Date: June 26th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Hey, Have You Heard the News? Betcha Haven't!

I have been watching TV news for five straight days trying to find a single real news report. I'm telling you I can not for the life of me find any real news! Nothing! I watched CNN from the top of the hour at 9AM today and 27 minutes into the broadcast I still did not see anything that can accurately be described as legitimate national news. Even the coverage of stories that may be considered news had angles that made them non-news. For example a report on wild fires was actually a personal drama about a single family experiencing tragedy.

And don't look for any news tonight; at least don't look for news on CNN because Larry King will be devoting his entire hour to Paris Hilton. I have to hand it to Larry King He has done what no other human has; he managed to maintain a 50 year career without a single important accomplishment! He is to journalism what Joe Franklin was to late night talk shows! Long lived and unimportant.

I wish I could sit down with every American family and watch one hour of any news channel or program. I guarantee you that hour would change the lives of most Americans. They would for the first time see the criminality of the establishment news industry. It would become obvious to them. Maybe I can figure out a way to do that. Until then the tragic joke on the American people continues and Americans will continue to think Paris Hilton belongs on news broadcasts. Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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White House opposes move to declassify report on Iraq's WMDs
- But the White House believes the declassification would trigger another round of negative news media coverage and Democratic-led congressional hearings, said a Senate Republican, who asked to remain anonymous because of ongoing private discussions.

General’s Iraq Progress Report Has Competition - LINK - The assessments are likely to conclude that the Iraqi government has failed to use the troop increase for the purpose the president intended, to strike the political accommodations that he said would stabilize the country.

10 U.S. troops die in Iraq - The deaths of 10 U.S. troops Saturday in Iraq, seven in roadside bomb attacks, brought to 30 the week's toll for American military personnel.

Everyone we fight in Iraq is now "al-Qaida" - It's a curious thing that, over the past 10 - 12 days, the news from Iraq refers to the combatants there as "al-Qaida" fighters. When did that happen?

Officer: US May Reduce Forces by Spring - The U.S. may be able to reduce combat forces in Iraq by next spring if Iraq's own security forces continue to grow and improve, a senior American commander said Friday.

Militants Said to Flee Before U.S. Offensive - The operational commander of troops battling to drive fighters with Al Qaeda from Baquba said Friday that 80 percent of the top Qaeda leaders in the city fled before the American-led offensive began earlier this week.

Iraqis to Bush: “You have left us with nothing” - The world’s oldest civilization is being destroyed before our eyes---its cities laid to waste, its people slaughtered by the tens of thousands. Saddam never could have dreamed of devastation on this scale. We’ve ruined everything.

U.S. Refuses to Free 5 Captured Iranians Until at Least October - The delay is as much due to a communication and procedural foul-up within the U.S. government as a policy decision, they added.


Cheney ordered Secret Service logs destroyed, paper reports
- VP created new secret document classification, keeps 'man-size' safes

Will BAE Scandal of Century Bring Down Cheney? - None of the British media have touched upon the full magnitude of the scandal

A Vice President Without Borders, Bordering on Lunacy - It’s hard to imagine how Dick Cheney could get more dastardly, unless J. K. Rowling has him knock off Harry Potter next month.

Bush risks losing trade powers after talks collapse - US President George W. Bush risks losing his special trade negotiating powers after talks between four key players in the World Trade Organization collapsed this week, analysts said.

Bush claims oversight exemption too - The White House said Friday that, like Vice President Dick Cheney's office, President Bush's office is not allowing an independent federal watchdog to oversee its handling of classified national security information.

OVP: Our Fourth Branch of Government? - On Countdown, Keith Olbermann talks about the startling and deeply disturbing assertions that the Office of the Vice President is making regarding oversight.

Bush Pick for No. 3 at Justice Withdraws - President Bush's pick to be the No. 3 official in the Justice Department asked to have his nomination withdrawn Friday, four days before he was to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.


US home sales fall; properties for sale at record high
- Sales of existing US homes declined unexpectedly in May, dashing expectations that the struggling real estate market would show an uptick in sales, an industry survey showed Monday.

BIS warns of Great Depression dangers from credit spree - The Bank for International Settlements, the world's most prestigious financial body, has warned that years of loose monetary policy has fuelled a dangerous credit bubble, leaving the global economy more vulnerable to another 1930s-style slump than generally understood.

Law Firm Seminar Gone Wrong Causes Media Firestorm - “Our goal is clearly not to find a qualified and interested U.S. worker,” Lebowitz said. “And, you know, that, in a sense, that sounds funny, but it’s what we’re trying to do here.” - Other panelists laid out ways in which employers could comport with the federal requirements for advertising to American workers, but could limit the number of potential applicants.

Fake Job Ads defraud Americans - Immigration attorneys from Cohen & Grigsby explains how they assist employers in running classified ads with the goal of NOT finding any qualified applicants, and the steps they go through to disqualify even the most qualified Americans in order to secure green cards for H-1b workers. See what Bush and Congress really mean by a "shortage of skilled U.S. workers."

9/11 News :

- This is the 911 Documentary The Ultimate Con.

Poll: More Than 4 in 10 Americans Still Believe Saddam Involved with 9/11 - Nearly six years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the U.S., better than 4 in 10 Americans still wrongly believe that Saddam Hussein was involved in planning or carrying out the actions. Surprisingly, that number has even risen in the past two years, according to a Newsweek poll.
TVNL Comment: And how many realize that it was an inside job?

Hanging Around WTC 7 - Mr. Jennings is still confused as to why Building 7 had to come down at all, and does not accept the official reason that the noises he heard were from a fuel oil tank, "I know what I heard, I heard explosions".

Dr. Bob Bowman reviews 9/11 - Dr. Bob Bowman, a retired Lieutenant Colonel, and Cal. Tech. Alumnus, speaks out for 9/11 truth. Remember, Nixon was impeached for lying, not for Watergate.

FBI's 9/11 Saudi Flight Documents Released - Newly released documents reveal the FBI suspected that a plane hired to transport members of the bin Laden family from the United States back to Saudi Arabia might have been chartered by Osama bin Laden himself. The documents raise new questions about the FBI investigation into the 9/11 attacks.

Christie blasts Rudy on WTC air - Former Environmental Protection Agency boss Christie Whitman says she urged Ground Zero workers to wear respirators, but then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani blocked her efforts.


US House votes to deny all aid to Saudi Arabia - Similar measures on aid to Saudi Arabia have been passed by the House before. But the current one goes a step further by closing a legislative loophole that in the past had allowed the administration of President George W. Bush to waive these bans by invoking requirements of the war on terror.

Katrina Contracts Worth $2.4 Billion Offer Profit Guarantees - Federal agencies responding to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita awarded more than $2.4 billion in contracts using a controversial form of pricing that critics say offers no incentive for cost savings.

White House contempt - House Judiciary Committee Democrats warned yesterday they would pursue a contempt of Congress motion if the White House fails respond to subpoenas for testimony and documents related to the firings of U.S. attorneys last year.

Replacement named for deceased senator - While most states give governors free rein in appointing a successor to a deceased senator, Wyoming requires its governor to select someone from the senator's party. Consequently, there will be no change in the balance of power in the U.S. Senate, now held by Democrats with a marginal 51-49 majority.


Supreme Court hands victory to Bush on faith-based initiatives - On a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that a group of taxpayers did not have standing to sue the US government for its funding of faith-based initiatives with federal money. The decision, Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation, was written by Samuel Alito, the second Supreme Court Justice appointed by President George W. Bush, according to the website SCOTUSBlog.

Virginia Introduces $3550 Speeding Ticket - Virginia legislator introduces new speeding ticket tax that boosts penalties beyond $3550, driving business to his traffic law firm.

Court Limits Student Free-Speech Rights - Students in public schools don't have the same rights as adults, but neither do they leave their constitutional protections at the schoolhouse gate, as the court said in a landmark speech-rights ruling from Vietnam era.

Federal bribery probe grips El Paso - This city of 735,000 has been riveted by a federal bribery investigation targeting a chain of suspects, including a former White House appointee.

Judge criticizes warrantless wiretaps - A federal judge who used to authorize wiretaps in terrorist and espionage cases criticized President Bush's decision to order warrantless surveillance after the Sept. 11 attacks.


The Secret Campaign of President Bush's Administration To Deny Global Warming - It is no secret that industry-connected appointees within the White House have worked actively to distort the findings of federal climate scientists, playing down the threat of climate change. But a new investigation by Rolling Stone reveals that those distortions were sanctioned at the highest levels of our government, in a policy formulated by the vice president, implemented by the White House Council on Environmental Quality and enforced by none other than Karl Rove.


U.S. to Fingerprint E.U. Visitors
- LINK - Visitors from European nations traveling with visas or visa-free to the United States will soon have to give 10 digital fingerprints when entering the country, a senior U.S. Homeland Security official said Monday.

U.S. launches corruption probe into Britain's BAE - Blair called off an inquiry into BAE's dealings with Saudi Arabia in December last year, saying it would harm national security and relations with the Gulf kingdom -- a decision that was slammed by anti-bribery campaigners and the British media.

Irishman jailed for spying for Israel - Mohammed Sayed Saber (35) an employee with Egypt's atomic agency, was charged with harming the country's national security by giving stolen documents to Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, in exchange for $17,000.

Blair hands Brown an EU timebomb as treaty starts to unravel - Gordon Brown has been handed a constitutional 'booby trap' which will rob him of the power to block European interference in dozens of areas of national life, it was claimed.

Czech town rejects US radar in referendum - Residents of Mirosov, a small Czech town of some 2,000 near the Brdy military zone where the United States seeks to place a missile shield radar base, have rejected the US facility in a local referendum.

Robert Fisk: How can Blair possibly be given this job? - For here is a man who is totally discredited in the region - a politician who has signally failed in everything he ever tried to do in the Middle East - now believing that he is the right man to lead the Quartet to patch up "Palestine".

Brown set to become Labour leader - Mr Brown, 56, who was unchallenged to be leader, will be named as Tony Blair's successor at about 1500 GMT, and become prime minister on Wednesday.

Report faults U.S. nuclear arms policy - The only deterrent for some countries from being next on "Washington's hit list" is to have nuclear weapons themselves, a new policy report concludes.

Israeli aircraft again violate Lebanon airspace despite UN 1701 - Israeli warplanes made low-altitude supersonic passes over southern Lebanon and the Bekaa valley in the east on Thursday, police said, adding that they were the most intense overflights this year.

Attorney general to leave office - In his resignation letter to Mr Blair, the government's legal adviser acknowledged the "challenge" of advising on the legality of the war in Iraq.


Marines to train at new Israeli combat center - In a new, elaborate training center in the Negev desert, Israeli troops — and someday, U.S. Marines and soldiers — are preparing for the wide range of urban scenarios they may confront.

Treatment for war wounded GIs a struggle - These are America's war wounded, a toll that has received less attention than the 3,500 troops killed in Iraq. Depending on how you count them, they number between 35,000 and 53,000.

Vets: Military is attacking free speech - Protesters in uniform could be downgraded, lose their benefits

GI to serve in Iraq after cancer battle - The 42-year-old mother of two from Los Angeles is again poised for duty after an aggressive treatment plan — including a May 22 lumpectomy, a second surgery a week later and a five-day targeted radiation treatment. Staying behind wasn't an option, she said.

Lowering Flag for War’s Dead Brings a New Rift - Opponents of lowering the flag see it as a subtle antiwar gesture that may run counter to federal guidelines, which reserve the action for “officials,” not soldiers.
TVNL Comment: And being anti-war is a bad thing?


People to Bush, the GOP and the Congress: the Constitution is not Negotiable - The situation is surreal if not unprecedented.

Corporate greed, corruption, and the coming collapse of America as we know it - Virtually every government regulatory department, for example, is now run by the corporations it is supposed to be regulating.


New Low for Sean Hannity and FOX - Forgetting the long string of rhetoric and "factual" reporting that led his audience to believe Saddam or Al-Qaeda was to blame, he put the blame on Hillary Clinton. Yes. Hillary Clinton. He even called it "Hillary's war."

CNN Gets Lost Looking For Afghanistan - I guess there's a point where U.S. foreign policy is a near-total failure in so many countries, aggravating extremism in the name of fighting it, that even the media starts to lose track.

ABC Says It Was Outbid for Paris Hilton Interview - The spokeswoman for NBC News, Allison Gollust, insisted, however, that “NBC News does not pay for interviews — never have, never will.”




Afghan civilians reportedly killed more by U.S., NATO than insurgents - U.S.-led coalition and NATO forces fighting insurgents in Afghanistan have killed at least 203 civilians so far this year — surpassing the 178 civilians killed in militant attacks, according to an Associated Press tally.

If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! - Those who want to suppress the facts have dishonestly contacted YouTube and claimed that the video "If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing!" was a Terms of Service Violation. The video is clearly NOT a TOS violation. You can see why they don't want you to see it.

Israeli Apartheid is the Core of the Crisis - When "Israel's right to exist" is used as a litmus test for moderation and pragmatism, the subtext is that it is reasonable for apartheid practices which are at the core of the state as currently constituted to be allowed to continue. Thus, those who mouth this mantra, and those who try to limit the apartheid label to "the occupation", are complicit with the apartheid inside pre-1967 Israel.

Probe: W. Bank settlers uproot 300 Palestinian olive trees- A Civil Administration inquiry has found that residents of the West Bank settlement outpost of Adei Ad uprooted 300 olive trees belonging to Palestinian farmers about a week ago and replanted about half of them in the outpost, according to a source in the Civil Administration.

Israel destroys trees in Ertas village - Israeli soldiers destroy Palestinian fruit trees in Ertas village near Bethlehem to make way for the sewage facilities of a nearby illegal Israeli settlement.

Army officer says Gitmo panels flawed - An Army officer with a key role in the U.S. military hearings at Guantanamo Bay says they relied on vague and incomplete intelligence and were pressured to declare detainees "enemy combatants," often without any specific evidence.


Lockerbie evidence 'was tampered with, destroyed and overlooked' - The allegations suggest authorities on both sides of the Atlantic attempted to mislead the original inquiry into the 1988 disaster.

Mormon church obtained Vietnam draft deferrals for Romney, other missionaries - The deferments for Mormon missionaries became increasingly controversial in the late 1960s, especially in Utah, leading the Mormon Church and the government to limit the number of church missionaries who could put off their military service.

Giuliani employs priest accused of child abuse - A grand jury accused Alan Placa of molestation and his diocese has suspended him, but the presidential candidate continues to employ his lifelong best friend as a consultant.

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