Date: June 21st 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Israel is a Theocracy, Not a Democracy – I Don't Want My Nation Supporting Theocratic Bigotry!

I have heard rhetoric about Israel all of my life and I have yet to see any reality that accurately reflects that rhetoric, except for one thing: Israel is, as they claim, a Jewish state.

Now correct me if I am wrong but how can a a nation that claims to be democracy place a religion or a culture above all the rest? How is that democratic? That, my friends, reflects the attitude of a theocracy, not a democracy. So why do we continue to call Israel a democratic nation and why are we supporting them?

You know I can not think of one benefit my nation has received in return for or as a result of our blind support for Israel. Call me antisemitic if you like, many of you will, simply because I am voicing legitimate concerns and raising valid questions, but after you label me...answer my questions. Why is my tax money going to Israel? What's in it for me? What is the return on my investment? I know a lot of people on this planet don't like my nation too much because we offer blind support to Israel regardless of the pain and suffering they inflict on a group of people. And why is our democracy loving nation supporting a nation that places one religion or culture over all others? Isn't that bigotry?

You know I as an American do not approve of the conduct of my nation where it comes to Israel. Correct me if I am wrong but my nation has been the sole member of the UN Security Council to veto over 30 unanimous resolutions denouncing the conduct of Israel. I am supposed to forget, ignore or be deprived of all the details behind and reasons for world opinion when it comes to Israel because according to my government and the establishment media Israel never does anything wrong and anyone who says otherwise is biased; and the supporting facts and details don't matter. Well, I am not that stupid. I can see what takes place in the world. And I have news for you...even biased sources can have valid opinions from time to time. For example I am biased against radical religious people who treat women like possessions yet I am perfectly within reason if I make the very valid point that the Taliban violate women's rights and should have never received the support of the Bush administration and a diplomatic visit with the Bush administration should never even have been allowed forget invited (as they were by the Bush administration in early 2001). Likewise I am also within reason when I say that nobody in the world can tell me that Israel treats non-Jews they same way they treat Jews, especially Arabs.

I did not like it when Colin Powell delivered a $43 million check to the Taliban prior to the events of 9/11; a little tidbit that the establishment media skipped over in their catatonic coverage of the conduct of the George W. Bush administration. The media has basically kept all the actions of this administration a secret and if you think that is an overstatement you have not been reading very long. So when Powell delivered that check I sent out an e-mail to all of my friends saying that any women who supported this administration deserves what they get because they just gave the most anti-woman government in history $43 million. That did not make me biased. Just the same when I comment on the actions of Israel when it comes to their treatment of the Palestinians, their violations of UN resolutions, their continual construction of settlements in the occupied territories, their destruction of food supplies like when they bulldoze 100 year old olive tree groves and water wells, their practice of collective punishment like when they use American supplied bulldozers to destroy the homes of innocent people, or their total disregard for all human life that is not Jewish (in that they will blow up an entire building full of innocent Arabs to kill one of their suspected targets), and their disdain for any kind of law or due precess as they simply kill anyone they label as a suspect, it does not make me biased. I ask questions about this stuff. That does not make me anti-anything. It makes me curious and it makes me angry. Again I say you can call me anything you want but please address my concentrates.

Now Israel continues to refer to itself as a Jewish state. Our media and our government officials refer to Israel as a Jewish state. Well, call me an anti-Semite but someone please just answer this question...why are we supporting a nation that has proudly declared itself to be a theocracy? Isn't America trying to support democracies or more specifically secular democracies? Why do we refer to Israel as a democracy if they call refer to themselves as a theocracy and conduct themselves as cultural supremacists who can do anything to anyone, anywhere, in the name of self defense, even if there is no clear indication of a threat?

Israel is in violation of dozens of UN Security Council resolutions and had it not been for the sole vetoes cast by the US over thirty more resolutions would have been passed unanimously over the past 20 years. Iraq did not even come close to violating that many resolutions and look what we did to them, yet we actually support Israel. In addition Israel practices collective punishment. They punish an entire society for the actions of some or even many of its members. You tell me...if your pregnant mother died waiting at a dozens if not hundreds of pregnant Palestinian women have, what would you do to the people who caused her death? I don't know what I would do...but know that I don't want to support people who do things like that and guess what...Israel does exactly that! So if anyone on Earth can tell me why I should want my tax money supporting this, I'll listen. But until then...stop calling names and start answering questions. Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

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14 U.S. troops killed in Iraq in 48 hours
- The U.S. military on Thursday reported the deaths of 14 U.S. soldiers and Marines in Iraq over the past 48 hours.


The Bushites Have Outsourced Our Government to Their Pals
- A monumental shift has quietly and quickly been taking place in the way the public's business is done - and We the People have not even been informed about it, much less been asked to discuss and okay it. Corporations are taking over our government.

E-mails? What e-mails?? - “The rule of law, the very foundation for a free society, has been under assault, not only by criminals from the ground up, but also from the top down. An administration that lives by evasion, coverup, stonewalling, and duplicity has given us a totally discredited Department of Justice. The credibility of those who now manage the nation’s top law enforcement agency is tragically eroded. We are fortunate to have its dedicated career workforce, especially its criminal prosecutors, who have faced the unprecedented politicization of decisions regarding both personnel and investigations.” - That’s right. The platform upon which President George W. Bush first ran for and won the presidency contained precisely the sort of language that his most strident critics might be tempted to use today as the U.S. Attorney scandal swirls downward to a whole new level.


Worst Housing Market Since the Depression...
- Borrowers are being squeezed by the treasury market's recent sell-off, which has increased 30-year mortgage rates the most since 2004. The National Median Home price is poised for its first annual decline since the Great Depression.

85% of Britain's super-rich don't pay income tax - Meanwhile, rioting could break out on Britain's streets because of anger at the widening gap between rich and poor, it has been claimed.

D IS FOR DOMINANCE, DEBT & DEPRESSION - The collapse of the world economies created by modern banking—built on a foundation of debt larger than ever imagined—is now about to occur. And, as this epoch ends, the role modern banking played in the coming collapse of the world economy is clear.

Company’s march toward student loan monopoly scary - Even U.S. Department of Education officials have held stock in the very same companies they were supposed to be overseeing.

9/11 News :

About 5,000 active and retired FDNY employees are receiving medical treatment for injuries and illnesses connected to the World Trade Center attacks, according to a Fire Department document.




Police Seize Huge Cache Of Explosives From Colorado Home, But Say It's Not Enough For An Act Of Terrorism - According to reports from Colorado, police confiscated nitroglycerin, ammonium nitrate, PETN, thermite, and sodium azide, none of which are used as rocket fuels. They also discovered laboratory-grade glassware worth thousands of dollars. - Longmont Police Sgt. Tim Lewis said the police had seized "cartloads of weapons ... more than I have ever seen in our armory."

'This Is Not Right' - "You've committed a felony," Beaman says a security screener announced. "And you're considered a terrorist." Beaman says she was told her name would go on a terrorist watch-list and that she would have to pay a $500 fine. "I'm a 57-year-old woman who is taking care of 37 kids," she told them. "I'm not gonna commit a terrorist act."

6 states defy law requiring ID cards - Six state legislatures are defying a federal law requiring new driver's licenses that aim to prevent identity theft, fraud and terrorism.


Freak winter is Europe's warmest for 700 years - Last autumn-winter season was Europe's warmest for more than 700 years, researchers say.

Laws send 'greasers' into a spin - A small but growing number of drivers are starting to convert their diesel cars to run on vegetable oil. Yet, many states are cracking down on these gasoline refuseniks with special taxes and penalties. Jessica Jones reports.
TVNL Comment: And this is not part of a criminal conspiracy?

Missing: Large lake in southern Chile - A lake in southern Chile has mysteriously disappeared, prompting speculation the ground has simply opened up and swallowed it whole.


EU leaders set for summit showdown over new treaty
- European Union leaders headed for a showdown on Thursday over efforts to reform the bloc's creaking institutions, but chances of agreement appeared to rise after chief critic Poland softened its tone.

Jimmy Carter says U.S. aims to split Palestinians - Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said on Tuesday Washington's support for the Palestinian Fatah group and the blocking of aid to Gaza were part of a mistaken policy aimed at dividing Palestinians.

Russia says relations with U.S. "inspire alarm": Tass - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday that relations with the United States "inspire alarm," Itar-Tass news agency reported.

Bush pledges to increase US funding to Israel - US to bolster economic aid to Israel in new 10-year agreement, says US President Bush after meeting with Prime Minister Olmert

Bush to send top diplomat to Israel for military aid talks - US President George W. Bush said Tuesday he will send a top diplomat to Israel next month to continue negotiations on a new, 10-year military aid deal with the Jewish state.

Women soldiers in their underwear: Israel's image boost - Women MPs in Israel's Knesset have criticised the foreign ministry for resorting to "pornography" to promote Israel abroad after a feature appeared in the men's magazine Maxim featuring four former soldiers photographed in their underwear.


Soldier in Iraq Refuses Combat Mission - Eli believes that the U.S. government used the attacks of September 11, 2001 as a pretense to invade Iraq and that “we are now violating the people of this country (Iraq) in ways that we would never accept on our own soil.”


Israel is a Theocracy, Not a Democracy – I Don’t Want My Nation Supporting Theocratic Bigotry! - So if anyone on Earth can tell me why I should want my tax money supporting this, I’ll listen. But until then…stop calling names and start answering questions.

Ron Paul, the Right Man With the Right Message at the Right Time - This defender of American sovereignty and the Constitution is injecting his ideas into the Republican Presidential campaign and debates. The mainstream media have tried to ignore him, there have been threats to exclude him from the debates, and some have called him a nut. Nothing seems able to stop the Ron Paul revolution.


The Record of the Newspaper of Record - Dictionaries define “yellow journalism” variously as irresponsible and sensationalist reporting that distorts, exaggerates or misstates the truth. It’s misinformation or agitprop disinformation masquerading as fact to boost circulation and readership or serve a larger purpose like lying for state and corporate interests.


Chewing gum habit 'poisons' woman - The sugar-free gum contained aspartame, a food additive widely used in thousands of products, including gum, diet soft-drinks and tea and coffee.

Bush vetoes stem cell bill - Science, religion, and politics collided Wednesday at the White House as President Bush vetoed a bill authorizing federal support for embryonic stem cell research.





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