Date: October 5th 2006

Well, on top of all the problems with our mailing list our mail server was attacked!

Someone sent out a huge spam message using our domain as the return address.

Thousands of the e-mail messages bounced back for various reasons and brought our server to a halt several times.

I fixed the server problem but I am still trying to fix the list issues. I’ll keep tryingJ - Jesse

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DIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows.Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out The Revere Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Another “What the Hell Does That Mean” George W. Bush Moment

Bush, of people, is on TV now speaking about education. He just proclaimed another George W. Bush historical philosophical principle by declaring that “measuring is the gateway to success.” Sure, if you are a carpenter or a tailor! Bush was referring to his testing requirements in his “no child left behind” program. This was another one of his “what the hell does that mean” comments that Bush has uttered over the years; the ones where the room and media sit silent as not one single person can make sense of what he just said. “Measuring is the gateway to success?” What the hell does that mean? I’ll tell you what it means even if the entire media won’t! It means that George W. Bush’s brother Neil will be very successful if we continue to measure the progress of our students because he sells the testing materials to the schools!

Bush, in another one of his brilliant observations informed the public during this speech that we live in a “global world!” Really? You mean all the flat Earth talk is wrong? He went on to say that we must compete with the likes of China and India when it comes to education. OK…that I can agree with. I would love to see American schools and families dedicate themselves to education the same way the Chinese do, or even the way Indians do. I would love to visit my parents house, which is across the street from my old grade school and two blocks away from my old high school, and I would like to see one student pass their home who is carrying a sack of books as I used to when I went to that same high school. I would like to see a single student carrying ten dollars worth of books instead of $500 worth of consumer electronics, $250 sneakers and an $8 pack of cigarettes. If Bush wants to compete with China, maybe we should call in education professionals from China who already have a winning track record in education instead of continuing the corporatization of our education system by people who have but one goal in mind when it comes to educating Americans and that is to profit from it. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Iraqi education system on brink of collapse - Iraq's school and university system is in danger of collapse in large areas of the country as pupils and teachers take flight in the face of threats of violence.

· CBS: Death Squads In Iraqi Hospitals - Intelligence Seen By CBS News Says Hospitals Are Command Centers For Shiite Militia

· Baghdad bombings hit new high - Bomb attacks in Baghdad have hit an all-time high, the U.S. military said on Wednesday, as one of the capital's frontline police units was pulled off the streets on suspicion of involvement with sectarian death squads.

· British Find No Evidence Of Arms Traffic From Iran - "I have not myself seen any evidence -- and I don't think any evidence exists -- of government-supported or instigated" armed support on Iran's part in Iraq, British Defense Secretary Des Browne said in an interview in Baghdad in late August.

· Attacks in Baghdad Kill 13 U.S. Soldiers in 3 Days - Seventy-four soldiers and Marines were killed in Iraq in September, representing the highest monthly toll since April, when 76 died, according to the Iraq Coalition Casualty Count.

· NATO general doesn't dispute Iraq 'debacle' claim - NATO's top general did not dispute on Wednesday a published account saying he described the Iraq war as a debacle and considered resigning over the conflict.

· Four US soldiers killed near Baghdad - Four U.S. soldiers were killed in an attack near Baghdad on Wednesday, the second time in as many days that U.S. forces have suffered such heavy casualties in a single incident around the Iraqi

· Iraq suspends commanders over mass kidnap - Interior Minister Jawad Al Bolani ordered the suspension yesterday of two police commanders in the wake of a brazen high-profile kidnapping operation in the Iraqi capital.





· Bush signings called effort to expand power - President Bush's frequent use of signing statements to assert that he has the power to disobey newly enacted laws is ``an integral part" of his ``comprehensive strategy to strengthen and expand executive power" at the expense of the legislative branch, according to a report by the non partisan Congressional Research Service.

· Washington 2006, Nixon Redux: Haldemann, Ehrlichman and Kissinger Are Back In Town - In the Nixon years, as in the Bush years, negativity and obsession ruled the day, and truth was the casualty of partisanship and propaganda.

· 'Just a Comma' Becomes Part of Iraq Debate - Opponents See Bush's Words on War as Insensitive or as Code for Religious Right

· Abramoff knew about war on Iraq a year before it happened - Isn't it just super how slime like Jack Abramoff knew there would be a war in Iraq ONE FULL YEAR before it started! When it comes to incriminating documents for impeachment, this is as good as it gets.




· Bernanke: Baby Boomers Will Strain U.S. - Unless Social Security and Medicare are revamped, the massive burden from retiring baby boomers will place major strains on the nation's budget and the economy, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Wednesday.



9/11 News :

· Why Did 9/11 Panel Omit "Secret" Meeting? - The esteemed panel has come under fire before, for both its general conclusions and specific findings. But now it appears they're in for a whole new round of criticism, that could shake the wide public confidence their work once enjoyed.

· Protests, insults disrupt Kristol 9/11 speech - A speech by William Kristol, former chief of staff for former vice president Dan Quayle and editor of The Weekly Standard magazine, turned hostile Tuesday when students began hurling insults at Kristol, alleging his and the U.S. government's complicity in the Sept. 11 attacks.






· Longtime Republican was source of e-mails - The source who in July gave news media Rep. Mark Foley’s (R-Fla.) suspect e-mails to a former House page says the documents came to him from a House GOP aide.

· Aide Says He Reported Foley 2 Years Ago - A senior congressional aide said Wednesday that he alerted House Speaker Dennis Hastert's office two years ago about worrisome conduct by former Rep. Mark Foley with teenage pages.

· "The List" (of Gay GOP Aides on the Hill); - The implication is that these gay Republicans somehow helped page-pursuing Mark Foley before his ugly (and possibly illegal) conduct was exposed. The List--drawn up by gay politicos--is a partial accounting of who on Capitol Hill might be in that network.





· FACT CHECK: Bush Slashed Funding For School Violence Prevention - Bush’s rhetoric doesn’t match his record. He has consistently recommended pulling funding for school violence prevention programs:

· City Considers Plan to Let Outsiders Run Schools - In what would be the biggest change yet to the way New York City’s school system is administered, officials are considering plans to hire private groups at taxpayer expense to manage scores of public schools.
TVNL Comment: Coprporatizing education. Hello fascist state!

· Interior Dept. reports computer abuse - Interior Department employees aren't just using their computers to oversee parks and wildlife, an investigation found. They're spending thousands of hours a week visiting shopping, sex and gambling Web sites.

· 1,000 Grandmothers Needed to Close the School of the Americas - The mothers are a symbol of courage; leading the struggle for justice, they started their demonstrations while the junta was still in power.

· Vote Recount Regulation Changed - The FEC's new advisory opinion reinterprets 1977 regulations that said money raised to pay for recounts and legal challenges were not covered by campaign finance restrictions on contributions or expenditures. As before, however, neither the candidates nor the parties will be able to raise money from labor unions, corporations or foreign nationals.

· Computer Science Professor Argues For a Paper Trail With E-Voting - But while Rubin, who has a PhD in computer science, delivers an engrossing narrative about the intersection of politics, the media, academia, corporate America and technology, in many ways he falters in the presentation of his views on voting machines, the voting industry and the election process.





· Life on a Dry Planet - In this future scenario areas that are already suffering the effects of drought will face the loss of even subsistence agriculture with consequent mass starvation, and the wave of environmental refugees will sweep across the earth.

· Scientists issue global warming report - Global warming could strain the Northeast's power grid, farms, forests and marine fisheries by the next century unless carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by 3 percent each year, according to a report released Wednesday.





· Israeli Army Chief Fires Top General - Israel's army chief fired a top general Wednesday over his criticism of the war in Lebanon and government policy, the army said.

· Blast near Musharraf's house, no casualties - An explosive device went off at a park located about two kilometres away from the official residence of Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf in Rawalpindi on Wednesday night but there were no casualties.

· Saudi Ambassador Says U.S. Standing With Arabs Is `Lowest Ever' - Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the U.S. today said America's standing in every Arab and Muslim country is ``at its lowest ever,'' and the U.S. can change that only by pressing Israel to do more to make peace with the Palestinians.

· Shouting Telescreens Announce United Kingdom Of Fascism - If the final nail in America's descent into fascism was the Military Commissions Act then the telltale sign across the Atlantic is the installation of Orwell's telescreens - surveillance cameras fitted with loudspeakers that bark orders at passers-by who the watcher deems suspicious.

· Paraguay hardens U.S. military stance - Paraguay's decision to refuse diplomatic immunity for U.S. troops and not to renew a military cooperation pact sparked debate Tuesday, with analysts calling the developments a blow to U.S. attempts to improve regional ties.

· Here's why Chávez is so mad - A good place to start is the short-lived 2002 coup in Venezuela. While the United States publicly denies any role in the coup, numerous published reports show that at the very least the United States had a cozy relationship with many of the opposition figures who allegedly planned the coup and immediately welcomed the overthrow of the democratically elected president.





· First Ever Poll of Veterans Who Served in Iraq and Afghanistan Finds Troops Suffered From Inadequate Equipment in Theater and Serious Health Problems at Home - Action Fund Launches Advocacy Effort to Give Voice to the 21st Century Patriot and Veteran

· General: U.S. Army in danger - The Iraq war has left the U.S. military in critical condition, stretched beyond its limits in manpower and equipment and in danger of "breaking," retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey said Tuesday.





· Another “What the Hell Does That Mean” George W. Bush Moment - This was another one of his “what the hell does that mean” comments that Bush has uttered over the years; the ones where the room and media sit silent as not one single person can make sense of what he just said.

· This deserves more attention. - A man walking with his young son goes up to the Vice President at a public appearance and tells him his Iraq policy is "reprehensible." He's later arrested for "assaulting" VP Cheney.

· Domestic Genocide of an Economic Nature - Accomplishing a logic-defying feat, the wealthiest nation in the world has “attained” the highest rate of homelessness amongst developed countries. 3.5 million human beings experience homelessness each year in the United States. Almost a million are homeless every night.





· Google News: AP Dennis Hastert is a Democrat - Dennis Hastert is now a Democrat too. Yes ladies and gentleman–our liberal media working for you!

· It's no joke: IU study finds The Daily Show with Jon Stewart to be as substantive as network news - LINK - Julia R. Fox, assistant professor of telecommunications at Indiana University isn't joking when she says the popular "fake news" program, which last week featured Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf as a guest, is just as substantive as network coverage.

· Hollywood bashes media consolidation - Even with new distribution channels such as the Internet, too much media consolidation is hurting the diversity of news and entertainment, many representatives of those industries told the Federal Communications Commission in a public hearing Tuesday.

· Countdown Exposes The GOP Talking Points On Foley - Countdown exposed how the GOP is working off of the talking points like to try and shift the Foley problem to both sides of the aisle:

· Bill O’Reilly labels Rep. Foley a Democrat - I can understand if FOX and The Factor made an error the first time, but to post it repeatedly should be a firing offense, The most watched show on FOX News has now labeled the former Republican Congressman Mark Foley, who is in the middle of a sexual predator scandal that has Hastert's career on the ropes —a Democrat. Was it an error or done by choice? I report–you decide.





· Ali Endorses Mich. Gov. for Re - Election - Boxing legend Muhammad Ali endorsed Michigan's Democratic governor for re-election on Wednesday, saying he backed Jennifer Granholm's efforts to overturn the state's ban on embryonic stem cell research.

· US jury says Wyeth drug caused woman's breast cancer - A jury on Wednesday awarded a woman $1 million and her husband $500,000 in compensatory damages after finding that Wyeth's hormone replacement drug Prempro was a cause of her breast cancer.

· Gov't to stop seizing drugs from Canada - The federal government will stop seizing small amounts of lower-priced prescription medications mailed from Canada, officials said.





· Iraq's Christians at risk of annihilation - The world is consumed by fears that Iraq is degenerating into a civil war between Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds. But in this looming war of all against all, it is Iraq's small community of Assyrian Christians that is at risk of annihilation.





· Republican Pedophilia A Long but Distinguished List - Wow!



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