Date: June 13th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Today, A Special Request for Support

Once in a while I like to make sure certain people know about More specifically I like to make sure certain people know about me! Today is one of those days, but it's more than just that!

There is a job out there that I think I may want. And I think you may feel that I am qualified for that job. So if you have a minute to spare I can use your help. I can use your letters of reference! If you can just drop these guys a note and tell them what you think of me; hopefully you will have something good to say!

The job description and e-mail address is here:

Of course if I get this will continue to exists as it does now...newsletter and all!

So do you think you can spare a moment for me today? Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

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3 U.S. troops killed in Iraq
- Roadside bombs killed two U.S. soldiers in separate incidents in Baghdad, and a U.S. Marine was killed in combat in Anbar province, the U.S. military said Wednesday.

Iraq govt imposes Baghdad curfew from 3 pm - The curfew was imposed after insurgents blew up two minarets of a revered Shi'ite mosque in the city of Samarra, where a similar attack last year sparked a wave of sectarian violence.

Tribal Coalition in Anbar Said to Be Crumbling - A tribal coalition formed to oppose the extremist group al-Qaeda in Iraq, a development that U.S. officials say has reduced violence in Iraq's troubled Anbar province, is beginning to splinter, according to an Anbar tribal leader and a U.S. military official familiar with tribal politics.

32,000 Iraq police 'lost,' more on payroll - About 32,000 Iraqi police who have been trained and equipped are no longer on the job, having left for various reasons over the last 18 months. And as many as 12,000 police not on the job are drawing salaries anyway, said U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Martin Dempsey, who has just returned from more than two years in Iraq overseeing the development of Iraqi security forces.


Officials rebuked for disclosing Rove's connection to firing of U.S. attorney
- The White House's former political director was furious at Justice Department officials for disclosing to Congress that the administration had forced out the U.S. attorney in Little Rock, Ark., to make way for a protege of Karl Rove, President Bush's political adviser, according to documents released late Tuesday.

The Neocon Threat to World Peace and American Freedom - As I have previously explained, the neoconservatives' plan is to escape the failure of their Iraq plan by orchestrating a war with Iran in which the U.S. can prevail only by using nuclear weapons. As previously reported, the neoconservatives believe that the use of nuclear weapons against Iran will convince Muslims that they must accept U.S. hegemony.


U.S. Mortgage Foreclosure Filings Rise 90% in May
- U.S. foreclosure filings surged 90 percent in May from a year earlier as more homeowners fell behind on their monthly mortgage payments, RealtyTrac Inc. said.

9/11 News :





Casting Ballot From Abroad Is No Sure Bet - And that has left many of the five million Americans overseas uncertain that their vote will be counted.

Fired U.S. Attorneys: Justice 'declined' under Gonzales - Three former U.S. Attorneys fired by the U.S. Justice Department last December told tribal leaders attending the National Congress of the American Indian convention that the potential for justice in Indian country had declined under Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Report: About half of Georgia teens graduate - "Most students who do not go on to graduate are lost between ninth and 10th grade," Swanson said.
TVNL Comment: But America is the greatest nation in the world! Sure we are.

'There Are Cracks in Everything' - The government has used the spineless public to turn each agency of this government into its own mirror opposite. EPA is in charge of destroying the environment-not saving it. FDA spreads disease and contamination through the food and water supply, instead of protecting it - while it's supposed task of monitoring the world of legal drugs has been sold to those same companies that they were created to monitor and oversee. It's the same throughout the government in every federal agency beginning with the so-called Department of Justice that writes laws to licensee torture while justifying the suppression of Habeas Corpus: making a total farce out of anything remotely resembling Justice.

NO Officer Charged in Beating Found Dead - A former New Orleans police officer charged in the videotaped beating of a man after Hurricane Katrina has apparently shot himself to death, about a month before his trial was to begin, authorities said Monday.


Army admits it dumped 64 million pounds of chemical weapons at sea - "The Army now admits that it secretly dumped 64 million pounds of nerve and mustard agents into the sea, along with 400,000 chemical-filled bombs, land mines and rockets and more than 500 tons of radioactive waste - either tossed overboard or packed into the holds of scuttled vessels." Brian pointed me to the Daily Press's in depth coverage of this whole issue.
TVNL Comment: Protecting our freedom or murdering all life on Earth, including us?

Bees Aren't The Only Polinators Missing - Maybe this is just a very strange coincidence with the massive disappearance of the Honey Bee, but my Hummingbird population is quickly dwindling.

Poachers kill one of last two white rhinos in Zambia - Poachers have shot the last two white rhinos in Zambia, killing one and wounding the other, in a night operation at the Mosi-Oa-Tunya national park in Livingstone, an official said Tuesday.
TVNL Comment: Humanity will be well served if we were able to publish an article entitled: Hunters Kill the Last 2 Poachers in Africa!


US prisoner leaves Afghanistan
- An American imprisoned in Afghanistan for running a private jail for terror suspects has left the Afghan prison where he was held for almost three years and departed the country, the warden said Wednesday.

George Bush insists that Iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. So why, six years ago, did the CIA give the Iranians blueprints to build a bomb? - Several former CIA officials say that the theory behind Merlin - handing over tainted weapon designs to confound one of America's adversaries - is a trick that has been used many times in past operations, stretching back to the cold war. But in previous cases, such Trojan horse operations involved conventional weapons; none of the former officials had ever heard of the CIA attempting to conduct this kind of high-risk operation with designs for a nuclear bomb.

French Say 'Non' to U.S. Disclosure of Secret Satellites - A French space-surveillance radar has detected 20-30 satellites in low Earth orbit that do not figure in the U.S. Defense Department's published catalogue, a discovery that French officials say they will use to pressure U.S. authorities to stop publishing the whereabouts of French reconnaissance and military communications satellites.


Guard Unit Gets Apology for Strip Search - A top Army investigator has apologized to New Mexico National Guard soldiers who were ordered to strip to their gym shorts and were searched for gang tattoos while they were on duty in Kuwait.




THE TRIAL OF INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN - It was simply a farce - a Salem Witch trial, where someone with alternative views was crucified. It is clearly an illegal penalty on the exercise of constitutional rights - freedom of speech.

Stories Not Told - As distrust of the press grows, news articles are relentlessly scrutinized for bias, but almost no one is focusing on stories that are simply ignored.


Breakthrough Liver Cancer Treatment Found - Researchers have announced the first drug to make major inroads against liver cancer, one of the more voracious forms of the disease.


Yemeni Languishes at Guantanamo Long After U.S. Approved Release - "It's a lovely illustration of what happens when there's no oversight of the jailer," said a rueful Rayner.


The Police State Road Map - However, through the internet, it is becoming much easier to demonstrate and communicate both the existence of the cartel and the cumulative toxicity of its various activities.

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