Date: August 12th 2006

I apologize for the inconsistency of our daily e-mail. I do prepare one and send one out every day and I am aware that our system is not delivering mail to all the subscribed recipients. Please bare with us as I try to find the cause of this problem.






TvNewsLIES Headline News


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You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows.Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out The Revere Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!

Archived: 9/11 Naming Names! Some interesting information has come our way regarding the people responsible for the events of September 11th, 2001. will be hosting a guest that is prepared to finally expose some of the people who made those events possible. While we have not yet checked out all of the information given to us the information that will be disclosed live on our show will be at the very least verifiable. Once the names are out we can start doing some real research related to the disclosure. This week’s program will prove to be very interesting!



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Just a Public Yet Private Thank You

Today I want to relate a personal message, not my usual commentary.

For those of you who are familiar with TvNewsLIES and my personal story you know that I left my career to undertake this mission. You also know that personal income and health insurance are now distant memories for people like me who chose to use our skills for the benefit of all instead of personal/financial gain. You also know that I seem to be suffering from terrible 9/11 related respiratory problems. You also know that it costs me about $100 to visit my doctor and it cost me over $100 per month for medication.

Well, along with receiving many supportive message via e-mail and telephone I occasionally receive donations that not only able me to keep going but provide me with a real emotional boost. Kind words and offerings make me feel like my efforts are truly appreciated. They are my compensation and inspiration.

That being said I want to issue a public thank you to one specific reader while keeping this person’s identity private. I want to thank my latest guardian angel for offering and then sending me two months worth of asthma medication saving me not only the cost of the medicine but the price of a doctor visit.

While all gestures are truly appreciated some gestures are so humbling that I can not think of a sufficient way to show my appreciation. Perhaps this message will serve the purpose.

What may seem like a little to one person may seem like a whole lot to another person. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Turkish army shells targets in northern Iraq - It's the fourth shelling of the same area by the Turkish army in the past month, the report claimed.

· Bodies of 2 missing GIs found in Iraq - The bodies of two U.S. soldiers missing since a helicopter crash this week were found west of Baghdad, the U.S. military said Friday. That brought the number of U.S. troops to die this month in Iraq to at least 19 — most in insurgent-plagued Anbar province.

· British troops in Afghanistan 'in most intense conflict in 50 years' - British soldiers in Afghanistan are engaged in fighting that is more intense and prolonged than any other conflict during the past 50 years, the British commander of all foreign troops in Afghanistan warned yesterday.





· Cheney accused of politicizing terrorism - "They've run this play one too many times. The American people simply do not recognize any validity in what they're saying,

· President Remains Eager to Cut Entitlement Spending - In any negotiation, a major issue would be what is being negotiated. Republicans want to focus on the escalating costs of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security -- and the creation of private investment accounts -- while Democrats want a broader approach, including such topics as the extension of the Bush tax cuts. It's not fair, they argue, to discuss only one element of the country's fiscal crisis, which experts project will get worse as the baby-boom generation moves into retirement.

· Both Parties Claim Edge as Terror Is Reinforced as a Campaign Topic - Democrats and Republicans alike rushed to invoke yesterday's terrorist scare in Britain in congressional campaigns, underscoring how a series of national-security-related developments are refocusing and sharpening the political debate three months before the midterm elections.

· Many in State Dept. Can't Talk the Talk - Nearly 30 percent of State Department employees based overseas in "language-designated positions" are failing to speak and write the local language well enough to meet required levels, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office.

· Bush seeks political gains from foiled plot - But Bush aides on Thursday fought the notion that they had exploited their knowledge of the coming British raid to hit Democrats, saying the trigger had been the defeat of Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut by an anti-war political novice.






9/11 News :

· Government releases detailed 9/11 hijacking information - Included in the release are full transcripts of aircraft-to-ground air traffic recordings from all four flights hijacked on 9/11, as well as flight path studies for three of the flights. The transcripts are the government's first full disclosure of the recordings' contents.

· Lou Dobbs Wakes Up to 9/11 Lies - C'mon people..even lou Dobbs is waking up to the fact that we are being lied to about 9/11 and that we need a fresh, new independent investigation. Why did it take five years for these reports to come out? NORAD and the DoD have given us SEVEN DIFFERENT TIMELINES of the air response (or lack thereof.) Why should we automatically believe the other aspects of the "official" story? i don't think we should.

· The Pentagon's "Second 911" - "Another [9/11] attack could create both a justification and an opportunity to retaliate against some known targets"






· Conservative Group Sets Sights on Chafee - Fresh off their first victory over a Republican incumbent, GOP conservatives seeking party purity on taxes and spending are focused on ousting moderate Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island.





· Bush Staff Wanted Bomb-Detect Cash Moved - While the British terror suspects were hatching their plot, the Bush administration was quietly seeking permission to divert $6 million that was supposed to be spent this year developing new homeland explosives detection technology.
TVNL Comment: Because they know that the threat from terrorism is nonsense! They did 9/11, they know where terror comes from. They don't have to protect us from anyone except themselves.

· Activists: Advisory proves Blackwell suppressing vote - Voting-rights activists on Thursday produced what they said is the most compelling evidence to date that Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell is trying to suppress the vote in November.

· Digital voting a hit, with one ominous glitch - Various jurisdictions around the state also reported minor problems with their new voting machines.
TVNL Comment: Steal a few votes here and there...this is not worthy of reporting on TV. After all, journalists don't have to guard our democracy; they have to report celebrity news!





· +1 MPG Could Offset BP Oilfield Shutdown, Say Scientists - The loss of 400,000 barrels of oil a day caused by the closure of BP's Prudhoe Bay oilfield in Alaska could be offset if all the cars and trucks in the United States got just one extra mile per gallon of fuel efficiency, a prominent non-profit grouping of scientists said this week.





· Israel pushes deeper into Lebanon after U.N. vote - Relief officials said Israel was still denying access for aid convoys to distressed civilians despite the resolution.

· US says terror warning in India "hypothetical" - In a strange twist to a US embassy statement in New Delhi that al-Qaeda was planning attacks in India, the State Department has said that the advisory was in "hypothetical terms." The advisory issued Friday that terror attacks might take place in Delhi and Mumbai in the run-up to the Independence Day had created a sensation in India although the government had dismissed it as a "very innocuous" warning.

· Thousands in Somalia rally for holy war - More than 2,000 people gathered after Friday prayers for a pro-Lebanon rally organized by Mogadishu's new fundamentalist rulers, calling for holy war and chanting "Down with the enemies of Islam, wherever they are!"

· Israel hits heart of Beirut - Leaflets warn civilians to flee
TVNL Comment: Here is a note saying that we are coming to blow up your homes, businesses and belongings and if you don't leave we will blow you up too. And if you don't leave and we kill you we can call you a terrorist because you did not heed our warnings.

· Isreali ambassador caught lying through his teeth - Towards the end of the clip Husseini talks with Amy Goodman from Democracy Now about how Ayalon lied through his teeth the whole time.





· Cap loan interest rates - A new Pentagon report endorses the idea of setting a 36-percent maximum interest rate on loans for military members because predatory lenders are targeting young service members and their families.

· Pentagon Officials Quit at Agency Linked to Bribes - The two top officials of Counterintelligence Field Activity at the Defense Department resigned this week amid investigations into their agency’s classified contracts with a businessman who has pleaded guilty to bribing department officials and Representative Randy Cunningham.

· Guard Member Dies After 104-Degree Heat - A Pennsylvania National Guard member died after collapsing in 104-degree heat on her first day patrolling the Arizona-Mexico border, a guard spokesman said Friday.

· GI Who Exposed Abu Ghraib Feared Revenge - The soldier who triggered the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal by sending incriminating photos to military investigators says he feared deadly retaliation by other GIs and was shocked when Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld mentioned his name at a Senate hearing.





· Just a Public Yet Private Thank You - While all gestures are truly appreciated some gestures are so humbling that I can not think of a sufficient way to show my appreciation. Perhaps this message will serve the purpose.





· 2 Editors Resign at Web Site Linked to Journalism Review - The managing editor of, an online adjunct of The Columbia Journalism Review, and his deputy both quit yesterday after the dean of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism told them he was cutting the site’s budget nearly in half.





· U.S. Lags World in Grasp of Genetics and Acceptance of Evolution - A comparison of peoples' views in 34 countries finds that the United States ranks near the bottom when it comes to public acceptance of evolution. Only Turkey ranked lower. - Among the factors contributing to America's low score are poor understanding of biology, especially genetics, the politicization of science and the literal interpretation of the Bible by a small but vocal group of American Christians, the researchers say. - “American Protestantism is more fundamentalist than anybody except perhaps the Islamic fundamentalist, which is why Turkey and we are so close,” said study co-author Jon Miller of Michigan State University.





· Food running out in south Lebanon, aid blocked - United Nations and other convoys have been unable to deliver supplies to the region since an Israeli air strike destroyed the last bridge across the Litani river on Monday.

· 6 killed in Israeli strike on convoy - An Israeli drone fired at a convoy of refugees fleeing southern Lebanon on Friday night, killing at least six people and wounding 16, an Associated Press photographer said.





· Muslim leader calls for vigilance against fanatics - One of Canada's leading Imams has said Muslims must be wary of Islamic fundamentalism, and fight radicalism in mosques head on.

· HEAD OF AIPAC BOASTED ABOUT HIS CONTROL OF POLITICIANS IN 1992 - The following is a transcript of the Oct. 22, 1992 conversation with President David Steiner of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) recorded without his knowledge by New York businessman Haim (Harry) Katz. Its existence was first revealed to the Washington Times and its release triggered Steiner's resignation.





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