Date: June 9th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Earth: A Beautiful Place if There Were No Humans

Yesterday I was looking at a beautiful photograph of sea life that is on the cover of a book (related websites can be found here: and here: ). What I did not realize when I first saw the image was that the book was not a very happy book. While the book explores how beautiful ocean life is, it sheds light on the fact that no life forms on this planet are safe from the the treacherous impact human beings have had on this planet. The book shows how the beautiful ocean life is being harmed by humans.

Human beings, in our quest to satisfy our endless greed, have consumed and destroyed everything around us. We ( not all of us ) humans are so stupid that in our quest to indulge ourselves we have pretty much set humanity on the path to extinction. The simple minded humans, who think that some being up in the sky wants them to have more babies, can not perform the simple math that shows that exponential growth of our species can not be sustained! More babies = more harm to the planet = eventual extinction! The by products of humanity (consumption, destruction, toxic waste), are destroying all life forms, including those that sustain our own lives. You the life forms that we eat, and the life forms that make the air that we breath!

Several years ago I chose to become the housekeeper/slave to a 4 ounce parrot. I take very good care of my master. I clean up after her, feed her, provide her with my valuable belongings for her to shred with her razor sharp can opener bill, including US currency (actually they are not US currency, they are criminal Federal Reserve Notes). I take her to the park and to my parents house where my mother gives her bits of cookies when I am not looking. Her life is pretty darn good.

So yesterday, after I realized that the beautiful book contained a not so beautiful reminder of the impact human beings are having on this planet, I looked over at my four ounce pterodactyl and I got to thinking, and I realized something that is pretty darn disturbing. Human beings have had a negative impact on every single life form on this planet with two exceptions: house pets and man made super-viruses. That's it. Pretty sad, huh. Something to be ashamed about, huh. And when you think about the fact that human beings need other life forms in order to live, it's just pretty darn stupid, huh.

Humans are causing the extinction of hundreds of life forms every year and we are working hard to end humanity. Oddly enough when I realized that humans are setting up their own extinction I thought to myself, cool. I thought that maybe when the humans are gone the remaining life forms will thrive. It's weird, but it made be feel a little better when I thought about that. It helped to balance the guilty feelings I have about being a member of the one species that threatens all others. Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

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Kurds report Turkish, Iranian shelling in northern Iraq; wider conflict feared
- Turkish artillery shelled suspected positions of Kurdish rebels based across the border in northern Iraq on Friday, according to reports. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Turkey that it risked expanding regional tensions with any “robust” move of troops into Iraq.

In Iraq's four-year looting frenzy, the allies have become the vandals - British and American collusion in the pillaging of Iraq's heritage is a scandal that will outlive any passing conflict

Attack kills 14 at Iraqi chief's house - Carloads of attackers descended on a police chief's house northeast of Baghdad at dawn Friday, killing the official's wife, two brothers and 11 guards, and kidnapping three of his grown children, Diyala provincial police reported.


Former GOP official admits Abramoff link
- As part of her plea deal with the Justice Department, Federici agreed to provide information that people close to the case said could lead investigators to other officials in Congress and the Bush administration.

Top Joint Chiefs of Staff leaders being replaced - Citing war and Congress, Gates to change chairman and vice chairman

The Ron Paul phenomenon? - What do these numbers mean? How do you reconcile that support with the national poll numbers? In virtually every scientific national poll — generally regarded as the best measurement of public support for a political candidate — Paul registers, at most, between 1 and 2 percent. Do the debate numbers reflect something different than the national polls?
TVNL Comment: Could it mean that that the national polls are meant to influence public opinion, not measure it?



9/11 News :



Congress considers grovelling to Israel. Again. - The U.S. House of Representatives is considering a resolution condemning Britain's University and College Union for their boycott of Israeli academic institutions.

Senate set to take politically charged vote on Gonzales - The Senate will hold a politically-charged vote Monday related to a no-confidence resolution in the embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

GOP eyes 'shutdown' of Senate over judges - Republican leaders yesterday threatened a "total shutdown" of Senate business if Democrats keep holding up President Bush's appointments to the federal bench.

It’s Subpoena Time - If Congress is going to get to the bottom of the scandal, it has to get the testimony of Mr. Rove, his aides Scott Jennings and Sara Taylor, Ms. Miers and her deputy, William Kelley.


PROGRESSIVE LA TALK RADIO HOST TO BUY CINDY SHEEHAN PROPERTY IN CRAWFORD, TEXAS - Former TV News Anchor Bree Walker to Purchase 5-Acre 'Camp Casey' Property Near Bush Ranch - Will Keep Property Open to Public as 'Legacy for Peace'

Justice Official May Revise Voter-Fraud Testimony, People Say - Days before the November election, his office obtained indictments against four workers for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, which sponsored a voter- registration drive focusing on low-income people and minorities. - Democrats contend the case may have been designed to intimidate voters who tend to back their party.

Tort reformer Robert Bork sues Yale Club. - Bork, an infamous tort reform advocate, hasn’t always been such a fan of suing for punitive damages, at least when other people do it.

Commerce Inspector General Quits - Commerce Department Inspector General Johnnie E. Frazier retired yesterday in the face of multiple investigations and a formal report recommending that President Bush punish him for violating the whistle-blower protection law.

New Hampshire to Repeal Parental Notification Law - New Hampshire will become the first state to repeal a law requiring teenage girls to notify their parents before having an abortion, under a bill that won final passage in the State Senate on Thursday.


Earth: A Beautiful Place if There Were No Humans - I thought that maybe when the humans are gone the remaining life forms will thrive. It’s weird, but it made be feel a little better when I thought about that. It helped to balance the guilty feelings I have about being a member of the one species that threatens all others.

Alarm over gender-bending chemical - Studies have shown NPEs to be potent gender-benders, believed to be responsible for transforming male fish into females in waterways worldwide. Marine scientists at Stony Brook University say NPEs are the likely culprit in the decline of male winter flounder in Jamaica Bay.

LA residents told to cut showers as drought deepens - It is the driest year since rainfall records began 130 years ago.


Blair rejects "bribery'' probe
- British Prime Minister Tony Blair has rejected calls for an investigation into allegations that BAE Systems, Britain's biggest arms supplier, used a secret fund to pay millions of pounds to a prominent member of the Saudi royal family for negotiating a multi-billion pound arms deal in the eighties.
TVNL Comment: How can people still permit criminals to control investigations into their own crimes?

Russia Wants Freeze on U.S. Missile Plan - Russia's foreign minister urged the United States on Saturday to freeze plans for missile defense installations in eastern Europe during negotiations and warned that the proposal — intended to serve as a buffer against Iran — could backf

Israeli army 'heads towards crisis'‎ - A top Israeli officer has confessed the army is 'heading towards a crisis,' as a study reveals majority of pilots and officers are quitting.

Venezuela Calls for Leftist Defense Bloc - President Hugo Chavez called for the creation of a common defense pact between Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Bolivia, while the leftist Latin American bloc announced the creation of a development bank to finance joint projects.


Marine Corps Settles Rape Lawsuit - The Marine Corps agreed Thursday to revamp its recruiting practices in Northern California and pay $200,000 to two young women who claimed they were raped during a slumber party at a Ukiah recruiting office.

Battling on 2 fronts, mother charged as AWOL - In a rare legal clash pitting a mother against the US military, Specialist Lisa Hayes of the New Hampshire National Guard surrendered yesterday to Army authorities after being charged as a deserter for refusing to fight in Iraq until a custody case involving her 7-year-old daughter was resolved.


Remembering the USS Liberty: Four Decades Later - On June 8, 1967, the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty killing 34 Americans.

Having fun, you bastard? - Look at these bastards - getting drunk and laughing their asses off while the troops they sent to Iraq are getting blown to smithereens.

Your Money or Your Life? - Do people deserve to die because they refuse to pay taxes to a corrupt and criminal government?


Viewers get whitewashed version of history - The French edition is what Montreal-based producer Ina Fichman calls the "international version," which was sold to Italy's RAI, Australia's SBS and elsewhere. It depicts, among other historical facts, the expulsion of thousands of Palestinians by the Israeli army, a move the narrator delicately describes as "the first change to the demographics of the West Bank." It shows, through the eyes of a former Arab resident and an Israeli who photographed the event, that, where large villages stood, now are forests (many planted with Canadian charitable donations).

Rigged Debates And Jailed Reporters - Much of the manipulation of public perception comes through the establishment media, who serve as the self-appointed sponsors of presidential debates. When a candidate like Rep. Ron Paul, with millions of grass-root supporters, threatens to break through they sideline him as "second tier," limit his camera time, and suppress the overwhelming public support on post-debate web polls. When even that fails to work, we see them arrest reporters outside the debate arena who dare ask 9/11 conspiracy questions of the mainstream candidates.

Romney's Iraq Gaffe Ignored - At the Republican candidates' debate on June 5, White House contender Mitt Romney remarkably claimed that weapons inspectors were barred from entering Iraq before the 2003 U.S.-led invasion. But Romney's error was little noted by the mainstream media.
TVNL Comment: First off all it is not a "gaffe", it is a "lie!" Second of all it is a lit that George W. Bush has repeated over and over. The complicit media are part of the problem. They are the problem in a sense.

Female War Reporters Hide Sexual Abuse To Continue Getting Assignments - As more female reporters cover conflict zones, they face the same hurdles as their male counterparts and then some. In the macho world of overseas journalism, those who face sexual abuse often choose to say nothing at all.

Media Treatment Of Paul Is Criminal - The "American" so-called "free and independent" press is neither American nor is it free and independent. The editors of The New York Times have yet to report on the Downing Street Memo, or for that matter, have as yet not published a correction or a retraction of the propaganda authored by Walter Duranty in 1932 covering up the mass starvation murders of at least 8,000,000 Ukrainians by their communist Comrade, Josef Stalin.

Ron Paul, Channon Christian, Immigration, Israel, and Media LIES -The truth is the media and Paul’s opponents know very well that Paul will become the next President of the United States if the election process isn’t successfully hijacked by the media early on or stolen outright in 2008.




EU official says CIA renditions were 'disaster' for anti-terror war - 'The United States wanted to impose a war without rules against terrorism,' Dick Marty, a Swiss senator, who has been heading the Council of Europe investigation into the secret transfer of suspected terrorists, told the French daily Le Figaro. 'This policy ended in disaster.'

Marine says he erased photos of Haditha victims - A staff sergeant testified Thursday that he was ordered to destroy grisly pictures of women and children killed by Marines so that the images would not be part of a statement being prepared for an investigative officer and a magazine reporter.

Secret CIA prisons confirmed by Polish and Romanian officials - The CIA operated secret prisons in Europe where terrorism suspects could be interrogated and were allegedly tortured, an official inquiry will conclude tomorrow.


Archdiocese Fires Sex Abuse Critic - A Roman Catholic school principal who criticized the Archdiocese of Chicago for its handling of sexual abuse allegations against the school's former parish priest has been fired.

Creation Museum Actor Owns Porn Site - The man picked as Adam by a museum based on the Bible's version of Earth's history led quite a different life outside the Garden of Eden, flaunting his sexual exploits online and modeling for a line of clothing with an explicit mascot. Registration records show that Eric Linden, who portrays Adam taking his first breath in a film at the newly opened Creation Museum, owns a graphic Web site called Bedroom Acrobat. He has been pictured there, smiling alongside a drag queen, in a T-shirt brandishing the site's sexually suggestive logo.

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