Date: September 8th 2006

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Democrats: The 9/11 Johhny Come Lately!

For five long and frustrating years the people in the 9/11 research community have asked, no they begged the big powerful democratic organizations to use their power and access to large numbers of people to focus attention on the issues surrounding September 11th, 2001. I personally confronted Amy Goodman, the so called hero of the Democrats, about her ignoring the most incriminating EVIDENCE related to 9/11 and the Bush administration. I personally tried to influence, International A.N.S.W.E.R., and United for Peace and Justice to march their people down to the media outlets instead of herding the Democratic sheeple to empty buildings on deserted streets in Washington D.C. for the purpose of yelling at the criminals. Talk about wasting time. Talk about making people think they are activists while they accomplish absolutely nothing!

Now some right wing propagandist has pointed a finger at the Pope of Democrat Village, Bill Clinton. And guess what…these Democratic organizations are suddenly interested in 9/11! I have received dozens of e-mail from these organizations asking me to pressure ABC to cancel the propaganda piece on 9/11. Well, where were these e-mails during the past five years of surreal coverage of the events by the media? Where were the dozens of e-mail asking me to pressure ABC to air Barrie Zwicker’s “The Great Conspiracy, the 9/11 News Special You Never Saw?” Where were the e-mails asking me to tell ABC to air documentaries by Michael Ruppert, Dylan Avery, Eric Hufschmid, Jimmy Walter or Alex Jones (to name a few)?

Now they Democrats come to life to protect Bill Clinton? Where were they when we asked them to help protect the truth? They spent five years ignoring the fact that we have an illegitimate administration who seized control of our nation via electoral coup and who very possibly committed the crimes that took place on September 11th, 2001. My advice to these Johnny come lately Democrats is to shut up because this propaganda piece is exactly what you deserve. You refused to help us expose the truth and now you are paying the price. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· US reveals Iraq 'hostage affairs' office - The White House on Thursday revealed what may be a US diplomatic first: the US embassy in Baghdad houses a formal "Office of Hostage Affairs" to handle abductions of American citizens and other nationals.
TVNL Comment:
Does this sound like "progress?"

· Suicide blast kills 16 in Kabul - The deadliest suicide bombing in Kabul since the fall of the Taliban five years ago killed at least 16 people on Friday, up to seven of them foreigners, near the U.S. embassy just before noon Islamic prayers.

· Top military leaders insist new U.S. strategy is desperately needed in Iraq - All of them agreed that America's strategy and tactics in Iraq have failed, and that President Bush's policy of "staying the course" in Iraq isn't likely to produce anything but more frustration, more and greater problems for the United States in a dangerous world, and more and bloodier surprises for the 135,000 American troops in Iraq.

· REBELS 'CONTROL HALF OF AFGHANISTAN' - "Having effectively assumed responsibility for the country in 2001, the United States-led international community have failed to achieve stability and security in Afghanistan."





· Closed hearings ordered in Libby CIA leak case - A federal judge has ordered a series of closed hearings to determine if Vice President Cheney's former top aide, I Lewis "Scooter" Libby, can use certain classified information as a defense during his trial in the CIA/Leak case.

· Alerts aid terror goals, study finds Intense media scrutiny and politicians' rhetoric heighten sense of fear, researchers say - Three things can be expected from Bush's speech, according to a new study by three Columbia University researchers: The media will repeat the president's remarks. Public fear of terrorism will increase. And the president's poll numbers will rise.




· Median incomes dropping - And it's good news for most of you: Compared to Michigan and North Carolina you're not doing so badly after all. So stop your sniveling.

· The end of the American dream? - So far, though, little of that growth has translated into the hands of the average worker, according to new research from the Economic Policy Institute
TVNL Comment: Along with all the other re-defined teminology that has come out of the Bush administration the American
Dream has now been replaced by the Fascists' Dream!



9/11 News :

· Democrats: The 9/11 Johhny Come Lately! - Now they Democrats come to life to protect Bill Clinton? Where were they when we asked them to help protect the truth? They spent five years ignoring the fact that we have an illegitimate administration who seized control of our nation via electoral coup and who very possibly committed the crimes that took place on September 11th, 2001.

· New Yorkers: WTC health problems ignored - Angry residents gathered near ground zero to denounce the government's handling of Sept. 11-related health problems, saying they have been ignored for years.

· Giuliani opened downtown despite danger - A 2001 memo reveals then New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani re-opened sections of downtown Manhattan weeks after the 9/11 attacks despite knowing the air was toxic.

· Dying nun wants her body autopsied to prove 9/11 toxicity killed her - A nun who spent six months blessing human remains in the rubble at Ground Zero says she is dying of lung disease and wants her body autopsied to prove that she and her fellow 9/11 workers were sickened by the poisonous air at the site.






· Ron Paul on Big Gov, Fed Reserve, Pol Parties, Congress, Rights & Constitution - AUDIO

· Senate panel to release new prewar Iraq reports - A Senate panel on Thursday voted to release two newly declassified reports on prewar Iraq intelligence, including one examining the role of an Iraqi exile group that spread allegations, later proved false, about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.





· Polls: More Than 4 in 10 Americans Still Think Saddam Involved in 9/11 Attacks - An Opinion Research Corporation on behalf of CNN released today on numerous issues surrounding the Iraq war, asked whether Hussein was personally involved in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Fifty-two percent said he was not, but 43% said they believe he was.
TVNL Comment: This is the direct fault of the
U.S. corporate media for they supported the lies of the Bush administration.

· Bush Calls For Greater Wiretap Authority - President Bush urged Congress Thursday to give him "additional authority" to continue his administration's warrantless eavesdropping program.





· THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT ANNOUNCES NEW ENERGY DISCLOSURE INITIATIVE - The Disclosure Project, in cooperation with Space Energy Access Systems Inc., has discovered that over the past 75 years a number of important breakthroughs in energy efficiency, alternate forms of energy generation and propulsion have been deliberately withheld from the public to prop up the oil, gas, coal, public utility and nuclear power industries.





· Fire Aboard Russian Nuclear Sub Kills Two - A fire broke out aboard a Russian nuclear submarine in the Barents Sea, killing two crew members and injuring another, but the navy said there was no radiation threat, Russian news agencies reported Thursday.

· Bush 'Slush Fund,' Courtesy of Canada - The deal, he said, will funnel nearly half a billion dollars directly to George Bush's White House, creating a political "slush fund" available to the Republicans and the U.S. timber industry for waging future campaigns





· Officials: Marine's disappearance staged - Hering, who is classified as "unauthorized absent" by the U.S. Marines, has still not been found. If he does not return to Camp Pendleton, Calif. by Monday he could face much more serious charges,

· US generals criticize Bush plan on terrorism trials - The U.S. military's top legal officers on Thursday criticized a White House plan for military tribunals to try foreign terrorism suspects because it would allow convictions based on evidence never seen by the defendants.





· LaRouche to Rumsfeld: FDR Defeated the Nazis, While Bushes Collaborated - LaRouche blasted Rumsfeld, reminding him that it was President Franklin Delano Roosevelt who defeated Hitler and the Nazis, while many American right-wingers of the 1930s and '40s were promoters of Mussolini, Hjalmar Schacht, and Hermann Goering.





· At least 10 Miami journalists take U.S. pay - At least 10 South Florida journalists, including three from El Nuevo Herald, received regular payments from the U.S. government for programs on Radio Martí and TV Martí, two broadcasters aimed at undermining the communist government of Fidel Castro. The payments totaled thousands of dollars over several years.

· Iraq defends Arab TV channel ban, despite critics - Iraq's government on Friday defended its decision to close the Baghdad bureau of Al Arabiya television for "sectarian" reporting, despite criticism from media bodies which called the ban an assault on press freedom.

· Anderson Cooper's CIA Secret - Anderson Cooper has long traded on his biography, carving a niche for himself as the most human of news anchors. But there's one aspect of his past that the silver-haired CNN star has never made public: the months he spent training for a career with the Central Intelligence Agency.





· How Many Pounds Does One Extra Soft Drink Add to Your Body? - Just one extra can each day can add as much as 15 pounds to your weight over the course of a single year.

· Global cancer rates could increase by 50% to 15 million by 2020 - The report also reveals that cancer has emerged as a major public health problem in developing countries, matching its effect in industrialized nations.
TVNL Comment: Cancer is obviously helped by industrialization. Chemicals in our food and air are killing us every day.





· 'Gaza is a jail. Nobody is allowed to leave. We are all starving now' - Gaza is dying. The Israeli siege of the Palestinian enclave is so tight that its people are on the edge of starvation.

· West Bank fragmented by occupation - The Israeli pressure on Palestinian cities, towns and villages on the West Bank is now so heavy that their inhabitants doubt their own ability to survive.





· Evangelist drowns trying to walk on water - "He told churchgoers he'd had a revelation that if he had enough faith, he could walk on water like Jesus," an eyewitness told the Glasgow Daily Record.





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