Date: June 3rd 2006

I am currently attending the 9/11 Revealing the Truth convention in Chicago. I will be updating the news page as time permits but I will not have the time or resource to send out a daily news letter.

I will be returning to NY at the end of the week and I will resume newsletter distribution then.

For those of you who attend the convention and want to see my presentation I will be presenting in Salon 3 on Sunday at 9: AM.

The press conference was overflowing with people and media. The speakers included Alex Jones, Ralph Shoenman & Barrie Zwicker, to name a few.

I was able to ask a question to the panel. I was humbles as the room broke into applause for me as I announced my name and affiliation to I was overwhelmed by this because I realize that I am making a difference.

Before I posed my question I asked if there were any members of the corporate media covering the event. Nobody responded. I then asked if anyone from Amy Goodman's Democracy Now was covering the event. Again...the room remained silent. I said that I was "not surprised!"

The keynote speaking event was overflowing with people ranging from costume wearing truth seekers, young teens, senior citizens and parents with their children. It was very inspiring.

I was able to spend time with Jim Mars, Dylan Avery (Loose Change), Lenny Charles (INN World News), Alex Jones, Barrie Zwicker, Webster Tarpley among others. I ran into Roger, from I was able to meet Meria Heller, one of my heroes! I am very encourages with the start of this event and I am looking forward to the rest of the weekend.

I am sorry about not being able to provide a regular newsletter this week but I promise to resume daily newsletter distribution when I return.

Jesse - Editor,

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