Date: August 13th 2005

For those who do not understand how the corporate media has protected the Bush/PNAC administration and has ignored the many crimes and outrages committed by them or at their behest, a new article by Vanity Fair will start to scratch the surface of the issue.


If you would like to see a prime example of how the major US mainstream corporate media has protected the Bush administration even when high crimes were apparent, read this article.


As described by Editor and Publisher, Vanity Fair blasts major media outlets, most notably the “liberal” New York Times and Time Magazine, for their efforts to cover up evidence of Bush administration malfeasance. They describe a media “conspiracy” to cover up the Plame/CIA leak in an effort to protect the Bush administration from public scrutiny.


The Plame leak news was so damaging to the administration that it would most likely have had negative impact on Bush’s re-election. This news was vital information to our electorate who has the right to know if our leaders are involved in crimes. It is the responsibility of the press to keep the public informed about our government, not just our leader’s personal sex lives. They are tasked with preserving democracy by keeping our government accountable to the public. They have not done this with George W. Bush or his PNAC administration.


The Vanity Fair article is not yet on line but you can view the Editor and Publisher article here:


Notable quotes:

In an article in the September issue of Vanity Fair (not yet online), Michael Wolff, in probing the Plame/CIA leak scandal, rips those in the news media -- principally Time magazine and The New York Times -- who knew that Karl Rove was one of the leakers but refused to expose what would have been “one of the biggest stories of the Bush years.” Not only that, “they helped cover it up.” You might say, he adds, they “became part of a conspiracy.”

Even after the news first emerged last month that Rove had leaked to Cooper, the media still waited days to even ask the White House press secretary about it. It was a story, "in full view, the media just ignored."

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