Date: June 19th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Attention Homeless Iraq War Vets: It's Time to Seek Out Those “Troop Supporters!”

Well, in yet another “I/we told you so” in the battle between so called patriots and so called people who hate America, the people who supposedly hate America are once again proven correct in their criticism of this nation!. It is unfortunate that the people who love this nation enough to speak out when they see the ugly side of what takes place in the name of America are called anti-American, and the people who voice support of our nation while turning a blind eye to any and all wrongdoing by our leaders are considered patriots! Well once again the patriots were wrong and once again it is the icon of American patriotism, the US veteran of war, who has to pay the price for the blind loyalty of the so called American patriot.

While millions and millions of Americans protested the George W. Bush administration and their attempt to boldly lie like no other administration in history, blind patriots all over this nation went out and purchased American flags (that were most likely not even made in America), and wrapped them around their heads, covering their eyes and ears. You see to those people information, history, evidence, or current reality mean nothing. Words and phrases are the only things that count to many American patriots. Words and phrases like “freedom”, “protecting us”, “commie”, “liberal”, “good vs. evil” and my favorite: “support the troops!” What these words and phrases mean is not the concern of the American patriot. The only thing that matters is that you say the right thing and repeat the right phrases. And how do these people find out which words and phrases are good and which words and phrases are evil? They watch TV!

Unfortunately many American's have no inclination to think for themselves. I don't believe that these people are stupid, I actually think that they are good people. I just believe that these people understand deep down inside that it would be too painful to discover that their faith in government has been misguided. They are so in love with their image of America that they can not face the possibility that America is not what they think it is!

Well evidence is all around us proving that the image of America in the minds of many American patriots is less than accurate. All one has to do in order to understand this is pretty much pay attention. There are no secrets. There are no hidden mysteries. One does not have to rely on conspiracy theories, one only needs to open their eyes and witness the conspiracy for themselves.

Our media continues to show the American people apples while they report on oranges. All you have to do it look at the orange for a minute and you will see that the discussion about apples in just smoke and mirrors. Well, actually those “apple” discussions are lies, but let's not get too technical for now.

So in the latest apple news American patriots are going to be seeing some oranges for themselves for quite some time. These oranges will be in the form of homeless Iraqi war veterans. These troops will be living proof that the “support the troops” apple rhetoric coming from our government and our media has nothing to do with the orange reality in which we live. We anti-American types tried to warn everyone. We tried to tell people that supporting a war based on lies has nothing to do with supporting troops. We tried to point out the orange orchard of information that indicated that the media and the Bush administration lie with pretty much every sentence they utter. The oranges are all over to prove our point. Instead of listening to us and simply opening your eyes you wrapped another layer of flag over your eyes and ears and you cursed the very ground we stood on. Well, as we have said before, time and time again, when it comes to ant-American reality...we told you so!

So now it is time for the war/troop supporters to do some supporting. I suggest that each and every homeless American military member seek out the homes of people who have those “We Support Our Troops” signs on their doors, windows, lawns and cars, and start knocking on their doors. Ask the many troop supporters for the medical help you need. Ask them for the education funds that the government promised you. Ask them for every benefit and entitlement that you were promised and never received because of red tape or because they were eliminated or cut by the George W. Bush administration and the pro-war Congress! Ask them for the support for which they so boldly take credit! I want to see how much support you actually receive from these people.

You see America, people like me and the millions of other reality based Americans, who have the courage and pride to stand up and say when our country is wrong or when our leaders are lying to us, are patriots. We are the same type of people who fought for the independence of America in the first place. We risk a lot for the good of us all. It is high time that you hear us. Maybe this latest I told you so will serve as a wake up call.

It's not about supporting the troops, it's about supporting the truth. If patriots had done so in the first place maybe the phrase “homeless vet” would have never been created! But now that it has, it's time that the people who refused to support the truth to support the troops. Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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Iraqi Orphanage Nightmare
- "I saw children that you could see literally every bone in their body that were so skinny, they had no energy to move whatsoever, no expression on their face," Staff Sgt. Michael Beale said.
TVNL Comment: A nightmare brought to you by George W. Bush, PNAC and the good old US media!

U.S. says 10,000 troops in major Iraq offensive - In the capital, a car bomb killed 41 people and wounded 124 near the Shi'ite Khilani mosque in the city centre, police said quoting hospital figures. Reuters reporters said the mosque had been badly damaged.

A Culture of Atrocity - All troops, when they occupy and battle insurgent forces, as in Iraq, or Gaza or Vietnam, are swiftly placed in what the psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton terms “atrocity-producing situations.”

U.S., Russia: Iraq had no WMDs - The U.S. and Russia have agreed to dismantle the U.N. agency that searched Iraq for weapons of mass destruction and affirm that Saddam Hussein's government had no such arms at the time of the American invasion in March 2003.

Iraq now ranked second among world's failed states - Iraq has emerged as the world's second most unstable country, behind Sudan, more than four years after President George W. Bush ordered the U.S. invasion to topple Saddam Hussein, according to a survey released on Monday.

George Tenet cashes in on Iraq - The former CIA chief is earning big money from corporations profiting off the war -- a fact not mentioned in his combative new book or heard on his publicity blitz.


GAO examines signing statement cases
- Lawmakers who asked the Government Accountability Office to conduct the study said it was further proof that the Bush White House oversteps constitutional bounds in ignoring the will of Congress.
TVNL Comment: What is the point of this? The GAO has already identified many laws that have been broken by the Bush administration and nobody does anything about it. Another sham of epic proportions!

Investigation Uncovers ‘Extensive Destruction’ Of RNC Emails, Violations Of Records Act - House investigators have learned that the Bush administration’s use of Republican National Committee email accounts is far greater than previously disclosed — 140,216 emails sent or received by Karl Rove alone — and that the RNC has overseen “extensive destruction” of many of the emails, including all email records for 51 White House officials.


Huge oilfield discovered in Ghana
- He said it was one of the biggest oil discoveries in Africa in recent times, but warned it could be up to seven years before the oil started to flow.

9/11 News :

9/11 'Truthers' uncovering disturbing anomalies
- Of all the anomalies they cite, 9/11 activists believe they've found their Rosetta Stone in Building Number 7 of the World Trade Center complex, which collapsed hours after the twin towers came down.


Despite promises, few in House make earmark requests public - Despite the new Democratic congressional leadership's promise of "openness and transparency" in the budget process, a CNN survey of the House found it nearly impossible to get information on lawmakers' pet projects.

Republicans get ready to threaten Valerie Plame Wilson with subpoena - As Democrats in the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform plow ahead with their investigation of the intelligence used by the Bush administration to build the case for the Iraq War, their Republican colleagues are attempting to up the ante. Last week, Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA), the ranking minority member of the committee, alleged that former covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson had given false testimony and prepared to threaten her with a subpoena.

Newly Empowered Democrats Draw Wrath Of Voters - The new Democratic-led Congress is drawing the ire of voters upset with its failure to quickly deliver on a promise to end the Iraq war.


New Hampshire Couple Vows to Fight Feds to the Death - "There is no standoff and the house is not surrounded." Monier told ABC "We have no intention of assaulting the house or engaging in a violent confrontation."


The wrath of 2007: America's great drought - America is facing its worst summer drought since the Dust Bowl years of the Great Depression. Or perhaps worse still.

Bees dying of mysterious infection - He had expected to see mites or amoebas, perennial pests of bees. Instead, he found internal organs swollen with debris and strangely blackened. The bees' intestinal tracts were scarred, and their rectums were abnormally full of what appeared to be partly digested pollen.
TVNL Comment: Infection or affliction? What is going on with pollen? The only thing that is changing is that human beings are genetically changing the food chain. This should be the final wake up call for the citizens of the world to take this planet back from the corporations.


Should Israel really be asking for an increase in US aid?
- A few months ago, Israel submitted a request to raise the annual sum by 25 percent over 10 years, from $2.4 billion to $3b. If implemented, this would reverse the course initiated by prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu 10 years ago, which gradually reduced annual assistance by 20%, from $3b to $2.4b.
TVNL Comment: In the meantime the NYC transit system is about to raise fares by 33%. American's can sure use some of the money that this nation gives to Israel; a rich powerful nation.

Police smash global pedophile ring - Police smashed a global Internet pedophile ring, rescuing 31 children and rounding up more than 700 suspects worldwide, authorities said Monday.


Report: Veteran Homelessness on the Rise - The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have contributed to a sharp rise in the number of homeless military veterans, a recently completed Congressional Research Service report on homeless veterans says, and lawmakers are beginning to take notice.


Attention Homeless Iraq War Vets: It’s Time to Seek Out Those “Troop Supporters!” - It’s not about supporting the troops, it’s about supporting the truth. If patriots had done so in the first place maybe the phrase “homeless vet” would have never been created! But now that it has, it’s time that the people who refused to support the truth to support the troops.

Yesterday Americans bought dominoes. Today you're buying pancakes. - It was in 1954 that President Eisenhower explained to the media the "domino theory," as related to the spread of Communism. - Following the events of September 11, 2001, in which 2819 were killed and many injured, the federal government sold the American public on a "pancake theory" of World Trade Center collapse and a global war on terrorism that had to be "fought over there so we don't have to fight them over here."


AT&T quietly offers $10 DSL plan - The $10 offer is available to customers in the 22-state AT&T service region, which includes former BellSouth areas, who have never had AT&T or BellSouth broadband, spokesman Michael Coe confirmed Monday. Local phone service and a one-year contract are required. The modem is free.

U.S. reporter's Iraq saga wins top non-fiction prize - "Imperial Life in the Emerald City is up there with the greatest reportage of the last 50 years - as fine as (John) Hershey on Hiroshima and (Truman) Capote's In Cold Blood," said Helena Kennedy, chairwoman of the judges.

Bob Woodward: Yes, I Should Have Probed Iraqi WMD More Closely - Woodward has written three books relating to the war, each one more critical of the effort than the previous one, but in the online chat at this afternoon he was asked about the media's performance while the run-up to the war was still underway.
TVNL Comment: He is a criminal. He did not fail, he lied.

Ailes Cracks Whip as Fox News Slips - Slackers at Fox News Channel, you’re on notice! Your boss is not pleased. Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes is on the warpath following his network’s recent ratings slump, and he won’t hesitate to clean house to turn things around.




Smoking Gun: Rumsfeld ordered torture - A smoking gun of a different flavor has surfaced, however, placing Rumsfeld at the helm of torture at Abu Ghraib and beyond.



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