Date: July 29th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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DIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows.Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out The Revere Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!

Archived: 9/11 Naming Names! Some interesting information has come our way regarding the people responsible for the events of September 11th, 2001. will be hosting a guest that is prepared to finally expose some of the people who made those events possible. While we have not yet checked out all of the information given to us the information that will be disclosed live on our show will be at the very least verifiable. Once the names are out we can start doing some real research related to the disclosure. This week’s program will prove to be very interesting!



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: What We Hear About Hezbollah and What We Don’t Hear About Israel

Being that I don’t have the stomach to watch FOX News this week and being that MSNBC news is pretty much a joke I have been watching a lot of CNN so that I can measure the current extent of media deception related to the Israeli invasion and obliteration of Lebanon. It seems to that CNN really likes telling us in detail about the Hezbollah weaponry. They don’t say much about the Israeli weaponry however.

A lot of attention has been paid to the Katyusha rockets used by Hezbollah. We have been told time and time again that they are being loaded with ball bearing so that they can cause damage when they land. Today I heard CNN tell us about how they are now being made larger and more powerful. As a matter of fact the new versions of this rocket are capable of having 250 lbs of explosive. Of course CNN, in a blatant attempt to exaggerate the situation described the 20 lb. bomb as a half of a 500 lb bomb. Unbelievable! Why not just say it has a fraction of the power of a nuclear bomb and start refereeing them to as nukelettes?

On the other hand Israel has openly declared that common rules of warfare do not apply to this conflict and they will use any weapons that they deem necessary. So what do they do? They bombard civilian cities with depleted uranium bombs, phosphorus weapons and some strange new chemical weapons that are burning people, innocent children people. In the mean time both Palestinian & Lebanese medical authorities have been complaining about this…but the U.S. media seems to think that this is not newsworthy. What a surprise.

As I write this CNN had tow interruptions to bring us live coverage; one related to air raid sirens in Israel, the other an air strike in Lebanon. The camera in Israel was directly in the city, up close and personal. The camera in Lebanon was pointed at the target from miles away. Hmmm.

On that note…here is a letter from a reader of…

I am watching BBC which I think is the US version, and comparing it to the live European version.... wow.... hardly know they are talking about the same event...... the US version is totally politically correct, the Euro version is spontaneous, you see the cameraman who was wounded bleeding (just his hand), that's been cut out, the children who were wounded, cut out, the live commentary of the reporter who says they spoke to Israel several times, told them where they were, all cut out..... reporter now a sophisticated, made up woman in a studio, the commentary voice over by someone else, not the original reporter.....

Can you say cult of false reality? We are living in one…thanks to our media. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· 3 Marines killed in action in western Iraq - Also Saturday, the western regional commander of the Iraqi Border Protection Force, Brig. Gen. Jawad Hadi al-Selawi, was killed in Karbala, 50 miles south of Baghdad, police said.

· Aussie vetoed US military action: book - A former commander of Australian forces in Iraq vetoed a number US military actions against Saddam Hussein's regime on ethical grounds, according to a new book.

· Rare footage of Taliban fighters - Violence by Taliban insurgents has escalated in Afghanistan this year to its worst level since the militants were ousted in 2001.

· Violence in Iraq Is Creating Chaos in Bank System - Praised by the United States as a success story as recently as a few months ago, that system has quickly become a wild landscape of clandestine cash runs, huge hauls by robbers dressed as police officers and soldiers, kidnappings of bank executives with ransoms as high as $6 million, American allegations of tie-ins with insurgent financiers, and legitimate customers turned away when they go to pick up their savings and flee the country.





· Bush Finds the Time to Meet with American Idol Contestants, But Not His New Texas Neighbor Cindy Sheehan - Maybe he's just trying to compensate for the fact that the final contest drew millions more votes than he did in 2004.

· White House wary of war crimes charges - The War Crimes Act of 1996 has Bush administration officials concerned that officials and troops involved in handling terrorism detainee matters could be accused of war crimes and prosecuted in U.S. courts, the newspaper said.

· Who Needs Congress or Courts With Bush in Charge?: Ann Woolner - As of July 11, President George W. Bush had said no (or, not unless I want to) to 807 provisions enacted by Congress that he signed into law, according to Christopher Kelley, a political science professor at the University of Miami, Ohio. - That number compares to some 600 provisions challenged by all of Bush's predecessors combined, says Kelley.







9/11 News :

· C-Span Airing Of L.A. Conference Shows Mainstreaming Of 9/11 Truth - A decision that many of us were waiting on with baited breath - C-Span's scheduling of the American Scholars Symposium highlights - infuses the 9/11 truth movement with a fresh injection of credibility and exposure to more mainstream audiences.

· 9/11 cash for what? - The city is using a big slice of the $1 billion it got from the feds post-9/11 to fight first responders who claim they got sick on the site, a lawyer who is suing the city charged yesterday.

· 'Secret' 9/11 lies? - With New Yorkers already fuming about reports that the feds downplayed the danger of Ground Zero dust, the White House gave EPA chief Christie Whitman the power to bury embarrassing documents by classifying them "secret."
TVNL Comment: Can you say mass murder?






· House Leadership Invokes "Martial Law," - Forcing Members to Vote On Key Bills Without Full Knowledge of What They're Voting On

· Chat rooms could face expulsion - Web sites like and may soon be inaccessible for many people using public terminals at American schools and libraries, thanks to the U.S. House of Representatives.





· Man Arrested For Shooting Photo Of Police Activity - He said that when he saw the street lined with police cars, he decided to take a picture of the scene.

· Another U.S. City Outlaws Feeding Homeless People - Last week, Las Vegas outlawed feeding homeless people at city parks. Now, Orlando is following suit.
TVNL Comment:
America the beautiful...and disgraceful! Where are all the good Christians on this one?

· Leak of Classified Information Prompts Inquiry - A federal grand jury has begun investigating the leak of classified information about intelligence programs to the press and has subpoenaed a former National Security Agency employee who claims to have witnessed illegal activity while working at the agency.

· ALASKA REFUSES — AGAIN — TO RELEASE 2004 ELECTION DATA! - The State of Alaska website shows 16 of 40 house districts with more than 200% voter turnout, Also, if you add up the vote totals from each district they come to more than 100,000 votes for state wide candidates than the summary reports show.





· EPA seen lax on pollution enforcement - The Environmental Protection Agency has dragged its feet and failed to enact dozens of requirements mandated by the Clean Air Act of 1990, including some that would have improved poor air quality around Boston, according to a scathing government report released Wednesday.





· Now Turkey demands right to ‘defend itself’ - THE support given by the US administration for Israel’s massive assault on Lebanon – and the understanding shown by the rest of the G8 – have compounded Turkish premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s difficulty in containing domestic pressure to disregard US and EU warnings against a cross-border operation to root out PKK bases in northern Iraq.

· US planning $4.6bn in Mideast arms sales US planning $4.6bn in Mideast arms sales - The Bush administration spelled out plans yesterday to sell $4.6bn of arms to moderate Arab states, including battle tanks worth as much as $2.9bn to protect critical Saudi infrastructure.

· The "hiding among civilians" myth - Israel claims it's justified in bombing civilians because Hezbollah mingles with them. In fact, the militant group doesn't trust its civilians and stays as far away from them as possible.

· Probe sought on delayed US report on India - Democratic lawmakers on Friday requested an investigation into why the State Department delayed word of sanctions on two Indian companies for Iran-related dealings until after the U.S. House of Representatives approved a nuclear agreement with New Delhi.





· Flights Home for Troops-Canceled - Flights home stopped as U.S. figures out Baghdad security plan





· Where Were You When They Took Your Rights Away? - Can you name the one country on earth where the government can steal elections, strip away basic rights, spy on citizens, and launch wars based on lies, but where the people do not take over the nation's capital in protest?





· Dumb People Make Children Cry PBS fires young, female kiddie-show host over old, naughty video. Smart people groan - What sort of people are we? What sort of warped and reckless and utterly silly value system do we suck on in this culture? Why are we so wildly, preternaturally terrified of all things sexual while at the same time drawn to it all like fat teenagers to French fries?

· Corporate Media Censors MoveOn - In a new series of TV ads, MoveOn exposes GOP lawmakers' fealty to the corporations that fund their campaigns. Now if only the stations would run them.

· Media Mogul Summons the Powerful to Expound - When 250 News Corp. executives gather this weekend for a management retreat at a posh California seaside resort, they'll skip the typical team-building exercises that such confabs are known for.

· Spanish-Language Paper Altered Photos - The Miami Herald's Spanish-language sister paper acknowledged that it manipulated two photos in a way that made it appear as if two Cuban police officers were ignoring prostitutes gesturing to a tourist.










· Israel Violates Law on U.S. Weapons in Mideast - Israel is in violation of U.S. arms control laws for deploying U.S.-made fighter planes, combat helicopters and missiles to kill civilians and destroy Lebanon's infrastructure in the ongoing six-day devastation of that militarily-weak country.
TVNL Comment: And what does the
U.S. do? They sell Israel more bombs and send them there faster and faster!





· Barkley for Governor? - Barkley continued to identify himself as a Republican until recently, when he switched parties. "I was a Republican until they lost their minds," he said earlier this month.

· AP: Priest May Have Misspent $1.4 Million - A priest who resigned from a church in an affluent Connecticut community misspent up to $1.4 million in parishioner donations to lead a life of luxury with another man, according to a church-directed investigation.





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