Date: May 25th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Attention Democrats: I Told You So! Would You Like to Wake Up Now?

So the Democrats in Congress caved in and the Iraq catastrophe continues. What a surprise. Who'd of thought. I never saw that coming. So what are all you brave bold Democrats going to do now; write an angry e-mail to your reps, get your silly hats and creative signs and march to some empty buildings in DC? Ooooh you go get'em! Congress must be shaking in their boots...from all the laughter that is!

I have a few questions for Democrats: Do you understand now? Are you starting to get it? Do realize that the issues facing out nation are not political and that they are actually criminal? Do you now realize that this thing you call democracy is a show and that representative government is now nothing more than a hoax! Do you realize that your party, along with the Republican party, are controlled by establishment figures, as are your wonderful do nothing sheep herding activists groups like

How many pretend hearings do you need to see before your realize that nobody is being held accountable for all the crimes being exposed during these meetings? What's the point?

The Democrats were not defeated by George W. Bush or the Republicans during the recent vote on Iraq war funding. They did not cave in. The VOTED to support the Iraq war. Let me tell you something my friends, if something is not right I don't do it. Period, end of story. If someone wants to hurt themselves I can't always stop them, but I never support them. I don't give anybody matches to light their cigarettes, I don't over fill the plate when my father eats over my house (for health reasons), and I would not vote for something that I don't believe in; no way, no how. Democrats in Congress made a clear lucid decision to continue on the path that this nation was in when Americans supposedly voted for change. No guns were held to their heads. They voted. Period, end of story. The Democrats have done nothing to change the criminal breakdown of our nation and unless unprecedented jail time is served by the members of the Bush administration and Congress who have treated this nation as the criminal electoral coup invaders that they are would, nothing of substance will have changed as a result of new Democratic control of Congress.

You think your party is better than the Republican party? Think again. Maybe Democratic principles are more human, compassionate and respectable than the greed and hate based theocratic Republican principles, but the parties are not controlled by the voters. They are controlled by the establishment. The one establishment that controls our government.

My friends, we have an executive branch that seized power via election fraud. Every singe day for the past seven years new evidence is uncovered proving this. Many people are currently in prison for election fraud related to elections that took place over the past seven years and many more are under investigation or standing trial. If this nation had a legitimate press we would all know this but what this means is that election fraud has taken place. For Congress to pretend that this is not an issue Congress must not be of sound mind. But they are. It is just that they are not representatives of the people.

Democrats are good people but they are weak minded people. Their liberal disposition makes them too trusting of their fellow humans, especially their fellow humans who call themselves Democrats. Just like Republicans, all one has to do in order to earn the trust of a Democrat is talk the talk. That's it. Go through the motions. But just like Republicans, Democrats never look close enough to see that their leaders are not walking the walk. Democrats go over to websites like every day to watch their heroes in Congress make bold statements or to watch bombshell confessions or news reports about Iraq, US Attorneys, manipulated intelligence, criminal irresponsibility related to providing everything from training to health care for the military, etc. Yet these Democrats, completely appeased by “hearings” and freshly disarmed by the assumption of power by so called Democrats in Congress, don't notice that nothing has changed. Nothing is becoming of any of this. The only difference now is that there are these little shows called hearings from time to time. That's it. Democrats don't seem to notice that nothing becomes of those hearings. It's just a show! “Hey dems, look, we are fighting for please don't revolt for real!”

I have to admit that I was fooled to a point. I thought there were some members of Congress who represent the people. Even now I think guys like Ron Paul actually carry out their responsibilities to the people. But all I have to do is look at how fooled I was by Congressman John Conyers before my dreams of a legitimate American government come crashing down to Earth. Remember good old John Conyers; one of the few members of Congress who seemed to notice that this nation had a president most worthy of impeachment and decided to actually prepare articles of impeachment? Did anyone notice that this man worked is butt off to address the issues of high crimes committed by George W. Bush and his gang of PNAC thugs, but he only worked on this little project during the period when it could not possibly go anywhere; you know, when the Republican crime syndicate was controlling Congress. The moment the wonderful world saving Democrats took control of Congress, John Conyers' dog ate his homework. And guess what, the MoveOn sheep Democrats didn't blink an eye.

Let me say this very clearly; Democratic control of Congress was a staged event. The establishment orchestrated this in order to calm the public. They created a false sense of security for the millions and millions of people who were getting angrier by the day. Their little gate keeping activists groups like were only going to keep the public under control for so long by marching the masses down to empty buildings in DC. So the establishment did the smart thing, they gave the Democrats a big useless pacifier: Congress. And just like any pacifier, you can suck all you want...but you're only going to end up with is spit!

Maybe this is good. Maybe as this joke called democracy becomes more obvious, the pathetic wing of the Democratic party will start taking seriously the very real mountains of evidence related to some real issues, like election fraud and 9/11! Maybe as this laughable in your face fumbling attempt at trying to appear to be doing the right thing continues, the Democrats in government will be the wake up call for the MoveOn sheep. Maybe the people will finally realize that something very serious is wrong. Something much more serious than they had previously believed. Maybe then the people will realize that the problems facing our nation are not all political, they are criminal. Maybe they will realize this this is not an issue of left versus right, it is an issue of the establishment versus the people and our so called democracy.

Folks, wake up. How obvious does it have to be. Wake up, smell the coffee, understand that there is a force, behind the scenes, that controls the agenda, and that your little vote is just just a pacifier. Wake up and realize that people who have researched this stuff and have been ridiculed and called conspiracy “theorists” are actually well researched observers who are trying to warn their fellow citizens. Maybe now you will start understanding this. Maybe this Iraq vote will serve as the first in a series of dots connecting what you see with what the so called conspiracy theorists have been telling you all along. Pay attention and start thinking for yourselves. When you do this you will realize that you are watching a show. A show put in place to keep you from getting out of your seats and doing something about the fact that our nation was taken over, a long time ago and that this thing called democracy is of no interest to the new management.

Your sheep herder activist groups keep you all very busy by marching you around and asking you to “tell Congress” this, or to “tell Congress” that. Save your energy. Stay home. Eat a carrot. Try to teach your dog to play chess. You'll get the same results. Don't waste your time or your money on these sheep herder groups. We live in an information age. We have telephones, cell phones, e-mail, web sites, faxes, text messages, bull horns, blimps, skywriters, posters, fortune cookies, and a billion other ways to get our message across. If we have to get in a bus and go down to Washington DC to yell at empty buildings with no media coverage in order to tell our representatives to represent us, the purpose of the trip should be to forcibly replace them with people who will represent us.

Democrats, smell the coffee. The problem is not political; it is sinister. You should be starting to understand this by now. Maybe when you finally understand this you will realize that even the events of 9/11 should come under your scrutiny. Maybe then I will welcome you into the reality based world. But until then, don't expect too much to change because your establishment Democrats have assumed office. Get rid of the pacifier. It is keeping you from legitimate satisfaction. Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

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Six US soldiers killed in Iraq
- Six US soldiers were killed in a series of incidents around Iraq, the military announced Friday.

Turkey's leader backs attack on Kurds - The prime minister said he would back Turkey's generals if they decide to retaliate for a suicide bombing in the capital by striking Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq.

Feith Referenced Fake Company As Evidence Of Pre-War Ties Between Iraq And Bin Laden - Dick Cheney “publicly praised” the Feith assessment as “the best source of information on the topic.” Yesterday, however, the Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen explained that Feith had apparently invented the company, saying “Vlemmo is unknown to the Netherlands“:

Report: Cheney aide clearing path to bomb Iran - Vice President Dick Cheney believes the US should not be pursuing a diplomatic path with Iran, and a senior aide to the vice president has been meeting with national security think tanks and consultants in Washington to "help establish the policy and political pathway to bombing Iran," Steve Clemons reported Thursday on his blog, The Washington Note.


Why Bush hasn't been impeached
- But even though Bush cheated on us, lied, besmirched our family's name and spent all our money, we the people, not to mention our elected representatives and the media, seem content to stick it out to the bitter end.
TVNL Comment: He is not being impeached because government is all a show. It is not real. The dems are holding a lot of hearings...but nothing has or will become of any of them. It's a show.

Heffelfinger says something within DOJ is “broken“ - “What is happening in Washington D.C. right now ... it’s very sad,” Heffelfinger said. “It’s also clear to me that something is fundamentally broken within the Department of Justice that goes to the core value of delivering services in all 93 federal judicial districts.


More Than Ever, It Pays to Be the Top Executive
- As executive pay has surged in most American companies, attention has focused on the growing gap between the earnings of top executives and the average wage of workers in cubicles or on the shop floor. Little noticed, though, is how much the gap has also widened between the summit and the next few echelons down.

9/11 News :

Google Video Caught Censoring Loose Change?
- Google video appears to be censoring the online version of Loose Change as it is not appearing in the top 100 despite having many more views than most other videos in the top 10.

World Trade Center claims settled - The settlement ends once and for all a five-year legal battle between Mr Silverstein and insurance companies over claims for replacing the Twin Towers.
TVNL Comment: Silverstein's mission: accomplished! It all worked out pretty well for him! 9/11 was kind of a blessing for this guy.

For the First Time, New York Links a Death to 9/11 Dust - In a letter made public yesterday, Dr. Hirsch said that he was certain “beyond a reasonable doubt” that dust from the twin towers contributed to the death of Felicia Dunn-Jones, 42, a civil rights lawyer who was engulfed on Sept. 11 as she ran from her office a block away from the trade center.


Pearce calls for McCain to resign - A Phoenix-area Republican legislator called on Sen. John McCain to resign from his seat Tuesday if he continues to miss votes while campaigning for president.

House, Senate pass war funding bill - Congress sent a $120 billion war spending bill to the White House late Thursday, abandoning a call for most U.S. troops to leave Iraq after an earlier veto by President Bush.




Schwarzenegger accuses government on warming - "It's bad enough that the federal government has yet to take the threat of global warming seriously, but it borders on malfeasance for it to block the efforts of states such as California and Connecticut that are trying to protect the public's health and welfare," the governors wrote in The Washington Post.


The baton passes to China
- China's ascent is occurring faster than anyone imagined. The first-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate of 11.1% year on year was a surprise for many, but not for all. China is on fire, marking the fourth consecutive year of double-digit expansion.

Estimated 820 Million People Go Hungry - Melito, testifying on a GAO report completed last month, said under U.S. law 75 percent of the food must be shipped on U.S. flag carriers, which generally cost more than foreign carriers.


Corps refused 2005 plea for MRAP vehicles - More than two years before the Marine commandant declared getting new armored vehicles his top priority, the Corps did not fulfill an urgent request to buy 1,200 of the vehicles for troops in Anbar province, according to Marine officials and documents.


Attention Democrats: I Told You So! Would You Like to Wake Up Now? - I have a few questions for Democrats: Do you understand now? Are you starting to get it?




Firm makes 'healing super-water' - US scientists have developed "super-oxidised" water which they say speeds up wound healing.





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