Date: July 3rd 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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DIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows.Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out The Revere Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!

Archived: 9/11 Naming Names! Some interesting information has come our way regarding the people responsible for the events of September 11th, 2001. will be hosting a guest that is prepared to finally expose some of the people who made those events possible. While we have not yet checked out all of the information given to us the information that will be disclosed live on our show will be at the very least verifiable. Once the names are out we can start doing some real research related to the disclosure. This week’s program will prove to be very interesting!



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: The Media – Your Enemy Exposed – An Independence Day Lesson

Here is a very simple lesson for Independence Day. As you take notice to the fact that the press is the only “industry” or “vocation” that is explicitly protected by the U.S. Constitution. Neither doctors, who save human life, nor rescue workers who save human life nor police who protect human life were granted the protection of the Constitution. It is not because those noble professions are important it is because they are not required to protect our democracy. Only a free press can ensure that our government remains accountable to the people.

So here is your lesson: As you watch the discussions take place about the NY Times printing information that may have hurt national security keep this in mind: Any person who even hints at the notion that the press should be keeping any information from the public is not a journalist and is your enemy. Period, end of story. If the press in every nation followed this protocol we would prevent most wars and a great deal of injustice in the world.

The press should be as relentless as celebrity paparazzi in their pursuit of information. Anything less is not journalism. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Rosa Brooks: Did Bush commit war crimes? - Supreme Court's decision in Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld could expose officials to prosecution.
TVNL Comment: Starting a war should be a crime and it should be enough to convict Bush and his administration. Jail Powell first!

· New car bomb shakes Baghdad - A car bomb exploded near a police station in a central Baghdad neighborhood Sunday, wounding at least 13 people, Baghdad Emergency Police said.

· Pentagon Misinformation the Only Sure Thing in This War - To their credit, top Pentagon officials cautioned journalists and the public, since the Iraq war's early days, that the dissemination of misinformation would be a vital weapon in their war strategy. Needless to say, they have certainly held true to their word.

· Imagine for a moment, that it was you in Iraq . . . - Imagine for a moment - if you're a woman - that it was you in your new living room, with your brother and/or your son, your father, and perhaps your uncle, when these armed invaders entered your home and proceeded to gang-rape you and burn your battered and violated body alive, perhaps in front of your family.

· General: We're in for long war - “The goal is not winning Iraq, although that’s right up there; and it is not winning Afghanistan, although that is right up there too,’’ Kimmitt said. “The goal is winning the larger battle.’’

· 66 killed in car bombing at Baghdad market - A parked car bomb exploded at a popular market in a Shiite slum of Baghdad, killing 66 people and wounding 87, authorities said.





· THE HIDDEN POWER - The legal mind behind the White House’s war on terror. - “It’s Addington,” he said. “He doesn’t care about the Constitution.” Powell was referring to David S. Addington, Vice-President Cheney’s chief of staff and his longtime principal legal adviser.

· Report: Abramoff Had FBI Data - Convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff improperly obtained a top-secret FBI document and tried to use the information to aid his clients in the Pacific Island territories, according to a report released Friday by the Justice Department's inspector general.

· On Right and Left, a Push for Government Openness - Mr. Coburn wants to create a public database, searchable over the Internet, that would list most government contracts and grants — exposing hundreds of billions in annual spending to instant desktop view.




· STUDENTS TO PAY THOUSANDS MORE FOR COLLEGE STARTING SATURDAY - Campaign for America’s Future co-director Robert Borosage explained how Congress has carried out a raid on student aid through acts of commission and omission.

· Retirement future bleak for many older women - ``Unless there are dramatic policy shifts, boomer women, particularly minority women, will find retirement a never-ending struggle," said Paul Hodge, chairman of Harvard University's Global Generations Policy Institute.

· The Ultra-Rich Give Differently From You and Me - Giving by the richest Americans has fallen in recent years, with the biggest declines at the very top, based on deductions Americans take on their tax returns.
TVNL Comment: Welcome to the new American century of Republican greed.

· Farm Program Pays $1.3 Billion to People Who Don't Farm - Matthews is not alone. Nationwide, the federal government has paid at least $1.3 billion in subsidies for rice and other crops since 2000 to individuals who do no farming at all, according to an analysis of government records by The Washington Post. - Some of them collect hundreds of thousands of dollars without planting a seed.



9/11 News :

· Presentation from the American Scholars Symposium - TVNL Comment: VIDEO

· SAUDIS HELP AL QAIDA REGIME IN SOMALIA - The Bush administration has acknowledged that Saudi Arabia was financing the Al Qaida-aligned regime in Somalia.

· Proof That 'Flight 77' Eyewitness Report Skewed - Many Flight 77 skeptics who believe that an American Airlines Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon on 9/11 scoff at eyewitness testimony which claims to describe intricate details about the alleged commercial airliner. In at least one case those doubts have now been validated.

· Lawmaker Wants UW Lecturer Fired Over 9/11 Views - Barrett believes evidence compiled by others show that Dick Cheney and others inside the U.S. government arranged the 9/11 attacks -- and he said so Wednesday on a Milwaukee radio show.






· Congress to work with Bush on tribunals - The US Congress looks set to co-operate with President George W. Bush in devising rules for military commissions to try alleged terrorist detainees. This follows last week’s historic Supreme Court decision that struck down the president’s claim that he could set the rules on his own authority.
TVNL Comment: Gee Mr. Bush, how can we in Congress help you to continue your obliteration of the Constitution? WHERE THE HELL ARE THE POLICE? WHY AREN'T THESE PEOPLE IN JAIL FOR





· Katrina shocks New Orleans visitors 10 months on - "You go down street after street after street and see nothing -- wreckage," said Friend, 80, who grew up in New Orleans and now lives in the Washington area. "The overall impression of it is how much of it there is."

· Corps report ignores call for specifics - The report was to be issued Friday, but the corps postponed action until July 10 after several heated exchanges with representatives of Gov. Kathleen Blanco who say the Bush administration has inappropriately removed a list of specific projects that corps engineers had included in the document's initial draft.

· Jury Convicts HealthSouth Founder in Bribery Trial - An Alabama jury yesterday convicted HealthSouth Corp. founder Richard M. Scrushy -- acquitted last year of federal accounting-fraud charges -- of paying half a million dollars in bribes to former governor Don Siegelman in exchange for a seat on a state health-care board.

· Spy Agency Sought U.S. Call Records Before 9/11, Lawyers Say - The U.S. National Security Agency asked AT&T Inc. to help it set up a domestic call monitoring site seven months before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, lawyers claimed June 23 in court papers filed in New York federal court.





· Arctic sea levels dropping steadily - The flow of water out of the Arctic could have an impact on the earth’s orbit, as more water settles closer to the equator.

· Representatives for 10,000 EPA Scientists Fighting Bush's Attempt to Close Research Libraries - Ruch said that the closures will prevent the use of nearly "everything created before 1990 (which) is not digitized, including 50,000 unique documents." The EPA has already begun shutting the facilities down even though Congress has yet to approve the President's budget.

· Northeast floods stir global warming debate - Images of swamped homes in the U.S. Northeast deepened suspicions over global warming, giving ammunition to scientists and others who say greenhouse gas-spewing cars and factories are fueling extreme weather.





· N. Korea warns of nuclear war if attacked - North Korea will respond to a pre-emptive U.S. military attack with an "annihilating strike and a nuclear war," the state-run media said Monday, heightening its antagonistic rhetoric.

· U.S. warns Israel not to harm Abbas or Palestinian civilians - The United States government has laid down three rules for the current Israel Defense Forces operation in the Gaza Strip, according to senior sources in Jerusalem: No harming Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas; no harming civilians and avoid damaging infrastructure.

· U.S. to pay $48 million to cover damages to Gaza power station - United States officials said they expect that U.S. funds will be used to pay for the damages caused by an Israel Air Force strike Tuesday on a Palestinian power station in the Gaza Strip. The power station was insured by a U.S. government agency, according to The Boston Globe.
TVNL Comment: WHY ARE MY SAXES GOING TO THIS? Why are the war profiteers still in charge of our world? When are we going to remove them from positions of power?

· Police hold mother-of-three for reading 'Independent' outside Downing Street - Charity Sweet, 40, and a mother-of-three, was holding a copy of Thursday's edition which carried the headline: "Warning: if you read this newspaper you may be arrested under the Government's anti-terror laws."

· Israel warns: free soldier or PM dies - ISRAEL last night threatened to assassinate Palestinian Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh if Hamas militants did not release a captured Israeli soldier unharmed.
TVNL Comment: The world should be up in arms about this!

· N.Korea Ready to Counter U.S. Aggression - North Korea accused the United States of driving tensions on the Korean Peninsula "to the brink of war," and said it is fully prepared to counter any U.S. aggression.





· White House Ponders NG Nuclear Warheads - Many of the warheads were designed and built 40 years ago, and their plutonium and other components are slowly breaking down in ways that researchers do not fully understand.

· War bill getting paid while lights go out at Army posts - While billions of military dollars are being spent on the war in Iraq, some Army posts back home can’t afford to pay the electricity bill or cut the grass.
TVNL Comment: Support our troops or support our war profiteers?

· US Army Says Policy Violated in Soldiers' Deaths - Three U.S. soldiers killed by insurgents south of Baghdad last month had been left alone at a checkpoint in violation of military procedure, a U.S. military spokeswoman said on Saturday.

· COLORADO SPRINGS AIR FORCE INSTALLATION ON HEIGHTENED ALERT - Four Installations Across The Country Are Affected By Order From U.S. Space Command

· Gitmo win likely cost Navy lawyer his career - Asked if he believes he was passed over for promotion last year for political reasons, Swift would not speculate.





· Let America Be America Again - Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath, But opportunity is real, and life is free,

· Put away the flags - On this July 4, we would do well to renounce nationalism and all its symbols: its flags, its pledges of allegiance, its anthems, its insistence in song that God must single out America to be blessed.

· Censored Message- Government authorized ways to celebrate your freed - Don't criticize the President, or other government officials; you might be in violation of the Patriot Act and considered a possible terrorist. - Don't mention the Constitution in any district court, or you could be held in contempt.

· If You’re Not Outraged, You’re Not Paying Attention - The upcoming congressional elections are taking the masks off congressional leaders and revealing just how morally corrupt they really can be. Instead of spending their time passing legislation to get America back on the right track--creating good jobs and keeping them in this country, making health care affordable for all and protecting our pensions, for example--they're creating opportunities to win votes from the narrow slice of the public that makes up their extremist, far right-wing base.





· The Media – Your Enemy Exposed – An Independence Day Lesson - The press should be as relentless as celebrity paparazzi in their pursuit of information. Anything less is not journalism.

· U.S. elite forces face shortfall - The Army, Navy and Air Force face shortages of elite special operations forces that are playing a leading role in the war against terrorism, military records show. - Some veterans can make $780 a day as civilian security contractors in Iraq, says Rep. Jim Saxton, R-N.J., chairman of a House Armed Services subcommittee that oversees special operations troops. Bonuses as high as $150,000 have helped stanch that loss, he says.
TVNL Comment: That's right, Republicans, especially those in government, create companies that profit by the billions from war and then they weaken our military by hiring the people who have been trained by them!

· 'NY Post' Cites Evidence That Ann Coulter Plagiarized Parts of Book, Columns - The New York Post reported Sunday that author/columnist Coulter "cribbed liberally in her latest book" and also in several of her syndicated columns, according to a plagiarism expert.

· Coulter Affirms Prevous Statement About Bombing 'NYT' Office - In a letter to E&P earlier this week, Lee Salem, the new president of Universal Syndicate, responded to a critical column about his client, Ann Coulter, by E&P's Dave Astor. Salem suggested that Coulter was a brilliant satirist who does not mean it when she periodically wishes violence or even death on liberals and other "traitors."

· Homeless newspaper airs alleged wrongdoing - A monthly Washington newspaper for the homeless uses homeless journalists -- and one helped break a major story about alleged exploitation of the homeless.





· Petitions to FDA Sometimes Delay Generic Drugs - A procedure designed to alert the Food and Drug Administration to scientific and safety issues is getting a hard look from members of Congress, who say they are concerned that it may be getting subverted by the brand-name drug industry.





· An Israeli Speaks Out Against Israel's Actions - Why Aren't American Jewish voices of Protest Being Heard?

· Olmert Opts for Collective Punishment, Bush Winks - Even worse, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert opted to destroy the civilian infrastructure of Gaza, bombing bridges and Gaza’s sole power plant.

· Second-ranking Republican focuses on Geneva Accords' application to Bush's war on terror - Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., the second-ranking GOP leader in the Senate, said the 5-3 court decision "means that American servicemen potentially could be accused of war crimes.
TVNL Comment: No. It means that
US servicemen COMITTED war crimes, as directed by the Bush administration and they must now deal with that fact. Or not.

· U.N. Body to Review Alleged Israel Abuses - The new U.N. Human Rights Council voted Friday to dedicate time during each future session to a review of alleged human rights abuses by Israel — a move criticized by the United States as misguided and unfair.

· U.S. troops accused of killing Iraq family - The U.S. Army will investigate charges that five American soldiers were involved in the killings of four Iraqi relatives, including a woman who had been raped, military officials said Friday. It's the sixth current inquiry into the alleged slayings of Iraqi civilians by American troops.










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