Date: October 23rd 2006

I am still trying to fix the mailing list issues. I’ll keep trying! - Jesse

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Ask Anybody; They Won’t Know

Do you want to know how you can tell if someone gets their news from that unreliable source known as the Internet? Ask them a few questions about their government. If they know the answer they get their information from the Internet or from one of a handful of radio programs on so called liberal radio networks like NPR or even Air America to some extent. Ask them how many felons were appointed to office by George W. Bush (the Iran Contra gang). Ask them how many recess appointments were made by George W. Bush where the appointee was already turned away by the Senate. Ask them how many signing statements have been made by George W. Bush where he simply declares that he will decide what the law is. If you get an answer that even comes close to reality…you can bet one of these “alternative news sources” have been accessed.

Let’s face it…we, the so called “alternative news” sources, are in reality the legitimate news sources and the so called “mainstream” news sources are nothing of the sort. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· VIDEO: Iraq: The Real Story - Sean Smith, the Guardian's award-winning war photographer, spent nearly six weeks with the 101st Division of the US army in Iraq. Watch his haunting observational film that explodes the myth around the claims that the Iraqis are preparing to take control of their own country.

· Attacks Kill 44 in Iraq As Ramadan Ends - The U.S. military announced the deaths of a Marine and four soldiers, raising to 83 the number of American servicemembers killed in October - the highest monthly toll this year.

· Corrupt arms deals cost Iraq $800M - Iraq's former finance minister alleged in a U.S. television report aired Sunday that up to $800 million meant to equip the Iraqi army had been stolen from the government by former officials through fraudulent arms deals.

· US offers amnesty in secret talks - The tactic marks a dramatic reversal of policy by the US military, which blocked attempts to pardon insurgents with American blood on their hands after handing over sovereignty to a secular Iraqi Government in June 2004.

· US 'cannot stay course' in Iraq - The US is not winning in Iraq and will not be able to stay the course in the long-term, a US state department insider has said.

· Take Iraq death toll seriously: doctors - "The study is the most accurate assessment of the Iraqi war dead and Mr Howard is being irresponsible by rejecting it out of hand," spokesman Dr Robert Marr said in a statement today.





· Racists on the Ballot: Hard-Right Radicals Run in 2006 - Across America, right-wing radicals are running for everything from national political office to a county mosquito control board.

· Bush lied today saying "We've never been 'stay the course'" - This morning, on "This Week," George Bush said "Well, listen. We've never been 'stay the course.'" (Think Progress has the video.) He lied. Bush has been saying "stay the course" for years. In July of 2003, Bush was saying that exact phrase: "We're making steady progress," he said. "A free Iraq will mean a peaceful world. And it's very important for us to stay the course, and we will stay the course." Isn't Dick Cheney part of the Bush "we"? Just months ago, on July 21, 2006, Dick Cheney said "stay the course" was their position:

· Bush’s absolute power grab - Can George W. Bush be trusted with absolute power? Here are some things he has done with his unchecked power:







9/11 News :

· BYU Scholar, Sept. 11 Theorist, Resigns - A Brigham Young University physics professor who suggested the World Trade Center was brought down by explosives has resigned, six weeks after the school placed him on leave. "I am electing to retire so that I can spend more time speaking and conducting research of my choosing," physics professor Steven Jones said in a statement released by the school.

· The terrorists who aren't in the news - Anti-abortion fanatics spread fear by bombings, murders and assaults, but the media take little notice






· Ellsberg: Hastert got suitcases of Al Qaeda heroin cash, should be in jail - Daniel Ellsberg said that Dennis Hastert received suitcases of cash at his home from Turkish heroin money and that Hastert should be in jail, along with his friends.





· ABC News: Electronic Voting Machines Could Skew Elections - "Certainly, just tweaking a few votes in a couple of states could radically change the outcome of our policies for the coming year," she said.

· Fitrakis Ohio Voter Purge Investigation Continuing-- Letters Found - This article will recap the the evolution of the last few days of news regarding voter roll purging in Ohio, with an update from Bob Fitrakis, since he has seen and had reports of several vote purge related letters and uncovered more information on statewide vote purge activities, including private, vendor control of the voter rolls.

· Bush's family profits from 'No Child' act - A company headed by President Bush's brother and partly owned by his parents is benefiting from Republican connections and federal dollars targeted for economically disadvantaged students under the No Child Left Behind Act.
TVNL Comment: We knew this and reported this years ago!

· Do ‘computer police' have too much power? - I was held at gunpoint, searched, taunted, and led into the house. I had no idea what this was about. I was scared beyond description. I feared there had been a murder and I was a suspect.










· New Israeli settlement outpost established on Palestinian lands - The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) have recently completed the establishment of ten new housing units east of Yatta village, south of the West Bank city of Al-Khalil, over 50 dunums of Palestinian lands confiscated three years ago.

· Israeli War Plan Had No Exit Strategy - The analysis, according to senior Foreign Ministry officials who read it, concluded that the heavy bombing campaign and small ground offensive then underway would show "diminishing returns" within days. It stated that the plan would neither win the release of the two Israeli soldiers in Hezbollah's hands nor reduce the militia's rocket attacks on Israel to fewer than 100 a day.

· "Don't interfere" in Nicaragua vote, OAS tells U.S. - Election monitors from the Organisation of American states told Washington on Saturday not to meddle in Nicaragua's presidential election, which polls show Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega could win.





· Active-Duty Troops Launch Campaign to Press Congress to End U.S. Occupation of Iraq - For the first time since the U.S. invasion of Iraq, active- duty members of the military are asking Members of Congress to end the U.S. occupation of Iraq and bring American soldiers home.

· Helping the hungry on base - Many military families rely on donated goods

· US Marine agrees to lesser charges in Iraq murder - One of seven U.S. Marines charged with murder in the death of an Iraqi grandfather will plead guilty next week to charges of assault and obstruction of justice, his lawyer said on Saturday.
TVNL Comment:
Did the victim agree to this lesser charge?

· Multi-alarm fire at Maryland building housing Army intelligence group - A blogger has reported that a Fort Meade, Md. compound scorched by a multi-alarm fire houses an Army counterintelligence group. The report has been confirmed by at least one media source, which reports having seen the group's sign outside the building.





· Robert Fisk: We've all been veiled from the truth - The wretched fiction of Iraq's 'success' is Blair's attempt to make us wear the veil





· Armstrong Williams to pay $34,000 in settlement - A columnist who was paid to promote President Bush's agenda is going to have to pay-back 34-thousand dollars.





· Study Links Bread, Kidney Cancer Risk - An Italian study shows that people with renal cell carcinoma, the most common type of kidney cancer, may eat more bread and fewer vegetables than those without kidney cancer.

· Alternative Medicine Under Attack In Norway - I'm an enemy of the Society, making people healthy, by testing the acupuncture points, with the German Doctor Rainhold Voll's testing device, which is a crime against Humanity. The trial will last for one week, and is a result of the truth, that the prosecutor didn't win the first round. He wants to see more blood, he wants me stopped.





· Israel admits using phosphorus bombs during war in Lebanon - White phosphorus causes very painful and often lethal chemical burns to those hit by it, and until recently Israel maintained that it only uses such bombs to mark targets or territory.

· IRAQ-SYRIA: Three million uprooted Iraqis face "bleak future", UNHCR says - More than three million Iraqis who have been forced to flee their homes to other areas of Iraq and to neighbouring countries are facing what the United Nations' refugee agency (UNHCR) describes as a "very bleak future" after the agency's budget for offices across the region was halved for the coming year.
TVNL Comment: Who is responsible for this and who is going to be held accountable for causing this mass human suffering?





· THE C.I.A.’S TRAVEL AGENT - Boeing does not mention, either on its Web site or in its annual report, that Jeppesen’s clients include the C.I.A., and that among the international trips that the company plans for the agency are secret “extraordinary rendition” flights for terrorism suspects.

· Sex Crimes and the Vatican - Investigation into allegations that a secret church directive, issued by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he became Pope Benedict XVI, is ... all » being used to silence the victims of child sex abuse by Roman Catholic priests. Colm O'Gorman, who was raped as a 14-year-old boy by his local parish priest in Ireland, travels to America, Brazil and the Vatican City to uncover more

· Schroeder: Bush's faith raised suspicion - Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, whose second term was marked by vehement opposition to the war in Iraq, described in an advance copy of his memoirs how he was suspicious of President Bush's constant references to his Christian faith.



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