Date: June 26th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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DIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows.Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out The Revere Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!

Thursday, June 22nd: 9/11 Naming Names! Some interesting information has come our way regarding the people responsible for the events of September 11th, 2001. will be hosting a guest that is prepared to finally expose some of the people who made those events possible. While we have not yet checked out all of the information given to us the information that will be disclosed live on our show will be at the very least verifiable. Once the names are out we can start doing some real research related to the disclosure. This week’s program will prove to be very interesting!



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Today’s Anti-Republicans; Tomorrow’s Heroes?

First let me state this: being anti-Republican today is not really being anti-Republican. It is being anti-fascist. The political party associations claimed by our current crop of government officials have nothing to do with the actual political ideologies of their respective parties but the American public for the most part is too lazy to take notice. Americans today are fooled by labels; they could care less if their brightly labeled bottle of Kool Aide actually contains poison; they will just keep drinking as they die while defending the purity of their Kool Aide. And they could care less if their Republican candidate is actually a neo-Conservative who is more like a lying power mongering a Machiavellian than a law and order Republican.

At least the Democrats don’t get fooled by Democrats who only pretend to be Democrats. Are you listening Hillary? That seems to be the only difference between the political parties these days. Democrats don’t tolerate their politicians who do not follow party principles where Republicans are content as long as their party is used by the politician. They could care less about their Republican politician’s actual position on anything other than God and hating gay people; for all they care their candidate could actually be a Communist…they don’t notice and they don’t seem to care.

So for the sake of reality let’s just say that the current crop of Americans who are alarmed by the destruction of the U.S. Constitution and the rise of the corporate fascist state that is enveloping our nation, are anti-Republican. Let say that for one reason; it is because the current crop of people in office who call themselves Republicans are openly supporting and actively expediting this transition to fascism. On the other hand the Democrats in Congress, many of whom are part of this anti-American initiative, at least on the surface try to appear as if they are opposed to that agenda.

Now for as long as I can remember I have heard that we must support our military because they fight/fought to protect our freedom. I have been told that I have to support them even when their mission directly conflicts with the principles of freedom both in America and abroad. I am told to support the military no matter what they do or to whom they are doing it. I am told that anything the military does has something to do with supporting my freedom.

Well, I know now that that notion is a load of shit. As a matter of fact our troops have been misused and have acted in violation of the principals of freedom and democracy more than they have been used to protect my freedom. Well at least that is how it has been during my forty two years on this planet. And now they are being misused like never before. As a matter of fact from the look of things they may be used against me/us soon; directly!

On the other hand there are a bunch of good people who are really fighting for our freedom. We are not taking up arms or marching into civilian territories with guns and bombs and secret torture prisons. We are fighting to inform the rest of our brothers and sisters about what is really happening in our world and about who really poses threats to us!

There are a few of us who are fighting directly for the freedom of the only industry that is important enough to be explicitly protected by the U.S. Constitution; the press. We are fighting the real enemy of freedom the people who have hijacked our political process and are in the process of eliminating individual freedoms and the concept of national sovereignty around the world. We are fighting the people who have hijacked the only industry protected by the Constitution. We are fighting to inform our fellow Americans about the issues that impact their freedom and their lives. We are fighting for them; even for the ones that think we are the enemy.

You may call us ant-Republican. I call myself pro-Constitution. Personally I am anti-Republican and anti-Democrat. I am not foolish enough to think politicians of either corporate party are going to save our nation. I am of the opinion that we have to purge both parties, remove money completely from the political electoral process, eliminate all modern electronic technology (and private ownership) from the election voting system, and we have to replace our entire leadership with people who actually represent their constituents. We also have to eliminate ALL connections between industry and government. ALL CONNECTIONS! We need protection from corporations, not of corporations. Well, that’s just my opinion.

Me, I may be called anti-American today by some, but if I and my fellow pro-Constitutional soldiers will one day be referred to with the same respect and admiration as any army that fought so hard so you can have your freedom. The difference is that we fight for real freedom, not corporate capitalist freedom! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· War's Iraqi Death Toll Tops 50,000 - Higher than the U.S. estimate but thought to be undercounted, the tally is equivalent to 570,000 Americans killed in three years.
TVNL Comment: Just add 50,000 murders to the Bush crime family legacy.

· Japanese forces start leaving Iraq base - Transport trucks carrying armoured vehicles left the Japanese military base in southern Iraq on Sunday in one of the first signs that Japan has begun its promised troop pullout.

· U.S. military confirms plan to reduce troops - Plans to pull 28,000 combat troops from Iraq may begin this summer

· Warnings on WMD 'Fabricator' Were Ignored, Ex-CIA Aide Says - Drumheller instantly recognized the source, an Iraqi defector suspected of being mentally unstable and a liar. The CIA officer took his pen, he recounted in an interview, and crossed out the whole paragraph. - A few days later, the lines were back in the speech. Powell stood before the U.N. Security Council on Feb. 5 and said: "We have first-hand descriptions of biological weapons factories on wheels and on rails."

· Taliban beheads 4 'US spies' - Taliban militants beheaded four Afghans they accused of spying for the US military in southern Afghanistan, a local government official and the insurgent group said on Friday.





· E-Mails Reveal Abramoff Requests, Contacts - The middleman: lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Blunt e-mails that connect money and access in Washington show that prominent Republican activist Grover Norquist facilitated some administration contacts for Abramoff's clients while the lobbyist simultaneously solicited those clients for large donations to Norquist's tax-exempt group.

· The Bush code of secrecy - The Bush code of secrecy How the White House is covering up CIA abductions, brutal interrogations and spying on Americans.

· Abramoff used Norquist to distribute funds - Anti-tax advocate acted as a buffer for lobbyist's activities




· Cocaine and free trade - If you're the kind of person whose blood pressure starts to rise at the mention of the words "free trade" you would be well advised to pop a few hypertension pills before reading Oxfam's new study. It offers perhaps the best argument I've seen so far on why the proper target of anti-globalization activists should not be the World Trade Organization, where developing nations have managed to fight the developed world to a draw, but instead the bilateral agreements the U.S. is aggressively pursuing worldwide.



9/11 News :

· Associate of bombers claims he warned of London attacks - A man who used his computer skills to help encrypt e-mails and produce anti-Western DVDs for radical Muslims said he tried to warn British police about two of the men responsible for the July terrorist attacks in London, a newspaper reported Saturday.
TVNL Comment: Hmm...

· Journal of 9/11 Studies Volume 1 - June 2006 - The Journal of 9/11 Studies is a peer-reviewed, open-access, electronic-only journal covering the whole of research related to 9/11/2001. All content is freely available online.

· The Truth Behind the Exaggerated Threat against the Sears Tower - Here is what we found buried in the middle of some reports:











· More Rumblings About Net Privacy - ONCE again, an online news outlet has published details about secret rooms in AT&T buildings where government spies are said to be gaining access to millions of private e-mail messages and other Internet traffic.

· Polk County recorder to contest election - Polk County Recorder Tim Brien, a five-term incumbent who was soundly defeated by a political newcomer in June's primary elections, plans to challenge the election results based on the failure of similar voting machines in another Iowa county.

· Idaho WWII prison camp controversy flares - The National Park Service wants Congress to remove the word "internment" from the name of a national park commemorating a World War II prison camp for Japanese-Americans.





· Greenland's Ice Sheet Is Slip-Sliding Away - The massive glaciers are deteriorating twice as fast as they were five years ago. If the ice thaws entirely, sea level would rise 21 feet.

· U.S. Population to Hit 300 Million in 2006 - The 300 millionth person in the U.S. will likely be born - or cross the border - in October, though bureau officials are wary of committing to a particular month because of the subjective nature of the clock.
TVNL Comment: Want to end life on earth? Then just keep having babies!

· Large-Scale, Cheap Solar Electricity - According to Nanosolar's CEO Martin Roscheisen, the company will be able to produce solar cells much less expensively than is done with existing photovoltaics because its new method allows for the mass-production of the devices.

· Smithsonian removes electric-car exhibit - Just weeks before the release of a movie about the death of the electric car from the 1990s, the Smithsonian Institution has removed its EV1 electric sedan from display.





· MPs call for judges to rule on terror raids - New safeguards on the arrest of terror suspects will be demanded this week by a high-powered Commons inquiry amid warnings that the police are making 'preventative' arrests of people who have not yet offended.





· VA Barred From Publicizing Offer to Vets - A federal judge temporarily has barred the government from publicizing its free credit monitoring offer to veterans whose personal data was stolen and wants to see if they might get a better federal offer.

· Iraq Veterans Facing Homelessness - The government estimates that several hundred vets who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan are homeless on any given night around the country, although the exact number is unknown.
TVNL Comment: This is how our government supports our troops!

· Pentagon: Vaccines may have killed soldier - A Fort Bragg paratrooper's death may have been caused by vaccinations he received for smallpox and influenza, the Pentagon said.

· Army wives get phone death threats from Iraq - Wives and family members of soldiers fighting in Iraq have received telephone calls, believed to include death threats, from insurgents, according to military documents seen by The Sunday Telegraph.

· List of accusations of GIs in Iraq stuns experts - But the number and gravity of the latest allegations have drawn the greatest outcry against U.S. military actions since the Abu Ghraib prison abuses.

· Sailors' Social Security nos. on Web site - The Navy has begun a criminal investigation after Social Security numbers and other personal data for 28,000 sailors and family members were found on a civilian Web site.





· Today’s Anti-Republicans; Tomorrow’s Heroes? - You may call us ant-Republican. I call myself pro-Constitution.

· Home Grown TV News - One of them is that America has a long and ugly history of "home-grown" terrorism - a fact that seems to elude cable television and most mainstream print media. Between 1882 and 1968, at least 4,743 American citizens were lynched. Many of these acts were carried out the Ku Klux Klan - "home-grown" terrorists wrapping themselves in Christianity in the same way today's terrorists purport to represent Islam. Today's Muslim terrorists are described as "Islamists"; maybe we should have called the KKK "Christianists."

· The Latest Bush-Rove Terror-Scare - The latest U.S. terror-scare is unfolding like a cheap dime-store romance novel's all-too-predictable plot.





· Springsteen Mocks Ann Coulter, TV Pundits - "They should let Ann Coulter do it instead?" he mused, with a chuckle. Then he said, "You can turn on the idiots rambling on, on cable television, every night of the week -- and they say musicians shouldn’t speak up? It’s insane, it’s funny," he said, laughing.





· Condoms proven to protect against virus - For the first time, scientists have proof that condoms offer women impressive protection against the virus that causes cervical cancer.

· Human mad cow epidemic 'could be bigger than feared' - The true prevalence of the condition might not become apparent for decades because variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) probably has a much longer incubation period than originally thought, the researchers said.





· Philippines Abolishes the Death Penalty - President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo signed a law abolishing the death penalty on Saturday, giving final approval to a measure that divided many Filipinos.





· New World Order Stealing Americans Blind With Illegal Overseas Giga-Fund Estimated At $55 to $300 Trillion - While the country is preoccupied with terrorism, the war in Iraq and 9/11, thugs controlling the takeover of America are stealing citizens blind to the tune of $55 to $300 trillion dollars, according to an undercover financial report by the London-based International Currency Review.

· Bishop said to delay reporting sex abuse - A priest who admitted sexually abusing a 12-year-old altar boy fled to Mexico after his bishop failed to immediately report the confession to authorities, a law enforcement official said.





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