Date: October 25th 2006

I am still trying to fix the mailing list issues. I’ll keep trying! - Jesse

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -


TVNL Editor's Comments: Election Nonsense

Forgive me if being logical does not apply in today’s world but what the heck is the difference what polls show regarding voting while there are serious questions about the vote counting? Discussing voter opinions while 6 years of vote fraud evidence is exploding all over the nation is like continuing to practice your high dives while there are questions about whether or not there is any water in the pool. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· More troops means more targets for snipers in Iraq - Sniper attacks on U.S. troops have risen dramatically as more Americans have been pulled into the capital to patrol on foot and in lightly armored vehicles amid raging religious violence.

· U.S. Would Win New War but It Would Be Dirtier: Pace - The United States has the capacity to defeat any enemy with overwhelming power, despite the Iraq war, but a new conflict would involve more brute force and civilian casualties, the top U.S. general said on Tuesday.

· US troops mistakenly kill four Iraqi firemen - American soldiers shot and killed four Iraqi firemen after mistaking their fire tender for one hijacked by insurgents, US military headquarters has said.
TVNL Comment: The best military in the world says "ooops!" Again! It is not their fault. They were put in the position of having to kill innocent people by their commander in chief and the
U.S. media.





· Giuliani hires Rove aide as fund-raiser - Rudy Giuliani has hired a new fund-raiser who used to work for top presidential adviser Karl Rove - the latest sign the former mayor may be eying the White House.

· Nancy Pelosi Gives the Neocons a Get Out of Jail Card - According to Pelosi, prosecuting Bush and Cheney for torturing children, killing 650,000 Iraqis, and destroying the United States economy is "off the table." Of course, this makes sense, as Democrats will continue killing Iraqis and deficit spending the nation into bankruptcy.

· George Bush, the Pseudo-Conservative - A Pseudo-Conservative is a fake conservative and that’s just what George W. Bush is.

· It’s Never Been “Stay The Course” - One more gleeming example of the lies and the lying liars who tell them.




· Sept existing home sales fall 6th straight month - The pace of existing home sales fell for the sixth straight month in September, hitting a 6.18 million-unit annual rate, according to a report from the National Association of Realtors on Wednesday that was a sharper drop than economists expected.



9/11 News :

· 9/11 Truth Candidates - The following campaigns have fully endorsed the need for a new criminal probe into 9/11 supervised by victim families.

· Gore Vidal Assured Military Would Prevent Staged Terror - Literary giant says 9/11 allowed to happen, slams Bush administration coup de 'tat of American freedom - Controversial and prolific author, political commentator and essayist Gore Vidal is assured that the military's growing revulsion at the Bush junta's policies would ensure they would try and prevent any false flag staged terror attack, while slamming the end of Habeas Corpus and the administration's coup de 'tat of America on a nationally syndicated radio broadcast.






· Probe of Harman's AIPAC Ties Confirmed - Federal law enforcement sources confirmed yesterday that the FBI opened an investigation in 2005 into whether Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) improperly enlisted the aid of a pro-Israel lobbying group, but they cautioned that no evidence of wrongdoing was found.

· Santorum issues GOP call to arms - Likening the times to the late 1930s as Nazi Germany was rising to power, Sen. Rick Santorum said last night that if he loses his re-election bid, it could set the stage for terrorism to become more of a threat than the Nazis ever were.
TVNL Comment: He is right about the Nazi comment...only the Bush administration are the Nazis!





· Report Warns of Potential Voting Problems in 10 States - The report by says those states, and possibly others, could encounter trouble on Election Day because they have a combustible mix of fledgling voting-machine technology, confusion over voting procedures or recent litigation over election rules -- and close races.

· Suit Filed Against Ohio Voter ID Law - Labor and poverty groups sued to block Ohio's new voter identification law Tuesday, claiming that inconsistencies in how the law is applied make it unconstitutional.

· Electronic Voting Machines Could Skew Elections - Electronic voting machines were supposed to be the solution to the paper ballot problems from the 2000 presidential election. But to many critics, America's voting system has gone out of the frying pan and into the fire.

· Judge Throws Out Fla. Exit Poll Limit - A federal judge on Tuesday threw out a Florida law that prohibits exit polling within 100 feet of a voting place, finding there was no evidence that such surveys were disruptive or threatened access to voting.

· Some Voting Machines Chop Off Candidates' Names - Computer Glitch Affects Voters in 3 Jurisdictions; Error Cannot Be Fixed by Nov. 7
TVNL Comment: The handling of this election amounts to no less than criminal incompetency.





· Gore scoffs at Reichert's stance on global warming - "C'mon! And this man is a United States congressman?" asked Gore.





· Macabre Photos Disgrace German Military - The images, showing German soldiers posing with a skull near Kabul, have sparked outrage from the government and may increase public reluctance to keep troops abroad.

· Cuban diplomat says US hostility toward Cuba at an unprecedented level under Bush - American hostility toward Cuba has reached "unprecedented levels" under the Bush administration, a senior Cuban official said Tuesday. He predicted that the U.N. General Assembly will deliver a sharp rebuke of U.S. policies in a resolution next month.

· Settlements grow on Arab land, despite promises made to U.S. - A secret, two year investigation by the defense establishment shows that there has been rampant illegal construction in dozens of settlements and in many cases involving privately owned Palestinian properties.
TVNL Comment: The Israeli criminal enterprise grows and anyone who dares to point this out is tagged as an anti-Semite. Well, go ahead and tag us anything you like, but face the fact that
Israel's conduct is an abomination and it conducts itself as a modern day Nazi Germany.





· U.S. generals call for Democratic takeover - Disgusted with the leadership of the Iraq war, two retired generals say the GOP must go. Plus: More than 100 current military personnel join a campaign to get the U.S. out of Iraq -- now.





· How Government Destroys Moral Character - When a government has been entrenched in a society for a long time, however, its exactions become a “fact of life,” a matter of “just how things are,” and people tend to lose their awareness that obtaining something from the government amounts to receiving stolen property because the government, having nothing legitimately its own, can give only what it has unjustly wrenched from others. Rulers, abetted by their kept intellectuals, go to great lengths to weave a cloak of legitimacy to disguise their theft, because by doing so they ease the difficulties of extracting wealth from the rightful owners.

· BUSH REGAINS POWERS OF MONARCH - The greatest shame is the scarcity of shame. The president of the United States and his toadies in Congress pulled off an unprecedented frontal assault on our most fundamental "unalienable rights," and most Americans snored through the event.





· Gunmen Kidnap AP Photographer in Gaza - Palestinian gunmen kidnapped an Associated Press photographer in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, grabbing him as he walked out of his apartment and whisking him away in their vehicle, a witness said.





· See a smoker in Omaha? Dial 9-1-1 - Nebraska city imposes toughest enforcement policy in nation





· Christians confront torture - "To me, it's our Christian duty to criticize our government when it is going astray," Jones said. "That is our prophetic duty."
TVNL Comment: But it's been their mission to support their government while all this was taking place...and they knew it!

· Day of Shame - In what can only be described as a shameful and utter disregard for democracy and human rights, the Hungarian government of former communist Ferenc Gyurcsany sent in the police to forcefully breakup a small, peaceful, and legal demonstration in front of parliament. This, despite earlier promises and guarantees from the authorities that the protesters can stay where they are.





· Former High Level Italian Illuminati Comes Clean - Leo Zagami, successor to high-level Italian Illuminati figure and former Reagan unofficial Vatican advisor, Licio Gelli, switches sides from evil to good and is warning Americans about coming fascism.

· One Reason Why Putting Nukes in Space is INSANE - Even if you don't use them!



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