Date: November 9th 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


TVNL Editor's Comments: Some Thoughts


When I write about certain topics in my newsletter I sometimes play a little game with myself. I try to guess how many people will unsubscribe that day! I am pretty good at predicting high unsubscribe days. It’s easy. All I have to do is point out obvious, true, factual, verifiable but negative aspects about Israel, religion (mostly Christianity) or Democrats and bingo; let the unsubscribe extravaganza begin! I think out of everything I am exposed to in this line of work the most disturbing thing I face is knowing that some of the good people who turn to me for information and perhaps some perspective on the issues we face still refuse to admit that some of the things that they believe in may not be true.


I hate to be the first one to say this but there are bad apples everywhere and some of those apples are huge! Just yesterday the wonderful do no wrong Israelis once again obliterated a family of innocent civilians. Nineteen men, women and children bombed to death in a single action. This is one of hundreds of such events that take place at the hands of the Israelis where thousands of innocent civilians are killed. Time and time again Israel’s actions get condemned by human rights organizations, the UN and nations around the world, sans America. Israel is responsible for the deaths of more innocent civilians than all the Palestinian terrorists combined, and that is a verifiable undisputed fact.


Each time one of these so called mistakes is made by Israel we are told that they will launch an internal investigation into the “unfortunate mistake”. These investigations usually entail the explicit exclusion of outside investigative bodies and the investigation virtually always ends without finding any fault on the part of the Israelis.


In the mean time Iraq is getting ready to hang Saddam Hussein for killing 148 Kurds in the 80s. There is something unfair and unbalanced about the perception of the actions of Israel as compared to Saddam. We have grown accustomed to viewing atrocities that we or our friends commit with rose colored glasses. I wonder how people would feel about these events if they saw them all listed together without the culprits being identified. I wonder if people would still view one event as a non event and the other event as a hangable offense.


I guess I wonder most about why people turn away from me when I think out loud about things like this as I search for answers. I wonder when people will realize that finding and admitting fault is the only way to prevent that fault from getting worse. Most of all I wonder why my list will shrink once again today. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.


NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:


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· Iraq corruption 'costs billions' - Corruption within the Iraqi government is costing the country billions of dollars, the US official monitoring reconstruction in Iraq has said.

· Iraqis cheer Rumsfeld departure - Iraqis on Thursday cheered the resignation of U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, blaming him for policy failures and scandals they say helped spawn the daily sectarian carnage wracking their nation.

· U.S. surprised by strength of Taliban fightback - Taliban insurgents have fought back against Afghan government and Western forces with surprising intensity this year, strengthened by drug money and the ability to shelter in Pakistan, a top U.S. official said on Thursday.

· Two years after U.S. assault on it, Fallujah returns to insurgent hands - When insurgents hid a bomb in front of his house a few days ago, intending to use it against U.S. or Iraqi troops, Majeed al-Rawi had only one option: Move out.

· US was warned of Iraq chaos, says ex-diplomat - A former diplomat has revealed that the British mission to the United Nations opposed the policy of regime change in Iraq but was ordered by London to change its position in the lead-up to war. - He told the Foreign Affairs Committee that the US government was repeatedly warned by British diplomats that Iraq would fall apart if Saddam Hussein was toppled. But from mid-2002 instructions were received to change that view to fall in with the Bush administration.

· Dozens die in fresh Iraq violence - At least 30 people have died in renewed violence across Iraq following the lifting of a curfew imposed for the sentencing of Saddam Hussein.

· Poland "misled" into joining Iraq war - Warsaw decided to take part in the war with Iraq on grounds of untrue information which it received from the US administration - former President of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski has told a German daily.





· Misleading GOP Handouts Called a Political 'Low Point' - At least six chartered buses carried mostly poor, black men from as far as Philadelphia to hand out inaccurate voter guides in Baltimore and Prince George's County yesterday as part of an effort by backers of Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and U.S. Senate candidate Michael S. Steele to woo black voters.

· Cafferty: End of the Neo-Cons? - After ripping into the Bush administration and it's neoconservative enablers for reneging on every 2000 campaign promise (no nation-buliding, restoring honor and integrity to the Presidency, etc.), Jack begs the question: How much damage has the Bush administration done to the Republican Party?

· The President’s casual admission of lying - At his Press Conference today, President Bush expressly admitted that he lied last week when he said that Donald Rumsfeld would remain Defense Secretary for the next two years (only to announce today that Rumsfeld is being replaced).

· Rumsfeld departure shakes Bush administration - The resignation of the US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld shows how much the Bush administration is in disarray about Iraq.




· NYSE to slash fifth of workforce - NYSE Group - which owns the largest US exchange - has said it plans to dismiss almost 18% of its employees.

· Pioneer Press proposes freeze in pension fund - The St. Paul Pioneer Press is proposing to freeze pension benefits for its workers in the Minnesota Newspaper Guild Typographical Union to help make up a projected $22 million pension-fund shortfall.



9/11 News :


· Al-Qaeda Planning to Hit All Major Cities of India: US - The US embassy has warned India of terror attacks by foreign terrorists - possibly the al-Qaeda. They say terrorists could be planning strikes in major Indian cities in the coming days.
TVNL Comment: But they could not keep it a secret. That is why warning are always given! Give me a break!






· Rangel's itching to evict Cheney - Harlem's newly powerful Rep. Charles Rangel wants to stick it to his White House nemesis Vice President Cheney - by taking over his spacious House office.
TVNL Comment: Don't evict; investigate and prosecute!

· Democrats Take Control of the Senate - Democrats wrested control of the Senate from Republicans Wednesday with an upset victory in Virginia, giving the party complete domination of Capitol Hill for the first time since 1994.

· George Allen's Campaign Attempts to Supress Democratic Votes - "This message is for Timothy Daly. This is the Virginia Elections Commission. We've determined you are registered in New York to vote. Therefore, you will not be allowed to cast your vote on Tuesday. If you do show up, you will be charged criminally."

· Former House member charged with assaulting man who defeated him - A witness said Rick Green, a Republican, shoved and then punched state Rep. Patrick Rose, D-Dripping Springs, as they stood outside a polling place Tuesday morning at Sunset Canyon Baptist Church east of Dripping Springs.





· Voting in the absence of Choice - Too many Americans harbor the illusion that we live in a democracy simply because we have the right to vote. But let us be clear about something: voting matters only where real choices are allowed. It is universally understood that special interest money runs the American political system and thus defines what the choices will be. So we are left to choose between candidates who are financed by special interest money, which any fool can see, is no choice at all.

· Dean calls for election changes, reform - Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean says there needs to be election reform to make sure that everyone feels like their vote counts.










· French nearly fired at Israelis - France has previously complained about Israel violating Lebanese air space. Ms Alliot-Marie last month called the intrusions "extremely dangerous".

· Thousands mourn Beit Hanoun dead - Israeli PM Ehud Olmert said the strike, which hit a civilian area, was the result of a "technical failure".

· International court in first case - The only permanent international war crimes court has opened its first hearing, in the case of a Democratic Republic of Congo militia leader.

· World welcomes shift in U.S. politics - Politicians, analysts and ordinary citizens across much of the world welcomed the electoral rebuke given President Bush's Republican Party and the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Wednesday.
TVNL Comment: The world is feeling the results of the global Congressional enema that just took place!

· EU voices "shock" at Israel artillery strikes in Gaza - The European Union said it was "shocked" and "appalled" at Israel's deadly artillery strikes in northern Gaza which killed at least 19 Palestinians, including five women and seven children. Finland, current holder of the EU presidency, issued a statement saying it was "appalled at the continuing killing of civilians due to the ongoing Israeli operation in Gaza."

· Reactions From Across The Atlantic - CNN just reported on the British reaction to our elections. This is something many haven't been talking about yet, but is still a very interesting twist:

· Europeans Revel in US Republican Defeat - The Bush administration was widely seen to have alienated Europe and much of the rest of the world by its "with us or against us" approach to Iraq, alleged human rights abuses at Guantanamo Bay prison, and its stance on ecological issues – particularly its refusal to sign the Kyoto Protocol on global warming. - Now, it seems Bush's bill has come due, and Europeans are openly happy about it.





· Startling findings in probe of Tillman's death - They re-enacted the killings -- here the U.S. Army Rangers swept through the canyon in their Humvee, blasting away; here the doomed man waved his arms, pleading for recognition as a friend, not an enemy.

· Donald Rumsfeld Resigning as Defense Secretary - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld is stepping down.





· Some Thoughts - I guess I wonder most about why people turn away from me when I think out loud about things like this as I search for answers. I wonder when people will realize that finding and admitting fault is the only way to prevent that fault from getting worse.





· Talk radio hosts lick election wounds - Those talk-show hosts maintain any mistakes made by President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld since September 11 were far outweighed by the justice of the cause and that Democrats and others who criticized them were short-sighted.

· Philadelphia Inquirer editor to step down - Bennett did not say whether she was resigning or had been forced out. She said that she and Tierney "mutually agreed" that she would leave. Last month, Tierney told employees that layoffs would be inevitable at the Inquirer and its sister paper, The Philadelphia Daily News.

· Odd similarity - CNN reporter Suzanne Malvaeux, questioning President Bush at his Press Conference, today: - Jeff Gannon, "Talon News reporter," questioning President Bush at his Press Conference, January 26, 2005:





· Fizzy drinks increase risk of pancreatic cancer - Scientists have now, for the first time, shown that the consumption of sweetened food and drink affects a person's chances of developing pancreatic cancer.

· Stem-cell transfer breakthrough raises hopes for blindness cure - A breakthrough in restoring sight to the blind has been made with a study showing that a damaged eye can be repaired by transplanting light-sensitive cells.

· 'Morning-after' pill available in drugstores next week - The pill, Plan B, reduces the risk of pregnancy after unprotected sex by 89 percent. It initially was available by prescription only, but this limited its effectiveness -- the longer after sex the pill is taken, the less effective it becomes.
TVNL Comment: Get ready for Christian terrorism directed at the stores that carry this pill.

· Group Can Seek White House, FDA Records About Plan B Pill - A federal magistrate judge has ruled that a reproductive-rights group can seek White House e-mails and other documents as part of its lawsuit promoting broader access to the "morning-after" pill.





· Anger over Lanka civilian deaths - The Sri Lankan government has been heavily criticised for an artillery bombardment that killed dozens of civilians in the east of the island.

· Palestinians: Israelis kill 19 in Gaza - Among the dead was a 13-member family which included seven children, the sources said. The other six killed were also civilians, they said.

· Vatican to Israel: Ban gay parade - Says ‘march in city considered holy to Jews, Muslims and Christians would offend faithful’
TVNL Comment: Spread the hate!





· Nazi speech played before H.S. game - The speech, by Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, was in German. Carpenter said in the letter the team had adopted the slogan "On to victory," and a German exchange student who plays on the team had taught other students how to say the phrase in German.




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