Date: November 11th 2006

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I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


TVNL Editor's Comments:  The Rulers Have Had Enough


Note: This is strictly opinion based on my observations. This is how I currently assess recent events. The following commentary contains many facts such as the description of who assembled the Bush administration; but the description of what is currently taking place with the changes in leadership is based on my personal observations of the world and the conclusions I have made based on those observations. While they may be 100% accurate I am basing these comments primarily on my observations.


As we watch the rebuilding of the Bush administration keep in mind that the very people who assembled the original Neocon George W. Bush administration are assembling the new look George W. Bush administration. The constant: George W. Bush; and he does not matter in the least. Bush is an empty shell of a human being. He was completely without agenda or even understanding of the world. Anyone who surrounded him and had his trust was able to shape every decision this man made. This is why the elimination of Rumsfeld from the scene is a bigger deal than most people realize. For the most part Rumsfeld and Cheney together were the real president in this administration. By replacing Rumsfeld we actually experienced a presidential change. This is why Cheney did not go at this time; it would have been to difficult for Bush to adjust to the total loss of direction. My guess is that Cheney will go one way or another but only after Rumsfeld’s replacement is solidly in place. That is unless Cheney decides that he is not going to play along in his diminished role.


So people like George Shultz, James Baker, George H.W. Bush, and the rest of the real global rulers who put the original Bush team together and who were, let’s just say influential and helpful in making sure that the “election” turned out the way they wanted it to, are now pulling the plug on team one and they are assembling team two.


The same faces seem to pop up during every sinister period in American history and we are really starting to see just how small but powerful this cabal of controllers is. The same few faces show up in auspicious places in history as if they were Woody Allen’s Zelig character. Donald Rumsfeld was there when Saddam was being created and then he was there when Saddam was being dismantled. The Iran Contra gang seem to show up at a lot of disquieting global events; and we are seeing them re-emerge like those loud buzzing bugs that show up every few years; only the bugs don’t seem to cause any real harm to this world.


Poke around a bit when you hear these names in the news. When you hear about the Iraq Study Group don’t pay attention to how its members are described; do you own research. For example don’t fall for the Description of James Baker as the former Secretary of State; take a look at what he has done since then and then ask why he is part of this group. Ask yourself who commissioned this group. Ask yourself if George W. Bush asked Baker to help assess Iraq or if Baker and company told Bush some new marching orders were on the way and that if Rumsfeld and Cheney don’t like it they will be given their marching orders.


This world is not what it appears to be. Don’t look at things to closely; stand back, far back and get the big picture. You need some distance if you are going to identify the patterns. Unfortunately the patterns that will appear seem to paint a very scary picture. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  MI5 chief says Iraq war is driving British Muslims into terrorism - British Muslims have been driven towards extremism and terrorist acts because of the UK's part in the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the head of MI5.

·  Car Bombs Kill 8, Injure 38 in Baghdad - A pair of car bombs tore through a downtown shopping district in the capital on Saturday, killing eight people, while a Slovak and Polish soldier were reported killed overnight by a roadside bomb south of the capital.

·  US army 'to suggest Iraq changes' - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Peter Pace said commanders were having their own dialogue and would make the changes that were needed.

·  Saddam - Let's Now Charge The Accomplices - Why are these accomplices not being charged with aiding and abetting crimes against humanity?

·  U.S. Death Toll in Iraq at 23 for Nov. - Since the war started in March 2003, 2,845 members of the U.S. military have died, according to an Associated Press count.

·  Eagleburger to join U.S. Iraq study group - Lawrence Eagleburger, who briefly served as secretary of state under President George W. Bush's father, will replace Defense secretary-designate Bob Gates on the blue-ribbon study group that is expected to recommend a new U.S. approach to Iraq.
TVNL Comment: This group is run by and comprised of the real people who run our government. These are the people who just ousted Rumsfeld and who just made sure the Democrats took over Congress.

·  Iraq patrol told Rummy is gone, barely blinks - ow they were being told by an Iraqi whose house they occupied that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, one of the principal architects of the policies that had them here, had resigned. "Rumsfeld is gone?" the sergeant asked. "Really?" - Al-Menti nodded. "This is better for Iraq," he said. "Iraqi people say thank you."





·  Out-of-Work GOP Aides Face Tough Road Ahead - The hundreds of Republican staffers — not to mention more than a few Members — who will lose their jobs in the next few weeks are going to face a hostile marketplace on K Street as unemployed Republicans flood the market.

·  AIPAC and NeoCon Policy - Israel before America?

·  White House in for a hefty dose of oversight - Mr. Waxman complained that Republicans, while in power, shut Democrats out of decision-making and abdicated oversight responsibilities, focusing only on maintaining their own power.
TVNL Comment: Let's see if we really get oversight!





·   Bush’s Chernobyl economy; hard times are on the way - In the next few months, a financial crisis will arise somewhere in the world which will jolt the American economy and trigger a swift and precipitous decline in the value of the dollar.

·  Report: Foreclosures up 17 percent nationwide - The Irvine, Calif.-based firm said that 318,355 properties in the United States entered some stage of foreclosure in the third quarter, a 17 percent increase over the prior quarter.



9/11 News :


·   9/11 Truth Remains The Critical Issue - 9/11 truth is the make or break issue that will define freedom in America for future generations.






·  Dems Pledge to Sever Ties to Lobbyists - On Day 1 of the next session of Congress, newly empowered Democrats are promising restrictive rules to "break the link between lobbyists and legislation." The city's veteran lobbyists know what to expect on Day 2: requests for political donations from the Capitol's new stewards.
TVNL Comment: Does that include the Israeli lobby?

·  Waxman set to probe areas of Bush gov‘t - The Democratic congressman who will investigate the Bush administration‘s running of the government says there are so many areas of possible wrongdoing, his biggest problem will be deciding which ones to pursue. There‘s the response t

·  In Florida, Echoes of 2000 as Vote Questions Emerge - A Democrat who narrowly lost the Congressional race here is seeking a recount after dozens of people reported problems using Sarasota County’s touch-screen voting machines and a significant number of ballots had no recorded votes in the high-profile race.

·  Bush Comitted a Crime-Congress Must Be Forced to Impeach - These people cannot be blindly trusted to do the people’s business, they must be forced to act on our behalf.

·  Democrats are set to subpoena - The new majority is expected to hold hearings on military spending and the Iraq war -- just for starters.





·  Appeals court to review eavesdrop case - A federal appeals court agreed Tuesday to review a lower court's ruling that kept alive a lawsuit challenging President Bush's domestic eavesdropping program.

·  Slow Home Grants Stall Progress in New Orleans - The $7.5 billion program to rebuild Louisiana by helping residents repair or replace their flooded homes has gotten off to a slow start, frustrating government officials and outraging many homeowners who say they are still in limbo 14 months after Hurricane Katrina hit.

·  PA GOP ASKS STATE SECRETARY OF COMMONWEALTH TO LAUNCH IMMEDIATE INVESTIGATION INTO VOTING MACHINE PROBLEMS - There has been reported instances in at least 12 different counties of voters who tried to cast their ballot for a Republican candidate only to have the machine register a vote for a Democratic candidate.

·  Rumsfeld's Replacement Said to Have Been Director of Mysterious E-Voting Company - Robert Gates Reportedly Served on Board of VoteHere, a Firm Which Poured Money into the Passage of HAVA, Included 'Crypto-Crap' into Diebold and Other E-Voting Manufacturer's Software…





·   Boxer Replaces Inhofe - Calls for Global Warming Legislation - 'Time is running out, and we need to move forward on this,'' Boxer said of global warming during a conference call with reporters. ''The states are beginning to take steps, and we need to take steps as well.''





·  Blair will urge US to talk to Syria and Iran - Tony Blair is to urge the US administration next week to open talks with its great adversaries Syria and Iran, as a way to break the impasse in Iraq and the wider middle east.

·  Human development index improves in Venezuela - Venezuela has made progress in some of the variables considered by the United Nations Development Program to define the human development index.

·  Layton Says US Elections a Wake Up Call for Tories - Jack Layton says Americans have sent a strong signal to the Bush administration by giving Democrats power in the US House of Representatives and the Senate.





·  U.S. offers $50,000 to help find missing soldier - The U.S. military has put up a $50,000 reward for anyone who helps find an American soldier kidnapped in Baghdad, the Army said Saturday.

·  National Guard units face possible second tours in Iraq - The Pentagon is developing plans that for the first time would send entire National Guard combat brigades back to Iraq for a second tour, the Guard's top general said in the latest sign of how thinly stretched the military has become.





·   The Rulers Have Had Enough - So people like George Shultz, James Baker, George H.W. Bush, and the rest of the real global rulers who put the original Bush team together and who were, let’s just say influential and helpful in making sure that the “election” turned out the way they wanted it to, are now pulling the plug on team one and they are assembling team two.

·  OUR LONG NATIONAL NIGHTMARE HAS JUST BEGUN - Like Cornered Rats, GOP Losers More Dangerous Than Ever










·   Military service linked to Lou Gehrig's disease - Military service, particularly in the Gulf War, may be linked to development of Lou Gehrig’s disease, the Institute of Medicine said Friday.





·  Pinochet in Palestine - Joseph Massad* looks at the similarities between regime change in Chile and Palestine and condemns the collaboration between Fatah and Palestine's enemies

·  Sweden Violated Torture Ban in CIA Rendition - The United Nations' ruling that Sweden violated the global torture ban in its involvement in the CIA transfer of an asylum seeker to Egypt is an important step toward establishing accountability for European governments complicit in illegal US renditions, Human Rights Watch said today.

·  Catholic nun jailed for 30 years for her part in Rwandan genocide - "She was responsible for selecting Tutsis and would throw them out of the hospital and the militia would then kill them," said Jean Baptiste Ndahumba, president of the local gacaca court in Butare town. "This nun was organizing people to be killed."

·  Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse - A lawsuit in Germany will seek a criminal prosecution of the former Defense Secretary and other U.S. officials for their alleged role in abuses at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo









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