Date: August 11th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Boo! Are You Still Frightened?

What do you think will kill more people: 10 hijacked planes flying into buildings, or a government decision to ignore global warming? What do you think will kill more people: a suitcase nuke going off in a city, or a nation that can not afford basic health care? Who do you think really threatens the lives of the people of this nation: lone terrorists or terrorists dressed up as a presidential administration and a Congress? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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· British troops in Afghanistan 'in most intense conflict in 50 years' - British soldiers in Afghanistan are engaged in fighting that is more intense and prolonged than any other conflict during the past 50 years, the British commander of all foreign troops in Afghanistan warned yesterday.

· Battle for Baghdad: US and Iraq plan street by street offensive - Faced with a make or break struggle to wrest control of Baghdad from insurgents and sectarian death squads, US and Iraqi commanders plan an ambitious strategy to take back the Iraqi capital street by street, district by district.
TVNL Comment: Can you say Fallujah?

· Is Lebanon the Trigger for U.S. War With Iran? - Connect the





· Both Parties Claim Edge as Terror Is Reinforced as a Campaign Topic - Democrats and Republicans alike rushed to invoke yesterday's terrorist scare in Britain in congressional campaigns, underscoring how a series of national-security-related developments are refocusing and sharpening the political debate three months before the midterm elections.

· Many in State Dept. Can't Talk the Talk - Nearly 30 percent of State Department employees based overseas in "language-designated positions" are failing to speak and write the local language well enough to meet required levels, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office.

· Bush seeks political gains from foiled plot - But Bush aides on Thursday fought the notion that they had exploited their knowledge of the coming British raid to hit Democrats, saying the trigger had been the defeat of Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut by an anti-war political novice.




· Study Finds Immigrants Don't Hurt U.S. Jobs - "We are simply looking for a pattern across 50 states, and we did not find one," Kochhar said. "We cannot say with certainty that growth in the foreign population has hurt or helped American jobs."


9/11 News :

· SYNTHETIC TERROR ALERT FOR HAWAII - A nuclear attack is the only way to successfully conquer Iran -- and a false-flag nuclear attack is the only way the neocon war cabal can justify a nuclear attack on Iran. Such false-flag attacks are regularly bootlegged through military drills and wargames so the warmakers can confuse good people inside the military and divert resources as needed.

· Red Alert For Staged Government Terror Attack - Radio host Alex Jones, who predicted a staged attack on the World Trade Center involving the use of Osama bin Laden as a fall guy in July 2001, has now gone on record with a second prediction that a staged government terror attack will occur before the end of October unless a gargantuan effort to prevent it is launched.











· Activists: Advisory proves Blackwell suppressing vote - Voting-rights activists on Thursday produced what they said is the most compelling evidence to date that Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell is trying to suppress the vote in November.

· Digital voting a hit, with one ominous glitch - Various jurisdictions around the state also reported minor problems with their new voting machines.
TVNL Comment: Steal a few votes here and there...this is not worthy of reporting on TV. After all, journalists don't have to guard our democracy; they have to report celebrity news!

· Panel’s Report Urges Higher Education Shake-Up - A federal commission approved a final report on Thursday that urges a broad shake-up of American higher education. It calls for public universities to measure learning with standardized tests, federal monitoring of college quality and sweeping changes in financial aid.

· Lobbyists to Stand Trial in Spy Case - The decision appears to be the first in which a court has found that citizens other than government employees can be charged for receiving and disclosing secret government information, experts said.
TVNL Comment: This means that journalists can no longer report when the7 find out that people in government lie about defense (war) related issues. This now means our government can safely lie whenever they want.

· Flying? New TSA Carry-On Baggage Rules - If you're flying soon, the rules concerning what you may and may not carry onto the plane with you just changed in response to the arrest in the United Kingdom of people accused of plotting to destroy aircraft bound from England to the United States by exploding liquids in their carry-on bags.
TVNL Comment: A message from your government: EVERYBO

· GOP loses lawsuit over line-item veto - The Commonwealth Court panel ruled 5-0 against House Speaker John M. Perzel, R-Philadelphia, and Senate President Pro Tempore Robert C. Jubelirer, R-Blair, noting the Pennsylvania Constitution has a mechanism by which a veto can be overridden.





· Calif., Ore. Fishing Declared a Disaster - The Klamath River has been a flashpoint in a bitter contest over allocations of water to farms and fish, with the Bush administration and farmers on one side, and fishermen, Indian tribes and conservation groups on the other.





· The Pentagon is worried by Syria's 'rising self-confidence' - Regarding Israel's decision to leave Syria out of the current fighting in Lebanon, he said: "I don't want to say what my opinion of this decision is."
TVNL Comment: These people simply want war. That is their goal.

· Lebanon gripped by anti-American sentiment - Last year, Lebanon was the beacon of the Bush administration's vision of a new Middle East. There were free elections without Syrian influence, women's rights, a free press and free speech. Today, much of this nation feels deserted by America as Israeli warplanes dropping American-made weapons destroy apartment blocks, bridges and roads. After four weeks of bombardment, the feeling is increasingly shared by Shiite and Sunni Muslims, Christians and Druze.

· Israel Asks U.S. to Ship Rockets With Wide Blast - Israel has asked the Bush administration to speed delivery of short-range antipersonnel rockets armed with cluster munitions, which it could use to strike Hezbollah missile sites in Lebanon, two American officials said Thursday.
TVNL Comment: Their war, our war. Cluster bombs are used to destroy runways, not missile sites. They are considered cruel weapons to use on people. Very appropriate for the access of cruelty,
Israel & the US.





· · GI Who Exposed Abu Ghraib Feared Revenge - The soldier who triggered the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal by sending incriminating photos to military investigators says he feared deadly retaliation by other GIs and was shocked when Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld mentioned his name at a Senate hearing.

· $tingy thanks for Iraq duty: Funds for tuition waivers MIA - Lawmakers have slammed the classroom door shut on Massachusetts soldiers home from Iraq and seeking to go to state college, failing to cough up $8 million needed for crucial tuition waivers.

· Mercenary Jackpot - While the Bush Administration calls for the immediate disbanding of what it has labeled "private" and "illegal" militias in Lebanon and Iraq, it is pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into its own global private mercenary army tasked with protecting US officials and institutions overseas. The secretive program, which spans at least twenty-seven countries, has been an incredible jackpot for one heavily Republican-connected firm in particular: Blackwater USA

· Reserves chief eyes mobilizing on five-year cycle - “What if I could tell you, as you’re coming out of high school, ‘Join the Army Reserve, and about every five years I’m going to send you somewhere in the world for a wonderful experience?’”

· Center for war-related brain injuries faces budget cut - Congress appears ready to slash funding for the research and treatment of brain injuries caused by bomb blasts, an injury that military scientists describe as a signature wound of the Iraq war.
TVNL Comment: Can the
U.S. government be any more obscene than they are currently? In the middle of a war that we started they want to cut the budget for caring for face and brain injuries of our troops? Why aren’t the flag waving republicans forming lynch mobs to go after the members of our government who are doing this?





· Boo! Are You Still Frightened? - What do you think will kill more people: 10 hijacked planes flying into buildings, or a government decision to ignore global warming?

· Fascists of All Varieties - Since, Mr. Bush, you have chosen to put the issue of fascism before the public, it begs a broader dialog on fascism's role in our lives today. I accept the challenge to enter that dialog. Frankly Mr. Bush, many Americans refer to you as a fascist.

· Are they stupid? Evil? Or how much of each? - So here’s the question of the day: Looking over the devastation that currently passes for US foreign and domestic policy that has been wrought by the Bush Administration, what do you think is the primary cause, stupidity (incompetence) or Evil (they’re just plain rotten to the core)?

· The Project for a New American Democracy - The Project for a New American Democracy proposes a prioritized minimal agenda to unite progressives and America's working people to oppose the Bush regime in the fall November 2006 elections and beyond.

· God save us - I wanted to laugh, too, but I felt too much like crying over the disaster Bush has brought to this country and the world. God save us from becoming a democracy like Iraq.





· 2 Editors Resign at Web Site Linked to Journalism Review - The managing editor of, an online adjunct of The Columbia Journalism Review, and his deputy both quit yesterday after the dean of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism told them he was cutting the site’s budget nearly in half.

· Fox Military Analyst on Syria: ‘We Can Talk To Them When We Line Them Up and Kill Them’ - Hunt went on to argue that America should “absolutely, 100 percent” seek regime change in both Syria and Iran if they’re “not going to cooperate.”
TVNL Comment: These people are one world government/new world order supporters. They say that the
U.S. should decide, against international law, who gets to run other nations and how they are run.





· The dark history of modern medicine: U.S. surgeons routinely operated on babies without anesthesia - It's a hard-to-believe (but true) account of the horrors of conventional medicine and its barbaric surgical procedures, many of which are still practiced today.





· Israel Faces Hostile UN Human Rights Session Over Lebanon - The council, which in a similar session July 6 voted 29-11 to deplore Israel's military operations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, is to "consider and take action on the gross human rights violations by Israel in Lebanon," according to the request filed by Tunisia on behalf of the OIC.

· Israel rejects Russia's humanitarian truce plan - "We think this is a bad idea," Gillerman, speaking from New York, told Israel Radio.

· Psychologists Adopt Anti-Torture Policy - Critics said the new policy, adopted at the group's convention, does not go far enough to keep its members from becoming embroiled in practices that could violate the principles of human rights.

· Moscow presses U.N. for 72-hour humanitarian truce - Russia's ambassador to the United Nations said on Thursday he planned to quickly introduce a draft U.N. Security Council resolution calling for a 72-hour humanitarian truce in the fighting between Israel and Lebanon's Hizbollah.










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