Date: May 29th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The Infamous “al Qada Linked” Terrorists = 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon

If the Bush administration and the establishment media had their way every American would think of the famous rock star of the 60's, Chubby Checker (of “the Twist” fame), any time anyone mentioned Kevin Bacon's name. That's right, the Bush administration and the US media would describe Kevin Bacon as “linked to Chubby Checker” because Chubby Checker was in the movie “purple People Eater” with Dustin Diamond who was in the TV show “Saved by the Bell: The New Class”, with Michal Worth, who was in the movie "Acapulco H.E.A.T.", with John Veron, who was in the movie “Animal House” with none other than Kevin Bacon. The link can not be denied. The link is clear and as Dick Cheney would say. “pretty much confirmed!”

Now many of you know that the “Kevin Bacon equation of association”, or as I like to call it A=KB-6, (Association = Kevin Bacon 6 times removed), comes from the grassroots phenomena game known as Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. It is a trivia game where someone names an actor and the players have to find a link to Keven Bacon based on the type of association that I used in the prior paragraph. It is pretty fun, and for the most part any knowledgeable movie buff can pretty much find a link between Kevin Bacon and just about any major actor of our generation.

So goes the logic that brings us the infamous “al Qaeda” linked terrorist. You see in the eyes of the Bush administration and the clearly complicit establishment media the word “link” is used in its most literal interpretation. All one has to do in order to tag someone with a link to al Qaeda is to apply the A=KB-6 equation. Now when you use that equation it does not take much to qualify for being linked to al Qaeda these days, unless you are a member of the Bush family. You know, the same Bush family that has direct official and “pretty much confirmed” links to the bin Laden family. You know...the bin Laden family that has “pretty much confirmed” links to the member of the bin Laden family known as Osama bin Laden. But that link doesn't really count! Not to the establishment media, anyway.

The big difference between using the A=KB-6 equation to tag someone as an al Qaeda terrorist, and playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is that when you play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon you have to elaborate and define the link, in complete detail, before you are given credit for your accusation. With the Bush administration and the criminal establishment media, they make a declaration that the link exists and they are done. They do not have to define the link in any way and the public, so brainwashed by the establishment media, does not even think to question the claim. We are not sure how many hops have to be made until you see an actual connection. Then again, we are not exactly sure what the definitive heart of “al Qaeda” is, so we are not sure what link we have to reach in order to establish the actual connection.

One of the many problems with this scenario is that idiots like Elizabeth Hasselbeck from the TV show “The View” repeat that link, on TV, to justify her approval for the Bush administration’s obliteration of Iraq as she argues with Rosie O’Donnell over the killing of innocent civilians by US troops. Then the millions of people who watch The View repeat Hasselbeck’s unsubstantiated claims of al Qaeda linked entities in Iraq, even though the links are never actually defined for these people and these people never bother to question the claims for themselves. But we all know that we should simply believe people on TV who show support for whatever our government is doing…otherwise they are not patriots! Right? But that is another story…but technically, by virtue of the A=KB-6 equation, it is connected to this discussion;-)

There is an episode of the cartoon South Park where the kids who star in the show are taken on a hunting trip with a couple of gung-ho gun freak hunters. You know, kind of like Dick Cheney, only these guys don't murder, they hunt. (Cheney murders animals...he goes on so called hunting trips but what really happens is that is he goes to farms and the owners of the farms release caged animals in the form of birds that can not even fly, a few dozen yards from Cheney, so that he can satisfy is psychopathic thirst for death by murdering a hundred or so of them.) Anyway, the gung-ho South Park hunters pretty much shoot any animal they want to, without hunting permits, even if the animal is out of season and poses no threat to the hunters. But the hunters taught the kids how to get around the law when it comes to killing things illegally and when it is not warranted by self defense; just prior to opening fire the hunter has to yell out “LOOK OUT, IT'S HEADDED RIGHT TOWARDS US!” You see, this way the illegal kills made by the hunters appears to be justified by self defense. Technically the hunters can say that the animal appeared to pose a threat to them, even if the animal was a baby rabbit or something like that. Pretty smart, huh?

Well the Bush administration and the US media use the South Park hunting justification argument in their never ending war on humanity. I call it the “applying the terror tag”. And there is no better terror tag to apply to your target than one that reads “al Qada!” Yes, the mysterious mystical “al Qada” organization, whatever that may be, scares the b'jeezus out of the average uninformed American. So all you have to do in order to justify a kill these days is use the Kevin Bacon equation of association. Find a link between your target and “al Qaeda”, no matter how many degrees of separation exist, place your tag, have the media announce the link and start shooting! A clear formula, easily followed and proven effective on the catatonic viewers of the establishment media.

So, you see, today's claimed “al Qaeda linked” targets of the bush administration are just as linked to al Qaeda as Kevin Bacon is linked to boxing promoter Don King! (Look it's there;-) I made sure to “pretty much confirm” my claim! But what exactly do these links actually mean? Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

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At least 8 U.S. soldiers killed on Memorial Day
- At least eight U.S. soldiers were killed in restive Diyala province north of Baghdad on Memorial Day, two of the victims in a helicopter that went down, the military reported Tuesday.

Top General underestimates Iraq War fatalities in Memorial Day media appearance - General Pace's remarks were erroneous on several counts.

17 killed in Baghdad explosion - A parked minibus packed with explosives blew up Tuesday afternoon in a busy section of central Baghdad, killing 17 people and injuring 53 others, police said.

U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq creates training zone for terrorism - President Bush, U.S. Sen. John McCain and other supporters of the war on Iraq continue to deceive the American people by mischaracterizing the situation there.


Another Top Bush Aide Makes an Exit
- As the Bush administration inches closer to its concluding months, more top aides are headed out to the private sector.


Taxpayers on the hook for $59 trillion
- The federal government recorded a $1.3 trillion loss last year — far more than the official $248 billion deficit — when corporate-style accounting standards are used, a USA TODAY analysis shows.

Foreclosures still raging in Chicago area - Chicago-area foreclosures, which set a record last year, are projected to reach full-blown crisis levels in 2007.

9/11 News :

Charlie Sheen Responds To New York Post Hit Piece
- Charlie Sheen has issued a brief statement in response to a New York Post article that claimed he was having "second thoughts" about his involvement in Loose Change Final Cut and the 9/11 Truth Movement as a whole.

The Infamous “al Qada Linked” Terrorists = 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon - You see in the eyes of the Bush administration and the clearly complicit establishment media the word “link” is used in its most literal interpretation. All one has to do in order to tag someone with a link to al Qaeda is to apply the A=KB-6 equation. Now when you use that equation it does not take much to qualify for being linked to al Qaeda these days, unless you are a member of the Bush family.


Iraq for Sale - banned from Congress - WAR - costly for US, profitable for them.

An Open Letter to the Democratic Congress - Why I Am Leaving the Democratic Party


Group: Terrorism not focus of Homeland Security - Claims of terrorism represented less than 0.01 percent of charges filed in recent years in immigration courts by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, according to a report issued Sunday by an independent research group.
TVNL Comment: What a surprise.

Cuyahoga Co. Elections Director Resigns - Executive director Michael Vu's ouster marks the end of a tense term that thrust Cuyahoga County and its voters in the national spotlight. Under Vu, the county weathered a botched primary election and convictions of two workers who mishandled the 2004 presidential recount.


City mayors under gun on global warming - Bold new initiatives against global warming have come out of major cities around the world over the past few weeks — with the notable exception of Washington.


Russia calls for conference on CFE arms treaty
- Russia on Monday requested an emergency conference to discuss an arms control pact after accusing NATO nations of ignoring the deal negotiated in the months after the Cold War ended.

U.S. growers pitch agricultural deals to Cuba - "I challenge Mr. Bush to tear down this embargo," said Mississippi cotton farmer John Newcomb, borrowing Ronald Reagan's famous 1987 line to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at the Berlin Wall.


Florida vets say red tape keeping disabled troops from finding aid - A former Marine is developing a program to offer temporary housing and grocery money to injured troops when they leave their military service, fearing that disabled veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan will be forgotten once Memorial Day celebrations end.

Dissent spreads through U.S. military ranks - Growing anger over the U.S. war in Iraq and growing understanding that the occupation is a complete failure are spreading through all ranks of the U.S. military.


Never Wrong - No One Is Ever Wrong - I have met a lot of people who are never wrong. They never take back that which they spoke which proved to be either stupid, inane or simply wrong. They waffle, redefine and deny, but they are never wrong. These people are incapable of saying "oops," much less, "I'm sorry," You find them everywhere. They might be a pastor, a politician, a CEO or a President.

How Can Bush Free Iraq When He Brings Tyranny To America? - The Washington, DC, think-tank, The American Enterprise Institute, camouflages its purpose with its name. There is nothing American about AEI, and the organization's enterprise is fomenting war in the Middle East against Israel's enemies. Its real name should be The Likud Center for Middle East War.

The Lost Secret - So our prayers are dominated by the thinking process that we might want to believe God is this or that, but we cannot convince our inner heart that God would even pay attention to us at any given time.


CNN Accused of Lying about Venezuela - The Venezuelan Government accused CNN on Monday of lying about Venezuela and producing political propaganda, and requested an investigation into local Globovision channel for possible incitement to assassination.


Cows in New Zealand produce low-fat milk - Milk from the cows is also high in health-boosting omega-3 fatty acids and makes butter that spreads as easily as margarine even when chilled, biotechnology company Vialactia said Monday.


Desperate Iraqi Refugees Turn to Sex Trade in Syria - “During the war we lost everything,” she said. “We even lost our honor.” She insisted on being identified by only part of her name — Umm Hiba means mother of Hiba.
TVNL Comment: George W. Bush would describe this as economic freedom.

Israeli strike on Jabalya camp damages civilian property; human rights offices - This latest attack came in the context of a wide scale offensive that has been waged by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on the Gaza Strip since Wednesday, 16 May 2007, in which they have killed 48 Palestinians and wounded dozens of others, many of them are civilians.



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