Date: November 10th 2006

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


TVNL Editor's Comments: OK Democrats, Prove Yourselves: Investigate Cheney’s Energy Meetings!


By taking impeachment off the table before a single investigation is launched, before a single subpoena is issued and before a single confirmation of high crimes committed is achieved (in an official Congressional forum that is…we have plenty of confirmations of high crimes by this administration), the new Democratic leadership is proving true my assessment of our new Congress. It is starting to look like we got an oil change when we needed a blood transfusion. Not only did we get a simple oil change but it looks like they are still not changing the filter on this same old engine that is driving us all down a road to hell.


Well here is a way to measure the sincerity and dedication to democracy of this new Democratic leadership. Watch how they address Dick Cheney’s secret energy policy meetings or just watch to see if they address it at all! For those of you who do not know, and why should you know…the criminal corporate media pretended it never happened, before the events of 9/11 unfolded Dick Cheney decided that the nation’s energy policy decision making process should be kept secret from the citizens of this nation and from Congress. He also decided that the only participants in the process should be the rich corporations who can derive huge profits by controlling the energy supplies that we all depend on. Cheney also decided that energy policy meetings were no place for any people who had ideas about or solutions to the many problems faced by the world as a result of a growing dependency on expensive, polluting, global warming causing, war precipitating fossil fuels!


Well thankfully I was not the only person to see the obvious sinister nature of the Cheney energy policy agenda. I actually went as far as to accuse Cheney of delivering the events of September 11th 2001 to us personally, or at least having foreknowledge of those events based on the fact that he kept these meetings secret. And guess what…my accusation went from conspiracy theory to reasonable suspicion when Cheney was forced by a court to disclose maps and documents pertaining to Iraq’s oil and energy infrastructure a used in his preparing our energy policy. Why this sudden change? Because at the time of the policy meetings we were not at war with Iraq, we had trade sanctions with Iraq, our only energy agreements with Iraq came by way of the food for oil program that had been in place, and that the only realistic and reasonable assessment how or why Cheney could have used that information at the time was if our access to Iraq’s energy would change dramatically! At the time there was no provocation for war with Iraq. As a matter of fact both Condoleezza Rice and the American traitor Colon Powell (who was a good soldier, but not to his nation), publicly declared Iraq to be contained and no threat to anyone. As a matter of fact they said that Iraq could not even pose a conventional threat, let alone a WMD threat!


Now do the math: Cheney is holding meetings using Iraq’s oil as part of his assessment of OUR energy policy! At the time we had strict defined limitations on the use of Iraq’s oil. Did this show that Cheney knew something was about to change? Did he know war was being planned? Did he know that a provocation for war or dramatic change with Iraq was about to be delivered? It sure as hell looks that way! I wonder how much more suspicious information would be found in those meeting notes. I wonder if Afghanistan’s new oil pipeline was also part of out policy? I wonder if the new map of the Middle East was drawn out for our record profit making oil executives who attended those meetings.

There are two reasons we will never know how many
Iraq & 9/11 related smoking guns sit in the Dick Cheney energy policy meeting notes. One reason can be explained by the recent photos of a document shredding company truck parked in front of Cheney’s residence. The other reason is that this nation got a Congressional oil change when what it needed was a blood transfusion. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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· A Staggering New Bill For Iraq? - While House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has vowed not to undercut the troops in the field, defense experts said that she and other Democratic leaders probably hadn't anticipated the massive request.

· Three U.S. troops killed in Iraq - Three American soldiers were killed in two separate incidents in Iraq, the military said on Friday.

· Iraqi official: 150,000 civilians dead - A stunning new death count emerged Thursday, as Iraq's health minister estimated 150,000 civilians have been killed in the war — about three times previously accepted estimates.

· Iraq: the new cover-up - A secret first full draft of the Iraq WMD dossier, which shows how Tony Blair persuaded parliament of the case for war, is being concealed by the government. This draft was not written by the intelligence services, as Whitehall claims, but by a Foreign Office spin-doctor.





· MEHLMAN OUT, CNN REPORTS - Barely a day after they outed him, CNN now reports that RNC head Ken Mehlman, exhausted, will out himself… as head of the RNC.

· John Bolton Likely to Depart U.N. - After a rocky series of Senate confirmation hearings, Bolton was sent to the U.N. by President Bush in August 2005 under a recess appointment. That allowed the president to bypass Senate confirmation while it was in recess, but the appointee could only serve for the length of the current Congress which is set to expire at year's end.







9/11 News :


· 9/11 Truth Is Dying Inside the Liberal and Progressive Movements While Exploding World-Wide - We cannot go back to sleep while the Democratic leadership shares power with the psychopathic terrorists who carried out 9/11.

· Emirates is first airline to allow passengers to use mobiles in-flight - The Dubai-based airline, whose flights includes services between London and Dubai, is introducing the technology across its entire fleet from early January
TVNL Comment: It is funny how the 9/11 passengers used technology that did not even exist at the time!






· OK Democrats, Prove Yourselves: Investigate Cheney’s Energy Meetings! - Now do the math: Cheney is holding meetings using Iraq’s oil as part of his assessment of OUR energy policy! At the time we had strict defined limitations on the use of Iraq’s oil. Did this show that Cheney knew something was about to change? Did he know war was being planned? Did he know that a provocation for war or dramatic change with Iraq was about to be delivered? It sure as hell looks that way! I wonder how much more suspicious information would be found in those meeting notes.

· JOHN CONYERS: Will he push for Bush impeachment hearings? He says no - "I am in total agreement with her on this issue," Conyers said in a statement Thursday. "Impeachment is off the table." He was not available for further comment.
TVNL Comment: Same Congress; New Label.

· R.I. senator may leave Republican Party - "I haven't made any decisions. I just haven't even thought about where my place is," Chafee said at a news conference. When pressed on whether his comments indicated he might leave the GOP, he replied: "That's fair."

· Lincoln Chafee Opposing John Bolton UN Confirmation Officially - Another highly placed source has informed me that in just a few minutes Senator Lincoln Chafee is calling a press conference to state categorically that he will not support John Bolton's confirmation in the upcoming lame duck session.

· Wyoming's Sen. Craig Thomas has leukemia - Sen. Craig Thomas, hospitalized since Monday with pneumonia, has been diagnosed with a form of leukemia, the Republican senator's spokesman said Thursday.

· 18,000 votes in U.S. House race may be lost - Thousands of votes were either not counted or not cast in Sarasota's nationally watched congressional race.





· Students at Calif. College ban Pledge of Allegiance - Student leaders at a California college have touched off a furor by banning the Pledge of Allegiance at their meetings, saying they see no reason to publicly swear loyalty to God and the U.S. government.

· Assembly GOP ousts leader in favor of more conservative lawmaker - Assembly Republicans on Thursday ousted their party leader, selecting a more conservative lawmaker who has repeatedly clashed with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the chamber's Democrats.

· $500,000 Election Fraud Reward - This reward will be paid for information about election fraud leading to overturning a House or Senate race and conviction of the person or persons responsible.

· Justice to push for surveillance legislation - Justice Department officials said Thursday they are gearing up for a push to win passage of the Terrorist Surveillance Act during the coming "lame duck" session of Congress under Republican control.





· Dirty water kills 5,000 children a day - Nearly two million children a year die for want of clean water and proper sanitation while the world's poor often pay more for their water than people in Britain or the US, according to a major new report.

· Pombo's loss elates environmental movement - Richard Pombo, R-Tracy, was a chief antagonist of the Endangered Species Act in the House of Representatives. He also supported offshore oil exploration and oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.





· Israel Official: Strike on Iran Possible - The deputy defense minister suggested Friday that Israel might be forced to launch a military strike against Iran's disputed nuclear program - the clearest statement yet of such a possibility from a high-ranking official.
TVNL Comment: Well somebody has to start a war! Right?

· Suicide bomber kills 41 Pakistani soldiers - A suicide bomber detonated explosives on a field filled with army recruits doing exercises in northwest Pakistan on Wednesday morning, killing at least 41 soldiers and wounding dozens in one of the worst such attacks in Pakistan's recent history.

· Relief Suffuses World Views of U.S. Vote - For Europe and much of the rest of the world, U.S. voters' repudiation of the Bush administration in midterm elections Tuesday and the dismissal of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Wednesday confirmed the widespread view that President Bush and his policies have done more to tarnish America's image abroad and strain its global relations than any other U.S. president in recent history.

· Mubarak warns against hanging Saddam - Egypt's president came out strongly against hanging Saddam Hussein, saying in remarks published Thursday that it could make Iraq explode into more violence. But Iraq's prime minister said the execution could take place by the end of the year.

· UN Adopts Resolution Condemning US Embargo on Cuba - The U.N. General Assembly has overwhelmingly adopted a resolution calling on the United States to end its economic embargo of Cuba.

· "End of a Six Year Nightmare" - Following the midterm slap in the face to the Bush Adminstration there has been little sympathy in Europe for the beleaguered White House. The day after the Republicans lost control of the House of Representatives, in much of Europe there is quiet satisfaction -- and relief.

· France demands end to mock Israeli raids - French Defence Minister Michele Alliot-Marie said Israeli warplanes nearly caused a catastrophe last week, when they nose-dived over French peacekeepers' positions in southern Lebanon.

· Elderly harmonica player arrested for performing copyrighted songs at bar - A 73-year-old bar manager who illegally performed copyrighted tunes by the Beatles and other artists on the harmonica was arrested Thursday on suspicion of violating the Copyright Law, police said.
TVNL Comment: What a world we live in!





· More Resignations Expected at Pentagon After Rumsfeld's Departure - More senior Pentagon officials are likely to step down in the coming days in the wake of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's announced departure, Pentagon officials told FOX News on Thursday.





· Another Constitution-Betraying Bushist In The Pentagon - Could anyone be worse than Donald Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary? Well, how about an old Bush Family factotum who was hip-deep in the Iran-Contra arms-drugs-terror scam, who doctored, spun and manipulated intelligence for partisan purposes and also steered secret U.S. military intelligence to help Saddam Hussein launch WMD attacks?

· Thank you, America - Maybe the more pragmatic Republican old guard can come to the rescue of this disastrous presidency in its most catastrophic adventure. But it has been the American voters who have at last made this possible. For that alone the entire world owes them its deep gratitude today.





· Another Election Upset: ABC's Coverage - While the Democrats were taking control of the House on Tuesday, ABC News was unseating perennial election coverage front-runner NBC News on broadcast television, and on cable in prime time, CNN pulled to within spitting distance of Fox News Channel and beat FNC among the 25-to-54 viewers advertisers hope to reach with news programming.

· Nader Starts Email Campaign to Reclaim the LA Times - It's time for readers of the Los Angeles Times to unite and take their newspaper back.

· The Liberation Of Limbaugh - Yesterday Rush Limbaugh told his listeners that "I no longer am going to have to carry the water for people who I don't think deserve having their water carried", essentially admitting that he has been lying to his audience all along.

· Morning-After Pundits Take Winners to Task - On the day after Election Day 2006, pundits from major U.S. news outlets had, as one would expect, substantial amounts of political criticism for the party that faced major losses. What is more remarkable is the amount of criticism and caution directed at the party that won major gains.

· CNN tells YouTube to pull down video outing GOP party head Ken Mehlman - The footage, you'll recall, was from Larry King Live last night in which Bill Maher outed Republican Party chair Ken Mehlman as gay.

· 60 Minutes' Ed Bradley Dead At 65 - Veteran 60 Minutes correspondent Ed Bradley died of leukemia this morning. He joined the staff of the venerable news magazine 26 years ago.





· Human stem cells stimulate insulin in diabetic mice - The researchers say it is possible that multipotent stromal cell infusions may correct the metabolic disorders and heal some of the damage caused by diabetes in diabetic patients in the future.

· Superbug brought back by Iraq war casualties - The links between casualties brought back from Iraq and outbreaks in the NHS have caused alarm within the health service and led to renewed demands for more dedicated wards for Britain's armed forces to enable wounded soldiers to be isolated more effectively.





· Mexico City approves gay civil unions - Mexico City's assembly on Thursday voted for the first time in the country's history to legally recognize gay civil unions, a measure that will provide same-sex couples with benefits similar to those of married couples.

· U.S. plans to veto proposed UN resolution on Beit Hanun deaths - The U.S. is threatening to veto a proposal for a United Nations Security Council resolution regarding the deaths of 19 Palestinian citizens in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanun on Wednesday.
TVNL Comment: Why? Why do we veto every single resolution related to
Israel? Why do we give them a free pass to do anything they want regardless of how reckless or inhumane?

· State-sponsored massacres outpace 'terrorism' - From Afghanistan, to Iraq, to Pakistan, to Gaza and Sri Lanka - state run militaries kill more civilians in a few months than any band of terrorists can dream of killing in a dozen years!

· A brutal taste of the future - The initiation of Avigdor Lieberman - widely regarded as an outright racist - into Ehud Olmert's Israeli government seems to have already brought a taste of things to come. For the past week, the Gaza Strip city of Beit Hanoun has been made a ground zero by the Israeli army. By yesterday, more than 260 Palestinians lay dead and injured, with 53 fatalities - women, children and ambulance drivers among them.

· Survivors tell harrowing tales of Israeli barrage - Firefighters hosed the blood off buildings and cobblestones while ambulance crews gathered body parts from nearby streets and gardens.

· The countdown begins - While Israel kills Palestinian civilians with seeming impunity in Gaza - and a leading Israeli human rights group claims that war crimes are likely to have taken place - a Palestinian in Gaza worries that such behaviour is the shape of things to come:





· Insert tasteless joke about Daddy’s little girl - It’s a promotional trailer for those purity balls. If you weren’t already completely grossed out by this phenomenon, just wait until you hear the guy explain about a 17-year-old girl sitting in her dad’s lap and explaining that she doesn’t need boyfriends because she gets everything she’d need from them from Daddy.
TVNL Comment: Is this for real?

· Mine Deaths Blamed on Company Run by Major GOP Contributor - West Virginia state mining officials concluded Thursday that a fatal mine accident in January could have been prevented, placing blame on a huge coal company run by one of the country's biggest Republican donors, Don Blankenship. - "There's never been a more obvious and more disgusting pollution of the political process in West Virginia," says Steenstra.




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