Date: March 26th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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ANNOUNCEMENT! TvNewsLIES Radio has a new time! Our programs on Monks Media & the Revere Radio Network have merged. Our new program will be aired live on Thursdays at 8PM Eastern Time. You can access it on both the Monks Media and Revere Radio sites. Archives will be available at both sites as well.

TVNL RADIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows. The live programs is being rescheduled. Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out Monks Media Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!

Being rescheduled: The Secret History of America's Beginnings & How George W. Bush hoodwinked American Christians.
David Bay - Director of Cutting Edge Ministries: For almost three years, David was assigned to a Pentagon-level facility in Okinawa, Japan. During this time, he received training on Military Doctrine and Political Strategy, Global National Strategy, and an understanding of politics. In training to be a good analyst, he was trained to correctly "connect the dots" between the facts: to know the background to "see through the veil" to reach a proper understanding of the enemy which his intel group had been assigned.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be conducting a live presentation entitled “American Corporate News Media:
America’s # 1 Enemy! The Media & 9/11”, in New York City on April 30th. It will be an in depth exploration of media deception with special focus on the reporting or lack of reporting of the events related to the attacks of September 11th, 2001. We will have a question and answer session as well.
The event will be hosted by
DATE: Sunday, April 30th, 6:30 PM ET
Location: NYC – St. Marks Church –
131 East 10th Street at 2nd AvenueNew York, NY
Contact 212-714-4147 -
Free admission but donations to will be accepted.
Please join me! Thank you, Jesse – Editor,


TVNL Editor's Comments: CNN Learns to Count

Today CNN reported that ½ million people were at a protest where they were objecting to the new immigration laws that have been proposed. They provided overhead shots showing the size of the crowd.

No offense to the politically active people who attended this protest, but I have been to at least 4 protests that made that protest look an opening act yet corporate media outlets like CNN did not have the ability to estimate the size of our crowds nor could they arrange for an overhead shot, or any shot that would have depicted the size of our crowd. I have been to protests where the crowds were so big that we ran out of room in the streets. I was at a protest where three avenues in New York City were crammed with people for a 30 block stretch. The crowd was so big that the NYC subway system was shut down! This is a subway system that moves three million people per day.

When the people of the world protest the most protested man in human history, George W. Bush, CNN and their criminal partners in the corporate media do not seem to be able to count and they can not seem to locate a camera to observe the crowd. As a matter of fact most of the time they don’t even bother to report the protest at all.

How is it that their protest coverage is thorough when it comes to immigration policy but it is virtually nonexistent when the people protest George W. Bush? CNN, the most trusted name in news? Maybe, but not the most trustworthy! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Iraqis killed by US troops ‘on rampage’ - Khalaf, a 33-year-old security officer guarding oil pipelines, saw a US helicopter land near his home. American soldiers stormed out of the Chinook and advanced on a house owned by Khalaf’s brother Fayez, firing as they went.

· 'I have 600 suicide bombers waiting for your soldiers' - The senior Taliban commander in Afghanistan's lawless Helmand province has vowed to unleash a brigade of 600 suicide bombers against the British Army when it arrives in the area this summer.





· Bush's Divorce from Reality - Impeachment or Resignation: Pick Your Poison - Attention please, good people! Adjust your routines and come to the aid of your country, and your children with your thoughtful patriotism. Don't just hope for impeachment, demand the resignation now of the mad hatters in the White House--George W. Bush and Richard Cheney.

· Wartime Powers Under Review - WEIGHTY CASE: The Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday in a case in which Osama bin Laden's former driver is seeking to head off a trial before military officers. HIGH STAKES: Analysts say if the high court rejects President Bush's plan to hold such trials, it could rein in the president's powers in pursuing and punishing suspected terrorists.




· From the front line to the unemployment line - He's like thousands of other U.S. military veterans who, having served in the Iraq war, expected to come home and find a job that employed skills he learned in the military. Instead, he faced the worst job environment for young vets since the early 1980s.



9/11 News :

· Charlie Sheen - A True American Patriot - If there was ever any doubt as to what it is that really made America the greatest nation on Earth that ever existed, let all that uncertainty be dispelled by the actions of Hollywood actor and Television star, Charlie Sheen. Indeed, what a guy!






· Former DeLay Aide Enriched By Nonprofit - A top adviser to former House Whip Tom DeLay received more than a third of all the money collected by the U.S. Family Network, a nonprofit organization the adviser created to promote a pro-family political agenda in Congress, according to the group's accounting records.

· House majority leader: "Legislation that is in any way...anti-Israel will not be considered..." - “As the new House majority leader, I can assure you that under my leadership, legislation that is in any way perceived as anti-Israel will not be considered in the House of Representatives,” Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) told the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference, to thunderous applause.





· County supervisor draws fire in quest to ensure valid elections - With the memory of a botched 2000 presidential election still etched in the minds of most elections supervisors in the state, Leon County's Ion Sancho is now finding he can't get the equipment he says he needs to guarantee an honest election.

· Bush's No Child Left Behind Forcing Schools To Cut Subjects Beyond Reading and Math... - Thousands of schools across the nation are responding to the reading and math testing requirements laid out in No Child Left Behind, President Bush's signature education law, by reducing class time spent on other subjects and, for some low-proficiency students, eliminating it.

· Evidence Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked - While the heavily scrutinized touch-screen voting machines seemed to produce results in which the registered Democrat/Republican ratios largely matched the Kerry/Bush vote, in Florida's counties using results from optically scanned paper ballots - fed into a central tabulator PC and thus vulnerable to hacking – the results seem to contain substantial anomalies.

· Thanks for Nothing, Texans Say - But even here in the president's home state, in a region densely populated by energy and petrochemical industries with warm ties to the White House, consensus is that progress is being made in spite of the federal government, not because of it. Dissatisfaction with what is seen as a heartless Bush administration recovery effort is widespread.





· U.S. Weapons Poison Europe - Radiation From Iraq War Detected In UK Atmosphere - LINK - High levels of depleted uranium (DU) have been measured in the atmosphere in Britain, transported on air currents from the Middle East and Central Asia. Scientists cited the U.S. bombing of Tora Bora, Afghanistan in 2001 and the “Shock and Awe” bombing during Gulf War II in Iraq in 2003 as one of the main reasons.

· Pill-Popping Society Fouling Our Water, Official Says - Birth control pills, cancer drugs and a host of other pharmaceuticals that people flush down the drain every day are showing up in our drinking water, says Gord Miller, Ontario's environmental commissioner.










· Radioactive Tank No. 9 comes limping home - The Abrams tanks are constructed with a layer of radioactive uranium metal plates. T

· Depleted Uranium For Dummies - When George Bush Sr., Cheney, and Rumsfeld supplied brutal tyrant Saddam Hussein with these substances in the 1980's they showed disregard for the lives of folks living in the Middle East. When they ordered the 1991 aerial destruction of stockpiles of these weapons, they showed a deadly contempt for their own citizen-soldiers.

· Marines Try to Recruit 78-Year-Old Woman - Sonia Goldstein was flattered by the nice recruiting letter asking her to consider becoming one of "the few, the proud." But at age 78, she believes she's just a little old to enlist in the U.S. Marine Corps.





· Some Thoughts about Jesus, The Church, My Country, and The War - There can be no misunderstanding that Jesus’ mandate to love is uncompromisingly opposed to the mass slaughter that defines the character of war. However, because so many have successfully distorted the teachings of Jesus, our country has been allowed to launch a decades-long campaign of death and destruction formulated to destroy all who refuse to play “the game” according to our rules.





· CNN Learns to Count - How is it that their protest coverage is thorough when it comes to immigration policy but it is virtually nonexistent when the people protest George W. Bush?

· Iraq militant group says it is watching journalists - An Iraqi militant group which killed an Italian reporter in 2004 said it was watching foreign journalists but would only kill those it considers to be spies for its U.S.-led enemies.





· Indians Fear Losing Native-Friendly Clincs - But now that relationship is threatened by President Bush's 2007 budget proposal to zero out the $33 million allocation for urban Indian health clinics. At least 17 of the 34 clinics across the country may have to close their doors, while the rest would be forced to cut services.

· British schools to assist pregnant girls - New guidelines allow British schools to help pupils get the morning-after pill, pregnancy tests and abortions without parents' knowledge.

· Government Won't Allow Mad Cow Tests; Meatpacker Sues - A Kansas meatpacker sued the government on Thursday for refusing to let the company test for mad cow disease in every animal it slaughters. Creekstone Farms Premium Beef says it has Japanese customers who want comprehensive testing.





· Did American Marines murder 23 Iraqi civilians? - The US military deny accusations of massive over-reaction when attacked. But video evidence from one incident has led the official story to unravel.
TVNL Comment: They have murdered tens of thousands of Iraqis! Why are they focusing on these few? The entire invasion was an act of mass murder!










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