Date: May 21st 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: American Troops: Iraq's Illegal Aliens

Imagine for a moment you were living on another planet. Imagine on that other planet there were legitimate journalists with no connections of any kind to governments in our universe. Now imagine you were a journalist on that planet. Imagine hard that you are not an American and for the purpose of this commentary try to detach yourself from any patriotic home team emotional obligations.

Now pretend that you, as a journalist, were covering the events on Earth when the invasion of Iraq occurred. What term would you use to describe the “Coalition” forces, or most specifically the American forces? Even better, what terms would you use to describe the factions who have been fighting the American forces in Iraq?

In America we are told that the Iraqi's who fight Americans are terrorists. We are told that they are insurgents. We are told they are the enemy. We hear the American media describe the forces who are fighting against Americans in Iraq and against each other, in terms of their alleged conduct. That is to say in terms of their conduct according to America. For all we know they could simply be freedom fighters; or at least some of them could be. But we never hear our media describe American troops as anything but American troops. Why is that?

So if you were a journalist on that other planet what terms would you use to described the participants in the violence taking place in Iraq these days? When you wrote about the Iraqis (at this late stage in the game), you may have to use several terms because at this point a lot of brand new “causes” have been created by the invasion, and that has resulted in a wide variety a motivation for the violence. As a responsible journalist you would have to clarify this for your readers. At this point in Iraq you would have to describe the Iraqi forces as “religious fanatics fighting a civil war”, “vengeance squads” (you see there is a long history in that American's don't know much about), “furious native residence who have had family members killed or brutalized by the Americans and have had their homes and lives destroyed by those same Americans”, and you may have to use the term “foreign agitators” who have seized upon the opportunity created by the Americans to weaken America and drain our resources. You would not really use the term “terrorist”. You see a terrorist is one that inflicts harm using sneaky methods, resulting in fear. Terrorists target innocent people in random locations. The attacks taking place in Iraq are taking place on a battlefield. The Americans turned Iraq into a battlefield the moment they dropped the first bomb on a civilian occupied city. The waring factions in Iraq are hitting hard targets, specifically chosen by them. And if one were to believe American logic and reasoning, any innocent people who fall victim to this violence are simply “collateral damage.” And we all know that “collateral damage” is a perfectly acceptable byproduct of war. So if civilians who are killed by Americans are called “collateral damage,” the civilians who are killed by Iraqi fighters should be called “collateral damage.” Well at least some of the killed civilians fall under that category.

Now that we settled that, what term would you use to describe the Americans in Iraq? Surly you would describe them as something other than “Americans”. You would not be able to use the term “defense forces” because they were not being threatened when they invaded Iraq. As a matter of fact at the time of the invasion Iraq folded to the pressure of a threat of an invasion and was pretty much cooperating with the international community to prove that it posed no threat. A lot of arm twisting was necessary but lets face it, there was plenty of arm twisting capability available for use when needed. I'll tell you, I have thought about this for years and I can not think of a better term for the American troops in Iraq than “invaders.” “Occupational forces” don't even cut it for me. You see they had to invade in order to occupy. As a matter of fact American's in Iraq are actually currently “illegal aliens!” (Can you hear me Lou Dobbs?) As a matter of fact if Iraq had a Lou Dobbs of their own he would be reporting, every day, about the outsourcing taking place! After all you have all these foreign companies hired to “rebuild” their nation! Think about it, Americans crossed the borders into Iraq, illegally, took up residence, created a situation where their nation, a foreign nation, America, will make money from Iraqi oil, taking money away from the Iraqi people, and the Iraqi citizens are paying the price. Americans have had a catastrophic impact on the Iraqi economy, health care system, educational system, infrastructure, and American invasion has resulted in the obliteration of Iraqi's “homeland security!” All this as a result of the new onslaught of illegals into Iraq. Illegals not only from America but brought in by America or attracted there by the American presence there. Mexicans Illegals in America don't hold a candle to American illegals in Iraq! It is like the difference between trowing a bullet and shooting a bullet; no comparison!

Positive arguments can be made about the American illegals in Iraq, just like the positive arguments being made about the illegal Mexicans in America. The Americans are helping the Iraqis; they are building schools, and they got rid of a tyrant, and they give the children Fox'll see what I mean. And the Mexicans we are told take jobs that Americans don't want to do, and they provide inexpensive labor, etc. You the Democrats on C-SPAN. The only difference is...The negative aspects of Mexicans in America pale in comparrison to the negative aspects of Americans in Iraq. Can anyone seriously compare crossing a border to wash dishes and get health care for their children to obliterating a nation and stealing their oil money? If I had the time I would do a detailed comparison of the impact of Mexican illegals on America as compared to the impact of American illegals on Iraq; but it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the difference.

So there you have it, the accurate terms for Americans in Iraq are “invaders” and “illegal aliens!” But not just the average illegal alien, like to one's in America. The America illegals in Iraq were placed there by (and actually are) the most powerful military on Earth! What would Lou Dobbs be saying if the Mexican military played a similar role here!

Here in dreamland, better known as America, people learn about what is going on in the world by listening to pundits and journalists (in America these are one and the same these days), instead of by actually watching the events that take place and making up their own minds. You see as Americans are given information they are simultaneously told how to feel. It's like that scene in the movie Young Frankenstein where the monster (played by Peter Boyle) is sitting with the old man (played by Gene Hackman) , having wine, (well trying to anyway), and the old man offers the monster a cigar. Now the monster is scared of fire so he reacts loudly when the old man goes to light the monster's cigar. The old man tells the monster “fire good” and the monster accepts this from the old man has he now allows the old man to light his cigar with the “good fire.” Well as the “fire good” attitude takes hold the old man lights the monster's finger on fire. For several moments that “fire good” attitude holds steady even as the monster's finger cooks itself as it is now fully engulfed in flames. Finally the monster cant take it any more and bolts out of there! It is at this point he realizes that in this case fir was bad all along, even though he was told otherwise.

You see the monster in the movie knew that fire was bad all along but for some reason he trusted the person telling him otherwise. He should have gone with his instincts. So should America when it comes to judging the actions of our government. Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

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American Troops: Iraq’s Illegal Aliens
- Americans have had a catastrophic impact on the Iraqi economy, health care system, educational system, infrastructure, and American invasion has resulted in the obliteration of Iraqi’s “homeland security!” All this as a result of the new onslaught of illegals into Iraq. Illegals not only from America but brought in by America or attracted there by the American presence there.

Iraq's hidden casualties: 13,000 working for contractors - Casualties among private contractors in Iraq have soared to record levels this year, setting a pace that seems certain to turn 2007 into the bloodiest year yet for the civilians who work alongside the U.S. military in the war zone, according to new government numbers.

Secret US plot to kill Al-Sadr - The US Army tried to kill or capture Muqtada al-Sadr, the widely revered Shia cleric, after luring him to peace negotiations at a house in the holy city of Najaf, which it then attacked, according to a senior Iraqi government official.
TVNL Comment: That's diplomacy for you. That's one of many reasons why the US is no longer respected anywhere in the world!

Bush preparing for British U-turn on Iraq: report - US President George W. Bush has been told to prepare for a British U-turn on Iraq once Gordon Brown becomes prime minister, The Sunday Telegraph newspaper said.

Assessments Made in 2003 Foretold Situation in Iraq - Two intelligence assessments from January 2003 predicted that the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and subsequent U.S. occupation of Iraq could lead to internal violence and provide a boost to Islamic extremists and terrorists in the region, according to congressional sources and former intelligence officials familiar with the prewar studies.
TVNL Comment: We all knew this including Bush. What do you think he meant by "mission accomplished?"


Who's Afraid of Jimmy Carter? George Bush
- And that's what scares the Bush White House. When a well regarded former president gets specific about the current president's dramatic failures -- and about the damage that is done when foreign leaders align with Bush -- this embattled White House gets tense.

he FOX News GOP Debate in 45 Seconds - From Friday's "Real Time." Bill Maher captures the essence of last week's Republican debate in 45 seconds.

Triangulating on the Truth - In the absence of straight answers from this administration, journalists must resort to triangulation to determine the truth.

Bush presidency 'worst in history' for international relations: Carter - The criticism from Carter, which a biographer says is unprecedented for the 39th president, also took aim at Bush's environmental policies and the administration's “quite disturbing” faith-based initiative funding.

Bush Anoints Himself as the Insurer of Constitutional Government in Emergency - With scarcely a mention in the mainstream media, President Bush has ordered up a plan for responding to a catastrophic attack.

Jon Stewart Catches Gonzales Lying About McNulty - Jon juxtaposes the two contradictory statements and breaks down the significance of the blockbuster Comey testimony.

10 Years On: Where Are the PNAC Signatories - It has been almost exactly ten years since the Project for a New American Century laid out their statement of principles and set this country on the road to preemptive war in Iraq.

Neoconservatives Gather To Applaud Scooter Libby And Ponder Next Targets For Regime Change - The Christian Science Monitor writes that “Commentary advocates passionate support for Israel, and regime change in at least half a dozen countries deemed hostile to US and Israeli security and interests.”


Big Oil attacked over record gas prices
- Critics tell House panel that mismanagement, lack of competition are behind record prices; call for gas reserve, possible oil company breakup.

9/11 News :

German TV interview with Shanksville Mayor
- No plane. Nothing but a hole.

Ex-EPA Chief Whitman Agrees to Testify - Ex-EPA chief Christine Todd Whitman abruptly reversed herself Friday and agreed to testify before Congress on her agency's response to the environmental fallout of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

Senators want CIA to release 9/11 report - "It's amazing the efforts the administration is going to stonewall this," Wyden said. "The American people have a right to know what the Central Intelligence Agency was doing in those critical months before 9/11.... I am going to bulldog this until the public gets it."

Breakthrough? Pentagon Explosions At 9:32 - 'Jetliner' Impact At 9:45 - A witness - Jeff, the adult son of a General and brother to the aide of a General - was in a 30th floor apartment south of the Pentagon watching the twin towers burning on television. His attention was drawn to the window when "five minutes before the crash" he saw an F-16 flying with a C-130 pass by his window near the Pentagon. (His account is quoted below) This confirms what Barbara Honegger says about Gen. Larry Arnold of NORAD sending an intecepter to check the Pentagon after the explosions at 9:32 a.m.


A Primary Lesson in Party Loyalty - Webb Works to Unseat a Democrat Who Endorsed Allen

Earth to Madame Speaker . . .” - How many times are you going to bring a toothpick to a gun fight? How many times are you going to try to "compromise" with that smirking idiot from Crawford? How many times are we supposed to endure these humiliating contortions you call "working with the president?"

Campaign funds going to legal fees - Two dozen current and former members of Congress caught up in criminal investigations or ethics inquiries spent more than $5 million in campaign funds on legal fees during the last 27 months covered by campaign-finance records.


Federal arrests frighten Mexicans - Fear of mass illegal-immigrant roundups in Lake County spread early Friday morning through the area's Mexican community. Many worried they would be arrested and separated from family members who were born here.

How the Radical GOP Divided and Conquered America - The GOP has divided the nation into haves and have-nots, the educated and those who cannot afford an education, super-patriots and "traitors", ins and outs, God's chosen and infidels whose lives mean nothing.

Rumsfeld To Create Research Foundation To Teach About ‘U.S. Engagement In World Affairs’ - The world’s next generation of Donald Rumsfelds will soon have a place to study and grow.
TVNL Comment: How many 9/11s should we expect now?

CREATING A GOVERNMENT "BY THE PEOPLE" - The National Initiative includes a constitutional amendment and a federal statute that equips the people with the central power of government, lawmaking.

Welcome To The New Police State - In the old days in The United States of America, a journalist didn't have to get permission to conduct an interview in a public place. But this is a new America, a place where armed security agents watch your every move and require their permission to exercise what used to be a first amendment right.


Lauded conservationist shot dead - LMillionaire philanthropist and avid conservationist Glen Davis, once lauded as one of the best friends the Canadian environmental community has ever had, was shot dead in an Eglinton Ave. E. parking garage, police said yesterday.

Clean energy claim: Aluminum in your car tank - A Purdue University engineer and National Medal of Technology winner says he's ready and able to start a revolution in clean energy.

CO2 sponge losing ability to soak up extra emissions - One of the most important of the natural sponges which soak up carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is working 30% less efficiently than quarter of a century ago, researchers say.

All Pregnant Women Tested Had At Least One Kind Of Pesticide In Their Placenta, According To Researcher - Human beings are directly responsible for more than 110,000 chemical substances which have been generated since the Industrial Revolution. Every year, we “invent” more than 2,000 new substances, most of them contaminants, which are emitted into the environment and which are consequently present in food, air, soil and water. Nonetheless, human beings are also victims of these emissions, and involuntarily (what is known in this scientific field as “inadvertent exposure”). Every day humans ingest many of these substances which cannot be assimilated by our body, and are accumulated in the fatty parts of our tissues.


Militants abduct Pakistani government workers
- Pro-Taliban militants have kidnapped eight Pakistani government development workers in a tribal region on the Afghan border, a senior official said on Saturday.

ISRAEL TO EXECUTE PALESTINIAN POLITICAL LEADERS! WHERE’S THE WORLDS OUTRAGE! - One would have to wonder how the West would react if the Palestinians found a way of making successful ‘targeted killings’ of Israeli political and military leaders and their soldiers.

Iran Proposal to U.S. Offered Peace with Israel - But in 2003, Bush refused to allow any response to the Iranian offer to negotiate an agreement that would have accepted the existence of Israel.

US Shuns European Privacy Concerns - The post-Sept. 11 flight data sharing agreement between the US and EU expires in July. But a new agreement is nowhere in sight. The Americans want to know even more, and the Europeans want to tell them even less.

Abominable. Blind. Subservient. Ex-President Carter lambasts Blair for support - The former US President Jimmy Carter lambasted Tony Blair for his "blind " support of the Iraq war today, saying it had been a "major tragedy for the world".


Six Charged With Rigging Army Contracts - The defendants were indicted on charges they drew up contracts totaling $18 million for companies with which they were associated or even owned outright.

White House: Planned pay gains too costly - As the House of Representatives prepared to pass its fiscal 2008 defense authorization bill, the White House urged lawmakers to reconsider a host of costly personnel initiatives added by the Armed Services Committee.


The Bleeding Heart Liberal ... - How did so many American people allow themselves to be shamed by the label "bleeding heart Liberal?" That, of course, was the original Republican label for anybody who disagreed with their policies of war and greed.

All Out War On Ron Paul - World Affairs Brief - Commentary And Insights On A Troubled World

Greg Palast, Author of Armed Madhouse, on How Rove May Have Already Stolen the 2008 Election - Over half a million votes were challenged and lost by the Republicans -- absentee ballots. Three million voters who went to the polls found themselves challenged by the Republicans. This was not a small operation. It was a multi-million dollar, wholesale theft operation.

'Worse than Hell': Christopher Hitchens on the Religious Mind - Christopher Hitchens' latest book, God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, attacks every belief system that rejects science or seeks to control its followers, whether or not it is theistic.


Militants kill Iraqi journalist in Baghdad - Militants kidnapped and killed a journalist from one of Iraq's most popular national newspapers in southern Baghdad on Sunday, his employers said on Monday.

Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007 - 25 of thousands!

The Washington Press Corps’ Priorities - It would be even funnier if it wasn't so true. I saw on MSNBC today — and I kid you not — a five minute segment on the Democrats' post-election dating prospects. Yes, a Very Important Report on how it's easier to get a table at swanky DC clubs and restaurants if you're a Dem. Meanwhile, back in Things-That-Matter Land, the former Deputy AG just testified, after being muzzled for more than a year, about how the White House tried to pressure a sick man into signing off on an unconstitutional domestic spying program.

8 Russian reporters resign in protest - Eight correspondents have resigned from a Russian broadcast news agency to protest the pro-Kremlin management's decision to withhold stories in line with a new policy that half its coverage must portray the government in a "positive" light, journalists said.

Violent Crime in Knoxville Ignored by Media, Bloggers Claim - In a powerful demonstration of the way the Internet has opened up the mainstream media to intensive second-guessing, bloggers are charging that news outlets have ignored the rape and murder of a young Knoxville couple because of the racial implications of the story.

YouTube questions Pentagon's block - YouTube's co-founders on Thursday challenged the Pentagon's assertion that soldiers overseas were sapping too much bandwidth by watching online videos, the military's principal rationale for blocking popular Web sites from Defense Department computers.

Two ABC News journalists killed in Iraq - The men were identified as cameraman Alaa Uldeen Aziz and soundman Saif Laith Yousuf, it said in a statement.
TVNL Comment: With those last names chances are you won't see this reported much in the US.


Plan to Plant Gene-Modified Rice Alarms Interest Groups - A government agency is currently weighing a controversial proposal to allow a biotechnology company to plant up to 3,200 acres of rice genetically modified to treat diarrhea.

Family claims cervical-cancer vaccine caused paralysis - Vees cites a Feb. 21 report on the National Vaccine Information Center Web site,, in which NVIC president Barbara Loe Fisher states, "There are twice as many children collapsing and four times as many children experiencing tingling, numbness and loss of sensation after getting a Gardasil vaccination compared to those getting a TDAP (tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis) vaccination. There have been reports of facial paralysis and Guillain-Barre syndrome."


'Daniel Pearl detainee' is dead - Mr Memon's family say he disappeared in 2003 and was held in Guantanamo Bay before being dumped by unidentified men outside his Karachi home last month.

Kidnap and torture: new claims of Army war crimes in Iraq - Robert Verkaik reveals evidence of systemic ill-treatment of civilians by British soldiers in the aftermath of the overthrow of Saddam

The GOP’s Torture Enthusiasts - This Week’s Republican Debate Was a Jack Bauer Impersonation Contest

Costa Rica to stop sending police to US army school - Costa Rican President Oscar Arias vowed on Wednesday to stop sending police to train at a U.S. facility criticized for a history of producing soldiers who went on to violate human rights.


Bill Maher’s Touching Tribute to Jerry Falwell - Maher pays his respects to the late Christian leader.

The Secret History Of Jerry Falwell - At the same time the Rev. Jerry Falwell was accusing pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays, lesbians, the ACLU and People For the American Way of sharing responsibility for the 9/11 attack the televangelist owed over one million dollars in unpaid loans to the owner of the terror flight school in Florida which trained Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi

Who Would Jesus Kill? - While most believers want to worship God and serve their fellow human beings, a few people twist the sacred for personal and political profit. Indeed, claiming that "God is on my side" plays the ultimate trump in any dispute.

Scientists Cast Doubt on Kennedy Bullet Analysis - The "evidence used to rule out a second assassin is fundamentally flawed," concludes a new article in the Annals of Applied Statistics written by former FBI lab metallurgist William A. Tobin and Texas A&M University researchers Cliff Spiegelman and William D. James.
TVNL Comment: Directly from the "no shit, Sherlock" file!

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