Date: August 15th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Mike Wallace Promotes George W Bush to “Commander and Chief of the Free World”

In cased you overlooked it, during the 60 Minutes piece where Mike Wallace was interviewing Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Wallace referred to George W. Bush as “the commander in chief of the free world!” Who the hell appointed Bush commander in chief of the world? Once again we see the disgraceful violation of anything that is journalism by someone who claims to be an American journalist. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

BTW: I would like to wish my mother a very happy birthday!

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· DC's 'Open secret': Rumsfeld wants to quit Iraq - It is an "open secret" in Washington US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld "wants to extricate himself from Iraq" but President George W. Bush "remains resolute," thus the US hangs on, a US investigative reporter has written.

· Notorious Baghdad area walled in by US and Iraq security forces - US headquarters also announced it was conducting a deeper probe into what caused a series of huge explosions on Sunday in Baghdad's Zafaraniyah neighbourhood which killed 57 Iraqis and wounded more than 150.

· Iraqi Kurdish party office bombed - Police officials have warned that the death toll could climb as rescuers search the rubble. More than 30 people were injured in the attack.

· 'More disasters' for warmer world - Dr Scholze said he hoped the findings would be used in debates on dangerous climate change and the measures needed to avoid it.

· No evidence Iran active in Iraq: US general - "There is nothing that we definitively have found to say that there are any Iranians operating within the country of Iraq," Major General William Caldwell, the top U.S. military spokesman in Iraq, told a news conference.





· The Nexus of Politics and Terror - Keith Olbermann hit a home run with this segment on the politicization of terror alerts called "The Nexus of Politics and Terror."






9/11 News :

· Why the Terror Plots Are False - To understand the reasons why these plots are false, one has to begin with himself and think from inside out. I would begin with myself as a Muslim, who shares the beliefs that are attributed to the alleged terrorists, but does not feel compelled to even think about murdering innocent civilians.

· Freefall - In America, however, where citizens have the attention spans of gnats, tuning out after ten-second sound bites, one minute news reports and having the patience only to accept rapid video flashes, even orchestrated, criminal mass murder must be accomplished on fast-forward time.











· Salon's shameful six - There was Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004. Here are the six states where vote suppression could cost voters their voice -- and Democrats the election -- in 2006.

· Seven dwarfs more famous than US judges: poll - Three quarters of Americans can correctly identify two of Show White's seven dwarfs while only a quarter can name two Supreme Court Justices, according to a poll on pop culture released on Monday.

· Federal Judge OKs Law Signed by Bush Even Though the House Never Voted on It. We Need a Real Judiciary Again - Last week's ruling shows how important it is these days to have an independent judiciary who isn't afraid to stand up to the executive branch when it breaks a law (not to mention 26 different laws, according to a recent report from Rep. Conyers).





· Forecast puts Earth's future under a cloud - At the rate we are burning fossil fuels, global temperatures could easily increase by more than the 3C rise that Marko Scholze's research warns could increase flooding, forest fires and droughts.

· Greenland ice cap may be melting at triple speed - The world's second largest ice cap may be melting three times faster than indicated by previous measurements, according to newly released gravity data collected by satellites.
TVNL Comment: Is CNN including this in their week long spotlight on threats to

· Global warming behind disastrous typhoon season in China - Global warming is contributing to an unusually harsh typhoon season in China that started around a month early and has left thousands dead or missing, government officials and experts say.





· 'Blame war' looms for Israel leaders - It will be a war of recriminations and blame, but it will also be a struggle to determine the true lessons of the fighting in Lebanon.

· Japan takes on China in Africa - While Japan has almost ignored Africa as an energy-resource supplier, China has been aggressively pursuing oil and gas interests in Africa. Japan and China are the world's No 3 and No 2 oil consumers, respectively.

· A Defiant Hezbollah Rises From the Rubble - Israel meant to break Hezbollah with its monthlong offensive, but instead the militant organization has been strengthened politically in Lebanon, analysts say.





· Military recruiting violations rise: GAO - Allegations of wrongdoing by U.S. military recruiters jumped by 50 percent from 2004 to 2005, and criminal violations such as sexual harassment and falsifying documents more than doubled, a congressional agency said on Monday.
TVNL Comment: But we have to keep supporting those troops, no matter what they do!





· Gullible Americans - How could a majority of the population in an allegedly free country with an allegedly free press be so totally misinformed?





· Mike Wallace Promotes George W Bush to “Commander and Chief of the Free World” - Once again we see the disgraceful violation of anything that is journalism by someone who claims to be an American journalist.

· America's one-eyed view of war: Stars, stripes, and the Star of David - There are two sides to every conflict - unless you rely on the US media for information about the battle in Lebanon. Viewers have been fed a diet of partisan coverage which treats Israel as the good guys and their Hizbollah enemy as the incarnation of evil.

· A Growing Separation of Press and State - The White House press corps spent its first day in exile yesterday, banished from the White House compound for the first time since the John Adams presidency while the West Wing briefing room undergoes a renovation. - Bush has traveled out of the Washington area at least seven times this year without a press plane, including four times in the past month to fundraisers closed to the press. This development, devised by a secretive White House and enabled by cash-strapped media outlets, has helped Bush to stage a series of father-protector photo ops with few of those pesky questions that reporters tend to ask.

· Feds Probe "Fake News" at 77 Stations - Federal regulators are asking scores of broadcasters whether they failed to tell viewers about the sponsors behind corporate video releases presented as news, a practice criticized by watchdog groups who say showing "fake news" is an illegal breach of trust with local communities.
TVNL Comment: It was the "feds" who put out a great deal of this fake news, and they are the one's investigating? That makes sense.

· Two Fox News journalists kidnapped in Gaza: witness - The witness, a Palestinian who worked with the two journalists, said one of them, a producer, was an American, and the other, whose nationality he did not know, was a cameraman.

· CNN wants you to be afwaid, be vewy vewy afwaid - It's a little early for a Labor Day telethon. A terr-athon? But instead of raising money, they raise fear. And Republican poll numbers.





· Coffee as a Health Drink? Studies Find Some Benefits - Researchers have found strong evidence that coffee reduces the risk of several serious ailments, including diabetes, heart disease and cirrhosis of the liver.





· Rewriting the Geneva Conventions - The administration’s real aim is to keep on using abusive interrogation techniques at the secret prisons run by the Central Intelligence Agency. And it wants to make interrogators — and those who give their orders — immune from prosecution.

· Muslims face extra checks in new travel crackdown - Article
TVNL Comment:





· Poll: Christians 'addicted to pornography' - A poll conducted by what bills itself as "the world's most visited Christian website" indicates a surprising number of Christians are addicted to pornography





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