Date: May 8th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Forget About Impeaching Bush; Just Have His Presidency Annulled!

Do you remember the game called Twister? Do you remember that arrow that you would spin when it was your turn? Do you remember that the arrow would land on a color and you would have to put your hand or foot on a colored dot on a mat that matched the color? Well, the Bush/Cheney gang are so corrupt and are involved in so many scandals that we can make one of those little spinning arrow charts and use it to select one of the multiple reasons to impeach or incarcerate Bush, Cheney and members of their crime syndicate.

But I have an easier solution. While I personally favor criminal proceedings for the Bush cabal for a number of things ranging from conducting an electoral coup on our nation to complicity in the events of 9/11 (or at the very very least incompetence...but the evidence points to complicity), I think it would be easier to simply have the entire Bush presidency annulled! You see all you have to do is examine the evidence of election fraud that took place during the last two presidential elections and you will see that Bush was never elected. So we don't really need to impeach him....we just have to inform him of the mistake and tell him to leave...immediately!

I don't get it, this whole nation has their collective heads in buried in the sand. Reality is simply not part of the average American's daily life. Bush was never elected to the presidency! Not once! Why do we keep pretending that he was? If you need proof of this you can check out the writings of Mark Crispin Miller who has put together the best documentation of this to date or you can read daily

Arrests have been made. People have been sent to prison for election fraud. Yet for some reason the American public can not connect the one dot that is required to understand that when people are convicted of election fraud, election fraud took place! And someone befitted by that election fraud! Hello....can anyone out there hear me? Bush and his cabal are enemies domestic. They invaded our nation and overthrew our government. They used nonviolent means to do so but they did so none the less. We are living under a coup. And the justice system, along with Congress are dominated by cronies and therefor the people of this nation are without protection from enemies and we are without a system where justice can be served. So to think justice in the form of an impeachment is realistic is foolish. Just ask Nancy Pelosi, she will confirm my opinion here.

So instead of waiting for cronies to police themselves and conduct impeachment or criminal hearings let's just take a moment to step into the reality based world. We don't need to impeach Bush because he is not the president. We simply have to enforce the laws of the land. He was not elected. Crimes were committed in order to make it appear that he was. Once Bush is out we can arrest Bush for impersonating a US president, trespassing, every kind of fraud imaginable, 9/11, etc. But until then we should simply tell him to to vacate the White House because he is not now and never has been the president! Think about it! - Jesse –Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

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Cheney to seek help on Iraq, Iran
- But Cheney -- who will visit the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan -- will leave the diplomatic heavy lifting on the Arab-Israeli peace process to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, a top aide said Monday.
TVNL Comment: Why doesn't Cheney just take a hunting trip with the insurgents and then shoot them all in the face by accident?

GIs at Iraqi outposts seek safety in fortifications - Troops enjoy further protection, but more walls between them and civilians

Car Bombs Kill 25 at Iraqi Police Checkpoint - Successive suicide car bombs hit a police checkpoint near Ramadi on Monday, the provincial security chief said, killing 25 people and dealing a blow to a city recently considered a showcase for the strategy of integrating insurgents into the Iraqi security forces.

U.S. colonel shot while surveying Baghdad wall - A U.S. combat brigade commander was shot by a sniper while surveying the construction of a wall to protect a Sunni Arab enclave in Baghdad, the U.S. military said on Monday.

68 Killed or Found Dead in Iraq - In all, at least 68 people were killed or found dead nationwide Monday, police said. They included the bullet-riddled bodies of 30 men found in Baghdad - the apparent victims of sectarian death squads.


RFK: Rove And Rove’s Brain, ‘Should Be In Jail,’ Not In Office
- Kennedy, a voting rights attorney, fumed, “What he [Griffin] did was absolutely illegal and he should be in jail. Instead [Griffin] was rewarded with the US Attorney’s office.”

People in the White House are talking only to each other’ - Matthew Dowd, the chief strategist for the Bush-Cheney 2004 campaign, recently broke ranks with his White House buddies and denounced Bush’s leadership. He said he sees a president who only hears what he wants to hear, from those who know not to challenge him with competing ideas. “I think he’s become more, in my view, secluded and bubbled in,” Dowd said.

A Scandal That Keeps Growing - New reports of possible malfeasance keep coming fast and furious. They all seem to make it more likely than ever that the firings were part of an attempt to turn the Justice Department into a partisan political operation. There is, to start, the very strong appearance that United States attorneys were fired because they were investigating powerful Republicans or refused to bring baseless charges against Democrats.

U.S. Attorneys to Leave in '09, but Conservative Political Hirees in Justice Dept. will Remain - George Bush has made sure that the upper levels of the Justice Department remained loyal to him throughout his time in office. But the new allegations of political hirings for lower level employees means that the stench of the Bush Administration will linger in federal law enforcement for years to come.

Early departures clip Bush security team - Top members of President Bush's national security team are leaving in one of the earliest waves of departures from a second-term administration — nearly two years before Bush's term ends.

Justice to Allow Goodling Immunity Deal - The Justice Department will not try to prevent Congress from granting immunity to a former department official to testify about the firing of eight federal prosecutors.

Ron Paul in Debate at Reagan Library - A guest on CNBC and Pat Buchanan comment on Ron Paul followed by Ron Paul in the debate.


Factory Jobs: 3 Million Lost Since 2000
- That's the issue for American workers. Many of their jobs are moving overseas, to Mexico and China and elsewhere.

  • Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions

9/11 News :



House Admin Committee Set to Dismiss Clint Curtis/Tom Feeney Election Challenge According to Curtis Campaign - Though they've yet to examine the "hard evidence" the Curtis campaign says they've collected in the matter, the reason for the dismissal, as given to campaign manager, Marty Ward by a Capitol Hill staffer, was "insufficient evidence". Ward says that two different offices have informed the campaign of the committee's plan to dismiss the case tomorrow.

28 Senators vote to maintain Big Pharma monopoly over U.S. consumers; Republicans oppose free trade for medicine - 28 Republicans voted against the Dorgan amendment, voting to enforce the pharmaceutical monopoly and keep Big Pharma in control of virtually the entire U.S. medication market. There were no Democrats that voted against the amendment. But why would 28 Republican Senators vote against breaking a marketplace monopoly and encouraging the use of free market economics to save American consumers billions of dollars? The answer isn't complicated: Because nearly all of them have taken money from pharmaceutical companies!

Justice Department Inquiry Expanded - Congress stepped up its inquiry into the politics of Justice Department decision-making Monday as it sought cooperation from one department official and prepared to put its former White House liaison under oath.

Senate blocks bid to allow drug imports - In a triumph for the pharmaceutical industry, the Senate on Monday killed a drive to allow consumers to buy prescription drugs from abroad at a significant savings over domestic prices.
TVNL Comment: Who is Congress working for? Certainly not us!


Oil Services Executives Plead Guilty to Bribing Alaska Lawmakers - Two top officers of an oil services company pleaded guilty Monday to bribing Alaska lawmakers with cash and the promise of jobs, contracts and favors for their backing on bills supported by the multinational firm.
TVNL Comment: Why isn't this all over the TV news as gas prices continue to rise?

Recall reversed on impeachment plate - A Rapid City woman will not have to turn in her anti-George Bush license plate after all, a state official announced today.




Venezuelan official calls U.S. drug agency a 'new cartel'
- “The United States with its DEA monopolizes the shipping of drugs like a cartel,” Carreno told reporters. “We determined that we were evidently in the presence of a new cartel.” He did not elaborate.


More on the KS National Guard Equipment problems - The Iraq war comes back to bite us at home.


Forget About Impeaching Bush; Just Have His Presidency Annulled! - You see all you have to do is examine the evidence of election fraud that took place during the last two presidential elections and you will see that Bush was never elected. So we don’t really need to impeach him….we just have to inform him of the mistake and tell him to leave…immediately!


Clear Media Conspiracy Against Ron Paul - In this case, a jury would have to conclude a conspiracy against Dr. Paul by the corporation-controlled media exists.


Flavoring Suspected in Illness - Since 2001, academic studies have shown links between the disease and a chemical used in artificial butter flavor called diacetyl. Flavoring manufacturers have paid out more than $100 million as a result of lawsuits by people sick with popcorn workers lung over the past five years.
TVNL Comment: An interesting note: I have noticed that the last several times that I have made microwave popcorn I have had asthma attacks. This happens before I even eat the popcorn. The smoke/steam seems to cause a reaction.

Genetically Engineered Crops May Produce Herbicide Inside Our Intestines - They fail to reveal, however, that after you eat the GM corn, some inactive herbicide may become reactivated inside your gut and cause a toxic reaction. In addition, a gene that was inserted into the corn might transfer into the DNA of your gut bacteria, producing long-term effects.




RFID Chips in Your Money, You Weren’t Supposed to Know - It is amazing sometimes to watch how stories that should never have been reported get quickly denied and then absurd excuses used as a cover.

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