Date: June 7th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Attention Ron Paul Supporters: Now Do You Believe Conspiracies Exist?

I have a question to those people who have been impressed with Ron Paul's performance during the recent Republican debates: are you starting to notice something odd? Have you noticed that the entire body of the establishment media are pretending that Ron Paul was not a significant candidate? Have you noticed that the positive comments written about Ron Paul on news sites, by readers (as comments), are being deleted and that on-line poll results are being removed?

I'll tell you this, you can forget about Ron Paul becoming President, no matter how many people you know seem to be noticing him and have voiced their support for him. He won't be elected because you have nothing to do with who becomes president in this nation, and the establishment media has never exposed their complicity in this crime against democracy as they are doing now.

You see the establishment media are telling you what reality is, they are not reporting reality to you. They tell you what to believe. And now they are telling you to believe that the impressive Ron Paul is not being noticed. That's right, the media is telling you that you are virtually alone in your support of Ron Paul, even though you may know a ton of people who also support him and you don't seem to see too many people supporting other candidates.

For generations the establishment media has been part of a conspiracy to manage your perception of what is real. They make you believe that you are part of some sort of democracy. They make you believe that there are no viable renewable clean cheap energy technologies available. They make you believe that the Federal Reserve is part of the US government. They make you believe that for some reason the US has to pay interest when it borrows it's own currency! They conspire to make you believe a lot of lies. It's not hard to see this, as a matter of fact it is pretty obvious. You just just have to pay attention.

The media conspire to tell you that the apple you are looking at is an orange. What I do with this web site and with my presentations is tap you on the forehead and make you notice that you are looking at an apple and I make you notice that they are telling you that it is an orange. You see the difference? They tell you what you are looking at, I ask you to take notice of what you are looking at and to think for yourself. They are lying to you every day, about almost everything. I don't tell you this, I just show you that it is happening. Maybe now you can see this happening with how the media is handling the reality of Ron Paul. Maybe this can be your wake up call.

Again, for those who would like to learn about this media conspiracy and learn how to spot the massive deception in the media, I offer a free presentation that will empower you and render those liars harmless. Provide me with an audience, room and transportation and I'll simply point out the obvious for you. Then you will suddenly notice what has been right in front of your face all along...and you will not fall for it anymore. Don't believe me...just hear me out and think for yourself. I won't tell you what to believe, I'll just show you what you are looking at.

You see reality gets reported by journalists. An amazing story may get published or reported by one organization. The conspiracy lies in the mass coordinated dissemination of the news. Who decides that the entire nation needs to know about one of the thousands 2000 children that go missing every day and who decides that the nation does not need to know about the war games that were taking place in the US, simulating hijackings and planes flying into buildings, on 9/11/2001?

Don't believe me...just pay attention. Watch TV news and read your establishment news papers. You know, the networks and publications that tell you all about the real world by telling you what you are supposed to believe, so when it happens you accept it. See if what they say about Ron Paul's performance in the debates, if anything, reflect what you actually saw when you watched. You know...just like when they told you in 2004 that George W. Bush won Ohio, now they tell you that Ron Paul did not win the debates. Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!


Suicide bomber hits police HQ in Iraq town, 9 killed
- A suicide truck bomber killed nine people and wounded 22 in an attack on the police headquarters of an Iraqi town near the Syrian border on Thursday, police said.

Australia cleared in U.S. death in Iraq - Australian troops acted lawfully when they shot and killed an American contractor in Baghdad after he ignored their orders to stop the truck he was driving, a spokesman said Thursday.

4 U.S. soldiers die in Iraq combat - Four U.S. soldiers have died in combat operations in Iraq, the U.S. military reported Wednesday, pushing the U.S. death toll in four years of war toward 3,500.

Turkish Officials: Troops Enter Iraq - Several thousand Turkish troops crossed into northern Iraq early Wednesday to chase Kurdish guerrillas who attack Turkey from bases there, two Turkish security officials said. Turkey's foreign minister denied its troops had entered Iraq.

UK and US must quit Iraq quickly, says former ambassador - Sir Christopher Meyer acknowledged that leaving Iraq would be "painful", but said the mission was not worth the death of one more serviceman. "I personally believe that the presence of American and British and coalition forces is making things worse, not only inside Iraq but the wider region around Iraq.

US military officials downplay report troops control only third of Baghdad - US commanders in Iraq are downplaying a New York Times report that US and Iraqi forces are able to provide protection for only about a-third of Baghdad's neighborhoods.

Exclusive: Iraqi Lawmakers Pass Resolution That May Force End to Occupation - While Washington lawmakers play procedural games with an out-of-control executive branch, Iraqi legislators are working to bring an end to the occupation of their country.

US soldier killed in southern Baghdad - The death raised to at least 3,494 members of the US military who have died since the start of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.

4.2 million Iraqis are now displaced - More than 4 million Iraqis have now been displaced by violence in the country, the U.N. refugee agency said Tuesday, warning that the figure will continue to rise.
TVNL Comment: And who caused this? Who created the situation that has allowed the violenct to take place?

Car bomb near Iraq's Falluja kills 19: police - At least 19 people were killed and 25 others were wounded when a suicide bomber blew up his car in a market just outside Iraq's western city of Falluja on Tuesday, police said.


Environmentalist helps Abramoff probe
- The head of a Republican environmental advocacy group is set to plead guilty in the Jack Abramoff scandal and is cooperating with an FBI investigation into corruption involving Congress and the Bush administration, two people close to the case said Wednesday.

Official: Cheney Urged Wiretaps - Vice President Cheney told Justice Department officials that he disagreed with their objections to a secret surveillance program during a high-level White House meeting in March 2004, a former senior Justice official told senators yesterday.

Cheney blocked official's promotion - Vice President Dick Cheney blocked the promotion of a Justice Department official involved in a bedside standoff over President Bush's eavesdropping program, a Senate committee learned Wednesday.

Ron Paul in CNN Presidential Debate 6-5-2007 - 8 minutes of sanity with Dr. Ron Paul.

Rice Bashed Over Staff Gaps, Low Morale - The State Department has too few people to fill increasingly difficult jobs while the Iraq and Afghanistan wars drain off resources, an independent report found Tuesday.

Bush aide admits hiring boasts - A Bush administration official admitted yesterday that he had boasted about hiring conservatives and Republicans at the Justice Department, but he nevertheless insisted that he broke no civil service rules against taking partisan affiliation into account when hiring government lawyers.

Letters Cast Light on Cheney's Inner Circle - The writers included some of the most prominent names in conservative thinking about foreign policy, as well as current and former senior government officials -- Donald H. Rumsfeld, Paul D. Wolfowitz, Gen. Peter Pace and Henry A. Kissinger.

Cheney’s name missing from list of Libby supporters - Vice President Dick Cheney’s name is notably absent from a long list of supporters that have urged the judge in the case of his former chief of staff, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, to be lenient, according to letters released Tuesday by the presiding judge.

Libby sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison - Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison Tuesday for lying and obstructing the CIA leak investigation.


Three Million New Yorkers Struggle To Put Food On The Table
- A New York City Food Bank report, released Tuesday to mark National Hunger Awareness Day, says more than a third of city residents have trouble affording food for their families.

US realtors trade group predicts lower housing prices, falling sales of new and existing homes - A real estate industry trade group said Wednesday it expects sales of existing homes in the U.S. to drop 4.6 percent this year to 6.2 million

How the Super Rich Avoided Taxes; Despite Making Millions - Accounting Firm Ernst & Young Allegedly Concocted Tax Schemes to Shelter Millions

9/11 News :

JFK airport plot 'a US setup'
- The four suspects in an alleged terror plot to bomb a New York airport were set up in an elaborate plan by the US Republican party to retain hold of the White House, the daughter of an arrested suspect claimed on Tuesday.

Plot to destroy airport 'fantasy' - US authorities said they had averted an attack that could have resulted in "unfathomable damage, deaths and destruction", and have charged four alleged Islamic radicals with conspiracy to cause an explosion at the airport. - But experts say it would have been next to impossible to cause an explosion in the jet fuel tanks and pipeline. And the plotters appeared to lack both the explosives and the financial backing to carry out the attack.


Senator charges improper political interference in Justice Department - Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy angrily threatened Tuesday to issue subpoenas "if the White House continues to stonewall" his panel's investigation into fired U.S. attorneys, and he said he was "deeply troubled" by what he called White House efforts to "manipulate the (Justice) Department into its own political arm."
TVNL Comment: "Deeply troubled?" Poor baby. Maybe he can hold his breath!

House panel votes to boost domestic security - The United States would spend more to combat illegal immigration and prepare for terrorist and weather-related disasters under legislation approved on Tuesday by a House of Representatives panel that ignores a White House veto threat.


Air passengers face more delay as US plans fingerprinting - Passengers travelling from the US will have to present their fingers as well as their passports at check-in from the end of next year, according to a senior security official. Virgin Atlantic, whose customers may be forced to endure longer waits in terminals, has vowed to oppose the move.
TVNL Comment: Getting ready to chip us all. It will happen. It will be another...I told you warned by crazy conspiracy nuts!

DoJ to Appeal Dismissed MO Voter Roll Lawsuit, As Our Inside DoJ Source Expands on Comments About Schlozman's 'Razor's Edge of Perjury' Testimony Yesterday - The Loyal Bushies at DoJ 'Wanted to Emasculate' the Voting Rights Act, Says Our Source...

The Other Republican Criminal Sentenced Today - Philip Giordano entered pleas to four counts of first-degree sexual assault and four counts of conspiracy to commit sexual assault, charges based on allegations that he paid a crack-addicted prostitute to bring her 8-year-old daughter and 10-year-old niece to him for oral sex.


Fighting Corporate Copper in Bougainville - Multinational polluter Rio Tinto sued under Alien Tort Claims Act for causing deaths of 10,000 Papua New Guineans

US rejects German G8 climate goal - Washington says it will not agree to a deal on slashing greenhouse gas emissions at the G8 summit in Germany.
TVNL Comment: And again the US threatens the world with massive death...and nobody does anything to stop this!


Saudi prince 'received arms cash'
- Saudi prince received secret payments from the UK's biggest arms dealer, a BBC investigation has revealed.

New law every 3 hours from Blair - ONE law every three hours has been created during Tony Blair's decade in power - most of it without the full scrutiny of parliament, research published today will reveal.
TVNL Comment: Ahh, democracy!


Navy, GSA Say Contract Led to Waste, Maybe Fraud - An effort to buy floating barriers to protect the nation's fleet from attacks several years ago led to millions of dollars in waste and may have involved criminal fraud by a government employee and contractor, officials of the Navy and the U.S. General Services Administration told a House subcommittee yesterday.

Pentagon's acquisition chief resigns - Krieg has been in charge of the department's research, development and purchasing of new weapons systems, aircraft and other technologies and a key adviser to the defense secretary on the military's key future programs.

Pentagon management ignores Marine requests for tech weapons - Marine commanders in Iraq have filed three formal requests for more units of a drone called the “Scan Eagles.” But their requests have fallen on virtually deaf ears.


Attention Ron Paul Supporters: Now Do You Believe Conspiracies Exist? - See if what they say about Ron Paul’s performance in the debates, if anything, reflect what you actually saw when you watched.

A menacing tide against women who speak their minds - In the past week, I've read that retired anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan is an "opportunistic idiot." Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a "feminist twit." And that Lilly Ledbetter deserved the lower pay she got from Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. because she wasn't smart enough to prove earlier in her career that she was earning less than her male counterparts.

The Young Chickenhawks - When Republicans are called chickenhawks, they howl. They cry about how the term is ad hominem. They lash out and point to other Republicans who have served in wars. They do everything but actually join the military.


Retired anchor Shaw laments effects of Fox on his beloved CNN - Calling himself "very straitlaced [and] very old-fashioned," Shaw said: "When anchors are reporting the news, they should report the news and allow the viewers at home to decide what they think about issues.

Infowars' Matt Lepacek arrested after GOP debate - Infowars' Matt Lepacek confronts Rudy Giuliani pollster Ed Goeas in the spin room after the 6/5/07 Republican debate in Manchester. He is arrested; later, his colleague Luke Rudowski is led outside by police. Rudowski is let go and explains what just happened.

Accuracy in Reporting of Israel/Palestine - In the first study period ABC, CBS, and NBC reported Israeli deaths at rates 3.1, 3.8, and 4.0 times higher than Palestinian deaths, respectively. In 2004 these rates increased or stayed constant, to 4.0, 3.8, and 4.4, widening still further, in the case of ABC and NBC, the disparity in coverage. An additional sub-study of deaths reported in introductions revealed a similar but even larger disparity.

Censorship 'changes face of net' - Amnesty International has warned that the internet "could change beyond all recognition" unless action is taken against the erosion of online freedoms. - Amnesty accused companies such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo of being complicit in the problem.

"VANISHED" CNN COMMENTS ON RON PAUL IN THE DEBATE - CNN put up a comments page about tonight's New Hampshire GOP debate at The comments were overwhelmingly for Ron Paul. So, CNN simply removed the comments and replaced them with apage of comments about last night's Democratic debate.

Afghan woman radio boss shot dead - A female owner of a radio station in Afghanistan has been shot dead.

Chairman Conyers Addresses Fox News - “Fox News has a history of inappropriate on-air mistakes that are neither fair, nor balanced. This type of disrespect for people of color should no longer be tolerated. I am personally offended by the network’s complete disregard for accuracy in reporting and lackluster on-air apology.”


Doctors threatened for opposing drug - Two prominent prostate cancer experts have been threatened for opposing approval of a controversial new drug and are being protected by bodyguards as they attend the nation's largest cancer conference here.

45-minute operation to restore sight to millions - A revolutionary technique being developed by British scientists could cure blindness in millions of people around the world.

Review: The underground information source for cutting-edge nutritional science discoveries - I'd like to introduce you to an "underground" information source I subscribe to in order to stay up to date on cutting-edge nutritional information. It's a newsletter I've read for years, even long before I started writing for NewsTarget, and I find it to be a wellspring of information about practical, yet powerful health solutions that simply aren't covered in common magazines or the mainstream media.

Soda Ingredients Linked to Cirrhosis and Cancer - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has reported that it found a high level of cancer-causing benzene in five of the 100 soft drinks and beverages that it tested. The levels of benzene were more than the recommended 5 parts per billion limit for drinking water.

Top Diabetes Doc Says Glaxo Threatened Him - A medical expert told lawmakers the British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline threatened him with legal action when he first raised questions about the diabetes treatment Avandia's safety.


Palestinian civilian shot dead in raid on family home - "My father pushed some of the soldiers," said Salih al-Jabari, 19. "Then one of the soldiers pulled the trigger and shot him in the jaw." His father fell to the floor, bleeding heavily. Moments later, the mother, Fatima al-Jabari, 60, appeared and began screaming at the soldiers. "My mother tried to get them outside, but they said to her: 'Get away, get away.' And then they shot her in the head.
TVNL Comment: That sounds fair. What do you think?

Thirty nine people said to have 'disappeared' in US custody - "Six human rights groups released Wednesday a list of 39 people they believe have been secretly imprisoned by the United States and whose whereabouts are unknown and called on the Bush administration to abandon secret detentions," according to advance copy of an article being considered for the front page of Thursday's New York Times.

Imprisoning a Whole Nation - Israel is being allowed to destroy the very notion of a state of Palestine and is imprisoning an entire nation.

Venezuela keeps regional rights seat in blow to U.S. - Member countries of the Organization of American States, or OAS, voted at a meeting of the hemispheric body in Panama to give Venezuelan Luz Patricia Mejia one of four seats opening up on its seven-member regional human rights commission.

Massacres and paramilitary land seizures behind the biofuel revolution - Armed groups in Colombia are driving peasants off their land to make way for plantations of palm oil, a biofuel that is being promoted as an environmentally friendly source of energy.



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