Date: June 14th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Is Bush Al Qaeda?

We keep hearing that the greatest threat to America is Islamic terrorism; most specifically al Qaeda led Islamic terrorism. We were told, even though the evidence points elsewhere, that al Qaeda was responsible for the attacks of September 11th, 2001. We keep hearing how al Qaeda hates our way of life and wants hates our freedom. Yet during the past seven years it has been the Bush administration that has done the most harm to the American way of life and it is the Bush administration that has eliminated a great many of our freedoms. Interestingly enough during the past seven years the threats to and harm imposed on the American people by the Bush administration and by Congress far surpass any harm outside terrorists could have or could eventually do to us.

To start with no foreign terrorist could have stolen presidential elections in this nation. The military surely would have stepped in and stopped them. Today we have seven years worth of accumulated evidence that the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections were stolen by the Bush administration yet the military, and Congress for that matter, support the people who have hijacked our nation. During the years since the 2000 coup the criminals who stole the election have damaged virtually every aspect of our nation beyond imagination and in some instances beyond repair. This includes weakening our military while strengthening the private paramilitary companies owned by the friends of the Bush administration. Are they getting ready for something here?

The United States government has many oversight and regulatory institutions. What has happened with these institutions since the installation of the Bush cabal serves as proof positive that the intent of George W. Bush is to un-protect the American people from virtually every type of harm posed to them while taking credit for protecting them from one mythical type of harm; that posed by the boogie men known as Islamic terrorists. You see what has happened is that George W. Bush has replaced the leadership of virtually agency that is supposed to protect the American people from one thing or another, with representatives or lobbyists from the industries and entities from which these institutions are supposed to protect us! This is the proverbial fox guarding the hen house only it's for real and it is outrageous...and nobody is doing anything about it!

Imagine if you will, the street gangs of Los Angeles being issued guns and police badges and given free reign to keep the peace as they see fit. Imagine if you will, a convicted serial pedophile being hired to run your child's daycare center. Imagine if you will, Mafia loan sharks being put in charge of your mortgage or student loan. Well, you don't have to imagine too much because just about anywhere you look today, from the judicial system to the FDA to the EPA to the FCC and any other letter group you can think of...we have foxes guarding hen houses.

From eliminating the middle class to seeing to it that health care is unattainable by most of us virtually every aspect of American life has been assaulted by the Bush administration.

The harm done to our way of life by the Bush administration can not be accurately measured but we are all starting to feel it. The Bush administration has attacked this nation throughly, viciously, methodically and completely. They seem to hate Americans and it appears that they are destroying America's abiltiy stop their plans for global domination. They have been a super-virus that has infected our nation and weakened it to a point of virtual collapse. Now if there really was an al Qaeda wouldn't you think they would be pretty happy about what is going on here? Maybe they actually are happy only maybe we are just not asking the correct al Qaeda actually the Bush administration? Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

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The dying continues in Iraq while at home we bury our heads in the sand
- More than 3,500 Americans have now been killed in action and more than 29,000 wounded, along with an additional 25,000-plus injured in accidents. That's close to 60,000 American casualties to date, and God alone knows how many Iraqis have been killed and wounded in the war and the civil war - certainly hundreds of thousands.

NGOs unveils scathing report on impact of US-led war in Iraq - In a scathing report, the Global Policy Forum slammed the conduct of US-led coalition forces and their Iraqi government partners who "have held a large number of Iraqi citizens in 'security detention' without charge or trial, in direct violation of international law."

Pentagon: Iraqi violence still rising - Violence in Iraq, as measured by casualties among troops and civilians, has edged higher despite the U.S.-led security push in Baghdad, the Pentagon told Congress on Wednesday.

U.S. tries to temper expectations on Iraq progress - Amid unrelenting bloodshed in Iraq and scant signs of progress by the Iraqi government in meeting political benchmarks, the White House sought to temper expectations of rapid strides resulting from a security crackdown begun at the start of this year.


Bush's European disaster
- The president's trip was a pageant of disdain, delusion and provocation masquerading as a respite from his troubles at home.

Former Senate Intel Chairman Graham: The Case For Impeachment ‘Is Even More Truthful Today’ - How many Americans would say that it is a greater dereliction of duty as President of the United States to have a consensual sexual affair or to take the country to war under manipulated, fabricated, and largely untruthful representations which the President knew or should have known. I think the answer to that question is clear.

Official: Gillespie in as Bush adviser - Ed Gillespie, a high-dollar Washington lobbyist and long-time go-to guy for President Bush and the Republican Party, is replacing Dan Bartlett as White House counselor in the president's inner circle, according to a senior administration official.


Former Fed official: One of four U.S. jobs headed overseas
- Alan Blinder, former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, told Congress Tuesday (June 12) that one out of four U.S. jobs are vulnerable to offshoring.

9/11 News :

War and Globalization - The Truth Behind September 11
- Through meticulous research, he has uncovered a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration.


Waxman Says GSA Chief Threatened to Retaliate After Testimony - House Oversight Committee Chairman Henry Waxman said there is ``credible evidence'' that the head of the General Services Administration threatened retaliation against employees who aided a probe into her political activities.

Lieberman asked to resign from his own party - The Connecticut for Lieberman Party is calling on Senator Joseph Lieberman to resign from the U.S. Senate following his remarks made Sunday on CBS' Face the Nation regarding military action against Iran.

Congress subpoenas 2 former Bush aides - Congress issued subpoenas Wednesday for former presidential counsel Harriet Miers and political director Sara Taylor, reaching directly inside the White House for the first time in the probe of the firings of federal prosecutors.


Justice Dept. Reshapes Its Civil Rights Mission - In recent years, the Bush administration has recast the federal government’s role in civil rights by aggressively pursuing religion-oriented cases while significantly diminishing its involvement in the traditional area of race.

FBI Terror Watch List 'Out of Control' - Privacy and civil liberties advocates say the list is growing uncontrollably, threatening its usefulness in the war on terror.

NJ Court: Eminent Domain Requires Blight - In a victory for private property rights, the state Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that local governments can't seize land against the owner's wishes simply because the property is underused.

Intel chief changing 1981 security order - The national intelligence director has won White House approval to begin revising an executive order that lays out each spy agency's responsibilities and the government's protections against spying on Americans. - They said the exercise could threaten civil liberties protections approved by President Reagan following intelligence abuses in the 1970s, and that intelligence agencies will be tempted to expand their powers.


A world without oil - Scientists challenge major review of global reserves and warn that supplies will start to run out in four years' time

Suddenly, the bees are simply vanishing - The die-off in 35 states has crippled beekeepers and threatened many crops.

Administration calls for cutting spotted owl habitat in Northwest - The Bush administration proposes cutting 1.5 million acres from Northwest forests considered critical to the survival of the northern spotted owl.
TVNL Comment: The Bush administration knows from nothing except killing and money worship.


Airplanes Can Be Shot Down Without Warning
- The government has approved a range of counterterrorism provisions, including one that allows hijacked planes to be shot down without warning.

European police get access to your DNA - Police across the European Union are to be given free access to the DNA of four million Britons, a million of whom are innocent, it has emerged.

Lebanese MP dies in Beirut blast - Last Updated: Wednesday, 13 June 2007, 17:40 GMT 18:40 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Lebanese MP dies in Beirut blast Lebanese troops secure blast site The powerful blast occurred near Beirut's popular beachfront An anti-Syrian MP is among at least 10 people killed in an explosion in Beirut's waterfront area.




Is Bush Al Qaeda? - We keep hearing how al Qaeda hates our way of life and wants hates our freedom. Yet during the past seven years it has been the Bush administration that has done the most harm to the American way of life and it is the Bush administration that has eliminated a great many of our freedoms.

Hiroshima To Iraq - 61 Years Of Uranium Wars A Suicidal, Genocidal, Omnicidal Course - The United States and its allies are fully aware that this weaponry violates the Geneva and Hague Conventions and the 1925 Geneva Poison Gas Protocol.6 It meets the definition of WMD in the U.S. Code7 in two out of three categories. And its use violates U.S. military law.8 since the U.S. is a signatory to The Hague and Geneva Conventions.


News Corp. to sell nine Fox stations - Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., which is making a $5 billion bid for Wall Street Journal publisher Dow Jones & Co., on Wednesday said it planned to sell nine of its Fox-affiliated TV stations.

Rather: 'Moonves doesn't know news' - Former CBS news anchor Dan Rather escalated a feud with the network Tuesday, saying CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves "doesn't know about news."

Lying With Pixels - Seeing is no longer believing. The image you see on the evening news could well be a fake - a fabrication of fast new video-manipulation technology.




A deliberate torture policy - The House of Lords yesterday put an end to this government's shameful efforts to shirk responsibility for multiple acts of torture and abuse - sometimes fatal - of Iraqi civilians detained during the occupation of their country.

Top UK court rules on Iraqi deaths - The House of Lords on Wednesday rejected claims by families of people killed in Iraq that European human rights law applied to the conduct of British troops throughout the country.


Religious extremists in 3 faiths share views: report - Violent Muslim, Christian and Jewish extremists invoke the same rhetoric of "good" and "evil" and the best way to fight them is to tackle the problems that drive people to extremism, according to a report obtained by Reuters. - "What is striking ... is the similarity of the worldview and the rationale for violence," the report said.

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