Date: May 10th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Being a Gay Republican is Like Being a Black Klansman

The comedian Dave Chappelle did a very funny skit on his program where a blind black man became the most revered member of the Ku Klux Klan. Nobody knew that he was black because he wore a hood and he never knew he was black because he was blind. At the end of the skit he finds out that he is black and he subsequently divorces his wife because she is, in his own words, “ a nigger lover!”

I can not think of a better metaphor than Chappelle's skit for the gay people who identify themselves as Republicans. The hood in the skit that prevented others from finding out that Chappelle's character is black is just like the proverbial “closet” in which gay people hide from those who persecute them and from themselves. And the fact that Chappelle's character was a leader in the most anti-black hate group on the planet, the Ku-Klux-Klan, represents the leadership in the politically masochistic organization known calling themselves Log Cabin Republicans!

The Log Cabin Republicans just concluded a conference during which they decided to continue to adhere to the core values of the Republican party. I suppose the theme of this convention was “thank you sir, may I have another!” There is nothing more difficulty for me to do than to support people that actively take part in their own abuse and let me tell you I can not think of anything more difficult to do than support the rights of the homosexuals who align themselves with the political enemies of homosexuals.

Let's face it, Log Cabin Republicans are to the Republican party what the cheerleaders played by Will Ferrell & Cheri Oteri on Saturday Night Live were to the rest of the squad.

Being a gay Republican is like being a black Klansman or a Jewish Nazi. They should form a new party taking the good values of the Republican party and they should leave out the hate policies of the current party. But they should not be supporting their abusers.

Then again...I may be completely wrong about the Log Cabin Republicans. They may actually be the most powerful Republican organization around because it seems like a heck of a lot of their leaders are either suspiciously “connected” to out of the closet homosexuals or are eventually outted themselves! Can anyone say “Jeff Gannon”? Think about it! - Jesse –Editor,

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Majority of Iraqi Lawmakers Now Reject Occupation
- More than half of the members of Iraq's parliament rejected for the first time on Tuesday the continuing occupation of their country. The U.S. media ignored the story.

Iraqi parliament speaker slams U.S. officials over criticism of its summer break plans - In a barb at the Bush administration, he said those behind the criticism of Iraq's parliament would make better use of their time trying to counter criticism by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who is leading a campaign against U.S. President George W. Bush's handling of the war in Iraq.

Bush allegedly assures Saudis no war exit on his watch - President Bush is said to have assured the government of Saudi Arabia that the US will not withdraw from Iraq in his presidency, according to a little-noticed remark in a column in Wednesday's Washington Post.

US Embassy: wear flak jackets, helmets - The U.S. Embassy has ordered its staff to wear flak jackets and helmets while outdoors or in unprotected buildings following an increase in mortar and rocket attacks against the heavily protected Green Zone.


Log Cabin Republicans Conclude Denver Convention
- Log Cabin Republicans ended their 2007 National Convention Sunday in Denver, Colo. May 6. The convention, which lasted for four days, concluded with a commitment to return the Republican Party to what the Log Cabin Republicans called "GOP core values."
TVNL Comment: Being a gay Republican is like being a Jewish Nazi.

11 GOP Congressmen to Bush: You’ve Lost Credibility - On tonight's "Countdown," Keith Olberman replays an exchange between Brian Williams and Tim Russert from NBC Nightly News this evening about a stunning, closed door meeting that Keith described as a "watershed moment" between President Bush and eleven Republican members of Congress regarding Iraq.

Bush Gets ‘Blunt Talk’ from GOP House Delegation - NBC News is reporting that a delegation of House members called on Pres. Bush yesterday in the private residence of the White House to inform him that he has lost all credibility on the war among their constituents. He was advised that he and his spokespersons should stop making claims about progress in Iraq altogether.



9/11 News :

A Statement From Louder Than Words and MercuryMedia.
- We will release our new film Loose Change Final Cut on the weekend preceding September 11th 2007, with screenings planned in key cities in the United States.


Senate Approves Tighter Policing of Drug Makers - By a vote of 93 to 1, the Senate passed a bill on Wednesday that would give the Food and Drug Administration new power to police drug safety, order changes in drug labels, regulate advertising and restrict the use and distribution of medicines found to pose serious risks to consumers.

Pelosi threat to sue Bush over Iraq bill - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is threatening to take President Bush to court if he issues a signing statement as a way of sidestepping a carefully crafted compromise Iraq war spending bill.

Rep. Emanuel: Corruption in Student Loans - Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel speaks on White House corruption affecting American families.


CIA Cited for Not Disclosing Covert Action - The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence said yesterday that the CIA violated the law last year when it failed to inform the panel of "a significant covert action activity."

State probes Michael Moore - Moore is being probed for taking ailing September 11 rescue workers to Cuba for a segment in his upcoming health-care documentary Sicko, The Associated Press has learned.

Kansas Board of Ed. erases conservative sex ed policies - The Kansas Board of Education on Tuesday repealed sex education policies enacted last year, the latest move by the moderate majority to undo efforts by conservatives when they dominated the board.

Federal Student Loan Official Is Resigning - Under criticism that it has been lax in policing the $85 billion student loan industry, the Education Department announced yesterday that the chief official responsible for overseeing the loan program was stepping down.




Today, the beginning of the end
- Mr Blair will not quit as prime minister until the beginning of July, giving the party seven weeks to conduct its contests for leader and deputy leader.

Venezuela, Cuba Criticize US Over Release of Carriles - Venezuela and Cuba have accused the United States of harboring a terrorist after a U.S. federal judge dropped immigration fraud charges against Cuban-born former CIA operative Luis Posada Carriles.

Pair are guilty of Bush memo leak - A civil servant and an MP's researcher have been found guilty of leaking a secret memo about talks between George Bush and Tony Blair.


Humvee Doors Trap Troops - Doors that jam shut during an attack are an unintended consequence of the Pentagon's effort to add armor to Humvees transporting U.S. troops in Iraq.

General Batiste: "Protect America, Not George Bush" - Retired Major General John Batiste takes President Bush on, directly, when Bush says that he's just "listening to commanders on the ground" in Iraq.

GI Bill's buying power shrinks - "The total amount of the GI Bill comes nowhere close to what I actually need for college,"


Being a Gay Republican is Like Being a Black Klansman - Being a gay Republican is like being a black Klansman or a Jewish Nazi. They should form a new party taking the good values of the Republican party and they should leave out the hate policies of the current party. But they should not be supporting their abusers.

HOMELAND INSECURITY - If terrorists themselves had infiltrated our government and taken control of our country, they could not have done worse damage to our once great nation than George Bush and his regime have accomplished.


Wolf Blitzer Looks Other Way While GOP Operative Lies About CNN's Own Poll - Wolf! The man is deceiving your viewers about your own network's poll.
TVNL Comment: This comes as no surprise to us.

A Shining Light Goes Out in Africa: CIA Hit? - On Saturday, May 5, Anthony Mitchell died in the crash of Kenyan Airways Flight 507, which killed all 114 people on board. Based in Nairobi, he was an Associated Press reporter who had recently broken a story on secret prisons in Ethiopia and the U.S. involvement in the detention and interrogation of prisoners there. The world has lost another journalist, one who was taking the necessary risks to get at the heart of the complex and often ignored story of Africa.

Iraqi parliament agrees to sue al-Jazeera TV - The Iraqi parliament unanimously agreed on Wednesday to file a lawsuit against al-Jazeera television for allegedly giving offence to Iraqi religious leaders.




Not so cool facts about Israel - Not so cool facts about Israel is a presentation showing only a few aspects of the ugly face of occupation.
TVNL Comment: If anyone can provide documentation that disproves the information in this video please send it to me and we will pull the link. Otherwise please do not complain about the fact that we posted this.


Church pastor charged with child rape - Prosecutors charged the pastor of a church here with four counts of first-degree child rape and two counts of child molestation.

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