctioned" hit originally "suggested" by then Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson. One of the many purposes of this tape, according to E. Howard Hunt, was to make clear of LBJ's involvement in the assassination.

Vicar jailed for child sex abuse - A parish priest has been jailed for five-and-a-half years for sexually abusing six boys over a 30-year period.

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