Date: October 13th 2006

Well, on top of all the problems with our mailing list our mail server was attacked!

Someone sent out a huge spam message using our domain as the return address.

Thousands of the e-mail messages bounced back for various reasons and brought our server to a halt several times.

I fixed the server problem but I am still trying to fix the list issues. I’ll keep tryingJ - Jesse

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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DIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows.Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out The Revere Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: I Told You, and I Am Telling You Again

Back in March I wrote an article explaining, in detail the principles of the Bush administration. I sited specific philosophies of the current crop of neocons who control our government. I explained how lying, deceit and even evil are justified to these people when it comes to achieving or maintaining power. I explained how these people have no interest in compassion, the environment, religion or caring for the people although they must “maintain the impression” that they do.

The recent reports by Keith Olbermann about the Bush administrations use and abuse of the religious right is the latest and perhaps greatest piece of evidence supporting my explanation. The Olbermann report virtually mimics some of my assessment. For those of you who want to dig further into the Olbermann story please read my article. I reposted it under the POLITICS heading. It is called “Required Reading for Bush Supporters.” (It is a permanent link on the front page of

For those of you who have not read the article…what are you waiting for? Read it…and pass it along…to EVERYONE you know! It’s about time the people of this nation started to understand their leaders…for real! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: I did not send out a newsletter yesterday. I accidentally stabbed my knuckle with the sharpest knife ever created in all of human history! It hit bone! It hurt! It really hurt! I’m OK however, thanks to a neighbor who is a nurse! Just an fyi…I am fallible but don’t tell anyone! – Jesse, PS Did I mention that it hurt?

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· ‘Steady, silent exodus’ of refugees fleeing Iraq - Thousands leaving daily as sectarian violence continues, U. N. agency says

· Army chief defends Iraq comments - The head of the British army has defended his call for UK troops to withdraw from Iraq "sometime soon".

· 'British Troops Making Iraq Worse' - "I don't say that the difficulties we are experiencing round the world are caused by our presence in Iraq but undoubtedly our presence in Iraq exacerbates them," he said.

· Baker's Panel Rules Out Iraq Victory - Currently, the 10-member commission — headed by a secretary of state for President George H.W. Bush, James Baker — is considering two option papers, "Stability First" and "Redeploy and Contain," both of which rule out any prospect of making Iraq a stable democracy in the near term.

· Iraqi cop academy to shut despite surge in violence - The Bush administration plans to shut down a highly successful Iraqi police academy in Jordan even as security in Iraq worsens, the Daily News has learned.
TVNL Comment: It's so stupid that it is almost funny!

· 110 Bodies Found in Baghdad in 24 Hours - The United Nations estimates that 100 Iraqis die violently every day.

· Aura of fear and death stalks Iraq - As the Lancet releases shocking figures on the death toll in Iraq, Peter Beaumont describes the daily carnage across Baghdad

· Bombs blitz Baghdad as UN warns of chaos - At least six bombs exploded around Baghdad as the death toll from a brutal civil conflict continued to rise steeply and a top UN official warned that Iraq is spiralling out of control.

· More young Christian women abducted, raped in Iraq - Young Christian women are among the preferred targets of Iraq's growing abduction problem with many being raped and some committing suicide as a result of the shock, violence and shame they experience.
TVNL Comment: Thank Georgw W. Bush and the
U.S. media for making this possible!





· REQUIRED READING FOR BUSH SUPPORTERS! - TVNL Comment: After you listen to Olbermann's report on the Bush administration and this. His report simply acts as verification for our article explaining how the Bush administration works. This is a must read!

· Tempting Faith: Christian Conservatives Duped by BushCo. Part II - It's politics pure and simple for Rove and he will do anything–anything to ensure a Republican victory—no matter who he hurts in the process.

· For their eyes only - New evidence clears up whether Bush sought to bomb al-Jazeera. But we are not allowed to hear it

· Senate Report: Five Nonprofit Groups Sold Clout to Abramoff - Five conservative nonprofit organizations, including one run by prominent Republican Grover Norquist, "perpetrated a fraud" on taxpayers by selling their clout to lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Senate investigators said in a report issued today.




· Medicare Drug Premiums Will Rise for Many - In a sternly worded letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, Rep. Henry A. Waxman, D-Los Angeles, accused the administration of "deceptive advertising."

· Jobless man asks judge for jail time - A man who couldn't find steady work came up with a plan to make it through the next few years until he could collect Social Security: He robbed a bank, then handed the money to a guard and waited for police.

· Eaton Moves 130 Ohio Jobs To Mexico - Eaton said it will close a plant in Mantua next year, moving 115 of its 193 jobs to a factory in nearby Aurora and the rest to Reynosa, Mexico. The Aurora plant, which now has 161 employees, will also lose 52 jobs to Mexico.

· Our Daily Lives Don't Amount to a Hill of Beans in the Face of Nuclear War - The world turns. We live our daily lives. And all I can think about is the aircraft carrier Eisenhower, accompanied by a guided-missile cruiser, a destroyer and a fast-attack submarine, all of them now aiming for the Straits of Hormuz off Iran.

· U.S. August trade gap widens more than expected - The U.S. trade deficit widened more sharply than expected in August to a record $69.9 billion as higher oil prices pushed the tab for imported petroleum products to a fresh record, a Commerce Department report on Thursday showed.

· September foreclosures up 19 percent - California topped the list of states with the most new foreclosure filings in a report released Wednesday by RealtyTrac Inc.

· CEOs take dim view of U.S. economy - Study reveals more are pessimistic about economy in next 6 months; see 2007 growth of 2 percent to 3 percent.



9/11 News :







· Rep. Bob Ney pleads guilty to Abramoff bribery charge - Rep. Bob Ney pleaded guilty Friday in the Jack Abramoff influence-peddling investigation, the first lawmaker to confess to crimes in a scandal that has stained the Republican-controlled Congress and the Bush administration.

· Lawmakers' families take exotic trips -- for free - And while congressional ethics rules allow members of Congress traveling on official business to take one relative, and have a group pick up all the travel expenses, some watchdog groups want it stopped.

· US Catholic Church Demands Answers from Disgraced Politician - The Archdiocese of Miami has written to disgraced Congressman Mark Foley demanding he name the priest he claims abused him as a boy.

· HOW ROVE TWISTED FOLEY'S ARM: - It seems increasingly clear that the GOP congressional leadership, eager for every safe incumbent in the House to run for re-election, looked the other way as evidence accumulated that Mark Foley had a thing for pages. Holding onto his seat became more important than confronting him over his extracurricular activities.

· Roll Call: Congress Members 'furious' at FBI for 'blackout' of 2001 anthrax attacks probe - Some Congressional members are "furious" at the FBI for its "blackout" of the investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks which "left five people dead and dozens of others injured or facing lengthy courses of dangerous drug therapy," according to Roll Call.

· House GOP Revamps TV Ad Campaign Plans - House Republicans are scaling back television advertising reserved for four Democratic-held seats in Ohio, South Carolina and West Virginia, officials said Wednesday, fresh evidence of the party's struggles as it tries to retain its majority.

· GOP accused of flip-flop on DUI issue - State Democrats are accusing Republicans of flip-flopping on two drunken driving bills that have become a central issue in the November election.

· AP Exclusive: Reid got $1M in land sale - Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid collected a $1.1 million windfall on a Las Vegas land sale even though he hadn't personally owned the property for three years, property deeds show.

· FBI investigating actions of Specter staff member - The FBI is investigating whether a member of Sen. Arlen Specter's staff broke the law by helping her husband, a lobbyist, secure almost $50 million in Pentagon spending for his clients, the senator acknowledged Tuesday.





· Documents Reveal Scope of U.S. Database on Antiwar Protests - Internal military documents released Thursday provided new details about the Defense Department’s collection of information on demonstrations nationwide last year by students, Quakers and others opposed to the Iraq war.

· Local Woman May Be Deported After Husband Dies In Iraq - She was only three months away from being a legal citizen by marriage. She could be forced to move back to her homeland, but with her son born in this country, she said she wants to stay.

· Teacher Suspended For Toy Gun Used In Play - The sheriff's office said deputies were called to the school in Collier County, Fla., and found the teacher carrying the small plastic gun with a red tip in the back of his pants, but at no time was anyone in danger. He told deputies he found the toy in a prop box at the school and that it was used for a school play.

· 2004 Alaska state election data modified in 2006 - According to a press release, the Alaska Democratic Party has asked the state Division of Elections to explain why 2004 election data were changed on July 12 and 13, 2006. This was after the ADP had initiated its lawsuit to obtain the original election data.

· Fraud alleged in St. Louis voter sign-up - Election officials say hundreds of potentially bogus registration cards, including ones for dead and underage people, were submitted by a branch of a national group that has been criticized in the past for similar offenses.
TVNL Comment: Are you ready for more stolen elections?





· Group warns mountains will lose ice caps - Africa's two highest mountains — Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya — will lose their ice cover within 25 to 50 years if deforestation and industrial pollution are not stopped, environmentalists warned Thursday.

· Fraud, misconduct at EPA-used water quality analysis labs has 'put all of us at risk' - Increasing fraud and other misconduct at Environmental Protection Agency water quality analysis labs has put all of us at risk for contaminants and disease outbreaks, RAW STORY has learned. However, since the scope and risk cannot be measured, EPA is downplaying the findings.

· Experts claim EPA under fire from Bush Administration - Experts interviewed by RAW STORY indicated a wide swath of damage done by the Bush Administration to EPA. Political appointees, low scientist morale, and misuse of science extend across all aspects of government research and policy. It’s an impact that is bound to outlive the administration and might not be corrected by future presidents, the experts said.





· Libya to buy 1.2 million Linux laptops? - Libya reportedly plans to purchase 1.2 million low-cost laptops, after signing a deal earlier this week. Nicholas Negroponte, founder and chairman of the OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) non-profit association, told the New York Times that the deal had been reached in Libya on Tuesday.
TVNL Comment: Hmmm... Nicholas Negroponte is the younger brother of
John Negroponte, United States Director of National Intelligence.

· Pakistan foils coup plot - Most of those arrested are middle-ranking Pakistani Air Force officers, while civilian arrests include a son of a serving brigadier in the army. All of those arrested are Islamists, contacts in Rawalpindi, where the military is based, divulged to Asia Times

· Medical costs push 78 million Asians into poverty - Many people in Asian countries do not have health insurance and pay for doctor bills and medical treatments. But the out-of-pocket health expenses they incur are not included in conventional estimates of poverty.

· Police arrest 10 settler youths who beat Palestinians harvesting olives - Police on Thursday arrested 10 youths from the West Bank settlement of Hashmonaim who are suspected of attacking and beating local Palestinians harvesting olives.

· 5,000 devout Christians march for Zionism in Jerusalem - More than 5,000 evangelical Christians, including believers from as far afield as Congo and New Zealand, marched through Jerusalem yesterday to voice their support for Zionism and the state of Israel.
TVNL Comment: The cult that want's the world to end!

· Gaza sliding into civil war - Economic crisis worsens clashes between Hamas and Fatah

· All Libyan pupils to get laptop and web access - Libya could become the first country to provide every school-age child with a laptop computer and internet connection under a scheme supported by the UN Development Programme.





· US fears 'hell' of a response - PLANS previously drafted by the Pentagon predict 52,000 US military casualties and one million civilian dead in the first 90 days of conflict if America attacked Pyongyang.

· · Army Launching `Army Strong' Ad Campaign - The new approach, the fruit of a $200 million-a-year contract with a major advertising agency, was announced Monday by Army Secretary Francis J. Harvey. He said "Army Strong" will be the centerpiece of a multimedia ad campaign to be launched Nov. 9, timed to coincide with Veterans Day weekend.

· Naval interdiction exercise said planned for Gulf - Facing nuclear disputes with Iran and North Korea, the United States, Bahrain and other states will hold their first naval exercise in the Gulf this month to practice interdicting ships carrying weapons of mass destruction and missiles, U.S. officials said on Wednesday.





· I Told You, and I Am Telling You Again - Back in March I wrote an article explaining, in detail the principles of the Bush administration. I sited specific philosophies of the current crop of neocons who control our government. I explained how lying, deceit and even evil are justified to these people when it comes to achieving or maintaining power. I explained how these people have no interest in compassion, the environment, religion or caring for the people although they must “maintain the impression” that they do.

· Habeas Corpus: The Lynchpin of Freedom - While it might be tempting to conclude that the writ of habeas corpus is some minor legal procedural device that the president and the Congress have now canceled, nothing could be further from the truth.

· Commandant-in-Chief - More contemporary wimps like Dwight Eisenhower and Douglas McArthur were similarly stodgy about not tolerating torture or cruelty, foolishly insisting that such a ban constitutes bedrock American value.

· Richard A. Viguerie Says Bush Has Betrayed Conservatives - I’m tempted to say they’re [the Bush Administration and Republican Congress are] spending money now like drunken sailors, but that’s not true, because drunken sailors spend their own money. These people are spending our children's and our grandchildren’s money. That’s immoral and wrong and corrupt.

· Christianity is the best image - Remember the Jack Abramoff emails which demonstrated how top-level Republican insiders really feel about their evangelical base? Remember when Abramoff referred to co-conspirator Ralph Reed as "crazy, like other folks in the Christian Coalition"? You'd think that these revelations would've clued in the Jesus voters.





· Liberal Talk Radio Network Air America Files For Chapter 11 - The network had denied rumors just a month ago that it would file for bankruptcy. On Friday, Air America spokeswoman Jaime Horn told The Associated Press that the filing became necessary only recently after negotiations with a creditor from the company's early days broke down.
TVNL Comment: Not because there's no audience; not because the on-air people are not dedicated; not because there are no advertisers; but, because
AAR management - especially this new crop of right-wingers - was so incompetent, so ignorant, so unable to manange, there was no alternative but bankruptcy. How fucking sad . . . Okay, right-wing pundits and media assholes: START YOUR LIES! - Mike Malloy

· UK minister urged Aljazeera bombing - David Blunkett, the UK's former home secretary, has said that during the 2003 invasion of Iraq he suggested to Tony Blair that Britain's military should bomb Aljazeera's television transmitter in Baghdad.

· Coroner: U.S. killed British TV reporter - A coroner ruled Friday that U.S. forces unlawfully killed a British television journalist in the opening days of the Iraq war.

· BBC guilty of venality in its misreporting on Venezuela - Listeners and viewers expecting to find a safe alternative to the corporate-controlled media by turning to the BBC better reconsider their choice just based on the vaunted news organization's reporting on Venezuela and specifically on the misinformation it put out in an online piece on October 8 titled -- "Mass Venezuela opposition rally."

· 11 killed in raid on new Iraq TV station - It was the second attack on a television station in the capital in as many weeks.

· Italian TV show on drug-taking MPs pulled from schedules - A television programme that purports to show widespread drug use among Italy's MPs was scrapped before transmission last night amid uproar over both the results and the methods used to entrap the politicians.





· Eating cabbage and brussels sprouts kills cancer cells, researchers find - Eating brussels sprouts and cabbage could help kill cancer cells when combined with traditional chemotherapy, according to new research by British scientists.

· N.Y. Times Cites Consumers Union & OCA--Nanotech Food is Ten Times Scarier Than Genetically Engineered - Food companies remain wary of pushing the technology - which is named for the nanometer, or a billionth of a meter - too far and too fast for safety-conscious consumers. But they are tantalized by nanotechnology's capacity to create valuable and sometimes novel forms of everyday substances, like food ingredients and packaging materials, simply by reducing them to sizes that once seemed unimaginable.

· Union blocks U.S.-India healthcare plan - The United Steelworkers labor union has blocked a Canton, N.C., employer's plan to send employees to India for lower-cost healthcare.





· Climbers see Tibetans shot 'like rats' - An Australian mountaineer was among dozens of climbers at a Himalayan base camp who watched in horror as Chinese soldiers shot Tibetan refugees "like rats, dogs [and] rabbits", leaving at least one teenage nun lying dead in the snow.

· Exclusive: Marine Sergeant Comes Forward to Report Abuse at Guantanamo Bay - "Everyone in the group laughed at all their stories of beating detainees," she recalled. "None of them looked like they cared. None of them looked shocked by it."





· Libertarian Stan Jones Montana TELLS TRUTH - STAN Jones running for Senate from Montana Libertarian, tells the Truth about Globalization, North American UNION, our new money the AMERICO and the NAFTA SUPER Hwy. GOOD FOR HIM! He stands for the USA in TRUTH

· Moon, North Korea & the Bushes - The Rev. Sun Myung Moon's business empire, which includes the right-wing Washington Times, paid millions of dollars to North Korea's communist leaders in the early 1990s when the hard-line government needed foreign currency to finance its weapons programs, according to U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency documents.

· Iraq priest 'killed over pope speech' - The relatives of a Christian priest who was kidnapped and beheaded in Iraq have said that his Muslim captors had demanded his church condemn the pope's recent comments about Islam and pay a US$350,000 ransom.
TVNL Comment: Ah, the beauty that religion brings into this world!

· AdCouncil's "Main Street USA" Spoof - A spoof of the AdCouncil's "Main Street USA" public service announcement. A commentary on Israel, Palestine, the media, and the United States.

· Conspiracy Of Silence - Just watch it.

· Political consultant sentenced for imprisoning students - A veteran GOP consultant was sentenced today to 5 to 10 years in prison for luring two male college students into his home on separate occasions, holding them captive in his spartan apartment and threatening them with Mafia retaliation if they contacted their friends or family.



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