Date: June 5th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Only in America...

Only in America can opposing war, humanity's most horrific obscenity, be frowned upon and ridiculed.
Only in America can sex, nature's most natural pleasurable activity, be considered a sin.
Only in America can ones own body be illegal or at least the showing of one owns human body be considered a crime. (Imagine outlawing God's work!)
Only in America can having many children be considered a wonderful thing even though sustained population growth can lead to the demise of our planet and all of those new children.
Only in America can a population believe anything it is told regardless of the evidence to the contrary.
Only in America can a person tout his or her freedom without knowing one single thing about the importance of the laws and documents that define that freedom.
Only in America do people not believe what they see, hear, taste, smell or touch unless the people on TV tell them to believe it.
Only in America can an event like 9/11 happen without the public truly examining the evidence of what happened.
Only in America can you have a media that keeps the public informed about Paris Hilton but not about revolutionary advances in science that our government won't allow us to see!
Only in America can a media lie, day in and day out, to the point of painfully embarrassment, and deceive the public while causing them immeasurable and irreversible suffering and harm, and the people do not revolt against them.
Only in America can people who are part of secretive organizations with unchecked influence on our political process, like the Council on Foreign Relations, and are sworn to secrecy by those organizations, be trusted to report news about our political process.
Only in America would a person like me have to stop his life, end his career and jeopardize his future so that he can simply point out the obvious to his fellow citizens.
Only in America can someone like me be accused of being anti-American for simply trying to expose liars and criminals.

Actually, America is not the only place where all of this exists, but from what I was taught it is one of the places where none of this is supposed to exists.
Maybe one day I'll write a follow up to this piece, called “Remember When...”
Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

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Kurdish Rebels Attack Turkish Outpost
- Kurdish rebels fired rockets and grenades at a Turkish military outpost Monday, killing seven soldiers in an attack that heightened tension at a time when Ankara has threatened military action against the rebels in northern Iraq.

The Somalia Strike - Under what authorization did President Bush order a military strike on Somalia this past Friday--essentially widening the "war on terror"?

Iraq's mercenaries - with a license to kill - 'These private contractors can get away with murder... They aren't subject to any laws at all'


Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush
- In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.



9/11 News :

Papers Portray Alleged JFK Plot as Mostly Talk
- But the criminal complaint filed by the federal authorities against the four defendants in the case — one of them, Abdel Nur, remained at large yesterday — suggests a less than mature terror plan, a proposed effort longer on evil intent than on operational capability.


Conyers Requests Palast's "Vote Caging" Evidence - Indicates caging operation could not have been done without knowledge of Rove, according to Palast team.
TVNL Comment: Conyers should be ready to impeach Bush by about 2010.

Wyoming senator, 74, dies of leukemia - Wyoming Sen. Craig Thomas, a three-term conservative Republican who stayed clear of the Washington limelight and political catfights, died Monday. He was 74.


Experts: Katrina Death Toll Still Rising - Storm survivors are dying from the effects of both psychological and physical stress, from the dust and mold still in dwellings to financial problems to fear of crime, health experts and officials say


Global warming 'is three times faster than worst predictions' - They have found that emissions of carbon dioxide have been rising at thrice the rate in the 1990s. The Arctic ice cap is melting three times as fast - and the seas are rising twice as rapidly - as had been predicted.

US cuts back climate checks from space - President Bush is trying to convince the world the US is ready to take the lead in reducing greenhouse gases. But meanwhile, the administration is drastically scaling back efforts to measure global warming from space.


England Bans Palace Protests
- A new law in England makes it a crime to protest in royal palaces and top government buildings.
TVNL Comment: How is that for democracy?


Discharge Suggested for Anti-War Marine - Military Panel Recommends General Discharge for Marine Who Protested War in Uniform


Only in America… - Actually, America is not the only place where all of this exists, but from what I was taught it is one of the places where none of this is supposed to exists.


Musharraf Tightens Controls on Media - Under an emergency ordinance that takes effective immediately, Musharraf made a raft of amendments to regulations governing the electronic media, including private television channels that the general has accused of anti-government bias.

Indecency rule tossed by court - If President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney can blurt out vulgar language, then the government cannot punish broadcast television stations for broadcasting the same words in similarly fleeting contexts. That, in essence, was the decision on Monday, when a federal appeals court struck down the government policy that allows stations and networks to be fined if they broadcast shows containing profanities.

U.S., Venezuela trade barbs over media freedom, rights - The United States called Venezuela "anti-democratic" on Monday for closing an opposition TV station and Venezuela compared the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay to Nazi Germany in a public spat over human rights.


Brain tumor link to pesticides - Agricultural workers exposed to high levels of pesticides have a raised risk of brain tumours, research suggests.

Vaccine Claims to Get Their Day in Court - More than 4,800 claims have been filed against the federal government during the past six years alleging that a child contracted autism as a result of a vaccine. The first test case from among those claims will be the subject of a hearing that was to begin next Monday in a little-known "People's Court" - the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.


Amnesty seeks Mid-East watchdog - A human rights group has called for the creation of an international monitoring body to address human rights violations by Israel and the Palestinians.

Guantánamo trials in chaos after judge throws out two cases - The Bush administration's plans to bring detainees at Guantánamo Bay to trial were thrown into chaos yesterday when military judges threw out all charges against a detainee held there since he was 15 and dismissed charges against another detainee who chauffeured Osama bin Laden.

Alamo ordered to pay Muslim woman more than $280,000 for discrimination - A Muslim woman has been awarded more than $280,000 in damages after Alamo-Rent-A-Car fired her for wearing a head scarf to work.



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