Date: September 14th 2006

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Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: War on Terror or War on Democracy?

I have said this many times and the proof keeps coming…the war on terror is really preparation to battle a revolution in this country. All this stepped up surveillance is really an effort by the people in power to prevent the citizens of this nation from rising up in an organized manor for the purpose of overthrowing the ruling elite!

We have seen a great deal of unconstitutional legal positioning that is designed to make eavesdropping and detainment on the American people easy and legal. We have seen new unconstitutional cooperation and operations between the police and military. We are now hearing that high level military commanders want to test crowd control weapons on Americans…NOW! Why do you think they are so scared of us?

The Internet is exposing the ruling elite. The scam of U.S. democracy (capitalism) is becoming understood by the common folks. Details about the central banking system/Federal Reserve fraud are starting to spread. People are starting to understand that 9/11 was an inside job. People are learning about how the U.S. media is completely controlled and betrays the public. And now we see that the rigging of elections in this nation is commonplace.

The people of this nation realize that we have no place to turn. Our government is a sham and the judicial system has been compromised. The people will soon be left with no choice but to take to the streets. And the people in charge will not go quietly and by looks of things they are in heavy preparation to prevent the people from taking back their nation! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:


• Iraq war "a disaster," Mideast leaders tell Annan - Most Middle East leaders believe the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was a disaster for the region, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said on Wednesday.

• 150 militants storm police HQ in Afghanistan - Taliban militants attacked police headquarters in western Afghanistan on Thursday, raising fears that insurgents fleeing NATO attacks in the south are opening new fronts. Two police and two militants were killed.

• Violence after U.S. troops raid Iraq Shi'ite office - After the U.S. force withdrew, several dozen Sadr supporters marched to the office of the local governor's office. Guards there opened fire on them, wounding four, the reporter said.

• 2 U.S. soldiers among 17 dead in Iraq - Car bombs and drive-by shootings on Thursday killed at least 17 people — including two U.S. soldiers — in a series of attacks around central Iraq, officials said.

• Judge tells Saddam he wasn't a dictator - Questioning a Kurdish witness Thursday, Saddam said, "I wonder why this man wanted to meet with me, if I am a dictator?" The judge interrupted: "You were not a dictator. People around you made you (look like) a dictator."

• Sixty bodies found in Baghdad in 24 hours - The source said most bodies were bound and shot in the head and many bore signs of torture -- trademarks of sectarian death squads and kidnap gangs plaguing the capital.

• Trickery continues on reasons for war - THREE AND A HALF years and tens of thousands of bodies after the Great False War began , Vice President Dick Cheney still tells us it ``was the right thing to do, and if we had it to do over again, we'd do exactly the same thing."


• Plame sues Armitage over CIA leak - However, the lawsuit did not accuse Richard Armitage, who was deputy secretary of state in the Bush administration, of participating in an administration conspiracy to blow her cover.


• IRS fraudulent refunds an estimated $318M - Internal Revenue Service gave away $318 million in improper refunds this year because a computer program that screens tax returns for fraud wasn't working, according to a report released Friday.

9/11 News :

• September 11th 5-year Anniversary Special - Christopher Bollyn and Eric Hufschmid

• Democrats ask for Whitman probe on 9/11 - Democrats from New York and New Jersey asked on Wednesday for an investigation that could lead to criminal charges against former Environmental Protection Agency administrator Christie Whitman for breathing problems suffered by thousands after the Sept. 11 attacks.

• 9/11 News Articles from the Major Media - Below are one-paragraph excerpts of recent 9/11 news articles you may have missed exploring the 9/11 truth movement and a possible cover-up.


• GOP Leaders Back Bush on Wiretapping, Tribunals - Congress's Republican leadership yesterday threw its weight behind two of President Bush's most controversial national security programs, warrantless wiretapping and extrajudicial military tribunals.

• 38 US Reps for Bush Impeachment Review - US Rep. Steve Rothman (D-NJ) became the 38th Member of the US Congress officially listed as a supporter of H. Res. 635, a bill which could lead to recommendations to impeach President Bush.


• Noe gets 27 months in prison; ex-coin dealer says he was pressured by Bush campaign - Tom Noe, the GOP fund-raiser at the heart of Ohio’s biggest political scandal in a generation, claimed that pressure from the Bush-Cheney campaign led him to commit the campaign-finance crimes for which he was sentenced yesterday to federal prison.

• Voting rights center says voters may be prevented from casting ballots - Leaders of a voting-rights center that successfully sued Florida, Washington, Ohio and other states over their election laws said Wednesday that tens of thousands of eligible voters will be prevented from casting ballots in November.

• Princeton Prof Hacks E-Vote Machine - A Princeton University computer science professor added new fuel Wednesday to claims that electronic voting machines used across much of the country are vulnerable to hacking that could alter vote totals or disable machines.

• Animal rights activists sentenced - Three animal rights activists convicted under a U.S. anti-terrorism law were sentenced to between 48 and 72 months prison on Tuesday for a campaign to drive out of business Huntingdon Life Sciences, a company that tests pharmaceuticals and chemicals on animals.
TVNL Comment: Are anti-terrorism laws used against people who do the same thing to abortion clinics?


• Study acquits sun of climate change, blames humans - Most experts say emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly from burning fossil fuels in power plants, factories and cars, are the main cause of a 0.6 Celsius (1.1 F) rise in temperatures over the past century.


• Israeli general quits over conduct of Lebanon war - Major General Udi Adam was head of Israel's Northern Command, a key role in the war with Hizbullah, but faced criticism in the press for being overly cautious and hesitant.
TVNL Comment: He wanted to kill more people and destroy more of the country!

• Russian central banker shot dead - The top deputy chairman of Russia's Central Bank died Thursday morning after being gunned down by two assailants the night before near a Moscow football stadium, a medical source told Russia's state-run Interfax news agency.


• Our Troops Keep Taking the Hit - If only this was the only instance of our troops being hung out to dry. Sadly, it isn’t.

• Air Force chief: Test weapons on testy U.S. mobs - Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before being used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday.

• VA report: There is no Gulf War syndrome - There is no such thing as Gulf War syndrome, even though U.S. and foreign veterans of the war report more symptoms of illness than do soldiers who didn't serve there, a federally funded study concludes.
TVNL Comment: And anyone who claims otherwise is helping the terrorists!


• War on Terror or War on Democracy? - I have said this many times and the proof keeps coming…the war on terror is really preparation to battle a revolution in this country.


• Air America To Declare Bankruptcy, But Progressive Radio Remains Strong - Air America Radio will announce a major restructuring on Friday, which is expected to include a bankruptcy filing, three independent sources have told ThinkProgress.

• Press On-Camera in White House - You'd think most TV reporters would be thrilled to know a camera is pointing in their direction. But a bevy of White House correspondents got bent out of shape in this morning's White House briefing, known as the gaggle, when they discovered the White House had a camera trained on the reporters during what has always been a no-cameras-allowed event.

• Bush 'murder' film seals US deal - A controversial British film portraying the fictional assassination of President George Bush has secured a distribution deal for the US.


• State might require new vaccine for girls - Girls entering sixth grade next year would be required to be vaccinated against a virus that can cause cervical cancer under groundbreaking legislation proposed Tuesday by state Sen. Beverly Hammerstrom, R-Temperance.
TVNL Comment: Why would they require this? Cancer is not contagious! They are doing this so that the certain people will make a fortune selling vaccines!


• Guantanamo "a shocking affront": British minister - Lord Charles Falconer, secretary of state for constitutional affairs and a close ally of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, voiced some of his country's sternest criticism of the U.S. military camp during a speech to lawyers in Australia.


• Former Texas Gov. Ann Richards, 73, dies - Former Gov. Ann Richards, the witty and flamboyant Democrat who went from homemaker to national political celebrity, died Wednesday night after a battle with cancer, a family spokeswoman said. She was 73.

• Luis Posada Carriles a Known Terrorist to be set free - Bush is seen as our defender against said terrorists. I would like to ask him then why is a US judge releasing a terrorist from jail?

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